by David Icke from TellingTheTruthArchive Website
Canada’s long association with British Common Law has been quietly amended to read:
Once meant to merely channel rain water away from the church, during
the Age of Faith, waterspouts came to assume the
"We hate hate. Hate it!" When Canada’s encyclopaedic human rights legislation (federal, provincial, municipal, corporate) is rendered down to the bare bones, the same formulaic key phrase is stuck to the bottom of the pot every time: "hate" is anything likely to promote hatred or contempt against an identifiable group. As evidenced by the sensitive and caring treatment accorded the Sikh youths and their unsuccessful foray into Munchhausen’s (Race) Syndrome, the legislation exhibits a wealth of inherent biases and anomalies:
There is always a well-known solution to
A human rights industry is a non-starter
in a homogeneous society. Cultural norms are generally understood
among people who share common origins. Thus, the community is free
to focus on the real business of producing, propagating and
progressing. We, on the other hand, have been enriched. Full-time
employment is guaranteed to legions of the professionally
hypersensitive. They have been given a box of matches, a gigantic
"lab", and access to an assortment of volatile substances:
pop-psychology, wishful thinking, autocratic powers and warmed-over
Marxism. While this keeps them off the streets, you notice that no
workable plan for a diverse society has yet emerged. The most
significant discharge to emanate from that open sore known as
Canada’s human rights industry has been the fundamentally
anti-Western ukase -- human rights and freedoms can best be
protected by restricting, or better yet, suspending them altogether.
Clearly "hatred and
contempt" are not universally applied standards, unless the
legislation is specifically meant to exclude Canadians? Are
"minorities" uniformly handicapped in some mysterious way that is
only ever really clear to the human rights industry? Are women (the
majority of the population) a minority?
Would you fly in an airplane from a
Absolutely one hundred per cent
completely equal in every regard -- but with some very special
assurances. The current transfer of wealth, power and prestige to
minority populations in Canada is one reason that everything
suddenly appears to be and, in fact, is (it’s not your imagination)
biased in favour of minorities. If you doubt that this transfer
exists, look at the statistics relating to actual disposable income
among Canadians of European descent over past decades. The present
emphasis on a "more representative" workforce, the hiring
preferences already in place throughout public and private sectors,
the bias white males face when jobs do come on the market, the
climate of soul-shrivelling correctitude that pervades the Canadian
workplace, our glorious new apostasy laws, the undisguised contempt
in advertising, the freely-shared aversion to, and criticism of,
Canadian values, and so forth -- what is this but the systematic
transfer of wealth, power and prestige?
Refusing to discriminate on the basis of
race or
Simply put, human rights legislation is
not interested (or only for monitoring purposes) in the tribulations
of the Eurocentric-heterosexual-Christian biased "dominant" culture.
Defying its own mandate, the human rights industry must have quietly
agreed amongst its component parts that some cultures and creeds are
more equal than others, because some cultures just seem to require a
constant show of "muscle" on their behalf. Like the lodger
sandwiched between the old woman with feet of lead and the young
woman with hypersensitive hearing, Canadians must learn to walk
softly and carry a big sign: "I assure you, I am 100% colour-blind."
It’s a curious fact that the subtle shadings and nuances of our new
hierarchical power politics seem most keenly felt (naturally, not by
us), but by the minorities in our midst. In some mysterious way,
this morbid sensitivity confers the right to frequent reviews (based
on the most blatantly narrow self-interest) by the presumed
Those who arrive with the best of
intentions must willfully avert their eyes from the goodies
available to those prepared to press the "race" button. Irrespective
of what the framers of this monstrously oversold Frankenconcept may
have thought at the outset, they’ve pumped so much electricity into
the creature that even they can only watch helplessly as it now runs
"It’s alive! It’s alive!" The mayhem was nowhere more deliciously graphic than when an independent investigator concluded that, for five years, "a poisonous atmosphere of systemic racism" had pervaded office politics at the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Your enjoyment should be tempered by the realization that they’re not going to dismantle it; nor has anyone seriously suggested reviewing the decisions generated by that snakepit of racial hatreds. The loss of face may simply put this absolutely arbitrary, extra-legal, already mean-spirited watchdog on a shorter chain. The federal government (that "enabler" of the federal human rights commission) promptly appealed when the huge pay equity decision went against them. As for the rest of us, why can’t we just shut up? Why can’t we just "embrace" and "celebrate" the suffocating atmosphere of paranoia and uniform patterns of thought seemingly indivisible from the varieties of enrichment that have been foisted (unasked) on us?
We cover polls elsewhere on this site,
but in the most fundamental way, the numbers really do speak for
themselves. Despite the fact that we’re constantly told how
committed Canadians are to these issues, (despite the OHRC scandal,
for heavens sake!) the Ontario Human Rights Commission site been of
interest to just 10,000 people since December, 1996. The numbers
have since been removed, and they do not advertise the visitor count
(or lack of) to the public.
What the hell kinda country is this, if
But here comes the tricky part, not to
mention the five-year mandatory re-education term. Being a minority
in Canada is a deliberate act of will. Practicing Sikhs, Moslems and
Jews choose their creed over Canada’s prevailing one. No one
frog-marched them at gun point onto a boat or plane headed for a
Christian European country: "That’s right, just keep smiling and
nobody gets hurt." No one ever suggested they could not practice
their creed, nor do you have to attack the status quo like crazed
Carpenter Ants to secure already existing rights. The same rule
should (but of course, doesn’t) apply to blacks, Asians and women.
It’s difficult for everyone to "celebrate" your emancipation when
your behaviour is increasingly intolerant and dictatorial. This
applies above all, to the gay lobby. Despite frantic efforts to
isolate and identify the so-called "gay gene", there is simply no
such thing. And guess what? It’s called a private life for a reason.
No one wants the details, whether you prefer men, women or goats (or
just want to dress like one).
There is a class of colored people who
make a business Whatever the human rights industry touches with its wand, it renders drear, uniform and ugly. Now, when we refer to our race, our religion, our culture, we must first filter it through politically correct software. We must ensure that we speak disparagingly and only in the most abjectly apologetic, self-abasing terms. To do otherwise is to risk having our file circulated to the "white supremacist" drawer. Exempted from this peculiar form of cultural self-mutilation, "minorities" are encouraged to practice explicit self-promotion, with as many "reps" as their personal trainer deems necessary for good, solid esteem-building.
The arrangement serves to foster not a
climate of convivial bonhomie, but an opportunity to "get back at"
or "settle the score with" whites in general, men in particular,
heterosexuals on principle, and Christians just to keep in practice.
Herman Goering is supposed to have said, "Whenever I hear the word
culture, I reach for my revolver". This is Canada: around here
No one has ever spelled out what, precisely, is to be done with Canadians who reject their "wonderful new agenda". Currently we see the same cast of characters paraded before tribunals and commissions, for years until (what?),
No one in the human rights camp is prepared to extend to us Canadians the fundamental right and courtesy of permitting us to think whatever we damn well please. If we’re wrong, we’re wrong. So what?
To the extent that they do not already
do so, kooks with a grudge and kooks with an inferiority complex are
working toward the day when they (and only they) can dictate how you
will live, what you will want, what you can see, what you can say,
what you can think, and, heaven help us, what you can believe. Just
don’t think they’ll be paying you for the privilege.
’’Why show me this, if I am past all
It’s not time to break out the life
jackets just yet. If the ashes of Scrooge’s wizened old heart could
be coaxed back to life, we ought to be able to help one another
locate our collective brains and backbones. Here are a few
strategies to protect yourself and your family from this campaign of
"hatred and contempt" so well served by today’s human rights
Few of us can easily surrender our
belief that society Open your eyes
Watch for propaganda and resist the temptation
to be beguiled by it. Read the UN Convention on Genocide in our
Myths of Immigration #11. Familiarize yourself with the
characteristics of a program for genocidal eradication and then
resist with all your might.
Never underestimate the imperative of human
stupidity, the perennial appeal of the path of least resistance, or
the stultifying effect of pure, undiluted greed. For every genuine
traitor, there are legions of sheep, yes-men and useful idiots. We
can win within the system, primarily because the system is lousy
with people who agree, on principle, with whichever way the wind
happens to be blowing.
Listen to your own music. Discover the bagpipe;
its origins span the length and breadth of Europe. It is pagan,
powerful, and very much "in your face". Read your own literature.
Ask a librarian to help you find books about your ethnic folk tales
and history. See if you don’t recognize something of yourself
reflected there. Learn our strengths and weaknesses. Why not?
Everyone else does.
Rebel in the most
meaningful possible way: educate yourself and, as far as you can,
educate others by example. It’s not an easy path, but fighting for
10,000 years of your heritage is an honourable cause. The most
radical thing a Canadian can do is to prove that it is possible to
celebrate his or her culture, yes, even without subsidies. Our
natural leaders have either sold us out, or are too intimidated to
speak. Life in Canada wasn’t always the national equivalent of a
root canal. You have a right to determine whether the drilling
should continue.
If you object to a
court decision, write the Regional Senior Justice. They’re all in
the book. Stop being a wimp. No one ever really mistakes meekness
for "niceness". Work for your own. Why not? Everyone else does. (Of
course everyone else gets paid handsomely.)
Attempting to occupy
the high moral ground is a precarious perch for people who simply
will not allow the majority of citizens the luxury of input.
Ignoring polls, characterizing normal political dissent as "hatred",
fostering a chilling climate of Soviet-like conformity, and
insisting that we accept our ordained fate like docile cattle makes
it rather difficult for them to explain why this "just had to
happen" to Canada. The more ridiculously oppressive, the more
inevitable the failure.
People no longer subscribe
to the the lies, shrugs and occasional throttlings. When you think
of the resources available to the government, plus the thirty years
of programme implementation, this growing resistance is a real
testimony to Canadians’ innate good sense and instinct for freedom.
Take solace in that.
Get the facts; it’s no good arguing against
something you just "know" you don’t like. Get specifics. These
wonderful cultures, we’re told, are enriching us. In what way,
precisely, have they significantly relieved our so-called malaise?
Schopenhauer said that new ideas are first ridiculed, then violently
resisted, and finally accepted as a truth self-evident.
Immigration Canada
openly admits that its polls are used for setting the "department’s
communication strategy and not for setting policy". In other words,
while your concerns will not in the least affect immigration
numbers, you will be made to suffer through tailor-made propaganda
next year. With this emphasis on polling, editing and arrogance,
bear in mind that any figures you do see, will be have been selected
according to rigorously cosmetic standards.
Diversity? Oh, you mean diversity for
us! Challenge unthinkingly hate-filled conventions and you will at
least ensure that person will think twice next time. They may even
examine their own brainwashing programme.
The common thread in these "success" stories has
found that regardless how dysfunctional, those families religiously
set aside all the major holidays and celebrated them with a
semblance of normality. The implication for people systematically
deprived of their own traditions is obvious. The idea that Canadians
should in some way "make restitution" for their generosity is
odious. Take every opportunity to say so.
Complain to stores hustling counters full of
"Christmas" goods -- but not by name. Tell them that if they insist
on talking about "holiday" giving or "seasonal" gifts, you’ll do
your CHRISTMAS shopping elsewhere. Multiculturalism encourages
everybody to wallow in their culture. Well, this is our time of
year; flaunt it. Wish everyone a "Very Merry Christmas"; it happens
to be far less offensive than many of the "enrichments" inflicted on
us 364 days a year. Explore the Celtic roots of Yule and discover
just how old our traditions are.
Even if the government has largely forgotten what Rememberance Day was about, at the 11th hour, find a moment to
reflect on the sacrifice and subsequent betrayal of those who died
to preserve a Canadian way of life. Next May "Two-Four" Weekend,
find a moment to compare the significance of celebrating Victoria
and her achievement to worshipping a case of beer.
Why should your "squelch" function be so over-active
when everyone else’s is nonexistant? You’ve been systematically
deprived of your best tool for survival and sanity in an alien
cacophony. Exploring your own culture is a sure way to get in touch
with the ancestral strands still running through you; these tie you
to the intact warrior spirit of those who who came before you.
took Europeans centuries to evolve away from puritanical hysteria
about our bodies. Don’t buy into regressive trends. Forget multi-piercings.
You look like bait. What’s worse, it’s already old and stale bait.
Once 2-million-plus people have adopted the look, it’s generally
called "conformity". Try to use your head for something more
meaningful than a delivery system for a wanker hair-do.
no one ever believes that they have been duped or indoctrinated
until it’s too late.
Truth has an
immediate appeal to the human mind, and a little healthy skepticism
never hurt. Talk to people, listen to people, read as much as you
can, but make up your own mind. You do have the right to an opinion,
but it should be yours. It may not be popular today, but insist on
doing your own thinking.
Be discerning
in your companions: the right woman or man is a pillar of strength
to you. Real friends respect your opinions, whether they’re shared
or not. If they reject your views, ask how they would have reacted
if you had "come out of the closet" instead? Explain your feelings
and concerns about this larger family to your family. The value of
their understanding and support is beyond reckoning.
(For instance: Asian markets may have collapsed, but has anyone suggested that Asian immigration on such a massive scale was a "mistake"?)
Not only will
they reject the unfamiliar new information, but the "violence" of
that rejection is directly proportionate to the degree of dissonance
it produces in them. You may be tempted to get angry and tell them
they’re stupid, but try to show a little compassion. Here is someone
who has been so thoroughly lied to, whose normal instincts have been
so completely betrayed by those who should have had their best
interests at heart, that, at least for now, they are in real danger
of breaking down.
Squabbling over flags in Parliament is
not the point. It’s not a real flag anyway. The point is that
nationalism and sovereignty are supposed to be dirty words in the
new Canada. Men died to secure a nation wholly different from this
-- thing. Know your history
we cringe the first time we’re called "petty bourgeois
deviationists"? Most of us acknowledge that this 30-year-old plan to
"remake" Canada is an unprecedented experiment. Just for the sake of
argument; if this should prove to be an act of colossal stupidity,
how do we set about salvaging a little of what we’ve hastened to
very word multiculturalism reeks of artifice and enforcement. Not
immigrant, but migrant! "Migrant" is so legitimizing, so freighted
with the heart-tugging experience of Steinbeck’s itinerant grape
picker, while simultaneously conjuring up the majesty and natural
spectacle of migrating caribou and Canada Geese (oops -- another
Canadian symbol we’ve been instructed to despise). Reinventing
language is a work in progress. South Asians were East Indians, East
Asians were Asians, First Nations Peoples were Indians. It’s
endless. Watch for it and reject it.
This is institutionalized and enforced through ethnic pressure
tactics -- at your expense. The newcomer who does not bother to
familiarize him/herself with English or French is exploiting our
generosity without reciprocating. Would you demand such indulgences
in their country? Where do you think that would get you?
There are 6 billion people on
earth. Does anyone really imagine they can all squeeze into Canada?
And if this is such a great idea, why aren’t we allowed to talk
about it?
A subsequent poll found that most immigrants regretted emigrating and felt they would have been better off back home. Ever heard of Family Reunification? Are Canadian politicians listening? Why do Maritimers have to leave their families to find work? Is there a Family Reunification plan for them?
The European Union is beginning to speak in terms of "Fortress Europa"; police agencies are cooperating to stem the floodtide of
foreign humanity and a $50-million fibre optic sensor fence is being
constructed between Spain and the North African coast. Now what?
Will they come here? We have the right to discuss these issues
without feeling some pathetic phantom of "indebtedness".
Keep things in perspective. Within your family, you may very well be the first or second generation to know what a reasonably comfortable life is. Don’t be dazzled by entitlement arguments.
Within living memory
people still spoke of crop failures and prairie winters so harsh
that the starving horses stood on their hind legs to eat the roof
thatch. There were coffin ships, disease, death and privation to the
point of madness. Ask Europeans who immigrated after WWII. Coming to
Canada meant a year on a work-farm -- no loans to get here, no ESL,
no welfare, no handouts. This nation was built on raw courage and
determination, not "entitlement". These sacrifices were not made for
you to now discover the dubious rewards of cowardice.
This was accomplished without any
pretence of democratic process and enforced by increasingly alien
anti-democratic methods. Loving your own culture and civilization
does not mean that you automatically despise everything and everyone
else. We Canadians are basically decent people. Give us a break and
stop treating us like subnormal criminals simply because we have an
Well, he had problems too; as a child he was
made to wear dresses. Whether arrogant men or arrogant women run the
show, the fanatic is typically prepared to believe the very worst of
others, (however fantastic) while he himself remains infallible and
above reproach. Stigmatizing a whole generation of boys because they
are not feminine enough is, quite simply, child abuse. Will we ever
tire of our misguided sensitivity?
Remember and honour
them. Smarten up. Straighten your back, and get busy seeing to it
that you leave something recognizable for your children. The only
thing you have to apologize for is a slave mentality: drop it.
Assertiveness training? Everybody’s assertive -- hell no, stand your
You’ll probably be called a
"racist", but insist that the clerk back you up. Don’t count on much
from browbeaten Canadian bystanders, but you will feel better to
have defended yourself, rather than to just slink off, hating
yourself for a coward. If you witness something like this, for
heaven’s sake, back the person up! Remember, a brave man dies but
once, a Canadian dies a thousand times a day. Only this government
would make it a virtual crime to clue newcomers in.
They are viewed as further
evidence of our weakness and stupidity. We may be legislated to
behave like a conquered people, but does anyone recall the war? Do
you think that your descendents (assuming there are any) will be
busy renegotiating treaties? The conclusion is that we must assert
ourselves and fight to retain OUR ways. Don’t kid yourself that they
WON’T simply be swept aside.
Every concession, every special dispensation -- okay, but just the
turban; okay, but just the knife -- brings us a step closer to the
point where these practices are next up on the normalization agenda.
We have to call a halt to this trusting hope that everything will be
fine-just-fine in the long run, and ask ourselves: Are these people
immigrating here or colonizing us?
Our crisis-intervention mentality deprives us of normal human
responses to danger. If you’re going to sleepwalk into a propeller,
a crisis-intervention cousellor won’t be much help. The walls will
continue closing in until every single one of us comes to grips with
the implications of human rights legislation and the paralyzing
prospect of being called "racist" by someone who has managed to
phonetically memorize Canada’s all-purpose "open sesame".
Look into
home schooling, perhaps among a circle of friends. In any event,
spend time imbuing your children with a love for their own culture.
And, above all, love them. If you can, spend time with a friend’s
child. The sense that they are really special will stand them in
good stead as they run the gauntlet of lies, insults and
brainwashing Canada has in store for those unfortunate enough to be
born here.
Don’t neglect your parents or grandparents, their ideals have been viciously betrayed. For those who fought -- for those who lost beloved friends and family -- imagine the thrill of discovering that the Third World won the Second World War!
Older people are a living link to our culture and
heritage, encourage them to invest their wisdom and insights with
you. What happened to this nation is not their fault. It’s a safe
bet that they had hoped for a country quite different to the one the
politicians have given us.
Unfortunately, it stayed
there. Laughter can save your life and it’s a catastrophic blow to
people who had counted on your kowtowing to their dictatorial
lunacy. Be receptive to the humorous aspects of this ludicrous
invasion. It will help you to keep things in perspective.
Sitting in judgment of the "sinners"