Brother Scotty
Dr. C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D.
Courtesy of HUFON REPORT, the newsletter of the Houston UFO Network
(available from HUFON, PO Box 942,
Bellaire TX 77402-0942)
For more information call (713) 850-1352
Our Elusive and Enigmatic Brother
New Age Deep Cover Congressional Mole
and Holy Rockefellerian Funding Conduit
The Falcon, the SnowMan and the Chickadee
Of the Foul Aviarian Bird our Dear Brother Boylan hath written:
Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D., USN (Ret.), former officer
with the Office of Naval intelligence and other agencies; 30 years
service in U.S. intelligence overseas; involved in government
research and development projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency,
Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, and other organizations; former aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell,
who has had a long-standing interest in UFOs and the paranormal and
has tried to arrange Congressional hearings on UFOs.
Yet lovingly contradicting our Brother Rich, Brother Armen Victorian
hath noted the following in his Holy Article entitled "PSYCHIC
Alexander and C.B. Jones are members of the AVIARY, a group of
intelligence and Department of Defense officers and scientists with
a brief to discredit any serious research in the UFO field. Each
member of the Aviary bears a bird's name. Jones is FALCON; John
Alexander is PENGUIN.
And, in a taped telephone conversation with Brother Scotty on August
17, 1992, he hath Documented Brother Jones' Many Holy Communications
with our Cetacean Brethren, the Little Grey Dolphins:
Alexander is also a past President and a Board member of the
International Association for Near Death Studies; and, with his
former wife, Jan Northup, he helped Dr C.B. Scott Jones perform ESP
experiments with dolphins.
Our Dear Brother Farley then added Fuel to the Holy Jonesian Fyre by
recently referring to Brother Scotty as an "SRI & Rockefeller funded
mindwarper" and made public note of his "linkages via the Inst. of
Noetic Sciences; (W. Harman); the SRI gangsters and their
Washington, DC area coven: including Scott Jones..."
While elsewhere Brother Farley hath astutely noted:
Also Dale Graff, former in-house DIA "CRV" link, & principal DIA-to-Capitol
Hill connection via Scott Jones. Graff is retired & "consulting."
Graff alleged (by Smith, Guiley, Jones, to be DIA's top "practioner"
or "analyst" of Dark Side ventures, as [Maj.] Ed Dames [ PSI-TECH
Holy Remote Viewer & Friend of the Martians -B:.B:.] said happend in
Dames' TV appearance (on Discovery Channel, and British TV, said
program written by alleged CIA scholar Dr. Jim Schnabel as
deflection and "cover."
On Schnabel's show, Dames alleged that "Dark Side" remote viewing,
thought projection, mind-bending and/or dream implantation
(techniques as gleaned from studies of "wicca," aided by [Rosemary
Ellen] Guiley and outside-funded by ???), had been tried by "others"
than Dames in DIA/Army "CRV" programs. Believe what you will.
Yet -- horror of horrors -- Brother Scotty hath Blown his Holy Cover
and thereby Blown his Holy Funding thusly:
...Laurance Rockefellerfunded© C.B. Jones' and [Sen. Claiborne]
Pell's Human Potential Foundation, (although Prince Hans Adam bailed
out, after a tiff between Jones and Budd Hopkins got public enough
that Hans Adam's hand & money became public knowledge... the Prince
told Jones, "You're too dangerous, and I'm going to tell Claiborne"
(Pell), in a July '92 letter notifying Jones that the Prince was no
longer going to fund Jones' activities. (Before Human Potential
Foundation, the Prince had channelled modest dollars, as had L.
Rockefeller, for Jones' activities via Jones "family controlled"
non-profit Center for Applied Anomalous Phenomena. All of this can
be quoted; and you may source this online analysis. Documentation is
in hand, as well as obtainable via IRS-Exempt Organizations Branch,
headquartered in Baltimore.
And in yet another Holy Breach of National Security, Brother Boylan
hath ratted off his Brother Daniel thusly:
An informant I call Beltway Throat (BT) [we call him Dan Smith -B:.B:.],
who lives in the shadow of the power center of the world
(Washington, D.C., in case you thought it was Sedona), reports on
his recent interview with Chickadee of the Aviary, (the retired
Naval intelligence Commander C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D.) Dr. Jones has
reportedly provided BT with additional details concerning events
which the Aviary believe are upcoming.
It is reported that the predicted extraterrestrial landing on
Thursday, April 24, 1997 is a precursor to a 1998 series of
cataclysms. Furthermore, the 1997 Landing is the last chance for The
Powers That Be (human governments) to allow their populations to
know about extraterrestrial visitation; otherwise, the ETs will not
be able to assist humankind in mitigating and surviving the 1998
cataclysm series.
BT says that the U.S. Power Structure is aware of the warnings about
the 1998 cataclysm series.
Massive human and planetary destruction is the default course of
events; unless we (our governments) invite the ETs to appear openly
on Earth, the ETs will not be able to prevent/mitigate the 1998
cataclysm series. The ETs want to be invited in a peaceful way. They
are not going to impose themselves on us forcibly.
BT did not go into detail about the nature of the 1998 cataclysm
series, except to say that it is composed of events partially of
technological origin [Indeed, how do you spell HAARP...? -B:.B:.]
and partially of natural causes. When I suggested that the 1998
cataclysm series could include massive seismic events, increased
volcanism, global-warming weather extremes and enlarging ozone-hole
radiation effects, BT did not dispute that view.
Dr. Jones's opinion is reportedly that the resistance to admitting
extraterrestrial visitation is significant in the Developed
Countries, but that many in the Aviary worry about tyrants in the
third World countries, who would violently resist the threat to the
status quo (theirs) presented by open acknowledgment of
extraterrestrial presence.
Commander Jones reportedly offered two scenarios of how the aviary
would deal with the reported extraterrestrial landing on April 24,
Scenario One would have a coalition of Insiders (the MJ-12
leadership, the Aviary, and Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow's
NIDS Institute) constitute an elite contact group, who would be
self-appointed as earth's representatives, and negotiate with the
extraterrestrials during the Landing. I strongly protested that such
an elitist approach as Scenario One would be repudiated by both
humans and the Extraterrestrials.
Scenario Two, according to BT, would be that a "Blue Ribbon Panel"
be set up as the Contact Team to negotiate between ETs and humans. I
emphasized that such a Blue Ribbon Panel would need to be broadly
representative of the peoples of the earth, and should be
democratically selected with worldwide membership, such as the
United Nations could do. BT sounded diffident that the U.N. would
undertake such an effort.
BT said that Dr. Jones passed on the rumor that Christ was an ET,
and that the returning ETs might present the Christ Consciousness
figure to the christian world. Christians in turn might become so
taken with the Returning Christ event, that they ignore taking
direction from their governmental leaders, thus leading to social
chaos. [We at the Lodge often wonder how such allegedly bright
individuals can be so profoundly stupid. -B:.B:.] I pointed out to
BT that the original Christ avoided getting involved in the secular
government of his day, and advised people to "render unto Caesar
what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's"; i.e., acknowledged that
government had its place.
BT said that there is a rumor that Bob Bigelow's NIDS Institute has
a UFO artifact, and will be bringing that into public view as an
attention-getting device, to make the public aware and focus in on
the UFO/ET phenomenon. There is the possibility, in my opinion, that
such waving around of a piece of a UFO could manipulate people into
giving the MJ-12/Aviary/Bigelow NIDS Institute undue power to
negotiate with the extraterrestrials on behalf of the rest of us.
Thus far the Aviary "leaks" for now.
And, of course, we dredged up the following seminal study:
Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?
A profile on the most ubiquitous character in ufology and
by Robert J. Durant
The purpose of this monograph is to sing the praises of the
Renaissance Man of the Paranormal, Cecil B. Scott Jones, Ph.D.
If your field is ufology, you know Scott as a mover, shaker,
organizer and confidante of some of the central figures in UFO
research. And if you are a parapsychologist, you recognize the same
face from countless symposia, boards of directors, and the like.
Ufologists and parapsychologists seldom communicate, and even more
rarely do they attend each other's meetings. So it comes as a shock
to each group to learn that Scott has a foot so firmly planted in
the "other" arena.
His interest in these fields appears to have been triggered by
personal experience. Scott describes his UFO sighting, which took
place when he was a Navy fighter pilot in the Korean War, thus:
I rolled into a split-S to descend to low altitude from around
30,000 feet, I saw a silver disc directly overhead"
Aerial Devices Reported During The Korean War", R. F. Haines, LDA
Press, Los Altos, CA, 1990, Page 54).
He also had a "parapsychological" experience, which he describes in
these vague terms:
"When I retired from the Navy, as a result of
something that happened to me, in the Navy, which was
parapsychological in nature, I decided that there would be interest
and there might be a commercial application, if what I was calling
then 'applied psychic phenomena' was understood, and could be used
in certain circumstances" (Lecture, Society for Psychical Research,
England, 2 November 1990).
Scott's "clout" in ufology can perhaps be illustrated by a brief
summary of his activities at the TREAT II conference in January,
1990, at the Blacksburg, Virginia campus of Virginia Polytechnic
Institute & State University (Virginia Tech).
For you parapsychologists, TREAT stands for Treatment and Research
of Experienced Anomalous Trauma. And that is crypto for UFO
abduction research.
About 70 investigators, including many research psychologists,
clinicians, MDs, physicists and assorted intellectuals who take the
abduction phenomenon very seriously met for five days to share
ideas. This was by invitation only -- no publicity desired or
allowed. Scott chaired a panel, conferred with the university
sponsors, acted as liaison with the Prince of Liechtenstein (who was
the major benefactor of the conference), and conferred on strategic
organizational issues with Walter Andrus, the leader of the Mutual
UFO Network (MUFON), and John Schuessler, Andrus' close ufological
associate and second-in-command.
TREAT was organized by Rima Laibow, MD, a psychiatrist determined to
get mainstream attention for the abduction puzzle. She is the
obvious and very visible leader, but Scott is never far.
Laibow is a very energetic person and the center of violent
controversy in abduction research circles. Previously a close
associate of Budd Hopkins, Laibow is reported to be an abductee. She
is also very well connected and has an exceptional "network"
extending into Europe and the Soviet Union. If you can get close to
Laibow, you are close to the state-of-the-art in abduction research.
Scott stays close.
In the fall of 1990, they lectured together in England. As late as
the summer of 1991, Jones and Laibow were planning a yachting
excursion together with Col. John Alexander (retired from the U.S.
Army) to investigate anomalies in the Bahamas.
Similarly, Jones was very familiar with Andrus and Schuessler prior
to TREAT, and presumably remains on the closest terms with them.
Andrus is retired and devotes all his time to running MUFON. Thus
Jones is on the inside with respect to data collected by MUFON. In
1989, MUFON appointed Jones as a Special Consultant in International
Relations, formalizing the relationship.
A cynic might ask if Scott's activitles could suggest something
other than a very active interest in the UFO mystery. The cynic
could point out that he has insinuated himself into the inner
sanctums of UFO research, has the ear of policy makers, and is in a
position to monitor developments in all critical areas of study. A
breakthrough in civilian ufology, such as the unambiguous
identification of an alien artifact, would come to his attention
almost at once. A policy decision concerning the disposition of the
hypothetical artifact would probably not be taken before consulting
with Scott.
It is interesting to note that Scott is a cipher to the average UFO
researcher or enthusiast. That is, the perhaps three or four
thousand people who follow the subject with some diligence over a
protracted period of time, can easily recognize the names of
probably 50 or so individuals who have made contributions to ufology
or are "important" people in the field. But they would be puzzled if
asked to identify C.B. Scott Jones.
Scott rarely puts anything on paper, preferring instead to work
behind the scenes, keeping in touch via telephone or personal visit.
He attends most conferences of note, and goes to great lengths, in
the literal geographical sense, to meet not only researchers but
important witnesses. He has shown particular interest in spending
time with abductees in recent years. But unlike so many others in
ufology who rush to the typewriter to broadcast their opinions,
Scott keeps his own quiet counsel. Thus, he provides us all with an
uplifting example of humility.
In a departure from his usual rule against publishing, Scott
presented a paper at the 1991 conference of the Mutual UFO Network.
The title was "Government UFO Connections." Those who were advised
in advance of the title, and who knew something of Scott's
background, thought the paper would contain a spectacular
In a sense, it did, but more on that later.
Scott Jones has been a fixture at parapsychology symposia ranging
from the most august academic gatherings to New Age meetings and
those of the human potential movement at least since the mid-1970s,
when he organized a parapsychology conference in Casper, Wyoming.
Among the conferences he has attended are those of the
Parapsychological Association, the American Society for Psychical
Research, the Society for Scientific Exploration, the Southeastern
Regional Parapsychological Association, the Association for Research
and Enlightenment, the Society for Psychical Research, the
International Forum on New Science, and the Archaeus Congress, to
name a few.
In 1983, a firm called Kaman Tempo, specializing in "think tank"
intelligence analysis for the U.S. Government, organized a seminar
on parapsychological applications. The seminar was attended by a
number of federal employees. A formal proceedings of the seminar was
published, with Jones as editor. In his sparse remarks, Jones made
clear his very wide network of federal contacts, and intimated that
he was the organizer of the seminar. This was certainly an
auspicious start for someone who was just beginning to be noticed by
insiders in parapsychology.
Scott has been on the Board of Trustees of the American Society for
Psychical Research (ASPR) since 1985, and now serves as its
President. The ASPR was founded more than a century ago, and is the
oldest organization in the U.S. to publish a refereed scientific
journal in parapsychology. Complaints have been aired about his
stewardship of the ASPR. These include charges that he is attempting
to remove professional researchers from the Board of Trustees,
replacing them with individuals who are more pliant to Jones'
personal agenda for the organization.
As in the field of ufology, one searches in vain for significant
published material from the hand of Scott Jones. It appears that his
only contribution to a parapsychological journal is a review of John
White's "Psychic Warfare Fact or Fiction?" for the June 1989 issue
of the "Journal of Parapsychology."
Biographical Notes
Scott Jones was born in 1928, and lived at least part of his
childhood between Gulfport and Biloxi, Mississippi.
He joined the U.S. Navy in about 1946. Following flight training in
the Aviation Midshipman Program, he was commissioned in 1950. He was
a career officer in the U.S. Navy, serving during the Korean War as
a fighter pilot, which included two combat tours in VF-191, flying
the F9F-2 Panther from the USS Princeton.
He served in Naval Intelligence for approximately 15 years,
including assignments with Carrier Division 14, and as Assistant
Naval Attache, New Delhi, India, and Kathmandu, Nepal in the 1960s.
He collected intelligence and provided intelligence support
throughout Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.
Jones has briefed the President's Scientific Advisory Committee, and
has testified before House and Senate committees on intelligence
He retired from Naval Intelligence around 1976.
Jones received an A.B. in Government from George Washington
University in 1961, an M.A. in Government and Politics from the
University of Maryland in 1963, and a Ph.D. in International Studies
from American University in 1975, with a dissertation entitled "How
The Indian Lok Sabha Handles Defense Matters: An Institutional
Study." He taught political science for three years at Casper
College, Casper, Wyoming, and the University of Wyoming at Laramie,
He has stated that he worked during the period following his Navy
career for "several" companies, including R.F. Cross Associates,
Ltd., of Alexandria, Virginia, and Kaman Tempo, "A Division of Kaman
Sciences Corporation," in Alexandria, Virginia.
His MUFON biographical sketch states that in his post-Navy career,
he "worked in the private sector research and development community
involved in the U.S. Government sponsored projects for the Defense
Nuclear Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and U.S. Army
Intelligence and Security Command" (INSCOM).
In 1985, Scott came in from the cold in a big way. Senator Claiborne
Pell of Rhode Island, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee and one of the most senior politicians on Capitol Hill,
appointed him to a position as Special Assistant. From this very
prestigious vantage, Scott continued to do exactly what he had been
doing before, which is to say making the rounds of ufological and
parapsychological meetings. He was always available, either at the
Senate office he used in Washington thanks to the Senator's
largesse, or on the road. It is not clear whether Jones ever did
ordinary "aide" work. Rather, it seems that he devoted himself
entirely to the field of paranormal inquiry.
It is quite an exceptional situation that Jones found, and one that
most of us in anomalies research would envy. The taxpayers of Rhode
Island seem not to have noticed, and the December 5, 1988, issue of
"U.S. News & World Report," which devoted a great deal of space to
New Age belief in the halls of Congress, mentioned Pell and his
protege Jones, but failed to note that Jones was on the government
payroll primarily as a psychic/UFO facilitator.
In March of 1991, there came a parting of the ways, and Scott left
the employ of Senator Pell, but not the field of the paranormal. He
is now at his new organization, the Human Potential Foundation. With
his assistant Menelika McCarthy, Scott continues to do that which he
has done so well for the last decade. His foundation is ensconced in
the resplendent offices of Sandground Barondess and West, P.C., at
what is perhaps the most prestigious address in an area of fine
office buidings on the Washington beltway.
Clark Sandground and
Claiborne Pell serve on the board of the foundation, which is
reportedly funded by Laurance Rockefeller.
Among the organizations with which Scott has been affiliated at one
time or another, and of which there is some kind of public record,
are these:
Center For Applied Anomalous Phenomena - 6435 Shady Lane, Falls
Church, VA 22042-2335. Telephone: (703) 534-2423. Scott Jones,
Founder. Jones states that his work is supported by the Center.
Human Potential Foundation - 8000 Towers Crescent Drive, Suite 600.,
Vienna VA 22182. Telephone: (703) 761-4281;fax:(703) 761-4249. Scott
Jones, President. Established in 1989. Support comes from Claiborne
Pell and Laurance Rockefeller.
American Society for Psychical Research - 5 West 73rd Street, New
York, NY 10023. Telephone: (212) 799-5050. Jones has been on the
Board of Trustees since 1985; he now serves as President.
Parapsychological Association P.0. Box 12236, Research Triangle
Park, NC 27709. Telephone: (919) 688-8241. This is the professional
association of parapsychologists. Jones has been an associate member
since 1984.
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, TX
78155-4099. Telephone: (512) 379-9216. Jones was appointed
Consultant in International Relations in 1989.
Mid-Point - P.0. Box 246, 128 Main Street, So., Bridgewater, CT
06752. Telephone: (203) 354-5948. This is a small organization whose
purpose is to do research with dolphins and apply the findings to
other areas of endeavor. Jones serves on the Board of Advisors.
R.F. Cross Associates, Ltd. - Alexandria, VA. [Directory assistance
now has no listing for that organization]. Jones served as research
Kaman Tempo - 2560 Huntington Avenue, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA
22303. [Directory assistance now has no listing for this
organization, but lists a Kaman Sciences company in Alexandria,
VA.]. Jones served as a research scientist.
Atlantic University - 67th Street and Atlantic Avenue, P.0. Box 595,
Virginia Beach, VA 23451. Telephone: (804) 428-3588. This
unaccredited university is affiliated with the Edgar Cayce
Foundation. Jones serves on the Board of Directors.
Quest Institute - P.0. Box 3265, Charlottesville, VA 22903.
Telephone: (804) 295-3377. This institute sponsors educational
programs in New Age areas. Jones serves on the Board of Directors.
Few scientists or academicians have the ability to travel the way
Scott does.
There is literally no significant conference in ufology
or parapsychology in any part of the world that seems beyond the
means of Scott Jones to visit. In addition to trips throughout the
United States, Jones has gone to China, the U.S.S.R., the U.K.,
Continental and Eastern Europe, and South America, all in connection
with paranormal research.
It would probably be rude to inquire about the source of funds for
all this globe trotting (and what Scott's "funders" expect to gain).
Scott's unique position on the staff of one of the ranking members
of the U.S. Senate (Claiborne Pell) has been discussed above.
official connection alone is enough to guarantee easy access to the
widest range of government agencies and private organizations at the
executive level. Beyond that, Senator Pell's personal network,
firmly based on his credentials as an Eastern Establishment
aristocrat, was at the disposal of Jones. It is difficult to imagine
any door that could not be opened by this awesome combination.
Scott often escorted Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, a very
wealthy European with a long-standing interest in the paranormal.
Together, they visited parapsychological laboratories and UFO
conferences. According to the "Sunday Times of India" for August 4,
1991, "Hans-Adam controls 97% of the voting rights and 85% of the
share capital of the Bank of Liechtenstein, which in turn controls
the $3.3 billion GT Management of London. The personality magazine
"Special Report" (November 1990-January 1991) described the Prince
as "Heir to the last remnant of the Holy Roman Empire."
Recently, in a bizarre turn of events that was reported in several
outlets including "Harpers Magazine" (January 1991, page 25), a
personal letter from Scott to "Dear Dick" Cheney, the Secretary of
Defense, was published. That Jones should be in a position to write
a letter to the Secretary and address him as "Dick" is illuminating.
One would suppose that all this "clout" would result in a tangible
flow of money into the accounts of laboratories and individuals
engaged in paranormal research. Oddly, this does not seem to be the
case. In the last three years, two major para-psychological
laboratories have closed due to lack of funds. Scott was well
familiar with their work and their plight, but was unable to help.
Scott enjoys considerable support, even luxury, in his own pursuit
of paranormal inquiry. Yet the ASPR, of which he is president, is
widely known to be in dire financial straits. The flow of
information and money appears to be to Scott, not from him.
A number of intriguing rumors have been circulated by Scott
That Jones has approached professional parapsychological researchers
and questioned them about how best to recruit and utilize psychics
for military intelligence gathering.
That Jones has visited an enormous number of psychics for
That Jones has taken a number of psychic development courses.
That for many years Jones has been involved with classified research
on electronic mind control.
In the fall of 1988 a television documentary entitled "UFO Coverup?
- Live" was shown throughout the U.S.
The program featured
"revelations" from alleged intelligence agents about aliens enjoying
the hospitality of the government at an unnamed Air Force base. This
program is considered to be a classic instance of UFO
disinformation. Rumor has it that, two years prior to this, Jones
had approached media representatives about doing a show about UFOs,
and that he had offered to provide secret information from the
government for the program.
Among some of the New Agers who have been in Scott's company, he has
acquired a reputation for having an extraordinary memory. It is said
that he can uncannily repeat, word for word, conversations that took
place long before. This is done without the benefit of notes or a
tape recorder, and is said to occur in instances where witnesses to
the conversation thought he wasn't even paying attention.
This gift
must have been useful to Scott in his intelligence career.
Jones has conducted his own dolphin telepathy studies along with
Colonel John Alexander and Theodore Rockwell, a prominent (Who's
Who) nuclear engineer who has worked on naval nuclear propulsion
systems and who also serves as vice president of the U.S.
Psychotronics Association.
Although Scott has been rather shy when it comes to committing his
ideas to paper, he has, on a few occasions, made informal
presentations at parapsychology conferences. The most notable of
these was his description of his dolphin telepathy experiments,
which he describes as "interspecies communication."
The reception from the general audience was warm, but some
professionals were appalled by what they perceived as the lack of
scientific basis for Scott's claims.
Scott displayed marvelous creativity when he enthusiastically urged
that dolphins be channeled in order to locate the remains of crashed
flying saucers. In one bold stroke he thereupon melded the
previously disparate disciplines of ufology and parapsychology.
'Government UFO Connections'
This is the title of the paper delivered by Scott Jones to the seven
hundred ufologists assembled at the 1991 MUFON symposium in Chicago.
It should also, perhaps, be the sign on the various doors of Scott
Jones' various offices during the past ten years. Just a bit more
paint would tell the whole story: "Government UFO/Psi Connections -
Walk In."
The MUFON paper trudges through Poly Sci 101, outlining the tensions
that exist between the legislative and the executive branches of our
government. We read every word, waiting for the bombshell. Scott
goes to China, with full Senate portfolio, and asks about UFO
reports. Somehow, the Chinese think he is there to share
As Jones tells the story in his 1991 Omega Conference speech,
could not believe that someone who was truly a Special Assistant to
a very senior U.S. Senator would ask for an appointment to talk
about UFOs and then pretend not to know what his government was
doing in the field."
When it becomes obvious that Scott is not forthcoming about what the
U.S. Government knows about UFOs, the Chinese respond in kind and
give him pieces of metal that, they assert (in veiled Oriental
fashion), may, or may not, come from a crashed disc.
Next, Scott walks us through a detailed metallurgical analysis that
proves the metal to be the entirely terrestrial debris from an
electrical power transmission tower. Perhaps Scott's presentation
could be construed as a subtle advertisement for his access to
high-tech analysis capabilities (Message: contact Scott at once if
you have suspected alien material for analysis).
Worried, but still anticipating, we come to the bottom line: Scott
has to confess to ufologists, Chinese, American or whatever, that he
"...honestly did not know of any activity of the U.S. Government" in
the field of UFOs (page 176).
This statement should be received with amusement by ufologists.
Two credible books have been written about the massive documentation
that has been uncovered, through the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) and other sources, detailing covert federal interest in UFO
reports and the activities of UFO researchers and organizations
("Clear Intent", Fawcett & Greenwood, Prentice-Hall, 1984, and
"Revelations", Jacques Vallee, Ballantine, 1991).
There is overwhelming evidence that personnel from the Air Force
Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), a counter-intelligence
organization, have for years been involved in disinformation
activities in the UFO field.