Man first trod the soil of Europe in the northwestern part and that was before the "Overland Route" was wrecked, before the British Isles were separated from the continent and before a settlement was made on Atlantis. That part of Europe which now forms the Scandinavian countries had a settlement made from Central America at least 50,000 years ago.


Did any of the descendants survive the Great Magnetic Cataclysm? That I cannot say.

The first men to settle on European soil were Quetzals from Central America headed by their King Quetzal who had been driven out of his own country by invaders who were later to become the forefathers of our present-day Latin races.

"Some escaped in their ships, others fled to the forests and were never heard of again. Those who took their ships sailed away to a far-off country in the direction of the rising sun. They prospered in their new country and became great."

Such is the Central American tradition. They apparently followed the coast line until they came to Scandinavia where they settled. Unquestionably the spot where they landed is now under the sea.

Some years ago remains of an exceedingly ancient race were discovered in Scandinavia. The discoverers claimed that they were the oldest people in Europe while the orthodox scientists, in holy horror, maintained that the first people in Europe appeared on the Caucasian Plains, Asia Minor, coming from somewhere in Central Asia. As I recollect, the controversy ended in a draw, "no decision."


However, it led to the formation of two cults. The Northern cult based its decision on remains which had been found, therefore facts. The Asiatic cult based its claims on poorly built-up theories. As a matter of fact, as will hereafter be shown, the remains or traces of what was found in Asia Minor (Caucasian Plains) date in the Pleistocene Period after the mountains had been raised.


What was found in Norway dates tens of thousands of years before the mountains were raised. As well as I can recall the Northern scientists said the people were called Givetz or Givetzies. This I am not sure about.

It seems strange and even amusing to see how Asia has always been made the scapegoat for all scientific problems that could not be solved. Within the last 50 years so much has been learned about the central parts of Asia that it has almost ceased to become available as the Scientific Scapegoat. The scientific trend is now towards Africa, the Dark Continent.

It seems reasonable to believe that the Northern European find is a discovery of some of the ancient Quetzal remains.


The Central American tradition says that the Quetzals "had milk white skins, blue eyes and light, flaxen hair," the characteristics of the Scandinavians today. We have still some of the descendants of the Quetzals here in America. Their villages are far back in the almost impenetrable forests of Honduras and Guatemala.


My best Quetzal legends come from them, obtained through a friend who spent several weeks in one of their villages. Their traditions go back to the time the mountains were raised.

In Norway there is today an ancient language called Quanlan. From a piece of Quanlan writing which I have examined, I find quite a number of words from the original language of Mu; other words which have their roots in words from the language of Mu.


But what is most astonishing is that numerous words in the Quanlan language are identical with words found in one of the Southern Indian tongues and conveying identically the same meanings. It does not take a strong imagination to connect Quanlan in Norway with Quetzal Land in Central America.

No possible date can be given to the arrival of the Quetzals in Northwestern Europe except that it was before either Atlantis or Southwestern and Southern Europe commenced to be settled, for all of these three regions were first settled by the people who came to America and drove the Quetzals out.


It was a long time after they drove the Quetzals out before they could commence colonizing Atlantis and Europe.



The Uighur Empire was a great colonial empire embodying the whole of Central Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains with colonies and outposts throughout the central parts of Europe.


Only the Atlantic Ocean stopped them from pushing on farther.

There were two migrations of the Uighurs into Europe. The people of the first migration were pretty generally wiped out by the Great Magnetic Cataclysm and subsequent mountain raising. They were not entirely wiped out as three small communities or families were saved.


The descendants of these today are: the Bretons of France, the Basques of Spain and the "genuine Oirish." They are all linguistically related.

Some few years ago a New York contractor undertook some work in Cuba. It was stipulated that local labor should be employed but that supervisors could be brought by the contractor. The contractor accordingly took down his Irish foreman upon whom he could depend. When the party arrived in Cuba they found a group of Basques awaiting them to be used as day laborers.


The contractor looked them over; turning to the foreman, he said,

"I'll have to get an interpreter. Stay here until I return."

Coming back in an hour with an interpreter, he was amused to find his Irish foreman squat in the midst of the Basques enjoying rich jokes.

"Send away your interpreter," said Pat. "These people and I spake the same languidge, Gaelic."

A similar story comes from India.


Some British soldiers were passing near Nepal on the borders of Tibet, with them an Irish drill-sergeant. Passing through one of the villages the sergeant halted, cocked his ear, then broke ranks and went over to a bunch of squatting natives, exclaiming,

"Begorrah! These little divils are talking in me own languidge!"

The New York Times of Sunday, August 18, 1929, carried a news item from Leningrad in which it is stated that Professor N. Marr, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, asserts,

"that the Irish and Armenians are racial cousins and links them with the Scythians who were among the toughest fighters known to antiquity."

He further states that these Asiatic people do not include all of the present inhabitants of Ireland, but only those who are descended from the earliest known dwellers in the Island.

After the Magnetic Cataclysm, the Biblical "Flood" and the subsequent mountain raising, small companies of Uighurs, called Aryans today, drifted into Eastern Europe from the mountains of Central and Western Asia. This has been noted by Max Miiller in his writings. They were descendants of those who had survived the flood and the mountain raising in Asia and Europe.


There are Oriental records which speak of both the first and second migrations of Uighurs into Europe. The first entered Europe during the Pliocene, before the mountains were raised. The second migration took place during the Pleistocene and after the mountain raising, many thousands of years after the first migration.


A few remains of the first Uighurs have been found. Probably the most important is the one found a short time ago in what is now Moravia. Here a community had been buried through the flood and mountain raising.


The ruins of the entire settlement were found below the foothills of the mountain.



I have no written records or inscriptions to fall back upon regarding the early settlements in Southern and Southwestern Europe. All I can do is to call attention to facts and let each of my readers build up his own theory.

The race which first comes into prominence has been called the Cro-Magnons. There are many and various proofs that the Cro-Magnons were not the first people in this part of Europe but were, comparatively speaking, late-comers. In the first case we find their remains in elevated and mountainous regions, showing that their existence in Europe commenced after the mountains were raised.


Then we find bones of man and remains of his works in the gravel beds formed by the waters of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm. This Cataclysm occurred before the mountains had gone up. Therefore, the bones of those men which are found in the gravel beds lived ages before the Cro-Magnons. That man was living in this section of the earth in a high state of civilization thousands upon thousands of years before the mountains were raised, is shown in the road cut, Capital Hill, Smyrna, Asia Minor (noted in my next chapter).


As these remains show a high civilization at one end of the Mediterranean Sea many thousands of years before the Cro-Magnon man lived at the other end of the Mediterranean Sea, it is reasonable to suppose that the other shores of the sea were also peopled by highly civilized races at the same time as Asia Minor.


There is no question but that the western parts of Europe were colonized and recolonized over and over again as has been the case in all other parts of the earth.

The remains of ancient man in Europe are limited because the mountains of ice which were brought down on the waters of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm ground everything to a pulp, leaving but few traces of life behind. This was so in Eastern North America where only one solitary evidence of man's remains has been found, and that is Gilder's Den Men of Nebraska. In Europe, as elsewhere, the scientists build many of their theories on the character of the flint instruments they have found.


The result of this I showed in The Lost Continent of Mu in the chapter on "The Origin of Savagery."


These crude tools, flint and stone, are evidence of the stop-gaps between the civilization that has gone and the civilization we are now entering upon.


In Osborn's fascinating book Men of the Old Stone Age, page 477, we read:

"A buried nest of skulls from the large grotto of Ofuet, all facing westward"

These skulls were placed looking west, that being the direction of Mu, the Motherland, from whence they or their forefathers came via the Western route.


Full description of the Eastern and Western routes will be given in the chapter on Egypt. In the Orient and on all of the western side of the Pacific Ocean all objects are made to face east, that having been the direction of the Motherland from Asia. This is very prominently shown by the statuary, gates, faces of temples and roadways at Angkor, Cambodia.

As I have repeatedly shown in The Lost Continent of Mu, the history of man on earth has been one continuous series of destruction.


Race after race and people after people have been blotted out all over the earth. Many races and civilizations were unknown to present man until archaeologists came across their remains. The oldest remains of Egypt are but of yesterday in the history of man, the oldest relics of Yucatan go but a day farther back, and the oldest of Niven's buried cities in Mexico go but another day beyond that.


When shall we come across the remains of very early man?


In some of the Himalayan monasteries, writings of 70,000 years ago are to be seen. Some of these date man back 200,000 years or 270,000 years, I do not know which. It is a problem for the scientists of heavenly bodies to determine. The dates are given by the positions of stars, one to the other.


These writings, however, tell us about man from his very beginning.



One of the principal animals painted by the old French artists, and unquestionably their most prominent animal, was the true bison.


While the bison is the most prominent animal among the French paintings, I am informed that not a single drawing of the bison has ever been found among the American cliff paintings. Among the American cliff paintings we find the bear, deer, ibex, mastodon and even the great reptiles, but never a bison. In view of this fact, I am induced to offer a suggestion as to the origin of the bison and I beg further to say that it must be considered as a suggestion only.


There is not a single fact to back such a theory.

The bison has an unknown history, for although now known as an American animal, it did not always exist here nor is there any idea when it made its first appearance upon the American stage of animal life.


Bison are said to have lived in Europe. No doubt they did, otherwise where would the old French artists have got their models from which they have depicted the animal so faithfully?


Buffalo are said to have lived in Europe. No doubt they did, their remains prove it, but was the variety called bison indigenous there? This is questionable. That the true bison was in Europe the French paintings prove, but whether it was native or imported is another question. My personal opinion is that the bison may have been imported into Europe and also that they were imported into America, and I further think that they were imported into Europe before America.


Now comes the vital question: who could have brought them to Europe?

To answer this we must first ask where the old French artists originally came from. Like the bison, they did not originate in Europe. Various records show that the southwestern parts of France, Spain and Portugal were colonized from Atlantis. As the bison is not found in any of the galleries of the cliff painters of America, it is good evidence that the bison had not yet appeared in the western and southwestern parts of America.


The natural inference, therefore, is that the bison was brought to America from Atlantis and the French artists, when they migrated from Atlantis to France, took some bison along with them.

Was the bison a native of Atlantis? Was the bison taken from Atlantis to France? Was the bison brought from Atlantis to America? These are questions to be determined in the minds of my readers. I am supplying a few facts only.

The bison is not a native of America and, therefore, must have come from somewhere and subsequent to the time when the old American artists were decorating the stones in the canyons of our West and Southwest. The bison must have made its appearance in America subsequent to the last Magnetic Cataclysm, otherwise the waters and ice of that flood would have wiped them all out as the Den Men of Nebraska were wiped out.


Our scientists have always supposed that the bison came to America from Asia, via that much abused and overcrowded strip of land known as the "Bering Land Bridge."


What a godsend that old strip of land has been to modern scientists, for whenever they have got into a hole, they have always got out of it by laying the whole of the blame to this poor old bridge.


It has certainly bridged them over many embarrassing positions. Some time ago a scientific furore started on the news that the horns of an ancient bison had been found in Asia. The excitement of scientific minds was at the breaking point. Then it was discovered that the horns in question were those of a musk-ox.


That the bison did not come to America from Asia is self-evident because no remains of the bison have ever been found in Asia even among the bone islands of the Arctic Ocean (Llakoffs Islands).


The great southern wave of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm rolled up over the plains of Mongolia and Siberia, gathering up myriads of forest animals and depositing them in the Arctic Ocean off the mouth of the River Lena.


There their bones are found today but not a bison bone among the lot.

Not so very many moons ago the scientific world was wrought up to the highest pitch of excitement by a celebrated scientist reporting that he had found a bison horn in a cretaceous deposit. Volumes were at once started about the age of this bison. Where it would have ended no one can tell. Fortunately for the public, a short time after the discovery of the bison horn a thorough search was made to find more of the departed beast.


Close to where the bison horn was found, the skull and neck armor of a triceratops was brought to the surface but it had one horn missing. On putting the fractured end of the bison horn on the fractured end in the skull, it was found to fit exactly. The excitement died out and science went on, looking for another surprise.


This relieved the public of a whole library of theories.


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