WITH the Greeks we commence a series of present-day nations that have survived from ancient times.


Some fragments of Greek history have come to light, dating back as far as from twelve to fifteen thousand years ago, showing that the Greeks then, under the name of Athenians, were a highly civilized, enlightened people.


What formed the gulf between 12,000 years and 30,000 years ago will be my endeavor to show.

The first actual, recorded Grecian history commences with the beginning of the first Olympiad, 1104 B.c.


The Greeks under their ancient names, however, had passed through tens of thousands of years of trials and tribulations before the first Olympiad. Their first settlements were made in Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula and adjacent islands if there were any at that time. Various remains, traditions and geological phenomena confirm this.

Much has been written about the legendary or ancient history of the Greeks. Many writers have declared these legends to be myths, but where archaeological remains confirm the legends, it is impossible to look upon them as myths. It seems to me unquestionable that the builders of the great structures at Baalbek were ancient Greeks, the forefathers of some of the present Greeks.


In Asia Minor I find the same conditions as in Mexico, Central America and many other parts of the earth: namely, prehistoric cities lie buried one underneath the other and, in nearly all cases, due to the same agent of destruction - cataclysms. The evidence is incontrovertible.

Some writers speaking of Greece before the Dorian Migration refer to that period as "the dim twilight of legendary Greece." My endeavors will be to work back from the time of the Dorian Migration commencing 1104 B.C.


I will first take extracts from Plato's Timeus as translated by Benjamin Jowett, M.A., Oxford, England.

"Now the citizens of this city (Sais in Egypt) are great lovers of the Athenians and say that in some way they are related to them.1

"(O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are but children and there never is an old man who is a Hellene.' Solon hearing this said, 'What do you mean?' 'I mean to say,' he replied, 'that in your minds you are all young.


There is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition nor any science which is hoary with age, and I will tell you the reason of this. There have been and will be again many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes, the greatest have been brought about by fire and water.2


Whatever happened either in your country or ours or in any other country of which we are informed, any action which is noble and great or in any other way remarkable which has taken place, all that has been written down of old.3

1 This is absolutely correct, they were related to each other. Both the Greeks and Egyptians were together in the Motherland, they were together in Mayax, and again in Atlantis from which the Greeks went to Asia Minor and the Egyptians to Sais in Lower Egypt. They were the same people who drove the Quetzals out of America and took their land.
2 This is decidedly confirmed by both geological and archaeological phenomena throughout the world.
3 This is a poor piece of translation. A better one would read: "A record was made at the time and preserved in our temples."


"Whereas you and other nations are just provided with letters.4


And then at the usual period the stream from heaven descends like a pestilence and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education.5


And thus you have to begin all over again as children and know nothing of what happened in ancient times either among us or among yourselves.' "

4 A better translation is: "You and other nations did not keep imperishable records."
5 "And then after a time the usual, etc."

The term "the stream from heaven" does not convey the meaning.


Some old Cara-Maya language is used. The meaning to be conveyed is: the waters, not stream, was by the will of heaven. A stream is not definite. It might be a stream of anything whereas by taking the whole interview, it is definitely shown to be a flood or a cataclysm of water. Cataclysms and floods are spoken of many times in the old Egyptian writings.


There was no usual time for these appearing. In fact, they were most unusual, being dependent on the blowing out of a gas chamber, or the forging of a gas belt under the ocean or a block in a belt under the ocean.

Most of the ancient nations kept in their temples imperishable records - writings on either stone or burnt clay tablets like bricks. The oldest I know of is in Tibet and some were written, according to the astrological dates on them, 70,000 years ago. There are hundreds in India dating back 35,000 years and some are even older but without a date.

But to turn to Plato again:

"As for these genealogies of yours which you have recounted to us, they are no better than tales of children; for in the first place, you remember one deluge only, whereas there were a number of them. And in the next place there dwelt in your land, which you do not know, the fairest and noblest race of men that ever lived of which you are but a seed or remnant. And this was not known to you because for many generations the survivors of that destruction made no sign"

The people here spoken of were forefathers of those who started to build the magnificent temples at Baalbek.


These temples were never finished. They were shaken down by earthquakes and volcanic workings around them during their construction. "Made no sign." I do not translate it this way from the Greek text.


My personal translation reads:

"Kept no records."

All of the older Greek works are permeated by the Cara-Maya language and unless the translator knows the Cara-Maya he is at a disadvantage.


Although the changes in vocabulary and alphabet were made during the archonship of Euclydes, the old philosophies only went about half way in the changes that were made. The Greek vocabulary was three times changed to modernize it.

Plato again:

" 'For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all when the city which is now Athens was first in war and was preeminent for the excellence of her laws.' Solon marveled at this and earnestly requested the priest to inform him exactly and in order about these former Athenians. 'You are welcome to hear about them, Solon,' said the priest, 'both for your own sake and for the sake of the great city, and above all for the goddess who is the common patron, protector and educator of both our cities. She founded your city (Ancient Athens) about 1000 years before ours (Sais), receiving from the earth and Hephsestus the seed of your race.'"

This is purely symbolical.


The priest fell back on his mother tongue and the mother tongue of Solon. This symbol brings it down to popular language. It means "mother" and "earth" and by extension "Mother Earth" and "Mother Country," or "Motherland," so that it should be translated,

"Receiving from the Motherland the seed of your race."

In other words, your forefathers came from the Motherland.


There are many records stating that Asia Minor, the Lower Balkans and Egypt were first colonized through Mayax and Atlantis. According to the temple records of Sais, a city existed on the spot which Athens occupied 11,500 years ago and which was built 17,000 years ago - a thousand years before the history of Lower Egypt commenced.

The priest then goes on to relate the war between the Athenians and Atlantis which I gave in the chapter on Atlantis, all except the ending which was retained for this chapter:

" 'But afterwards (after the defeat of the Atlantians by the Athenians) there occurred violent earthquakes and floods (this should read violent earthquakes and cataclysms) and in a single day and night all your warlike men sank in a body into the earth (this shows the fate of Ancient Athens which had not been given before; the land sank, was submerged, carrying most of the people down with it) and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared and was sunk beneath this sea (this confirms the fact that Ancient Athens was submerged and now we come to an exceedingly interesting geological fact, a fact which shows that Atlantis twice sank).


And that is the reason why the sea in those parts is impassable because there is such a quantity of shallow mud and this was caused by the submersion of the island.' "

According to this, it was not so long ago that Atlantis lay awash. Therefore, the Southern division of the Great Central Gas Belt must have been forged at a very recent date.



King Priam, whose treasures Schliemann found in one of the ancient Trojan cities, lived 1194. B.C.


The details of this discovery were given in my chapter on Atlantis. Schliemann found that no less than six cities lay one on top of the other. The date of the early ones goes back to a time before the mountains were raised as will be shown at Smyrna when we get there.

The map on page 109 shows the comparative positions of the various and numerous gas belts which underlie the Balkans and Asia Minor. Many remains of ancient cities and civilizations are found in these regions - these remains as far as they are known today are marked with circles. Some of these date back more than 25,000 years. This is corroborated by the ancient Trojans and the road cut on Capital Hill, Smyrna,

The Greeks like the Egyptians are fully qualified to claim that,

"they descended from the oldest men on earth."

As far as can be traced, the original Greeks came from Central America via Atlantis and made their first settlements in Asia Minor, the lower part of the Balkans, and on what islands there were then of the Grecian Archipelago.


In Central America I find them called Kars, Karas, Caras, and Carians. They spoke their own dialect of the Maya tongue. Some of their American settlements were within the boundaries of the Mayax Empire. They, however, extended themselves far south on both the Eastern and Western Coasts of South America.

The first knowledge of the Carians and their colonies is found in old Maya records where I find the following settlements spoken of: along the shores of the Caribbean Sea, on some of the West Indian Islands, and three settlements on the East Coast of South America.


One record dates back beyond 16,000 years; how far back beyond this date, I am not prepared to say.

From Central America I next pick them up in Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula and adjacent islands. The Greek legendary history says that their first settlements were along the Mediterranean shores of Asia Minor. The Carians are as bad as the Irish, they never would stay put. As an example, Gaelic, the Irish tongue, is spoken in Tipperary, Ireland, the Basque Province of Spain, and in Nepal, the northern part of India.


Take a native of Nepal, a Basque and a genuine Irishman, set them down together and they will jabber away as if they were all born in the same village and brought up together.

M. De Voltaire,

"The Universal History & State of All Nations," A.D. 1758, Vol. 3, page 13: "Be that as it may, the Indians were no longer that people of superior knowledge into whose country the ancient Greeks used to travel for instruction." 6

6 This extremely rare and old book was published by A. Donaldson, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1758 A.D. It was kindly loaned to me by ray friend, J. Z, Adams, in whose family it has been since A.D. 1780.



This confirms my previous statement that India was the schoolhouse of the Greek philosophers. Not only the Greeks but the Chinese as well.

The Carians are just the same in various parts of the earth. How long after the first Carian settlement in Asia Minor was wiped out by a cataclysm cannot be said, nor can it be said how often subsequent settlements were made and wiped out Smyrna registers more than three and Troy more than four. The Carians extended themselves back into Asia Minor a great distance but not as far as the Caspian Sea. For on the Caspian plains around the southern end of the sea, a settlement was made by another race which was Semitic.

And now let us see what some of the old Greek philosophers said about their forefathers.

  • Homer: "Iliad" 10, 428-9. Homer says: "The Carians were among the earliest inhabitants of Asia Minor and the Greek Archipelago."

  • Herodotus: Lib. 1-171. Herodotus was a Carian himself. He says: "The ancient Carians called themselves Heleges." "A warlike sea-faring people that when requested manned the ships of the Minos."

  • Max Miiller: "Fragments Hist. Greece," Vol. 4, p. 475. "Philip of Theaugela, Carian historian, said that the idioms of the Carians were mixed up with a number of Greek words."

  • Thucydides: "Hist, of the Peloponnesian War." Lib. 1-8. Thucydides called the Carians "pirates" and asserts that "King Minos expelled them from Cyclades."

  • Strabo: Lib. 7-321, Lib. 13-611. Strabo says: "The Carians had been the occupants of all Ionia and the islands of the AEgean Sea until driven out from them by the lonians and the Dorians when they established themselves on the mainland."

It is quite apparent that the ancient Greek philosophers were not all in accord about the Carians but they connect the countries Central America, Greece and Asia Minor with the Carians.


The most pronounced of the ancient Greek patterns and even many of their patterns today are identical with the traceries and patterns of the Cara-Mayas of Central America and Yucatan.


Their distinctive symbol, the Greek Cross, is taken from the central figure of the royal escutcheon of Mu, The Empire of the Sun, the meaning of which I gave in The Lost Continent of Mu; and in the same volume I showed the picture of a vase found in Niven's Mexican Buried Cities with distinctive Greek patterns on it - a vase that was over 50,000 years old.

Besides the Carians there were other tribes that settled alongside them in Asia Minor and the Balkans. With these they eventually got into wars.

I think I have shown fairly conclusively that the original settlers in Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula, and the islands of the Egean Sea were Caras or Carians coming from Central America via Atlantis.


I will now review some of the archaeological and geological phenomena found in Asia Minor. It goes far to show what the condition of this part of the earth was, let us say, 25,000 years ago. This date is a mere figure of speech to carry the mind of the reader back to a very distant time. The actual date may be 50,000 years ago or even more, we have no means of telling without 'written records; dates without this are mere guesswork or at the best approximates only.


Geologists have a happy knack, when writing about the ancient, of saying, so many hundreds of millions of years ago, so many millions of years ago or so many hundreds of thousands of years ago. As a matter of fact, they have no more knowledge of the actual date than the street peddler. I think their great idea is the more of they put after the initial number, the more it will be appreciated by the public, and the more the public will think of them. There ought to be an institution provided for time and temperature cranks where they could be taught a little about natural laws.


It would save printers a good deal of type.

Many cities were built in Asia Minor before the gas belts were forged or mountains raised. These early colonists of Asia Minor, like the early colonists of America, passed through many vicissitudes. Volcanic workings and overwhelming cataclysms followed one another, each time destroying the cities and wiping out the population. A city and a country were wiped out, later the country was repeopled and a new city built only to fall victim to the next cataclysm whenever it might come.


And so it went on until the gas belts were formed and mountains raised. The only calamities of this description that can now happen must be minor as they can only arise through the blocking or choking up of a gas belt.

Language is one of the great connecting links between various peoples and is more to be depended on than any other form of evidence except written records.


The old Greek language was pure Cara-Maya and today has more Maya words in it than any modern language except Cingalese. The Greek alphabet today is pure Cara-Maya. Each letter is either a Maya vocable or a combination of Maya vocables, and forms an epic relating the destruction of Mu, their Motherland and the Motherland of all mankind.


It is a phraseological monument to be ever before the eyes of the Greeks to remind them of what befell the forefathers of all men and the Earth's First Great Civilization. Tales of the destruction of the Motherland have been written by the Mayas of Yucatan, the Egyptians, the Hindus, the Chaldeans, the Uighurs and later copied by the Israelites who called it The Garden of Eden in their Biblical legend.

In The Lost Continent of Mu, I gave the full translation of the Greek alphabet. Probably many of those who read this work have not read the earlier book, so for their benefit and convenience I will repeat it in this work.

Straight free reading. Heavily break the waters over the plains. They cover the low places. Where there are obstructions shores form. The earth is struck with water, the waters spread on all that lives and moves, foundations give way - submerged is the Land of Mu, Peaks only appear above the water, whirlwinds blow around and gradually comes the cold air.


Before where existed valleys are now great depths, cold abysses. In circular places mud banks form. A mouth opens out of which vapors pour forth and volcanic sediments.

This revision of the Greek alphabet was made during the archonship of Euclydes, 403 B.C.


Comparing the revision with the old, the principal changes apparently consisted in changing initial letters such as:

  • Gamma was Kamma

  • Delta was Telta

  • Rho was Laho

  • Sigma was Zigma

It is possible these changes were made to conform with the general pronunciation of the words, as some are attempting to do today with the English language which badly needs such a revision. More extensive changes were made in the vocabulary itself.

Some phenomena in Asia Minor show that this region was inhabited at a very early date by highly civilized peoples, tens of thousands of years before history began to be recorded as we have it.


Who were they? Where did they come from? What has become of them? Remains at Troy, Baalbek, Ephesus and Smyrna show remains of these civilizations.


A good popular description of the ancient remains at Smyrna is to be found in Mark Twain's Innocents Abroad, commencing at page 131:

"Riding through the town we could see the marks of the Six Smyrnas (corresponds with the Six ancient Troys) that have existed and have either been burned up by fire or knocked down by earthquakes. The hills and rocks have been rent asunder in places. Excavations expose great blocks of buildings that have been buried for ages.

"The ascent of the hill to the citadel is very steep. In one place 500 feet above the sea, the perpendicular bank on the upper side of the road was 10 to 15 feet high and the cut exposed three veins of oyster shells. The veins are about 18 inches thick and 2 or 3 feet apart, and they slanted downward for a distance of 30 feet or more and then disappeared. Where the cut joins the road, among the oyster shells are mixed many fragments of ancient broken crockery ware."

This is a wonderful geological picture, showing us that far back in the prehistoric past here in Asia Minor on the direct opposite side of the earth to the Motherland were highly civilized and enlightened people.


That three overwhelming cataclysms occurred, wiping out three great civilizations before the mountains were raised in Asia Minor. That a long time elapsed between cataclysms is shown by the fact that there was a sufficient time to re-colonize and build up the devastated areas. That the remains now being found 500 feet above the sea with the strata conforming to those of the mountains whose side they are on, demonstrates beyond all controversy that these civilizations existed before the mountains were raised.


The mountains were raised during the Pleistocene. Therefore, these civilizations are pre-Pleistocene, dating back into the Tertiary Era.

It is quite remarkable that in all of my research work among ancient records I have found only two references to cataclysms in Europe and Asia Minor - an Egyptian and the Bible. Plato's reference cannot be considered purely Greek as it came from Egypt through Solon. Yet records of floods and traditions of floods and cataclysms are prolific all over the world and among all peoples.


Geological phenomena confirm all these records and traditions in all parts of the earth.



The ruins of Baalbek lie to the northeast of Beirut between the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and the northern end of the Syrian Desert.


They are the most majestic and the most notable of the earth's ancient structures. They have caused more speculation among scientists generally and archaeologists in particular than any other group of ruins on earth, for it is generally conceded that there never has been found a single vestige of information intimating or showing when, or by what people, they were erected. I have several descriptions of these ruins before me.


The one of all others which seems to me would appeal to the layman as strongly as to the scientist is Mark Twain's and, as this book is written for the people, Mark Twain's description is the one I shall select to use.


There is no reason why the scientist should not read this book.


He can if he likes, but it contains a big bagful of hard nuts for him to crack.

"At eleven o'clock our eyes fell upon the walls and columns of Baalbek, a notable ruin, whose history is a sealed book. It has stood there for thousands of years the wonder and admiration of travelers.


Who built it, is a question that may never be answered. One thing is very sure though, such grandeur of design, and such grace of execution as one sees in the temples of Baalbek, have not been equaled or even approached in any other work of man's hands that has ever been built within the last twenty centuries past.

"This great Temple of the Sun, the Temple of Jupiter, and the several smaller temples are clustered together in the midst of these Syrian villages miserably dirty. They look strange enough in such plebeian company. These temples are built upon massive sub-structures that might support a world almost.


The material used is blocks of stone as large as an omnibus, very few of them are smaller than a carpenter's tool chest. These structures are traversed by tunnels of masonry through which a train of cars might pass. With such foundations as these it is little wonder that Baalbek has lasted so long.

"The Temple of the Sun is nearly 300 feet long and 160 feet wide. It has 54 columns around it, but only six are standing now, the others lie broken at its base, a confused and picturesque mass. Corinthian capitals and entablatures, and six more shapely columns do not exist. These columns and their entablatures together are 90 feet high, a prodigious altitude for shafts of stone to reach, and yet one only thinks of their beauty and symmetry when looking at them.


The pillars look slender and delicate, the entablature with its elaborate sculpture looks like rich stucco work, but when you have gazed aloft until your eyes are weary you glance at the great fragments of pillars among which you are now standing and find that they are 8 feet through, and with them lie beautiful capitals apparently as large as a small cottage and also single slabs of stone superbly sculptured that are four or five feet thick and would completely cover the floor of any ordinary parlor.

"The Temple of Jupiter is a smaller ruin than the one I have just been speaking of, and yet it is immense. It is in a tolerable state of preservation. One of nine columns stands almost uninjured. They are 65 feet high and support a sort of a porch or roof. This porch roof is composed of tremendous slabs of stone which are so finely sculptured on the undersides that the work looks like fresco from below. One or two of the slabs had fallen and again I wondered if the gigantic masses of carved stone that lay around me were no larger than those above my head.


Within the Temple the ornamentation was elaborate and colossal. What a wonder of architectural beauty and grandeur this edifice must have been when it was new and what a noble picture it, and its stellar companion with the chaos of mighty fragments scattered around them, made in the moonlight.

"And yet these sculptured blocks are trifles in size compared with the rough-hewn stones that form the wide verandah or platform which surrounds the great temple.

One stretch of that platform composed of three stones is nearly 300 feet in length. They are 13 feet square, two of them are each 64 feet, and a third 69 feet, long.


They are built into the massive wall 20 feet above the ground.

"We went to the quarry from whence these stones of Baalbek were taken. It was a quarter of a mile off, downhill. In the pit lay the mate of the largest stone of the ruins. It lay there just as the giants of that old forgotten time left it when they were called hence, to remain for thousands of years an eloquent rebuke to such as are prone to think slightingly of the men who have lived before them. This enormous block lies there squared and ready for the builders' hands, a solid mass 14 feet by 17 feet wide and 70 feet long."

This stone weighs over 1200 tons. Its mate already forms a part of the platform of the outside of the temple. The last three columns of the Temple of the Sun that fell, fell during the earthquake of 1759.

In Wonders of the Past, Vol. 1, pages 129-130, Richard Curie says:

"The buildings we see are mainly Roman dating from the era of Antoninus Pius 86-161 A.D.

"They were quarried about half a mile away, and lying still in the quarry is an even larger stone 68 feet by 14 feet which may simply have proved too titanic to shift into position."

A wilder or more erroneous statement than the foregoing is hard to conceive.


Neither Roman, Greek nor Egyptian history speaks of the building of Baalbek, yet all these nations were faithfully recording all happenings and principal events and works at the time Curie mentions. The Greeks especially, a few hundred miles off only, had been recording minutely history and works, buildings, etc., for 1200 to 1300 years before Curie says these structures were being erected, but not a word is to be found about it in Greek history.


To think that they could not move the stone which is now in the pit, as they did its mate before, is more than childish, and further to show Curie's ignorance of the subject, the architecture is not Roman nor did the Romans build temples to the Sun. Authorities on architecture and everything else say that some of the pillars which are of marble came from the central part of Egypt.


They may be right, but why is there no record in Egypt of such a prodigious transportation, why no record in either Roman or Greek histories?

The great stone in the quarry demonstrates beyond all question two things: first, that the structures at Baalbek were never completed, and second, there was a sudden ending to the work. Unfinished or incompleted work signifies a sudden ending to workmen or circumstances which made further work impossible. It is self-evident there was a sudden ending to the work at Baalbek.


What was it? On looking at the monolith in the Baalbek quarry, one is vividly reminded of the great unfinished monolith in the Easter Island quarry 8000 to 10,000 miles away.

Without the slightest doubt the destruction of the buildings themselves at Baalbek was the work of earthquakes when they were well on their way towards completion. But what became of the builders? This neither I nor anyone else can answer, we can only surmise. They have been so obliterated that not a single trace of them has been left. Possibly some day some old Greek record may turn up telling us all about Baalbek.


One thing, however, is certain. The Baalbek structures were not built by either of the civilizations shown at Capital Hill, Smyrna, because these existed before the mountains were raised and Baalbek was built after they were raised.

Nothing definite can be said as to who the builders of Baalbek were, we can only compare notes. The pillars of the Baalbek temples were of Corinthian pattern. The oldest patterns of Greek pillars are Corinthian. Presumably here in Baalbek, thousands of years before the Corinthian style of architecture became known in Greece, were pillars of Corinthian pattern, and we can go still further back and say that the Corinthian pattern was simply a development of the Cara.

The first settlers in Asia Minor had among them the forefathers of some of the present-day Greeks. Were the builders of the Baalbek temples the forefathers of some of the present-day Greeks and the Greeks who formed the Hellenes?


Judging by the writings of Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides, Strabo and the Egyptian priest of Sais, Souchis, there seems to be good ground for believing so.

How small we are today, in many respects, compared with our forefathers of the First Great Civilization. The veil of darkness is continually lifting and present man is emerging into greater knowledge.


Man today is inferior in many mechanical workings and he knows absolutely nothing about the Great Forces which our forefathers knew so well.



Recently the skull of a man has been found at Capernum in Asia Minor which has caused quite an excitement among European scientists who assert that the man lived 30,000 B.C. and that he was among the first men on earth.


The age of the Capernurn skull is based purely on theory which is the case with all such discoveries.


No comparative attention whatever has been taken of the three ancient civilizations shown in the road cut, Capital Hill, Smyrna, although they go back a greater distance than the date claimed for this skull. They were in existence before the Capernum man lived. The Smyrna civilizations geologically tell their age. Here is a fact.


The age of the Capernum skull is a theory. Therefore, not proven by fact.


Mere skulls of unknown vintage reveal nothing about the past.

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