Margaret Churchill
Rense Website
One third of an article recently
published on this site was taken from a book with no acknowledgement
of the source. The material, used to support an article about
British Freemasonry, was taken from the book "The Bible Fraud"
authored by Tony Bushby. To set the record straight, the following
outline of the book is presented here as the author’s conclusion to
the origins of the New Testament.
The story of Jesus Christ as portrayed in the Bible and supported by
the Church is a deliberate fabrication! Even today in the highest
levels of secret societies, initiates are taught that there were
actually two people, illegitimate identical twins called Judas Khrestus and
Rabbi Jesus. Their mother was Arab and their father was
Roman and they were born of royal blood.
The brothers were raised in the Essene community and became leaders
of their faith. They had very different personalities, one being
exoteric and the other esoteric.
The elder brother, Judas Khrestus, was a soldier, a drunkard, had an
uncontrollable temper and may have been homosexual or bisexual. He
amassed a group of followers, which the church now calls the
apostles of Jesus Christ but they were in reality the militia of
Judas Khrestus.
With his Khrestian (Christian) followers, he conspired to take the
throne of Rome, his royal birthright, and was captured, tried, and
was sentenced to be crucified. (The Khrestians and the Essenic army,
the Nazarenes, would today be called terrorists.) At the trial,
Judas exercised his royal birthright to have a replacement and then
was sold as a slave to live out his days as a carpenter in India.
Rabbi Jesus, on the other hand, was a gentle man, a teacher and was
initiated into secret societies in Egypt at the highest of levels
similar to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry of which many of our world
leaders today are members. He had three wives, one of whom we know
as Mary Magdalene, a Celtic Princess (their children and their
descendants produced the British royal lineage). He stole the Torah
from the temple to teach "a secret" to all mankind and travelled to
Britain where he became the leader of the Druids. He was stoned to
death in London at the age of 63.
In the next few centuries, followers of both Judas Khrestus and
Rabbi Jesus travelled from village to village as roving orators.
They were basically illiterate and they spoke to the rabble (that’s
us!) for rewards of food, drink and sex. These people were called
Presbyters and today we call them Priests. A more educated
Presbyter, called a Biscop (Bishop), would control several
Presbyters and would transcribe the gospels for his group.
Early in the fourth century, it became well noted that a problem was
occurring in the known world. politics! As late as 325, the
Christian religion did not have an official god. There were more
than two hundred variant gospels in use at his time and the number
of Presbyters had increased dramatically. Bitter arguments raged
between opposing factions about their conflicting stories and groups
of Presbyters and Biscops violently clashed over audience and
An earlier attempt to deify either Judas Khrestus or his twin
brother Rabbi Jesus (or somebody else) had failed. However, in 324,
Emperor Constantine issued a decree commanding all Presbyters and
their subordinates travel to the city of Nicaea in the Roman
province of Bithymia. They were instructed by the Emperor to bring
with them their manuscripts from which they orated to the rabble.
The power that the Emperors wielded was awesome and can still be
felt today. Constantine saw in this developing system of belief the
opportunity to make a combined state religion and protect it by law.
In the declining years of the Roman Empire, the power over the
people thus passed from the state to the church!
The first general church council of the Catholic Church was convened
in the year 325. On 21 June, the day of the Summer Solstice, (and
under those occult conditions) a total of 2048 "presbyters, deacons,
sub-deacons, acolytes and exorcists" gathered at Nicaea to decide
what Christianity really was, what it would be, what writings were
to be used and who was to be it’s God. They were described as "a set
of illiterate, simple creatures who understood nothing".
After a long and bitter debate, a vote was finally taken and it was
with a majority show of hands that Judas Khrestus and Rabbi Jesus
both became God (161 votes for and 157 votes against). The Emperor
effectively joined elements of the two individual life stories of
the twin brothers into a singular creation. The doctrine of the
Celtic / British church of the west was democratically attached to
the Presbyters stories of the east.
As in the normal Roman tradition following the original example set
by the deification of Caesar, a deification ceremony was then
performed. Thus the deified ones were then called ’saviours’ and
looked upon as gods. Temples, altars, and images with attributes of
divinity were erected and public holidays proclaimed on their
birthdays. Their funerals were dramatized as the scene of their
resurrection and immortality. All these godly attributes passed as a
legal right to Emperor Constantine’s new deity, Jesus Christ.
The Emperor then instructed the Biscops to compile a uniform
collection of new writings using the stories from the large number
of Presbyters as the reference source. This was the first mention of
finished copies of a Christian ’New Testament’ in the history of
Finally, a quote from some of the conspirators:
