THE Great Uighur Empire was the largest and most important colonial empire belonging to Mu, The Empire of the Sun.


Next to Mu herself, the Uighur Empire was the largest empire the world has ever known.

  • The eastern boundary of the Uighur Empire was the Pacific Ocean.

  • The western boundary was about where Moscow in Russia now stands, with outposts extending through the central parts of Europe to the Atlantic Ocean.

  • The northern boundary is undefined by record but probably extended to the Arctic Ocean in Asia.

  • The southern boundary was Cochin China, Burma, India and a part of Persia.

The history of the Uighurs is the history of the Arynn races, for all of the true Aryan races descended from Uighur forefathers.


The Uighurs formed chains of settlements across the central parts of Europe back in Tertiary Times. After the Empire was destroyed by the great magnetic cataclysm and mountain raising, the surviving remnants of humanity or their descendants again formed settlements in Europe.


This was during the Pleistocene Time, The Slavs, Teutons, Celts, Irish, Bretons and Basques are all descended from Uighur stock. The Bretons, Basques, and genuine Irish are the descendants of those who came to Europe in Tertiary Times.


The descendants of those who survived the magnetic cataclysm and mountain raising.

At the time the Uighur Empire was at its peak, the mountains had not been raised and what is now the Gobi Desert was a rich well-watered plain. Here the capital city of the Uighurs was situated, almost due south from Lake Baikal. In 1896 a party of explorers, upon information received in Tibet, visited the site of the ancient city of Khara Khota.


They had been told that the Uighur capital city lay under the ruins of Khara Khota. They dug through these ruins and then through a stratum of boulders, gravel and sand fifty feet in thickness, and finally came upon the ruins of the capital city. They unearthed many relics but, their money giving out, they had to abandon their enterprise. They met the Russian archaeologist Kosloff and told him of their find.


Subsequently, Kosloff formed an expedition and continued their work at Khara Khota. Kosloff gave a report of his findings which I have already given in The Lost Continent of Mu.

Legends all through Oriental countries say:

"The whole of Central Asia including the Himalayan Mountains was at one time a flat, cultivated land of fertile fields, forests, lakes and rivers, with magnificently constructed roads and highways connecting the various cities and towns with each other. These were well built cities, huge temples and public institutions, elaborate private houses and palaces of the rulers."

Today are to be distinctly seen in the Gobi Desert the dried-up beds of rivers, canals and lakes in those parts of the Desert where the cataclysmic waters did not wash away all the soil down to bare rocks.


There are several of these washed-off areas in the Gobi Desert.

Legendary history gives all sorts of conflicting dates as to when the Uighurs were in power. Fortunately, we do not need to rely on legends, for in one of the Tibetian monasteries are some Naacal writings.


I quote from one:

"The Naacals, 70,000 years ago, brought to the Uighur capital cities copies of the Sacred Inspired Writings of the Motherland."

Legendary history states that the Uighurs from the Motherland made their first settlement in Asia, somewhere on the coast of the Yellow Sea of today.

"From there they extended themselves inland. Their first exodus was to a flat well-watered plain (the Gobi)."

After this records are found of them all through Central Asia to the Caspian Sea. Then through Central Europe to the Atlantic Ocean.

Written records tell us that the Uighurs had many large cities. Today these are either washed away or buried under the sands of the Gobi and surrounding lands.

Some Chinese records, bearing a date of 500 B.C., describe the Uighurs as having been "light-haired, blue-eyed people."

"The Uighurs were all of a light complexion, milk-white skins, with varying color of eyes and hair. In the north blue eyes and light hair predominated. In the south were found those with dark hair and dark eyes."

I will now consider the following: The cause and date of the destruction of the Uighur capital city.

The cause of the rich, fertile Gobi becoming a desert, and at what period in the earth's history it became a desert of sand and desolation.

An ancient record in a monastery states:

"The capital city of the Uighurs with all its people was destroyed by a flood which extended throughout the eastern part of the Empire, destroying all and everything."

This ancient record is absolutely corroborated by geological phenomena:

From the roofs of the capital city up to the foundations of ancient Khara Khota the stratum is composed of boulders, gravel and sand, the work of water as acknowledged by all geologists throughout the world. This flood unquestionably was the north running wave of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm, the Biblical "Flood." Back in the 8o's I was with an expedition making a geological investigation from a point south of Lake Baikal to the mouth of the Lena River and to the islands beyond in the Arctic Ocean.


Our examinations along the route disclosed the fact that some thousands of years before a huge cataclysmic wave of water without ice had passed over this area, traveling from south to north. We found no traces of this flood beyond the no0 East of Greenwich, but we found the evidences of this wave to the limit of our easterly travels. We did not find a single ice marking in any part of Siberia that we covered, that could in any way be connected with this wave.


Everywhere the proofs were positive that the wave had passed from south to north.


The valley of the Lena appeared to be the main course of the water.

Off from the mouth of the Lena is Llakoff's Island.


This island is composed of the bones and tusks of mammoths and other forest animals which had been swept up from the Mongolian and Siberian plains by the flood and carried to this, their final resting place. In these bones we find a confirmation that no ice accompanied the wave, for had there been, their bodies and bones would have been mashed into a pulp, and as in eastern North America, no remains of them would be found and Llakoff's Island never formed.

Geologically this flood occurred at the time that geology claims that there was a glacial period in the Northern Hemisphere.


The records tell us that the eastern half of the Uighur Empire, including the capital city and all of the living things on the land, were destroyed and wiped out, but that the western and southwestern parts were left untouched.

Mountains intersect Central Asia in all directions and are especially numerous around and through the parts which comprised the Uighur Empire. Sometime after the flood, I have found no record telling us how long, the mountains were raised. As the mountains went up, the land was literally shaken and torn to pieces by earthquakes when the rocks were raised out of the bowels of the earth, with here and there volcanoes belching out their fiery streams of lava thus adding to the general destruction.


How many of the remaining Uighurs, after the flood, survived the destruction caused by the raising of the mountains, cannot be estimated, but very few.


This has always been the case in all areas where mountains have been raised in all parts of the earth. The history of a few remnants of the Uighurs that survived, that escaped with their lives in the mountains as they went up, is told in another chapter. The various mountains running through and around the Gobi changed its watersheds.


The broken condition of the rocks underneath drained the water from the surface and formed underground rivers. With all water gone from the surface, the Gobi became what we find it today, a sandy, rocky, inhospitable waste. Without question water can be found today within a few feet of the surface in the sandy areas. We found water from 7 to 10 feet below the surface.

Legendary history states that the Uighurs extended themselves all through the central parts of Europe.


The Book of Manu, an ancient Hindu book, says:

"The Uighurs had a settlement on the northern and eastern shores of the Caspian Sea."

This was probably the migration spoken of by Max Muller as having taken place during the Pleistocene, the second migration of Uighurs into Europe.


It seems to me unquestionable that the early settlers in eastern Europe, as they are called by scientists, were remnants of Uighurs that found their way out from the inhospitable mountains.


This seems verified by Max Muller, who wrote:

"The first Caucasians were a small company from the mountains of Central Asia."

He further states that they came to the Caucasian plains during the Pleistocene, therefore, after the mountains were raised. As before stated, the Uighurs were in Europe before the raising of the mountains. Many of the Central Asiatic tribes today count their time from the raising of the mountains.

In The Lost Continent of Mu I have shown some symbolical pictures photographed by Kosloff at Khara Khota.


I also give their decipherings.



Tibet lies in Central Asia. It is bounded on the east by China, on the north by Mongolia, on the south by India, and on the west by Kashmir and Turkestan. The Gobi Desert is a part of the northern boundary.

Tibet was once a part of the great Uighur Empire. This was before the mountains were raised. The country then was flat and fertile. Now it is one of the highest plateaus in the world with masses of high mountain ranges, most of which run from a westerly to an easterly direction. In the south is the highest mountain range in the world - the Himalayas. Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain, is in this range and lies within the boundaries of Tibet.


Tibet has been called "the roof of the world."

While India has been called "the land of mystery and mysterious sciences," Tibet is her twin sister, if not her rival, in this respect.

In Tibet, in the most inaccessible parts of the mountains, are many monasteries, lamaseries and temples. Shut in from the outside world these monastic orders live their quiet secluded lives, away and aloof from the rest of mankind, unknown to all except a few herdsmen who live in their valleys. Some of the monks in some of these Himalayan and Tibetian monasteries claim that they are the descendants of the Naacals who were driven out of India by the Brahmins about 3000 years ago.


These appear to have preserved the Original Religion and some of the Cosmic Sciences of the Earth's First Great Civilization I have emphasized the word "some" because these monasteries out of the hundreds in Tibet can be counted on the fingers of one hand. I know of only three.


Most of the monasteries follow a form of Buddhism.

Some years ago Schliemann found in the Old Buddhist Temple at Lhassa a writing relating to the destruction of Mu. This record is a translation from an old tablet written in Pali and Tibetian mixed. The whereabouts of the original is unknown; probably, however, it is lying amongst hundreds of others in one of the rooms of the temple; lying on the floor, dust covered, with a corner or an end peeping through its foul blanket of temple germs.


In the depths of the mountains, on one of the head waters of the Brahmaputra River, are some temples and monasteries. I cannot recollect the exact number now. In one of these monasteries are preserved what is said to be a complete Naacal Library - many thousands of tablets. It was stated to me that this was the Naacal Library which had belonged to the Uighur capital city.


They have a weird, legendary history connected with these tablets. I mentioned this fact to my old Rishi and asked him if ever he had heard of them and their weird history. He told me he had in his younger days visited this monastery and was told the history of the tablets. I will repeat it as given to rne.

The Legend of the Naacal Library as told by the old Rishi.

"When the great flood swept up over eastern and northeastern Asia, it destroyed the Uighur capital city, drowning all of the inhabitants, and buried a great library which had been brought there by the Naacals from the Motherland. Many years afterwards the Naacals of the west, whom the flood did not reach, went to the ruins of the capital city, dug the tablets out and carried them to a temple in the west.


There they remained until the mountains were raised which destroyed the temple and buried them again. Many, many years afterwards the descendants of the Naacals who survived the mountain raising, went and dug them out again and brought them to the temple where they now repose."

Neither this monastery nor the tablets are unknown; they are well known to Oriental scholars.


To my own personal knowledge, three Englishmen and two Russians have visited this monastery. After recounting this legend, I asked the Rishi whether this library was the only complete one in existence.


His answer was,

"I think not, my son. We have a legend which states that when our Rishi City, Ayhodia, was sacked and burnt by the invading army, the Naacal library was in the secret archives of the temple and never discovered by the enemy. So that if our tradition is correct, buried beneath the ruins of the temple the Naacal library still remains intact, as it has never been dug out."

It has been suggested to me that in my writings I withhold all names of places, routes, passes, etc., in Tibet. Kashmir and Northern India generally, which might be of value in a political sense. The reason given for withholding this information is a perfectly valid one.


I feel it my duty and pleasure to comply with the suggestion.



The Chinese civilization is referred to and looked upon as one of the very old ones.


As a Chinese civilization it dates back only about 5000 years. It is popularly believed that the Chinese themselves developed their civilization. They did not The Chinese civilization was inherited from their father's side. Again, the Chinaman is looked upon as a Mongol; he is only half Mongol, his forefathers were white Aryans.


During the time of the Uighur Empire, many of the white Uighurs intermarried with yellow Mongols whose country lay to the south of the Uighur Empire, and the descendants of these intermarriages formed the first Chinese Empire.


The record reads:

"Uighur men married the best of the yellow savages."

This without question is a mistranslation, for at the time these marriages were taking place, savagery had never been known on the face of the earth, so that what was meant was unquestionably "the yellow inferior race."


This is borne out by traditions which say that,

"the yellow Mongols were much inferior to the Uighurs, their civilization was below that of the Uighurs."

Many of the Chinese today, especially the high class, have quite white skins. This is the Uighur blood showing in their veins. The regular Chinese coolie, the lower classes of the Chinese today, have no Uighur blood in them. They are the descendants of the ancient yellow Mongols.

The Uighur parents of these intermarriages were very careful to have their children educated up to the Uighur standard, so that when the Chinese Empire was first formed it was by those having Uighur blood in their veins and educated in the Uighur great civilization. The Chinese civilization, therefore, was the Uighur civilization handed to them by their fathers. There are many writings in the Chinese Tao temples confirming the foregoing and any Chinese scholar can without question confirm it.


Another tradition prominent in China is:

"The Chinese did not always live in Asia. They came to Asia from a far-off country towards the rising sun."

I have endeavored to find a collection of the numerous Chinese legends in the form of a Chinese Legendary History - it may exist but I have been unable to find it.

I take from China by E.H. Parker, page 17, the following:

Parker says:

"The Five Monarchs are altogether mythical. The Hia dynasty is legendary and largely mythical. The Shang dynasty is chiefly legendary. The Ten Chow is semi-historical and the Twenty-five Chow historical."

From the foregoing one must infer that Parker believes only what he sees and nothing that he hears.


It would appear that it matters not how true a legend may be, it is a myth unless he sees writings which he can believe in. It has been one of my hobbies to trace myths back to see what they come out of. Ninety times out of a hundred I have found that the myth has its origin in a tradition or legend. The tradition or legend has been so garbled that it has become a perfect myth. It should be remembered that there is no smoke without a fire.


I do not doubt for a minute that in many cases what Parker calls myths are really legends slightly garbled. They are traditions only to the people, for behind them in the old Tao temples are to be found written records of the various phenomena.

Parker gives a good and very exhaustive history of China from about 200 B.C. down to present time.


He shows the rise and fall of the various Mongol tribes and nations. He is, however, absolutely wrong about the Japanese ; and, being wrong about them, other assertions of his are left open to doubt. From his style of writing he would be one to put poor old Marco Polo in prison because he did not bring back a big-horn sheep to show. How Parker accounts for the Gobi ruins and other great prehistoric ruins, I do not know.


Apparently, such things mean nothing to him.

Some seven or eight thousand years after the destruction of the Uighur Empire, innumerable little nations came into existence in Eastern Asia. All, apparently, were of the Mongoloid type. The most prominent of these Mongol nations was a Tartar race of which Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan were the principal figures. Kublai Khan lived A. D. 1277, about 600 years ago.


Confucius, the great Chinese scholar and philosopher, lived from 551 B. C. down to 480, about 300 years after Chinese history commenced to be recorded in China. The Emperor Che Hwang-te, 214 B.C., ordered all books and literature relating to ancient China to be burnt. A vast amount was seized by him and burnt. Some of the works of Confucius and Mencius were included in this conflagration. It was this king who built the great wall of China to keep back the Heung Noo Tartars from constantly raiding northern China.


Che Hwang-te did not succeed in burning all of the ancient writings, for many were saved and hidden in the Tao temples where they are now religiously kept and on no account shown to anyone outside of the priesthood of the temple.

This completes my chapter on Eastern Asia. The next will be on Western Asia. This closes the coffin lid of the Great Uighur Empire as far as Eastern Asia and their capital is concerned.



When I say the Uighur Empire of the Tertiary Era, I mean the Uighur Empire of 20,000 years ago - before the Magnetic Cataclysm which was the Biblical "Flood," before the mythical geological "Glacial Period," and before the time when the mountains were raised.

The map on page 214 is simply a sketch, adapting present land areas to show the extent and size of the Great Uighur Empire. Since 20,000 years ago, many lands have been submerged and many emerged. I have shown a line running across the central parts of Asia and Europe from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. This line is also about the center of the Empire.

Remains of Uighurs have been found in the Balkans.


The last western outposts were Ireland, Breton in France and Basque in Spain. How far north in Asia the Empire ran is not known - ancient Uighur cities have been found far into Siberia.

The shaded parts on the map represent questionable boundaries. The only two well-defined boundaries are the Pacific Ocean on the east and the Naga Empire on the south. Whether the Uighurs extended clear across the center of Europe to the Atlantic Ocean, or only outposts were established, is a riddle yet unsolved. Today, however, we find their descendants on the Atlantic Coast, whose origins no one has attempted to tell.

In an old Oriental document it is stated that the Uighur Empire was made up of something such as petty kingdoms, principalities or states, each having its own head or ruler yet all forming but one empire under one supreme head or emperor who in turn was under the suzerainty of Mu, the Empire of the Sun. Looking at our own form of government, it is not a difficult proposition to imagine the Uighur Empire to have been an enlarged United States.


Mu herself was only the United States of the world.

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