from Atlantis Website
- Note
- Introduction
- Indonesia, the Site of Eden
- Eden Was The Same as Lemurian Atlantis
- The Seminal Exodus
- The Reality of the Civilizing Heroes
- The Bible Is Right After All
- The Elusive Sunken Continent Revealed
- The Great Rift and the Khasma Mega of Hesiod
- What Happened During the Pleistocene?
- The Cause of the Ice Ages
- Thermal Runaway and the Quaternary Extinctions
- The Collapse of the Holy Mountain of Osiris
- The Meaning of the Primordial Castration
- Atlantis and the Rising of the Phoenix
- Egypt and the Origin of the Legend of Atlantis
- The Reversal of the Oceans and the Cardinal Directions
- Atlas, Hercules, Atlantis, and the Itinerary of the Heroes
- The Ultima Thule, the Twins, and the War of Doomsday
- The Battle of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness
- Are Mars and Venus a Celestial Example?
- Atlantis and the Illusion of Darwinian Uniformitarianism
- The Krakatoa Volcano and the "Innavigable Seas" of Atlantis
- The Illusory, Chimerical Atlantises
- The Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Donnelly’s Atlantis
- Lemurian Atlantis and the Four Rivers of Paradise
- The Civilizing Heroes and Heroines Are Atlantean Escapees
- The Many Aspects of God
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