by Paul Proctor
December 19, 2008
NewsWithViews Website
Paul Proctor, a rural
resident of the Volunteer state and seasoned veteran of
the country music industry, retired from showbiz in the
late 1990's to dedicate himself to addressing important
social issues from a distinctly biblical perspective. As
a freelance writer and regular columnist for
NewsWithViews.com, he extols the wisdom and truths of
scripture through commentary and insight on cultural
trends and current events. His articles appear regularly
on a variety of news and opinion sites across the
internet and in print.
watchman@usa.com |
There was a very strange announcement made recently in the form of a
press release posted on the Dow Jones & Company’s Market Watch
website dated December 12, 2008, that bears mentioning, if for
no other reason, because it reads like something from a supermarket
Come to think of it, didn’t Rupert
Murdoch just buy Dow Jones & Company not long ago? If
you’re not aware, they also publish, among other things, the Wall
Street Journal.
Anyway, whether this speaks to the decline of a once great business
publication or the growing power and influence of a coming world
leader, only time will tell. Either way, it is clearly another
ominous sign of the desperate times in which we live.
The article in question titled,
Share International Reveals Christmas Miracle,
advises readers to prepare for a coming miracle that all of us will
see in the sky shortly before the “emergence of Maitreya and his
group, the Masters of Wisdom.”
Allow me to reiterate: This is a major business and financial news
publication – not some obscure blog for Bigfoot hunters and UFO
The article goes on to say:
Look now for the biggest miracle of
all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in
the sky visible to all throughout the world - night and day.
Unbelievable? Fantasy? No, a simple
Around a week later, Maitreya, the
World Teacher for all humanity, will begin his open emergence
and - though not yet using the name Maitreya - will be interviewed
on a major US television program.
is Maitreya, you ask?
The press release describes him this way:
Awaited by all faiths under
different names, Maitreya is the Christ to Christians,
the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus, the Messiah to
Jews, and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists. He is the World Teacher
for all, religious or not, an educator in the broadest sense.
If that doesn’t peg your spiritual
discernment meter, you may want to go have it checked.
What I find fascinating is that this Maitreya fellow seems to have a
strangely similar "share and save the world" agenda to that of
Purpose Driven Pastor Rick Warren with his
Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan and also
Barack Obama with his
Global Poverty Act and
Universal Service Plan – men
who apparently have no aversion to working with any or all of the
world religions or non-religions to save the planet – which may
explain, at least in part, why Warren is scheduled to
lead the invocation at Obama’s upcoming
Could this be another not-so-subtle sign of solidarity? But what was
really entertaining was seeing Warren recently proclaim the social
gospel as “Marxism in Christian clothing” in the Christian Post.
Who does he think he’s kidding?
Now Obama has used so many names over the years; is it possible that
“Maitreya” is just another of them? After all, during his campaign
for the presidency, was he not repeatedly referred to as the
Who knows – maybe that “bright star” will appear in the sky about a
week before his swearing-in ceremony.
Or maybe he and Warren are two of Maitreya’s “Masters of Wisdom.”
Or maybe they’re just a couple of flunkies that will be shoved aside
when the main act arrives. Or maybe they’re all working together
behind the scenes to get us into their save the world through social
service mindset in preparation for the big coming out party.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Whatever the case, Mike Oppenheimer has an interesting and
informative piece on this mysterious “World Teacher” titled,
Maitreya the betrayer, posted on his website, Let Us Reason
Ministries, along with a host of links to other related subjects
that I have no hesitation recommending to my readers – especially in
light of this peculiar press release.
Sure, Christmas might well come and go this year without a
miraculous star compelling us all to tune in to Maitreya’s big
network television debut – but still, I find it hard to believe that
these guys would spend so much time and effort preparing for a
non-event that would render everyone involved a laughingstock.
Getting people to take them serious after a fabulous faux pas like
that might be a little tough to pull off.
But then, I guess Britney Spears did it.
At least nobody’s trying to sell us another frozen gorilla suit in a