by Eric Dubay
October 19, 2014
AtlanteanConspiracy Website
Spanish version

The Noah flood myth from
the Bible was also attributed to
Ziusudra and
Atrahasis in Sumerian/Mesopotamian culture.
In Aztec mythology only
Coxcoxtli and his wife Xochiquetzal were forewarned
of the flood by God and survived by building
a huge boat. They wandered for 104 years before
landing in "Antlan."
The Mechoacanesecs of
Central America say Tezpi built a large boat, loaded
it with animals, grains, seeds, and escaped the
flood with his wife and children.
The Maya say "the great
mother and great father" survived and repopulated
the world after the flood.
The Chickasaw native
Americans say only one family and two animals of
every kind were saved from the flood.
The same basic story is found in almost
600 cultures around the world.

"From almost every culture around
the world there emerge more than five hundred strikingly similar
legends of a great Flood?
These legends all share a common
theme - of mankind being swept away with the exception of one
man and his family who survived. We in the West generally know
the survivor's name as Noah, but to the Aztecs he was Nene,
whilst in the Near East he was Atra-Hasis, Utnapishtim or
As for his means of escape, the
Bible describes an 'ark' or boat, Mesopotamian records describe
a submersible vessel, and the Aztec version refers to a
hollowed-out log.
According to the Aztec legend, men
were saved by turning into fish.
Ancient texts from the Near East
speak of the Flood as a major catastrophe - not a local or
trivial event, but a great time divider."
Alan F. Alford, "Gods
of the New Millennium - The Shattering Truth of Human Origins"

There are flood myths,
from the Inuits of Alaska to the
Canarians of Ecuador
from the Tupinamba of Brazil and
the Araucnaians of Chile to the Pehuenche and Yamana of
Tierra del Fuego
from the Sumerians and early
Mesopotamians to the Hopi, Iroquois, and Sioux Indians of
North America, Thailand, Laos, Australia, Japan, China,
Greece, Egypt, India, North, South and Central America
The story is found all the world over,
but the claims are quite difficult to swallow.
Is the flood just a story, a myth with
metaphorical meaning, or a literal account of global flooding?
"Perhaps the greatest myth being
purveyed is that myths are just myths."
Michael Tsarion

In Japan
the Yonaguni megalith is undoubtedly man-made yet it has
been underwater since at least 8000 BC.
It is 8 stories high, 500 feet long with
internal and external right angles, steps, rooms, and "the Stage"
altar-like area with huge human faces and head-dresses carved into
the stone. In the Gulf of Cambay in Northwest India are two multiple
mile long/wide underwater cities which taken together are the size
of Manhattan.
About 2000 human fossilized remains have
been found in these cities and have all carbon dated to around 7500
BC. Many underwater ruins have been found off the coast of Cuba
2,200 feet below sea level. There have been over 200 sunken cities
found in the Mediterranean alone.
The possibility of a literal flood is
not to be scoffed at.

Perhaps only the more specific elements
of the story are metaphorical.
"Plato tells us of an advanced
civilization that existed 9000 years before himself when the
Atlantic was navigable and traversed by people the world over…
One of the most revealing details of
Timaeus is its mention of the 'opposite continent,' an
unmistakable reference to America.
Its inclusion proves not only that
the ancient Greeks knew what lay on the other side of the
Atlantic Ocean 2,000 years before Columbus rediscovered it, but
underscores the veracity of Plato's Atlantis account."
Frank Joseph, "The Atlantis
Plato wrote about an advanced
civilization that flourished
in Atlantis around 10,000 BC. He
even made the point that some take Atlantis to be a myth but it is
absolutely true.
He even said when the flood occurred
figuring approximately 9600 BC.
Atlantean-like legends are on every
inhabited continent and always include advanced beings often revered
as gods with high technology and developed culture.

Nearly 600 cultures around the world
speak about a world wide flood caused by angry gods that all but
wiped out this advanced civilization.
"You do not know that there formerly
dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which
ever lived, and that you and your whole city [Athens] are
descended from a seed or remnant of them which survived.
The power came forth out of the
Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable;
and there was an island situated in from of the straits which
are by you called the Pillars of Hercules: the island was larger
than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other
Now in this island of Atlantis there
was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole
island, and several others, and over parts of the continent, and
furthermore the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya
within the columns of Hercules as far as Egypt and of Europe as
far as Tyrrhenia [Italy]."
Plato, "Timaeus"
