The Garden of Eden was not in Asia but on a now sunken continent in
the Pacific Ocean. The Biblical story of creation - the epic of the
seven days and the seven nights - came first not from the peoples of
the Nile or of the Euphrates Valley but from this now submerged
continent, Mu - the Motherland of Man.
These assertions can be proved by the complex records I discovered
upon long-forgotten sacred tablets in India, together with records
from other countries. They tell of this strange country of
64,000,000 inhabitants, who, 50,000 years ago, had developed a
civilization superior in many respects to our own. They described,
among other things, the creation of man in the mysterious land of Mu.
By comparing this writing with records of other ancient
civilizations, as revealed in written documents, prehistoric ruins
and geological phenomena, I found that all these centers of
civilization had drawn their culture from a common source - Mu.
We may, therefore, be sure that the Biblical story of the creation
as we know it today evolved from the impressive account gathered
from those ancient tablets which relate the history of Mu - history
500 centuries old.
The manner in which this original story of the creation came to
light forms a tale that takes us back more than fifty years.
It was a famine time in India. I was assisting, in relief work, the
high priest of a college temple. Although I did not know it at
first, he was exceedingly interested in archaeology and the records
of the ancients, and had a greater knowledge of those subjects than
any other living man.
When he saw one day that I was trying to decipher a peculiar
bas-relief, he took an interest in me that brought about one of the
truest friendships I have ever known. He showed me how to solve the
puzzle of those peculiar inscriptions and offered to give me lessons
which would fit me for still more difficult work.
For more than two years I studied diligently a dead language my
priestly friend believed to be the original tongue of mankind. He
informed me that this language was understood by only two other high
priests in India. A great difficulty arose from the fact that many
of the apparently simple inscriptions had hidden meanings which had
been designed especially for the Holy Brothers - the Naacals - a
priestly brotherhood sent from the motherland to the colonies to
teach the sacred writings, religion and the sciences.
One day, being in a talkative mood, he told me there were a number
of ancient tablets in the secret archives of the temple. What they
consisted of he did not know, for he had seen only the chatties
containing them. Although he was in a position to examine the
writings he had never done so, as they were sacred records not to be
In discussing these secret writings he added something that sent my
curiosity up to a new high point. He had already mentioned the
legendary Motherland of Man - the mysterious land of Mu. Now he
amazed me by the admission that the precious tablets were believed
by many to have been written by the Naacals, either in Burma or in
the vanished motherland itself.
I became impatient to see them when
I learned that the writings were only fragments of a vast collection
taken from one of the seven Rishi (sacred) cities of India. The bulk
of them was believed to have been lost. Still, there remained this
opportunity to see what I might of the ancient fragments of
antiquity lying dust-laden in the dark.
Day after day I attempted to discover some method by which I could
obtain access to the hidden treasures, but my friend, although
extremely courteous, was adamant in his refusal to let me see them.
"My son," he would say, a touch of sadness in his voice, "I would
that I could satisfy your desire, but that may not be. They are
sacred relics that must not be taken out of their containers. I dare
not grant your wish."
"But think - they may not be packed properly and may break and
crumble in their boxes," I urged. "We should at least look at them
to see if they are safe."
But this argument was of no avail.
Six months passed. Curiosity or anxiety about their condition had
won the contest over my priestly friend, for one evening on the
table in front of him two of the ancient tablets were lying on a
I examined with curiosity the long-hidden tablets. They were
apparently of sunburnt clay and extremely dusty. With great care I
cleaned them and then set to work deciphering the characters that
were in the same dead language I had been studying with my friend.
Fortune was with me that evening, for these two precious forms of
clay revealed facts of such import we both realized that here indeed
were the genuine records of Mu. The history, however, broke off
abruptly at a most interesting point at the bottom of the second
tablet. Not even the high priest could restrain his curiosity to see
the rest.
"It is impossible for us to leave off here, my son," he said. "I
shall get the next tablets out tomorrow."
Fortunately, the next tablets he procured were not of the same
series, but had to do with an entirely different subject, and in
order to find the consecutive tablets all had to be brought out.
was well, for many of the tablets had been so badly packed that they
were broken. These we restored with cement. When I repacked them, I
wrapped each tablet in tissue paper and cotton wool.
"My son," said the priest, "I feel that a sacred warning was sent to
me through your voice to safeguard the relics."
Months of intense concentration in translating the tablets followed,
but the reward justified the effort. The writings described in
detail the creation of the earth and of man, and the place where he
first appeared - Mu.
Realizing that I had unearthed secrets of great importance in the
elucidation of that eternal problem, Man, I sought the other lost
tablets, but without success. I carried letters of introduction to
high priests of temples throughout India, but in every instance I
was received with coldness and suspicion.
"I have not seen any such tablets," each would declare, and
doubtless they were telling the truth.
Like my friend, they had
probably only looked at the containers.
Once, in Burma, I visited an ancient Buddhist temple in my search
for the missing records.
"From where do you come?" asked the high priest, looking at me with
veiled suspicion.
"From India," I replied.
"Then go back to India and ask the thieves who stole them from us to
show them to you."
And, spitting on the ground at my feet, he turned
and walked away.
These rebuffs disheartened me somewhat, but I had already obtained
so much valuable information from the tablets that I determined to
study the writings of all the old civilizations and compare them
with the legends of Mu.
This I did, and found that the civilizations of the early Greeks,
the Chaldeans, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Egyptians and the
Hindus had been definitely preceded by the civilization of Mu.
Continuing my researches, I discovered that this lost continent had
extended from somewhere north of Hawaii to the south as far as the
Fijis and Easter Island, and was undoubtedly the original habitat of
man. I learned that in this beautiful country there had lived a
people that colonized the earth, and that the land had been
obliterated by terrific earthquakes and submersion 12,000 years ago,
and had vanished in a vortex of fire and water.
Also I learned an original story of the creation of the world. It
was on the continent of Mu that man first came into being.
I have traced this same story from Mu to India, where colonizers
from the vanished continent had settled; from India into Egypt; from
Egypt to the temple of Sinai, where Moses copied it; and from Moses
to the faulty translations of Ezra 800 years later. The plausibility
of this will be apparent even to those who have not studied the
subject carefully, when they see the close resemblance between the
story of the creation as we know it and the tradition that
originated in Mu.
Before starting to relate the writings on the tablets I shall give a
page of the vignettes found on them, with their decipherings and

Vignette 1a. Fine, straight, horizontal lines. Symbol for space.
Vignette 1b. Symbolizes the Seven-headed Serpent moving in space.
The surrounding circle is the universe.
Vignette 2. Wavy horizontal lines. Symbol for earthly waters.
Vignette 3. The circle is a picture of the sun. The sun was the
collective symbol of all the attributes of the deity.
Vignette 4. Fine vertical lines from the sun symbolizing his forces
which are affinitive to the earth's light force, which, being set in
movement, gives light upon the earth.
Vignette 5. Vertical wavy lines from the sun symbolize the sun's
forces which are affinitive to the earth's heat force; they meet and
the earth's heat force becomes active.
Vignette 6a. Vertical dotted lines from the sun symbolize his forces
which are affinitive to the earth's life force.
Vignette 6b. Symbolizes the sun's affinitive forces striking the
earth's life force in cosmic eggs, which are in the water, and
bringing them into life.
Vignette 6c. Symbolizes the sun's affinitive forces striking the
earth's life force in cosmic eggs, which are on the land, and
hatching them into life.
Vignette 7. This is the geometrical symbol that was assigned by the
ancients to Mu. It is also the hieratic letter M and reads: "Moo,
Ma, mother, land, field, country" and "mouth."
Vignette 8. The Tau was the symbol of resurrection in Mu. It is a
picture of the constellation, the Southern Cross. The Tau also
symbolizes "bringing forth," "emerge," etc.
Vignette 9. The lotus flower was the floral symbol of Mu. Tradition
says that the lotus was the first flower to appear upon the earth,
and for that reason it was adopted as the symbolical flower of the
Vignette 10. Three was the symbolic numeral adopted to represent Mu.
This was because the continent consisted of three separate areas of
land divided from each other by narrow channels or seas.
Vignette 11. Keh - the leaping deer - is frequently found in the
Naacal tablets; it is the symbol of "first man." This animal was
selected to symbolize the first man because of its leaping power.
Man came on earth perfectly developed; he "leaped" upon the earth in
his first and original form without going through nature's
development of life. In other words, he was a special creation.
Vignette 12. This was the ancient symbol for fire in Mu. The lines
begin thick at the bottom and wave and taper to a fine point.
Vignette 13. This vignette appears on a tablet describing the
raising of the mountains and the formation of gas belts. Therefore,
we see where the Egyptians obtained their symbol of fire; also the
scarab. The Naacals from India carried them to Egypt. The Egyptian
fire symbol is only a modification of the Naga. The Egyptians put a
handle on the Naga and turned it into a sword.
It is not hard to find the reason for the Egyptian change or
modification. In their hieroglyphics they wanted to depict two forms
of fire: the fires of the underneath and actual flames. This they
did to record the destruction of the motherland, which they say
"sank into a fiery abyss" and "was enveloped in flames as she went
The symbol is shown in our chapter on the Egyptian sacred book, the
Book of the Dead.
Vignette 14. I consider this one of the most interesting of all
those found on the Naacal tablets. It depicts man's advent on earth
in the land of Mu. I shall first dissect it by showing separately
each symbol:
A - is the lotus, the symbolical flower of Mu.
B - Three pieces of foliage, giving Mu's numeral. C
- The hieratic letter M, Mu's alphabetical symbol. D
- The Tau symbol of resurrection, "emerging," "coming forth," and
"to appear." The head of the Tau, being the hieratical letter M,
also means land; so land is emerged. E - is the water symbol. The emerged land is surrounded by water. F
- is Keh - the first man.
This vignette tells three times the name of the land, Mu, by the
symbols A, B and C. Man, symbol F, is in the act of appearing on
earth, leaping in the exuberance of his spirits. This vignette was
the cause of my world search for information regarding Mu.
I found that the tablets included several subjects and that it
required a series of tablets to explain each subject. Each series
ran from two tablets, the shortest, to sixteen, the longest.
Fortunately for us, we found two tablets that were keys to the
various symbols and hieroglyphics. I arranged the tablets as follows:
Series 1. A description of the creation down to and including the
advent of man.
Series 2. The raising of the mountains by the "fires of the
underneath" (gases), and provisions for the disposal of future
Series 3. The origin and workings of the great forces throughout the
Series 4. The origin and workings of the earth's great primary
force, showing two divisions and differentiating between the two.
Scries 5. The origin and workings of the earth's great atomic force
- a subdivision of one of the two principal divisions.
Series 6. The origin of the force that creates and sustains life,
with its workings. A subdivision of one of the two principal
Series 7. The origin of life, showing what life is, the changes in
the forms of life - imperative as the earth developed.
Series 8. The creation of man, showing what man is and in what way
he differs from all other creations.
Series 9. The advent of man upon earth and where he first appeared,
which was called in the tablets "the Motherland of Man."
Unquestionably these were only the commencement of a long series -
probably the early history of Mu.
Series 10, This series consisted of two tablets, each double the
size of the others - possibly larger. They served as key to the
writings and vignettes on the other tablets.
It was the first two tablets of this series which started the work
ending in the translation of all.
However, had we not possessed the
key, our chances for deciphering the rest of the tablets would have
been exceedingly small. Without the key, I do not believe that we
could have deciphered one-half of the writings.
Our work was made
simpler by the old priest's amazing knowledge of the past. If he
only grasped the first line of secret writing he knew what the rest
of the tablet contained. He told me it was believed certain other
temples had many such records that had been saved when the ancient
cities were destroyed.
Taking them in the foregoing order, the tablets start by saying:
"Originally, the universe was only a soul or spirit. Everything was
without life - calm, silent, soundless. Void and dark was the
immensity of space. Only the Supreme Spirit, the great Self-existing
Power, the Creator, the Seven-headed Serpent, moved within the abyss
of darkness.
"The desire came to Him to create worlds and He created worlds; and
the desire came to Him to create the earth, with living things upon
it, and He created the earth and all therein."
And this is the manner of the creation of the earth, with all the
living things upon it:
"The seven superlative intellects of the Seven-headed Serpent gave
seven commands." (I shall use the Naacal esoteric meanings as they
are the most intelligible to the reader. The demotic are all
symbolical and not easily understood.)
The first intellectual command was:
"'Let the gases which are without form and scattered through space
be brought together, and out of them let the earth be formed.' The
gases then assembled themselves into the form of a whirling mass."
The second command was:
"'Let the gases solidify to form the earth.' Then the gases
solidified; volumes were left on the outside, out of which water and
the atmosphere were to be formed; and volumes were enveloped within
the new world. Darkness prevailed and there was no sound, for as yet
neither the atmosphere nor the waters were formed."
The third command was:
"'Let the outside gases be separated and let them form the
atmosphere and the waters.' And the gases were separated; one part
went to form the waters, and the waters settled upon the earth and
covered its face so that no land anywhere appeared. The gases that
did not form the waters formed the atmosphere, and:
"The light was contained in the atmosphere.
"And the shafts of the sun met the shafts of the light in the
atmosphere and gave birth to light. Then there was light upon the
face of the earth; and (Fig. 4):
"The heat was also contained in the atmosphere.
"And the shafts of the sun met the shafts of the heat in the
atmosphere and gave it life. Then there was heat to warm the face of
the earth." (Fig. 5)
The fourth command was:
" 'Let the gases that are within the earth raise the land above the
face of the waters.' Then the fires of the under-earth lifted the
land on which the waters rested until it appeared above the face of
the waters, and this was the dry land."
The fifth command was:
" 'Let life come forth in the waters.' And the shafts of the sun met
the shafts of the earth in the mud of the waters and there formed
cosmic eggs (life germs) out of particles of the mud. Out of these
cosmic eggs came forth life as commanded." (Fig. 6b)
The sixth command was :
" 'Let life come forth upon the land.' And the shafts of the sun met
the shafts of the earth in the dust of the land, and out of it
formed cosmic eggs; and from these cosmic eggs life came forth upon
the earth as was commanded." (Fig. 6c.)
And when all this was done,
the seventh intellect said:
"Let us make man after our own fashion,
and let us endow him with powers to rule this earth."
"Then Narayana, the Seven-headed Intellect, the Creator of all
things throughout the universe, created man, and placed within his
body a living, imperishable spirit, and man became like Narayana in
intellectual power. Then was creation complete."
The seven commands are, without doubt, also indicative of seven
periods of time.
A period of time is not measured by any particular
number of years. It may mean a day, a year, or millions of years.
Thus these tablets do not assign any particular length of time to
creation. It may have taken millions or tens of millions of years to
accomplish what was recorded in the tablets. It is merely stated
that the earth was created in seven periods of time, not in seven
days, as recorded in the Biblical legend.
The general resemblance of the opening part of the Naacal record, as
regards the story of the creation, to the account as found in the
Bible is remarkable, and it is also remarkable how great are the
divergences thereafter.
Legends of the creation are prevalent among
peoples throughout the world, and in all instances I have found so
much of the material identical that the only conclusion to be drawn
is that they are of common origin and their genesis was in Mu.
The seventh command was the hardest of all to translate. The actual
deciphering was easy, but we found it impossible to find modern
words that would convey identically the same meanings as the
ancient. For instance, "soul" or "spirit" were the nearest words we
could find to represent what was put into the body of man.
The word
"living" may or may not be exactly what was intended in the
original. The word "imperishable" is, without doubt, absolutely
correct. But what does the phrase "after our own fashion" actually
mean? Certainly not "in our own image."
It, in some way, refers to
mentality and mystic powers, and this is substantiated by the words:
"endow him with powers to rule the earth."
The Bible uses a good symbolical example when it refers to " the
breath of God." At any rate, it is clear that the meaning is special
powers received from God, and may therefore be looked upon as a part
of God, as a leaf is a part of the tree. Man came from God and must
return whence he came.
The Naacal tablets were exceedingly difficult to decipher, there
being so many vignettes and tableaux and so little hieratic writing.
Some of the parts were also so worn and obliterated we could make
nothing of them. Words also appeared for which we could find no
equivalent in modern languages.
At the commencement of our studies my priestly friend informed me
that it would be impossible to decipher ancient tablets and
inscriptions without knowledge of what he called the Naga-Maya
language; as all of the ancient writings that have to do with Mu are
in this language; and as all Naacal writings have an esoteric or
hidden meaning, known only to the Naacals and to those whom they
taught. To this hidden language he held the key, and after he had
taught me its use, it proved a sesame that unlocked for me many
strange doors.
For more than two years I studied this ancient language, with
intermittent decipherings to test my progress.
My old Hindu friend and teacher remarked when we had completed our
task: "My son, we have got the general meaning but not the perfect
detail." I must candidly admit that without this dear old gentle
friend the tablets could never have been deciphered by me.
I find the reflection of the teachings of these tablets, or other
similar ones, in the old Hindu literature; also in old literature
other than Hindu.
As an example:
Hindu: The Manava Dharma Sastra, Book, 2 sloka 74:
"In the beginning
only existed the Infinite called Adite." Book 1, sloka 8: "This germ
became an egg." Book 1, sloka 10: "The visible universe in the
beginning was only darkness." Book 1, sloka 9 : "He first produced
the waters and in them deposited an egg."
Rig Veda, sec. 3, I. 2, v. 4, pp. 316-317 (2000-2500 B.C.):
"In this
egg was reproduced the intellect of the Supreme Being under the form
of Buddha, through whose union with the goddess Maya, the good
mother of all the gods and man . . ." (This corresponds with Adam
and Eve 1700 years later.) Page 3 : "Other than Him nothing existed;
darkness there was." Page 4: "He who measures out the light in the
Aitareya-A'ram-'ya, slokas 4 to 8:
"Originally this universe was
only a soul, nothing active or inactive existed. The thought came to
Him, 'I wish to create worlds,' and so He created the worlds, the
light, the mortal beings, the atmosphere that contains the light,
the earth that is perishable, and the lower depths, that of the
Yucatan - Nahuatl:
"The particles of atmosphere on being hit by the
divine arrows became animated. Heat, which determines the movement
of matter, was developed in it."
There is no question whatever, and both written and legendary
history say, that these books were written from ancient temple
records, and that the Naacals wrote the temple histories, and taught
religion and science.
In southern India the temples have libraries of ancient writings,
but none, apparently, go back beyond the Sanskrit. I worked over
several of these with high priests and they were all in Sanskrit and
on religious subjects. As none of them contained any facts of
historical value, I was not sufficiently interested to continue
their study.
There are considerable variations of the legend of the creation in
different sections of the world, which no doubt is due to the manner
in which it has been handed down to generation after generation.
Startling as it may appear, the most scientific version, and the one
above all others except the Naacal that can be sustained by
geological research, is the version found among the semi-savages and
cannibalistic races of the South Sea Islands, especially the
The Hindu, Chaldean, Egyptian, Maya and the Greek in later times,
describing the creation, eliminated the scientific sections and
recorded, by the use of symbols, the facts without the whys and
The reason for this is well told by Clement of
Alexandria, who said:
"The Egyptians neither entrusted their mysteries to every one nor
degraded their secrets of divine matters by disclosing them to the
profane; reserving them for the heir apparent to the throne, and to
such of the priests who excelled in virtue and wisdom."
In other
words, the esoteric meanings were not given out publicly.
It is a certainty that the Egyptian legend of the creation, from
which Moses wrote the Biblical account, came from India when the
Naacals went to Egypt as missionaries to teach the seven sacred
inspired writings, religion and the sciences. Therefore the dramatic
story taught in Sunday schools throughout the Christian world today
originated in the lost continent of Mu.
I end this chapter with two of the missing links in the Naacal tale
of the creation, with two of Niven's Mexican Stone Tablets.

Tablet No. 1231
This is one of the most interesting,
and in all
respects one of the most valuable tablets in the whole of Niven's
collection of over 2600 tablets:
for it is the key to the movements
and workings of the universe.
No. 1231 is a symbol of the Sacred Four, which, under innumerable
names and guises, have played an important part in man's conception
of the Creator and the Creation from earliest of ancient writings
down to and including the present time.
The Naacal writings tell that the Sacred Four were the Creator's
Commands that evolved law and order from chaos throughout the
When they had completed this work they were given charge
of the physical universe. The Mexican tablets say identically the
same thing.
The Naacal writings throughout give them symbolical names. The
Naacal tablet which might tell us what the Sacred Four are, beyond
the fact that they were the First Four Great Commands in Creation is
missing. As the Sacred Four were Commands they naturally were given
to something to be executed.
What was that something? Hitherto I
have found nothing among ancient inscriptions and writings that tell
us - but this tablet supplies the information.
Should anyone think that this is a mere assertion on my part, I am
giving a dissection, the deciphering and translation of this Tablet
No. 1231.
1. The central figure of this diagram or vignette is a circle: which
is a picture of the Sun as Ra. The collective or monotheistic symbol
of the Creator. It was one of the first three symbols used in
religious teachings. As it was monotheistic it was the most sacred
of them all.
2. Within this circle is the hieratic letter H of the motherland's
alphabet. Being a hieratic letter it carries a symbolic meaning. It
is the alphabetical symbol of the Sacred Four. As it is within the
circle it is within the Creator. Thus the Sacred Four is within the
Creator and comes out of His mouth - His Powers or Forces. The
Sacred Four - the Four Great Primary Forces - are thus shown coming
directly from the Creator. As the ancients termed it, "His desires,"
"His wishes" and "His commands."
3. This is a symbol of a Force. The base shows where the origin of
the force is, and the point the direction which the force takes in
its workings. In this vignette the force is working/rom West - to
4. Each of the Four Forces has an arrow, spear, dart or javelin
head. This is the symbol of activity, showing that the force is not
dead, but remains active and continuous in one direction from west
to east.
The ancients understood this and wrote "and when this was
accomplished, they were given charge of the physical universe."
5. This glyph forms the word Geometrician. This word is written
within each of the Four Forces. So here it is called The Four Great
Geometricians - The Four Great Primary Forces. They are the Primary
Forces because they are depicted as coming directly from the Creator
6. This glyph is formed by crossing the four forces. All are moving
from west to east. The points form a circle symbolizing the
They are therefore governing the movements of all bodies throughout
the universe. It shows that all bodies that revolve are revolving
from west to east and that all circuits made by moving bodies are
from west to east, thus all are moving on a center. As is
symbolically shown that Center is: The Primary Force which is The
Great Infinite - The Almighty.
Being symbolically shown, this center does not apply to any
particular spot in the universe. It applies to He - Himself - He is
the Center at whose command all movements of bodies are made either
directly or indirectly, i.e., through subsidiary forces, which
forces are produced by or through the workings of other forces, some
possibly being what are termed atomic forces.
Out of Niven's 2600 tablets over 1000 are about the workings of the
Four Primary Forces.
The last glyph, No. 6, is a common one. I have yet to find the first
archaeologist who has mentioned it, who has not mistaken it for the

Tablet No. 988
This tablet refers to one of the Great Magnetic
Primary Forces.
It shows that this great Magnetic Force is existent
throughout the universe.
The universe is symbolized as being within the two 36 outer circles.
The central circle symbolizes the Creator.
The curved lines running through the universe are the lines of the
force. The lines being curved is the regular phenomena when
originating from a revolving body. As is shown their direction is
from west to east.
This is corroborated by the force symbol below,
which points the direction taken by the Force.

That it is one of the Four Great Primary Forces is told by the
alphabetical symbol of the Sacred Four being attached as a caption:
therefore here again as in Tablet No. 1231 it is shown that the Four
Great Primary Forces come directly from the Creator.
Tablet No. 339. From Niven's collection of Mexican Stone Tablets.

The picture on this stone is a pretty artistic rendering of the
ancient conception of Law and Order being carried out and
established throughout the universe by a butterfly.

The elongated circle following the contour of the stone symbolizes
the universe - space without an end.
The head of the butterfly is a
circle with four discs within. The circle symbolizes the Creator and
the four discs the numeral 4. The symbol (numeral) of the Sacred
Four. 4 and 1 make 5. The four discs and the one circle make 5. The
numeral symbol for the full Godhead.
The two antennae projecting from the head symbolize law and order.
The wing can be read in two ways. Five bars symbolizing the full
Godhead and four spaces between, the Sacred Four.
A tongue stretches across the universe. The tongue is the symbol of
speech and command. So the "command" has gone forth that law and
order be established throughout the universe. The butterfly is
carrying the command.
The Legend. By command of the Creator, The Sacred Four are
establishing Law and Order throughout the universe.
The Naacal tablets, which came under my observation, ended with the
special creation of man. The continuation has been lost from the
collection. There are many missing links in this collection which
make it an incomplete tale: for, it says nothing about the advent of
woman, the joint special creation of man. Up to the present there
has been nothing known about this subject, except what is purely
The legends, however, are numerous and universal.

Tablet No. 1584
This tablet gives us the continuation of the Sacred
Inspired Writings of Mu,
following on from the Seventh Command, as
shown in my Naacal copy.
There is one difference, however, between the Naacal and the Mexican
tablets. We know that the Naacal tablets were copied directly from
the Sacred Inspired Writings in the Motherland, but we do not know
where the Mexican tablets were written.
Tablet No. 1584 is an extract from the Sacred Writings made tens of
thousands of years after the Naacal, but by how much of an expert is
not shown: nor is it shown where the copy was made - presumably it
was in America, this being based on the fact that all tablets
embodying the Sacred Writings made in the Motherland were clay
tablets - the Mexican are etched on stone.
The Mexican, having been made at a much later date than the
Oriental, leave an open question whether they are identically like
the Motherland's originals, or whether time ingrafted a new
cosmogony, thereby in some minor respects making an alteration in
original details to suit the conceptions of a more modern

The Key
1. A human head symbolizing man. The eyes are drawn as
being sightless - therefore in death, which is the sleep mentioned
in ancient writings. The ancients did not believe that man could
actually die (The Soul).
2. Symbols of Cosmic Forces are here depicted as one of the powers
bestowed on man to enable him " to rule the Earth."
3. Coming from the head it symbolizes that these powers are
4. The body is formed of two cosmic eggs. The upper one is joined to
the head, and the lower to the bottom of the upper one: thus saying,
the body is a twin.
As will be seen, the upper egg is in the act of being detached from
the lower one or vice versa.
5. On either side of the neck is a circle - two circles. The symbol
of the Creator, thus saying that in some respects this creation
partakes of the Creator Himself. As they are placed close to the
head they further say "intellectually."
6. From the upper egg is emanating a force on either side, and from
these two forces are shown two subsidiary forces working downwards,
the ends or points of which come in contact with cosmic eggs which
are being hatched or started. A force which eventually gives them
7. As heretofore stated, the lower part of the body consists of a
cosmic egg. From this cosmic egg four other cosmic eggs are breaking
forth, thereby symbolizing or saying that the lower egg is the
female principle.
The connection between the forces of the upper egg, the male
principle as it shows no cosmic eggs coming from it but only forces,
and with the cosmic eggs coming forth from the egg forming the lower
part of the body, tells us that the cosmic forces of man are
continued on from parent to offspring.
The cosmic forces of man coming directly from the Creator are thus
continued in all mankind.
8. This glyph is a pair of shears, or dividing forces. Two forces
are shown closing in on each other, cutting and dividing whatever
comes between. These two forces were the agents which separated the
body in death, and made male and female out of it.
The legend in its entirety reads: The first man was created with the
dual principle. Then this creation, first man, was caused to sleep
(the same as death of today). During this sleep the principles were
divided and the first man became two - a man and a woman.
Henceforward, through the man and from the woman, reproduction was
carried on. From this first pair the whole world was peopled.
This is a startling legend, and, to the unthinking, impossible. Yet
it is a legend that has been repeated continuously, and is carried
on by us today.
From the Bible I take the following:
Genesis: Chap. 2. Verse 22: "And the rib, which the Lord God had
taken from man, made He a woman."
Chap. 3. Verse 20: "And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she
was the mother of all living."
This Biblical writing is symbolical, not literal, expressing in
different language identically the same as is written on this
tablet. Both the Biblical and the Mexican came from the same
fountain head, the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu.
A similar legend exists among the savages and semi-savages of the
Polynesian Islands in the South Pacific Ocean.
Their legend reads:
"Taaroa made man out of red earth Araca and breathed into his
nostrils. He made woman from man's bones and called her Evi."1
1 (Evi in Polynesian is pronounced Eve-i.) Similar legends are found
in Egyptian writings.
Plato, the Greek philosopher, wrote:
"Human beings were originally
created with the man and woman combined in one body. Each body had
four arms and four legs. The bodies were round, and they rolled over
and over, using the arms and legs to move them. By and by they began
to treat the gods badly. They stopped their sacrifices and even
threatened to roll up Mount Olympus to attack and overthrow the
gods. One god said, 'let us kill them all, they are dangerous!'
"Another said, 'No, I have a better idea. We will cut them in half:
then they will only have two arms and two legs. They won't be round.
They won't be able to roll. Being multiplied by two they will offer
twice as many sacrifices:and, what is the most important, each half
will be so busy looking for the other half that they will not have
time to bother us!' "
The second god was the wise one.
His theory has turned out well.
Each human half, male or female, has been and is so busy looking for
the other half - "the soul's mate" - that other things have been
Hindu, "The Rig Veda," Langlois' translation: sloka 3, 12, v 4, pp.
316-317, reads as follows:
"In this egg was represented the
intellect of the Supreme Being under the form of Buddha, through
whose union with the goddess Maya, the good mother of all gods and
other beings (dead and alive), all beings were created."
Chinese, Lao Tzu in "Tao-te-King," 500 B.C., writes:
"Reason Tao
produced One. One became two, and both produced three, and three
produced all beings."
The Oriental countries have many legends about the first man being
created with the dual principle. Many speak of the separation during
sleep (death).
I shall make no comment on this cosmogony.
It is left for readers to
draw their own conclusions.

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