Chapter VI - Specialization

I will now give some examples of the workings of the life force, taking first specializations, as these show the consistent workings of the force all through life, from the first land animals down to the end of the tertiary era.

Specializations are nature's great object lessons in showing the workings of the life force.

A specialization is shown by some extraordinary growth or development, something abnormal in a part or parts of the body. These specializations, sometimes amounting to fantastic forms of life, mark the beginning of the end of the crop in which they appear. The rapidity of the decline is governed by the life force as represented by temperature.

Towards the end of all crops both animal and vegetable, specialized, fantastic, gnarled forms are liable to appear, taking the place of previous perfect and symmetrical forms. Scientists call these "high specializations," which is a correct term; but, while they state what the phenomenon is, they fail to state or explain the cause. Some reckless scientists have gone as far as to call these "high specializations" steps in evolution; which is, as I have heretofore pointed out, perfect nonsense.

Specializations are nature's guideposts pointing out the fact that the crop is nearing its end, and that the end is due to the lowering of the life force.

As before stated, there is a range within which life will start and continue. In the case of specializations the force has fallen below the perfect balance. It is therefore insufficient to supply each and every part and compound with the requirements to keep all parts of the machine working in perfect unison.


As I have stated, some elements have a greater affinity for the force than others.


The glandular secretions are the most affinitive, and these also vary in affinity to a marked degree. With every breath a volume of the life force is taken into the body. The glandular secretions being the most affinitive, and the supply of force being short, these secretions obtain more than their fair share. Then, added to this, the most affinitive secretions get more than their proportion; the distribution of the force is therefore completely thrown out of gear.

It is attested by scientists that each glandular secretion performs certain special work of its own; so that the work which is done by those secretions results in some cases in its being done in full, in others only partially, and this results in overgrowth of some parts and shrinkage in others. The overgrowth on the one hand, and shrinkage on the other, produce the effect called specializations.

I think a little geology at this point, as an object lesson, will not be out of place. As this lesson I will discuss




Scene: Carbonic Era - An endless Swamp.

The Mascodonosaurus - Carbonic Amphibian.

The Dimctrodon - Carbonic Reptile.

Scene - Jurassic Period. A Swamp.

The Stegosaurus - Jurassic Reptile.

Scene: Early Cretaceous - Land less soft.

The Triceratops - Late Cretaceous Reptile.

The Trachodont - Late Cretaceous Reptile.

Scene: Early Tertiary - Swamps turned to marshes.

Scene: Four-toed Horse - Mammal.

Titanothere - Tertiary Mammal.

Saber-toothed Tiger.





Geological records show us that the bones of the first known reptiles were found in the rocks of the carbonic era, prominently during the permian period.


Some of those found in the permian rocks are exceedingly highly specialized, showing that they were the fag ends of a long ancestry; so that, to get back to the beginning of reptiles, we must go back beyond the permian period.


How far back? That I cannot say, but I can say that from the beginning of life, the character and form of life was governed by a condition.

The condition for the advent of amphibian and reptile life was fully completed before the geological devonian era commenced, for this era commenced with the condition perfected.

Throughout the earth's development, commencing with the beginning of life, it has been clearly shown that suitable forms of life always accompanied the making of a new condition.

By the time the devonian era had arrived, the temperature of the earth, as shown by the luxuriant vegetation (with the life force having dropped to a point where it would balance a more complex elementary compound than that of fishes), new types of life came into existence, consisting of amphibians and reptiles. This has geologically been called the mesozoic or middle life.

Some of the carbonic permian amphibians and reptiles show very extreme specializations. Their forms have become fantastic in appearance, such as the great amphibian mastodonosaurus and the extraordinary reptiles dimetrodon, the naosaurus and other finback reptiles.

Great specializations appear in the permian armored variety of reptiles.

These specializations denote one thing, and one thing especially; that is: that the types of these animals were nearing their end; that they were not the first of their race - they were the dying ends of an immensely long ancestry.

Specializations are the result of a changing condition, and as it takes an immensely long time to change a condition and to establish a new one, it is clearly seen that untold ages had elapsed between the first small primitive reptile and the huge, grotesque, highly specialized ones of the permian period.

Throughout the reptilian era, even with the meager knowledge which has been supplied to us by the rocks, it is very marked that the types of the great reptiles were changed from time to time, not suddenly, but rather in single rotation. First one form died out. Another was created to take its place. Then another died out, and again another took its place. And so it continued on until not a single form remained that had lived during a previous period of time. This complete change in the type and forms of life showed that a complete change in conditions had been made.

Reptiles reached their zenith during the Jurassic period. This was the time of their greatest expansion. They grew to larger sizes and in greater numbers than at any other period in the great reptilian era.

When thus at their zenith, the cretaceous period commenced and the great Jurassic reptilian expansion passed into the cretaceous.

The gradual and constant dying out of the various types of reptilian life, and the gradual appearance of new forms taking their place, corresponded with the gradual lowering of the earth's temperatures, and with it the gradual lowering of the volume of the life force.

Some forms were externally modified from time to time, until they could stand no further modifications; then these forms died out; their career had ended; they became lives of the past.

Following the carbonic era and during the Jurassic, the life force became low enough 10 balance still more complex elementary compounds. Then the lowest types of life that were higher than reptiles began to appear; but, generally speaking, the life force during the Jurassic and early cretaceous was too high in volume to balance any other animal compound beyond amphibians and reptiles.

The Carbonic reptiles could not live and reproduce during the Jurassic because the force had fallen below the point or range of the carbonic compounds. Neither could the Jurassic animals have lived during the carbonic era because the force was above the range of their compounds. In line with the foregoing it is noteworthy that as we leave our temperate zone and pass into the tropics, the animals which are found in the Jurassic rocks of the temperate zone appear in the lower cretaceous in the tropics, which is of much later date than the Jurassic.


There are several records of this phenomenon.



During the Cretaceous Period, what is now the temperate part of North America dropped from a super-tropical down to a warm temperate with winters.
The low temperature is shown by the vegetation of the late Cretaceous Period.

About the end of the middle cretaceous and the beginning of the late Cretaceous, great changes took place in the reptilian life. Not a single form was handed down from the Jurassic; and very few types remained.

A few new types appeared during the Cretaceous, and those coming down from the early Cretaceous were all becoming more and more specialized. Many assumed grotesque and fantastic forms. The lowering of the life force was responsible for it.

The highly specialized form of the triceratops and the trachodonts should cause no astonishment to scientists. They were the result of a never-failing natural law. By their great specializations they showed that the great reptiles were near their end; they were standing on the brink of their graves.

The peculiar phenomenon of fantastic, gnarled, irregular or specialized forms appearing in a disappearing crop, does not relate to animal life alone. It permeates all forms of life, including fish and vegetable. Nature is constantly illustrating this to us. We have only to walk through a garden in the fall, when the temperature has dropped from a summer heat and the life force with it, to see this law being carried out wherever we look.

The last few apples on the topmost branches of the tree are small, gnarled and irregular. The last few roses on the bush are small, lopsided and irregular. The last few tomatoes on the vine are gnarled, small and of irregular shape, and so on throughout the garden. All denoting that the life force is below their perfect balance. Either the temperature of the cretaceous period was guilty of a sudden drop or the cretaceous period was ten times as long as assigned to it by geology.

I do not base the length of the Cretaceous Period on the rock formation of the time, because many rocks which geology says took hundreds of thousands of years to form were, as a matter of fact, formed in a few days.

Following one of the great natural laws, the earth's cooling has been even, slow, regular and methodical, it is self-evident from the lessons given by its vegetation and animal life that the cretaceous period was not guilty of irregularities in cooling. There was no sudden drop in temperature. Therefore the cretaceous can boast of having covered an immensely long period of time.


All forms, classes and types of life, animal, bird, fishes and vegetation, convincingly show that the earth's temperatures dropped more during the Cretaceous Period than they did all through the long geological Paleozoic Time.

During the Cretaceous Period the temperature of temperate North America dropped from super-tropical down to a warm temperate. A ten times greater drop than from the Cretaceous down to today, and a greater drop than was made from the first Cambrian rock down to the last Carbonic stone.

At the beginning of the Cretaceous the vegetation was all of a super-tropic a I swamp growth. At the end of the Cretaceous it was mostly of a hard ground growth, with the trees showing wintering rings.

I have pointed out great specializations and the dying out of the great reptilian race. Why did these forms die out ? This is a question geology does not attempt to answer. I think 1 have, and correctly, too.

It is no wonder that the great, coarse, ungainly, fierce, cruel and terrible mesozoic monstrosities died out, in apparently a very sudden manner, for the volume of the life force became too low to hatch out their eggs. Nature imposed the penalty, and carried it out in its own manner, for disposing of the coarse, imperfect mesozoic life. They had been rank weeds in the garden and were doomed to be rooted out.


With the passing of the Cretaceous, the earth was forever rid of the monstrous mesozoic life.



Many of my friends have requested that I include a chapter in this work on the all-absorbing theory of biological evolution.

Theory is always subservient to facts.

In the previous chapter I have, I think, reasonably and I trust satisfactorily, shown that evolution such as is being preached and taught today, is impossible, because the various forms of life which have succeeded one another have been governed by the vital life force, and this force has called for a more complex form to succeed its predecessor; and that while this force is bringing forward a new life, it is killing off the old.

In this chapter I can only show the errors which are prominent in the theory of evolution, by bringing forward certain phenomena and facts, showing that what has been termed steps in evolution has been mere physical modifications, made in the animals to suit them to their environment and surrounding conditions. These changes have been mere modifications without in any way making the animal either more complex or more simple.

For fifty years scientists all over the world have been vainly hunting for the "missing link," the link that connects man with monkeys. Being unable to find this, they gave up the search. Now they are off on another hunt. They are looking and hunting for that which was forefather to both man and monkey. What sort of beast they expect to find I cannot imagine. I think I have scientifically and to all reasoning and reasonable minds, proved that evolution is impossible and have shown how the phenomena occurred upon which the theory of evolution has been built up.

Even our dictionaries have caught the taint. On consulting a prominent one, I find:

"Evolution is a succession of changes by which a body passes into a more complex form."

I have shown that to change a body into a more complex form the vital balance is upset and the body dies, because the machinery of life is stopped. The body has been poisoned.

To sustain the theory of evolution, a scientist writes:

"Besides the main line of descent which led to the modern horse, ass, and zebra."

It is here distinctly asserted that the horse, ass, and zebra descended from a common forefather.


Today they are chemically different from one another, so that this assertion carries with it the idea that these chemical changes were made during the lives of the animals since the Eocene Time, which is impossible for reasons heretofore stated.

The horse, the ass, and the zebra did not descend from a common forefather. They are today and always have been separate and distinct animals. Each of their first ancestors was chemically different, and this chemical difference has continued down to present time and will continue as long as the animals exist.
I have made a very emphatic statement. Some evolutionists may ask: Where are your proofs ? I would not have made the statement without being prepared to uphold it with reasonable proofs. I shall bring forward a trilogy of proofs: chemistry, natural laws, and the workings of the forces.

When animal life was first started by the Great Creator, natural laws for its continuance were laid down. These laws have been most implicitly followed from the beginning, and are in full force today. One of the great natural laws concerning life is this: there shall be no confusion of species. This natural law was so well known and appreciated by the ancients that it became embodied in the Levitical law.


The penalty imposed by nature for an attempt to introduce confusion of species was, and is today, barrenness to the first product; so that confusion of species never could, and cannot today, be continued. As the first product cannot reproduce, the confusion begins and ends with the first.

To change the species of an animal, or to make it more complex, internal chemical changes must be made. First a chemical change must be made in the elementary compounds of the body, not any one or two parts, but the whole. This is poison and means death. Chemical changes must be made in the generative secretions, and the feeding fluids for them, with which to continue life, after the germ is once animated. To change one part of the elementary body without changing the whole, would be to put a big wheel in life's machine where a small one belongs, or vice versa.

While nature permits of external modifications that do not affect the elementary compounds of the body, it absolutely forbids internal changes which do affect the elementary compounds of the body and consequently the vital balance.

When two separate species of animals are crossed, the product is what is termed a mule. A mule is barren and cannot reproduce. This is so on account of internal changes. In crossing, two separate and distinct elementary compounds have been mixed together, resulting in throwing certain parts of the dual compound out of balance with the vital force. These parts are the generative organs and the generative secretions.

If a new and more complex animal could be born or evolved from a more simple one, there is no reason why specimens of each form should not be found contemporary with each other. One where the change has been made, the other before it was made.


Have ever these two specimens been found together? Contemporary with each other? It would seem to be impossible that millions of a species should make a date for a general change, and then all keep it without a single laggard left behind.

If the elementary compound of the simple animal was in balance with the vital force, and the elementary compounds of the more complex animal was also in balance with the force, then there is no reason why some of the gigantic reptiles of the mesozoic time should not be found in the endless swamps of South America and Africa; or when we go a-fishing, trouble might be met in bringing an obstreperous ichthyosaurus or a pugnacious tyrolosaurus to the gaff - and one might look forward to quite a long-reach fight with the elasmosauraus.

When an evolutionist is asked why none of these old forms are not still with us, his answer is,

"Some died out, the others evolved into our present animals."

Yet no real connecting link has ever been found between fishes and amphibians, amphibians and reptiles, reptiles and mammals, or monkeys and men.


By a great stretch of imagination, there are a few cases where succeeding forms have a great resemblance to one another, and to the preceding ones; so that, if one did not know it to be impossible, he might come to the conclusion that one was born of the other, with external modifications made to suit surroundings and environment. Yet, in these cases even, a close analysis invariably shows marked differences.


During the late Cretaceous Period, the earth was infested with huge terrible reptiles, such as the Tyramnosaurus, Trachodonts, and Triccratops. At the commencement of the Eocene Period, the beginning of the Tertiary Era, we find the earth is peopled with little mammals about the size of dogs and foxes. The Eocene followed directly after the Cretaceous. The first Eocene formation rests on the last of the Cretaceous.

It is a well-known fact among geologists that there is a long period of time between the last Cretaceous and the first Tertiary in most rock formations. Thus there is a corresponding break in the continuity of life, so that the development of life during this period has not been traced. Nature, however, always supplies an object lesson somewhere, if we will only look for it, and appreciate it when we find it.


This lesson which has been withheld in most rock formations is to be found in Venezuela, South America.

Dr. Siever, a German scientist and traveler, found in the mountains of northern Venezuela a limestone which he called the "Capacho Limestone." In it he found fossils "of the higher chalk formation" (Upper Cretaceous).

Upon this foundation he found other strata which he has called "the Cerro de Cro series or Golden Hill," on account of the great quantity of iron pyrites found there. These rocks fill in the time between the last geological Cretaceous and the first Tertiary, Eocene rock.

Dr. Siever says:

"There was a continuous series of deposits, so that we have at the base chalk fossils and higher up eocene forms. The general character of the animal life - changing gradually from one to the other."

From reptiles to mammals.

Geologically speaking, this great change occurred over night. Here is the great dividing line between ancient and modern forms of life. At this line should be found examples of evolution if evolution is a fact.


Have any ever been found?


Before the theory of evolution is advocated or advanced, the advocate of it should be prepared to point out some of the changes being made from reptilian to mammal life. For, here at this line was made the most radical step in animal life that has been made during the whole development of the animal life on earth. He should point out the eocene descendants of the tyrannosaurus, triceratops, and the trachodonts.


He should be able to point out the reptilian forefathers of the tiny eocene mammals, and he should have a reasonable reason for the tremendous shrinkage in size of the eocene life compared to the life of the late Cretaceous.

The cretaceous dinosaurs reared their heads above the ground from 15 to 25 feet. The eocene animals, generally, were less than two feet at the shoulder. The answering of the foregoing questions should be easy to the evolutionist, as the change, as before stated, geologically speaking, "was made over night." Can the evolutionist show a single case where one animal is changing into another such as the missing link between a reptile and a mammal?

Now I shall take up the question of modifications made by nature to suit the animal to its environment, which scientists have claimed to be steps in evolution.


Modifications are not only permitted by the great natural law, but nature herself assists in making the necessary modifications. These modifications are always external only and do not in any way effect the elementary compounds of the animal or its internal arrangements. They in no way simplify the animal or make it more complex.


Examples of modifications are:

An extra development of a part or a member. A lengthening or shortening of the limbs. Changes in the shape and character of the foot. Changes in the character of the covering. Changes in coloration.

I shall now point out some of these examples in past and present life.


The shape and character of the feet of an animal are a certain indication of the character of the ground over which it habitually roams and feeds. Animals such as our present-day caribou, which habitually selects soft, marshy ground on which to live, have enormous pan-like hoofs. When this animal, which is the same as the reindeer of Europe, is kept and bred on hard dry ground, its feet with each generation become smaller and smaller until finally they are characteristic of all the deer family.

The wild cattle of the Dismal Swamp of Virginia have large pan-like hoofs characteristic of the caribou, yet these cattle are the descendants of ordinary cattle which, long ago, strayed into the swamp and were lost. Their feet became modified to suit the ground of the swamp.

The animals of the Eocene Period were all very remarkable for their long spreading toes, typical of our present-day wading birds, which frequent the soft, muddy, marshy shores of ponds, lakes, and streams. The feet of the eocene animals thus clearly show the character of the ground during the eocene period. Their feet were adapted for carrying their owners over soft, muddy, marshy, spongy ground.


In my geological work I have shown that the ground of the Eocene Period was of this soft character and gave the causes and reasons why it was so. Among the Pueblo Indian traditions there is a very vivid and amusing description of the character of the ground at this period.


This tradition I gave in "The Lost Continent of MU."

I shall now take the little eocene horse with its long wading-bird-like feet to show the relative modifications, because the eocene horse has been one of the principal examples used to uphold evolution.

It is geologically stated that the eocene horse commenced life with five long wading-bird-like spreading toes on each foot. These, when spread out, prevented the weight of his little body from sinking his feet and legs into the soft ground over which he habitually traveled. Had he not been thus properly provided for by nature for rapid travel over soft ground, his feet would have sunk into the soft-marshy ground.


Then his pace, his only defense against his enemies, would have been retarded, and he would have fallen an easy prey to some carnivorous animal which was better provided for travel over soft ground. As the ground drained out and hardened during the following Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene Periods, we see that kindly nature was ever looking after the little fellow's welfare by modifying his feet to suit the ever-hardening ground, so that his great speed was always maintained.


During the greater part of the Miocene and the whole of the Pliocene, long soft toes, such as he had during the Eocene, would have been totally unsuited to the ground. His toes would have been cut and maimed by the sharp stones when galloping over them. So nature attended to the necessary changes to suit the condition of the times.


The horse's feet today are in the best possible shape for rapid travel over hard ground, so that he is enabled to out-distance his enemies when pursued by them.

The theory of evolution is that an animal becomes more complex during life, and the advocates of this theory have referred to the horse as an example, claiming that the changes in its feet were steps in evolution. In the first place, no actual changes have been made in the horse's foot from the Eocene time down to the present day. Modifications only have been made.


All the changes that have been made in the horse's foot from the Eocene down to the Pliocene did not make him either more complex or more simple, and, his elementary compounds have never been changed. As before stated, what really happened to him was simply a modification of shape by the extra development of a member and the shrinkage of other members.


Yet scientists claim that these mere modifications are steps in evolution. If they were steps in evolution, the horse of today would be more complex than the horse of the Eocene time. As the horse of today is not more complex than the eocene horse, the modifications that took place in his feet are not steps in evolution.

It can with safety be said that the greater part of the changes that have been found in animals and claimed to be steps in evolution, have been only modifications made by nature to suit them to an environment. These animals, like the eocene horse, did not become more complex; therefore their changes cannot in any way be accredited to biological evolution.

I have been treating the orthodox theory of biological evolution rather roughly over the little eocene horse. It might have been worse had I taken other examples, but the eocene horse theory having been so much written about, it is probably better known to the layman than any other. Now let us see whether I am justified in my harsh treatment of the eocene horse and evolution.

Now first I will show a natural law.

The regular and continued physical use of any member or part of a living body will enlarge, develop and strengthen that member or part.

The regular and continued neglect physically to use and exercise any member or part of a living body results in that member or part becoming weak and shrunken. These are accepted facts by science.

When the eocene horse first came into existence, the ground on which he lived was soft and spongy, and he was supplied with feet to suit the character of the ground. He had five long toes like those of a wading-bird, which prevented his feet from sinking into the soft soil.

The first notable change to be seen in the horse's foot was when the ground was hardening. Then we find the side toes weakening and shrinking, while the center toe especially was enlarging. This at once shows a change in the character of the ground. It was hardening, and nature was adapting the foot of the animal for the changing condition.


As the ground hardened, so the toes failed to sink into the soil as heretofore.


The center toe, being the longest, was the last to leave the ground when the animal was taking a step, and, for a period in the step, the center toes, sustained the whole weight of the animal. Thus for a space of time the center toe was doing the work of what had hitherto been done by five toes. This extra work on the central toe enlarged and strengthened it, while the work having been taken off the side toes caused them to weaken and to shrink; they became mere digits above and at the back of the central toe.


When all of the work fell on the central toe, it strengthened and developed enormously, the nail grew and enlarged to what we now call a hoof. Thus the central toe on each foot with the horn-like hoofs is the only one used by the horse today in its locomotion.

This is the physical side of the so-called "evolution of the horse," which, as I have shown, is mere modification made by nature to suit conditions, and which, in no way, affects the chemical side by altering the elementary compounds. It made the animal neither more nor less complex. The advocate of evolution has yet to bring forward the first particle of proof to uphold his theory of evolution.

Our modern scientists have utterly failed to show the connection between the forces and the elements. Especially prominent is this where life is concerned. Fifty thousand years ago, among the scientists of the earth's first great civilization, this was their most prominent study.

Fortunately for mankind many of our greatest and deepest thinkers have not been robbed of their reason or overwhelmed by the tidal wave of biological evolution.

Alfred Russell Wallace, the great English scientist, and at one time a strong advocate of the evolution theory, in his last work, "World of Life," page 421, says:

"In the present work I have endeavored to suggest a reason which appeals to me as both a sufficient and intelligible one: it is that this earth with its infinite life and beauty and mystery, and the universe in which we are placed, with its overwhelming immensities of suns and nebula, of light and motion, are as they are, firstly, for the development of life culminating in man; secondly, as a vast schoolhouse for the higher education of the human race in preparation for the enduring spiritual life to which it is destined."

Very few human beings believe that man has no soul or no hereafter. Even the poor savages do not believe this.


The evolutionist starts when he is confronted with the fact that he believes himself to be only a brute animal. To be a true evolutionist, a man must be an atheist. If a man believes in God, and if he believes he has a soul and a hereafter, he is not an atheist, nor is he an evolutionist. He only thinks he is. He is only professing to believe in evolution to be considered orthodox.

If biological evolution were a fact, there would be no such things as forces, and, a form of life once coming into existence should continue on indefinitely. It should never die out. The great reptilian life would still occupy parts of the earth.


If there was no vital or life force, these great tragedies would still be with us, but they are not.


Why ?

Because there is a life or vital force, and Because biological evolution is a myth.

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