All matters of science in this work are based on the translations of
two sets of ancient tablets.
Naacal tablets which I discovered in
India many years ago, and a large collection of stone tablets, over
2500, recently discovered by William Niven in Mexico.
Both sets have the same origin; for both sets are extracts from the
Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu.

The Naacal tablets are written with the Naga symbols and characters
- and, legend says, were written in the Motherland and first brought
to Burma and then to India.
Their extreme age is attested to by the
fact that history says the Naacals left Burma more than 15,000 years
Where the Mexican tablets were written is problematical. They are
mostly written in the northern or Uighur symbols and characters.
What actual writing there is on both sets is in the alphabet of Mu,
the Motherland. Whether they were written in Mexico or in the
Motherland and brought to Mexico I cannot say. They are, however,
over 12,000 years old as shown by some of the tablets.
Among the
Mexican tablets I have found several speaking of Mu, and others that
supply missing links in my Naacal tale of Creation. These I have
added to the text of this edition of Mu, giving their dissections,
decipherings and translations.
Some of the subjects embodied in these American tablets are: an
account of the Creation in minute detail, Life and its origin
minutely given. The origin and workings of the "Four Great Cosmic
Forces." Over 1000 tablets are devoted to this subject and last but
not least: The creation of woman.
The Naacal tablets which I came across in the Orient were only
fragments of the various subjects with many missing links. The
Mexican tablets not only confirm the Naacal but supply many of the
missing links.
I spent many years, proving as far as possible, by experimentation,
that the facts set forth in these tablets were true. I spent over 50
years in investigation, research and explorations to prove out what
I found written on these intensely interesting Naacal tablets. I
have yet to find the first one that is wrong.
The Mexican, like the Naacal, indubitably establishes to my own
satisfaction that at one time the earth had an incalculably ancient
civilization, which was, in many respects, superior to our own, and
far in advance of us in some important essentials which the modern
world is just beginning to have cognizance of. These tablets, with
other ancient records, bear witness to the amazing fact that the
civilizations of India, Babylonia, Persia, Egypt and Yucatan were
but the dying embers of the first great civilization.
The Oriental Naacal tablets which formed the foundation of the first
edition of this book were a wonderful history of past man. Niven's
Mexican Stone Tablets are equally wonderful and instructive, if not
more so.
They confirm my contention that the oldest records of man
are not to be found in Egypt or the Valley of the Euphrates, but
right here in North America and in the Orient where Mu planted her
first colonies.
I desire here to express my appreciation and thanks for the
courtesies and contributions received for the benefit of this book
The British Museum, London
Bernice P. Bishop Museum,
The American Weekly, New York
Capt. E. A. Salisbury, Los
Angeles, Cal.
Samuel Hubbard, Oakland, Cal.
William Niven,
Austin, Texas
to Certain Monasteries in India
and Tibet whose names are withheld by request
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