by David Icke
Spanish version
Soulwise Website
As the consciousness level of your
planet raises itself, those of you light workers who are working to
raise your consciousness, you will be able to hold more and more
refined vibrations, and so we will be able to use you as a catalyst
to be able to feed in more and more energies.
No Time, no place
I had long understood that our "real" world was only an illusion
generated from our minds, but in January 2003 and the months that
followed I was to ’see’ this for myself in a way that taught me so
much more about the ’Matrix’ through which the human family
is held in "disconnected" servitude.
I was invited to speak at a gathering of people at a location in
the Amazon rain forest about an hour's drive or so from
Manaus in northern Brazil. The event, over ten days, would offer
the participants the opportunity to experience the ’psychoactive’
effects of a plant called ayahuasca, which has been used by
South American shamans for hundreds of years (at least) to take
people into other states of consciousness beyond the five sense
Ayahuasca is known as the "teacher plant" because it allows
people to experience these unseen realms where so much can be
learned about self, life and reality. It is also dubbed the "plant
of the gods", no doubt because it can allow you to see those
dimensions where the "gods" of myth reside. In fact, it was
the number of times that participants at these events had seen
reptilian entities and imagery in their altered states of awareness
that led the organizers to invite me.
Ayahuasca is much used in religious ceremonies and rituals in
parts of Brazil and it is quite legal in such circumstances.
the "Western World" it is largely illegal to own or take the brew,
as it is with potions in general that can transport our conscious
awareness beyond the five senses. I wonder why?? I jumped at the
chance to accept the Amazon offer, although I had some reservations
at one point when I learned of the possible physical effects of
vomiting and shitting with a vengeance.
Once I was assured that the participants would be made aware of this
before they proceeded, I agreed to be there. I knew this was the
dimensional door I was looking for to take the next step in my
journey I had reached the age of 50 without consuming a single drug
or potion that was labelled "psychoactive"; no magic mushrooms, no
nothing. But I could go no further in my understanding without
taking my conscious awareness to places beyond the veil.
I also learned that even those who were regular experiencers of
mushrooms and other such reality changers were aware that ayahuasca
was immensely powerful. "You have never taken anything and you are
starting with that?" I was asked. Ayahuasca contains many
powerful hallucinogenic properties including Dimethyltryptamine or
DMT, a naturally occurring component of the metabolism of mammals
and plants. DMT is known by some as the "spirit molecule".
In January 2003 1 arrived in the Amazon with my wife, Pamela. In the
two weeks before, as we had travelled the Native American lands of
northern Arizona, I had been hearing a clear "voice" (thought
transference or telepathy) in quiet moments communicating
information that proved to be remarkably accurate.
Some of the detailed messages I was
given seemed blatantly at odds with the way events were looking, but
the circumstances changed and the "voice" was confirmed to be
The "One"
I was soon to understand why I was doing this first session by
myself because I started to speak out loud and that would not have
been possible with everyone else in the room having their own
I remember most of the words and all of the themes
quite clearly. As I lay on my back looking up at the pitch darkness,
my arms stretched out, much as they did in a standing position on
the mound in Peru. Out of my mouth, in a very different voice to "David
Icke", came the words, slowly and powerfully, "I am love".
I then began to repeat "I am everything and everything is me, I am
infinite possibility." With that I felt a fantastic energy pour from
my heart chakra and fill the room.
A strip light on the ceiling
began to flicker on and off. After a few minutes, three of the
lights came on full power. I looked across and thought, "Why has Zoe
turned the lights on?" But he hadn’t. The lights were all switched
off and they had come on by themselves without electricity. Then the
equipment playing music switched off and came back on again after
ten seconds or so.
Weird stuff on the face of it, but I could understand why an energy
of the power I was experiencing could effect the electrical
circuitry. I clearly felt an energy coming out of my heart chakra
and arching from there to my head. The words I was speaking came
through this source. I even called Zoe over to ask if this
was what usually happened. He said everyone was different.
I began to speak fluently in my altered state. It wasn’t that I had
thoughts and then articulated them in speech. The words just came
from my mouth and that is the first I knew of them. I will summarize
what they said and what came to me even more powerfully in another
form the following night. In the following two chapters I will
detail some of the gathering wealth of evidence among open minded
scientists to support what I was told.
Some of the information can’t be yet verified "scientifically"
and you will have to use your intuition to decide what you make of
it. But much of it can. I was told in my altered states that all
that exists is one infinite consciousness, which was referred to as
"The Infinite", "Oneness" and the "One". In our
manipulated, illusory, reality we had become detached from the One
(in our minds, though not in fact) and therefore we viewed
everything in terms of division and duality instead of seeing that
all is connected.
All is the same Infinite Oneness.
This illusory
sense of disconnection is the mind prison I call the Matrix.
The time loop
My words in the first
ayahuasca session said that the five sense "world" that we
daily experience is a "time loop" that goes around and around
basically repeating the same sequence in theme if not detail. What
we call the "future" eventually becomes the "Past" and spins around
to repeat the "present" over and over.
That old Jimmy Ruffin song
"I’ve Passed This Way Before" should be the anthem of the planet, it
would seem.
The lyrics say
Life lends a crushing blow.
And once again a heart is broken
And as history repeats itself
These few words are sadly spoken
I’ve passed this way before
And I’ve felt this pain before
A hurt that took so long to end
Has found my poor heart again.
This is basically what happens in the
Time Loop. The same experiences keep repeating.
The cover picture of this book was produced by an artist friend,
Neil Hague, from a design and information I gave to him that
symbolized what I learned in the ayahuasca sessions. I would
emphasize that the picture is only symbolic because I was told that
the Matrix is a vortex, like a whirlpool in a river, with the
Time Loop our five sense reality in the densest part of the spiral.
Think of the Matrix as a whirlpool and the Infinite Oneness as the
river. The Matrix is still the "river", the Infinite One,
but, like a whirlpool or eddy, it is operating in its own little
world to its own agenda. What has happened, I was told in my altered
states, is that the Matrix has forgotten it is the Infinite, the
whirlpool has forgotten it is the river. Vortices can be remarkably
stable if the circumstances don’t change too drastically.
Observe a whirlpool in a river and so long as the flow of water
continues in a certain direction and speed the vortex will hold
indefinitely. In the same way, the Matrix/Time Loop is going
around and around in a perpetuating spiral or cycle that has become
a prison for the consciousness trapped by its seductions and
The imprisoned consciousness, too, has forgotten it is
Infinite Oneness.
Conversations with the "One"
the first night I spoke the words out loud and on the second I heard
a powerful female voice as clear as can be that added much more
This is what I was told over those two nights in altered
states lasting a total of some six to seven hours. I will refer to
the communicator as "the voice". The Time Loop is encased within
a Matrix of "non physical levels" that have also lost contact
with Infinite Oneness.
These "non physical" dimensions of the Matrix are symbolized in the
cover illustration by the ball of netting that encompasses the Time
Loop. The "non-physical" levels are the dimensions to which most
"human" consciousness returns after a "life" in the five sense realm
at the moment we call "death".
It is free of the physical body, but
it is still caught in the Matrix. I will come back to this later.
The very fact that we believe in time is confirmation of the
illusion that we take to be "real". Time does not exist, except in
our minds. What we call "time" is the illusion of passing through
But if we are already everything, how can we pass or travel through
ourselves? So how can there be "time"? If we symbolize the human
body as the Infinite, how can your body travel through your body? It
is already the whole body to start with and how can it travel
through itself?
When everything is One, there can be no "time" -
only all things existing and expressing in the infinite NOW. "Past"
and "future" are illusions designed to entrap us in
disconnection. They are different realities happening at the same
moment, in the same infinite NOW. The apparent sequence of one era
following another in passing "time" is an illusion of the Time Loop.
Subconscious mind had become imprisoned by fear, the voice said, and
this had caused the illusion of disconnection from the Infinite or
Infinite Love, the only "is" that we all are. This had reached such
proportions that these lower levels of subconscious mind had
developed a deep and deepening fear of the unknown that lay beyond
its "disconnected" awareness. It had forgotten that it is Infinite
Love and that what lay outside of its apparent boundaries was also
Infinite Love.
To ease its fear of the unknown, subconscious mind had created a
collective thought projection, a sort of three D "movie", that I
refer to as the Matrix.
How this is done, collectively and
individually, I will discuss when I get to the scientific research
into the nature of reality and how we create it. The Matrix is a
self contained system that has lost contact with the Infinite that
exists beyond its illusory reality. In fact, it is the Infinite;
everything is and can only be. But it has simply forgotten. The
voice said that the key level of the Matrix is the repeating time
loop that we know as the five sense world.
This is the "power station" that feeds the whole system.
The loop
was created to provide familiarity that eased the fear of the
unknown and was a very much more pleasant experience at first than
it is in our reality. When people are in fear, the voice went on,
they find comfort in the familiar and predictable and this had
happened on a collective level of subconscious mind. It was a way
for consciousness to whistle in the dark, giving itself comfort in
the familiar. What is humanity’s biggest fear in our daily
experience? Fear of the unknown. Subconscious mind created a dream
world that was to become a nightmare.
Seven months after this experience in Brazil, I came across an
ancient Hindu myth. It said human consciousness had begun as a
ripple that decided to leave the ocean of consciousness the
"timeless, spaceless and eternal". When it awakened to itself in
this "disconnected" state, the myth said, it forgot that it was part
of the infinite ocean and felt isolated and separated. This is
basically what the voice told me had happened.
Wilson Bryan Key
described the human attitude to the unknown very well in The Age of
"Humans detest uncertainty.
Uncertainties produce anxieties. To reduce anxiety, if no
factual structure is readily available, humans will simply
invent one or accept a ready to wear media reality structure ...
these perceptions, of course, are fictional constructs".
The voice said that this emotional state
had led collectively to the creation of the illusion the Matrix that
humans believe to be real.
The Frankenstein Matrix
At this point the Matrix and its five sense Time Loop
were still only a collective mind projection of the type now being
identified by the more enlightened expressions of science.
projection was dependent for its survival on subconscious mind
continuing to hold that reality, much like a movie projector beaming
on a screen. Once the projector is turned off (in this case the
sense of reality changes) the movie disappears, too, and another is
created to reflect the new sense of what is real.
How this is done can be explained very simply and I will do that in
the next chapter. However, the thought projection itself took on a
"life" of its own when it gained access to an energy source
independent of that which was projecting it. This energy source, the
voice went on, was fear. The Matrix, the projected reality of
subconscious mind, absorbed the energy of fear generated
particularly within the "five sense" Time Loop and took on a life
and agenda of its own. That agenda was to generate as much fear as
possible to empower itself even further. The Matrix became a
The created or projected thought field had accessed an energy source
to become a creator and projector of its own illusory reality. As
these words were being spoken, I was shown scenes from the Disney
cartoon movie, Tire Sorcerer’s Apprentice, in which the sorcerer had
created an entity to do all the jobs he didn’t want to do, but then
the entity had taken over events and become the sorcerer’s
Subconscious mind created the Matrix/Time Loop as a
predictable, familiar "world", but it had lost control. Both
subconscious and conscious "five sense" mind were subject to the
manipulation of this now self aware "entity" that the Matrix had
"Humanity is controlled by deception?" the voice said.
"No, humanity is controlled by self deception."
The subconscious had
created the prison from its disconnected state of self deception and
now it and the conscious mind were sitting in a cell of their own
making, with the "cell" dictating events.
The reason why the Matrix
projection needs the energy of fear to empower itself is because it
is fear, self aware fear, the voice said. It had been created
originally by the fear of subconscious mind, and, as projected fear,
this is the only energy source the Matrix entity could access
and absorb.
The more fear its manipulations generate through wars,
conflict, stress, guilt and aggression etc., the greater its power
to increase this cycle of fear production.
Reptilian programs
The ultimate manipulator
of the Matrix and its five sense Time Loop, the voice said, was
the very fabric of the Matrix itself and its power source was the
consciousness trapped within its vibrational walls. The Matrix
was a self ware entity that was knowingly manipulating to ensure its
own survival by generating the events necessary to produce the fear
that empowered it.
Humans are/were indeed "batteries" or power stations for the Matrix
and we are/were providing the power to maintain our own prison. The
Reptilians did "exist", said the voice, but they were
holographic thought-projections of the Matrix, very much like the
agents or "sentient programs", that manipulate things in the Matrix
They could either operate as a reptilian projection or hide behind
an apparently "human" form, just as the sentient programs morph in
and out of different human forms in the movies. Either way, the
Reptilians and other projected agents of the Matrix were not
"real" in consciousness terms; they were projections, thought
fields or highly sophisticated software programs.
The existence of such thought projected holographic phenomena is now
supported by scientific research and experiment, as we shall see.
Holograms are projections of energy or "light" that appear to the
observer to be a three dimensional form, but in fact they are a
series of codes and wave patterns that only take on the illusion of
3D when a laser is shone upon them. Or in the case of the
holographic projections in the Matrix, when they are observed into
illusory reality by the human mind. In the next chapter I will
explain how this works. It is so simple.
As I was told with great clarity in my second ayahuasca
experience, the whole of five sense reality is a holographic
illusion that only exists in a "solid" form because the human
mind/brain makes it appear that way. The "3D" world of landscape,
seas, buildings and human bodies, only exists in that form when we
look at it! Otherwise it is a mass of vibrational fields and codes.
In the movies, the Matrix is depicted from the outside as a series
of green numbers and codes, while inside it is experienced as the
sort of world we think we live in, with mountains, streets, cars,
people and so on. That is a good analogy. I know this all sounds
fantastic at first hearing, but these themes are now being confirmed
at the cutting edge of scientific research.
The voice said that when the Reptilians absorbed human fear
they were absorbing it for the Matrix itself because they are
projections of the Matrix. But they were not aware of this. Indeed,
the Reptilians, other "demonic entities", and the Illuminati
hierarchy were not aware of who their ultimate master really was,
but it is the Matrix itself. The manipulators were also being
The Reptilian "sentient programs" did not have human
emotions, the voice said, because they were just that, "sentient
programs", and are not conscious in the way humans are conscious.
"If you programmed a computer to
kill children, would that computer have any emotional problems
with that?" the voice asked.
No, it would just follow the programming
because computers do not have emotion.
They do what they are
programmed to do. It was the same with
the Illuminati and the "Reptilians"
they were, in effect, like highly sophisticated computer software.
They were like digital people implanted in the movies alongside
human actors. They appear to be the same, but they are not.
Unemotional computers can process information faster and more
efficiently than human conscious minds in a disconnected state, and,
in the same way, the sentient program projections of the Matrix have
been able to out fox and out think humans.
But this can only continue until humanity remembers who it really is
and where it really comes from, and reconnects with its true and
infinite self. Then the projected holographic manipulators will have
intelligence akin to counting beads compared with human potential
and, as I was told, that moment is fast approaching. This is what
happened symbolically to the Neo character in the first Matrix movie
when he awakened to the illusion of life and death and the dream
world he had been living in.
Once he reached that point of
reconnected awareness, the agents, the sentient programs, all
powerful until then, were suddenly no problem to overcome.
Love does not abandon
The voice said that the
Matrix, and particularly the five sense Time Loop, had
become so vibrationally dense, and the imprisoned consciousness so
lost in the illusion, that the Infinite One was intervening in the
Control of the Matrix and the Time Loop were in the process
of being dismantled so that entrapped consciousness could return
"home" to conscious reconnection with the Infinite. I heard many
times in my altered, but self aware state "Love does not abandon."
There were no chosen ones whom "God" had selected.
There was no "God" as humans perceived it, only the
infinity or "Oneness" of existence. "All would be gathered in",
the voice said, "and no sheep would be left in the field alone." The
Infinite was the balance of all things, while the Matrix was
calculated and manipulated imbalance, in which Oneness had been
divided into polarities and dualities of "light" and "dark", "good"
and "bad", male and female and all the rest.
These polarized states
of duality not only offered the massive potential for fear and
conflict, they also ensured that such imbalance and division would
disconnect mind from a sense of balance and Oneness the Infinite.
Without such division and polarized reality there could be no
The process of removing the Matrix control was well advanced, the
voice said. Expressions of the Infinite had entered the Matrix and
especially its densest level, the Time Loop, to anchor the energy
that would break up the fear vibration that held it together. These
expressions of the Infinite taking human form had not been aware of
their role for most of their "physical" lives and many were still
not. This was because they had to experience the emotional and
mental states that held humanity in disconnected servitude and in
doing so attune themselves to the low vibrational frequencies of
these states of being.
When this was done the Infinite could feed its energy of Oneness and
balance through such "people" and transform those mental and
emotional frequencies on which the Matrix and the Time Loop depend.
This is represented in the cover of the book by the hole in the Time
After the first session of ayahuasca in which these
matters were addressed, I recalled a communication I had been given
through a psychic in 1990 that said:
"I feel you are sensing now the
energies coming in, the energies surrounding your planet. This
is causing many of you to ask questions. It is causing many of
you to re-evaluate completely your way of life, where you feel
you wish to go, what you want to do. It is causing tremendous
upheavals. Some of these upheavals are very confusing, very
distressing, very disturbing.
Some people in partnerships are
finding they can no longer continue in those partnerships
because their partners cannot tune into what they are tuning
into. It is causing a great deal of disturbance ...
"... As the consciousness level of your planet raises itself,
those of you light workers who are working to raise your
consciousness, you will be able to hold more and more refined
vibrations, and so we will be able to use you as a catalyst to
be able to feed in more and more energies."
This was a more basic version of what I
learned in these ayahuasca experiences.
Valerie Hunt,
professor of kinesiology at the University of California in Los
Angeles, has developed the use of technology to measure the human
energy field and this has confirmed that a person’s state of mind
affects their vibrational speed or frequency. Those focused only on
five sense reality are the lowest and the more people are using
their higher senses - the higher the frequency of their energy
This is the reason for the phrase ...
"As the consciousness level of your
planet raises itself, those of you light workers who are working
to raise your consciousness, you will be able to hold more and
more refined vibrations."
Or, as the voice told me, the more
the Infinite expressed itself in the Matrix through its
incarnate aspects, the more people would begin to feel its
manifestation and be transformed by its harmony and balance to
awaken and remember who and what they really are.
The veil of
ignorance would lift from their vibrational "eyes" and they would
remember they were all that exists - the One.
This is the
transformation of the "Truth Vibrations" that I was told about when
my mind was first blown in 1990. As I have travelled the world since
then, I have seen how this phenomenon has become so apparent and
continues to gather pace by the day, I was told that the
transformation of entrapped consciousness, from the Illusion of
disconnected limitation to reconnected infinity, is now happening.
The voice emphasized that this was not a "maybe" and that we were
seeing the last desperate death throes of Matrix control. "Do
you think the Infinite is going to have problem with George Bush?"
it said, laughing. This did not mean that we just had to sit around
and wait for all this to happen. We were the Infinite and
we all had roles to play in the transformation of this reality.
The Infinite was expressing itself at Eleven Levels of the Matrix as
those in conscious awareness exposed its illusions. I was told that
the most important level of the Matrix that had to be transformed
was the "five sense" Time Loop.
This was the densest level and it acted as an "anchor", or like a
light that captivates the moths, and it provided most of the
"fear energy" that sustained the Matrix entity. The
transformation was being brought about by infusing Infinite Oneness
into the vibrational concrete, and free the "freeze vibration" I was
told about in 1990. This was why people were changing and this would
continue and increase apace until we were experiencing a very
different reality to the one we currently "see".
Words were only necessary to keep the five sense "mind" occupied
while the energy infusions did their work, the voice told me. I was
shown a scene of myself standing on a stage in a theatre. I was
saying nothing and the audience were looking at each other in
The voice said, laughing "You only speak words because
if you did not, the audience would be sitting there asking "when is
he going to start?" not knowing that you already had!" Unseen energy
was the real transformer, not human language. That was only to keep
the five sense mind happy. More and more people are waking up and
this is why a vibrational change is unfolding ever more quickly.
The voice said the reason there was such an effort underway to
imprison humanity even further in the fast emerging global fascist
state or New World Order was a desperate attempt to hold the game
together and stop the awakening people especially through the
microchips that are designed to artificially suppress the quickening
vibrations of awakening humanity.
What the manipulators did not
realize, I was told, is what they are dealing with. They are
ignorant of the true background to the "game" in which they, too,
are pawns.
The voice said.
"This transformation is not a
maybe, it is not something that might happen or we hope will
happen if things go according to "plan". It is happening now and
the power and speed of the change will become ever more profound
and obvious. What you are seeing is the last desperate attempt
of the "Matrix" to stop the inevitable, that’s all. The
transformation from prison to paradise is a done deal."
Remember who you are
These words were thought fields decoded by my mind and so the
language is something like I would use in my own speech.
An Italian
or an Egyptian would decode them in their language, as I explained
earlier. On the second night I took an increased dose of ayahuasca
and at first the feeling of screaming and nausea returned. This time
I was with the rest of the group, and as I began to enter an altered
state, I asked Zoe if he would come with me back to my room
to avoid disrupting the others.
There I was, screaming out more frustration and heaving without
being sick. I stood out on the balcony looking out at the trees,
heaving into the darkness. From out of nowhere I said to my nauseous
body "I love you" and with that the nausea left me and the need to
scream in frustration lifted from me also. It sounds cheesy, but
that is what happened. I felt calm and at peace again and went back
to the round house to rejoin the others. The most profound night of
my life was about to begin.
As I lay down with my eyes closed, I began to see the swirling
colours and images again and for a time they had a very Chinese feel
about them. Then I began to hear a voice as clear as can be. Not
some distant "what did it say?" type of voice, but a loud and
powerful one, more so than anything I had experienced. It was female
and spoke with great dignity, assurance and clarity. "David", it
said, "We are going to take you to where you come from, so you can
remember who you are." With that I was taken to a realm of
indescribable bliss. There was no "time" and there was no "Place".
Everything just was. I had no body, I was only consciousness, and I
was everything. There were no divisions, no polarities, no black and
white, no us and them. I was infinite, but I was also completely
self aware, as an "individual" with my own point of observation
within the whole.
This is what we all are and if only people could
experience the bliss of Oneness, the world of the five senses
would be transformed in an instant. The energy was not vibrating as
it does in the Matrix.
I experienced it as either stillness or as
the waves of an ocean moving in slow motion and in perfect harmony.
"This is the Infinite, David", the voice said, "This is where you
come from and this is where you shall return."
The following words
then began to repeat over and over in my mind:
"Infinite Love is the only truth
- everything else is illusion;
Infinite Love is the only truth - everything else is
Infinite Love is the only truth - everything else is
At one point I began to form a question
in my mind. I was going to say "You really mean everything?"
before the thought could form, the voice interrupted "Infinite Love
is the only truth everything else is illusion; no buts, no
exceptions, that’s it." This word "love" has connotations in which
it is often perceived as weak or naive I hear people say, "You need
more than love, mate." But let me define what is meant by love in
the context of Infinite Love. It is the balance of all. Infinite
Oneness is the only truth, everything else is illusion would be
another way of saying it.
Therefore, Infinite "Love" is also Infinite Intelligence,
Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Everything. I was told
how humanity had been manipulated to identify itself with illusory
"personalities" and not as the Infinite that we are. This had
trapped people in the illusions of a disconnected state. The voice
would return to this theme, as it communicated with me constantly
through the hours that night. "Why do you think you needed to scream
and try to throw up?" I was asked. "Do you feel any frustration or
anger in this place?" No, I did not. "Do you have any worries or
fear or guilt where you are now?"
No, I didn’t, there was only harmony peace, love and bliss.
"Frustration, anger, fear, guilt and pain are only illusions,
figments of disconnected mind", the voice said. "They don’t exist
except in your imagination." It went on "Do you think the Infinite
you are now experiencing needs to throw up?" No. "Do you think the
Infinite ever gets ill?" No. Of course not, these states are only
illusions of the conditioned mind."
Later in the night I began to
feel a little nauseous again and immediately the voice said:
"Where is your nausea coming from?
Do you think the Infinite is feeling nauseous now? So you must
be identifying with your body. It’s an illusion, David, your
body is an Illusion, and so must be the nausea you think you are
feeling in your body. If your body does not exist how can nausea
or pain? These are illusions and they only exist in the minds of
those caught in the Matrix."
Time to confuse
With that, the nausea left me, never to return.
The voice told me
more about the Matrix and the Time Loop. It said that the illusion
of "time" was necessary to maintain imprisoned consciousness in a
disconnected state. While people related to the movement of "time",
they could not relate to the Infinite One that was "no time".
Matrix entity, "self aware fear", had created an illusion of
time to trap its prey, its prisoners, in a state of disconnection in
which they would forget who they were.
I was told that while the five sense Time Loop created the
illusion of "time" moving "forward" most powerfully within the
Matrix, the other "non physical" levels also had versions of this.
The voice said that human psychics and mediums may make contact with
entities that say their realms do not have "time", as we know it,
and those who have had so called "out of body" and "near, death
experiences", may say that in their out of body slate there was no
"time". But the very vibrational nature of the Matrix was different
to the truly "no time" state of the Infinite and in a sense
manipulated "time" was prevalent throughout the Matrix.
I got the impression that the detail of what was meant here was
beyond the ability of human language to express. The out of body
experiencers often spoke of being in a place of "no time"
because what they were feeling was such a different version of
"time" to that of the Time Loop. It appeared that they were
experiencing no time" when it was a different version of "time".
Time Loop produced the most fear to sustain the Matrix because the
five sense reality most fundamentally identified with time and the
movement from "past" to "future". Those experiencing the Time Loop
were the most thoroughly disconnected from their no time self, the
Everything in the Time Loop was geared to indoctrinating
the "time" illusion.
"Do you think the Infinite gets
old?" asked the voice. "Human minds are programmed to believe
that their bodies age and so they do and this strengthens the
illusion more than anything of passing from past to future."
Nothing aged in truth because there was
no time, no past and no future. Only illusion draws a
pension, it said. DNA also carried the programming of aging
that the mind accepts as its reality, but DNA was also an illusion.
"Do you think the Infinite has DNA or worries about its cancer gene?
At one stage during the night I saw the Moon appearing
above the clouds and the voice said:
"Ah the Moon, the Moon, how the
poets wax lyrical about the Moon, the Moon. Illuuusion! The Moon
is a holographic projection to give the illusion of the movement
from past to future, the passage of "time". That is what it is
there for, to capture the mind in the time illusion. Do you
think the Infinite needs the Sun to survive? Do you see a Sun in
this place you are now?
You are the Infinite so why do
you need the Sun to sustain you? You are the Infinite and all is
the Infinite. Why do you feel heat from the rays of the Sun?
Because that is what the Matrix mind and body is programmed and
conditioned to feel and so it does. It is all illusion. The Sun
and Moon are projected holograms to provide the illusion of
night and day the movement of time".
I was told that what we call the
universe is a holographic illusion akin to looking up at the "sky"
projected on the ceiling of a planetarium.
The only difference was
that in the "universe" the projections appeared to be in 3D because
they were holograms. The "universe" was a figment of our conditioned
imagination, the voice said, and it was only part of our reality
because we believed it was. The universe was also far smaller than
people perceived. "Look at the sky in a planetarium and it seems so
vast, yet it only goes as high as the ceiling."
Then the voice said "Do you think that’s the Earth you’re lying on
now? Mmmm. Illuuusion!"
As with everything in the Time Loop and
throughout the Matrix, the Earth was a holographic projection
and so was its illusory "surface". "You are lying on the Earth now
only because you think you are", the voice said. If you are new to
all this and think how unbelievable and fantastic it is, you are
going to be amazed how much scientific evidence is now coming to
light to confirm that this is correct. "Remember always", said the
voice, "Infinite Love is the only truth, everything else is
It went on: if it vibrates, it is illusion!
The Infinite does not vibrate; it is the harmony and Oneness
of all. Only illusion vibrates that which is created by the
imagination and delusion of mind."
Laws of Illusion
I was told that the "laws" of physics were also illusions.
are no laws of physics", said the voice. "The scientists create
illusory "laws" to measure an illusory universe."
There were no
"laws" of any kind because everything just is.
"Do you think the
Infinite needs "laws" through which to express itself?"
The laws of
physics and mathematics and all the others that "govern" the
physical and non physical worlds were the creations of misguided
mind. If the scientists believe in such "laws" that will be their
experience. Not because the laws exist, but because the scientists,
and through them the people in general, believe them to exist and so
they appear to.
But this continues only until someone comes along and changes the
belief, the collective reality, and then such "laws" cease to apply.
It has been shown again and again that the beliefs of the scientists
performing an experiment will affect the outcome of the experiment.
The nearest thing there is to a "law", is, this what you believe,
this is what you will see and experience.
The voice explained how
what we perceive to be a "solid" world only exists because we
believe it does. This "world" is not "out there", it is "in here" in
our minds. Scientific experiments have shown that we do not see up
to 50%, and more, of what comes "through" our eyes because it is
filtered out by the temporal lobes of the brain on the basis of our
conditioned belief before it gets to the visual cortex, the point at
which we actually "see".
It is our brain that sees, not our eyes. The eyes only provide
information and it is the mind that decides what to make of it. So
whatever our mind/brain is conditioned to see or not see, it will.
When we think we are in a "conscious" state going about our lives,
we are, in fact, experiencing a dream every bit as much as those we
experience in our sleep. It’s just a different dream.
Other levels of me, might well be saying to each other, right now,
that they have just had this strange dream in which they were
sitting at a computer writing something about drinking a plant and
living in a Time Loop! What we think we "see" is just a dream.
Infinite Love is the only truth - everything else is illusion.
The Illuminati (i.e. ultimately the
Matrix entity) use this understanding of the mind to manipulate our
sense of reality and maintain the population in ongoing control.
They tell people what they should see and so they do.
This is the
fundamental role of the "norms" (official "truths") I have spoken
and written about so widely. It is also why the authorities are
desperate to remove or discredit those who challenge the norms,
because in doing so, they offer another vision of possibility that
allows people to "see" a different reality.
I ain’t got no body
Our bodies are holographic illusions that do not really exist in the
way that we think we see and experience them, the voice said.
only have to eat and drink, because we and our bodies are programmed
(through conditioning and the DNA) and believe that we do
need to eat. We only have to breathe for the same reason. Yes, if we
stopped breathing we would "die", but this was not because we have
to die. It only happened because our conditioned minds and bodies
believe that will be the outcome and so that is what they create.
"Do you think the Infinite sits down to dinner?" the voice said, "Do
you think the Infinite has to breathe or it will die?" So why, the
voice asked, do those" in the Time Loop? Answer: because they
identify who they are and their sense of possibility with being a
physical "personality" subordinate to illusory "laws" and not with
being what they really are - The Infinite One.
The voice offered an example of the chasm between perceived reality
and finite self
"Why do you need to fly around in
aircraft? You are point A and you are point B and you are
everything in between. Why then do you need to use an aircraft
to fly through yourself?"
"Law of the Wild" illuuuusion!
The "laws" of nature were also illusions, said the voice.
"Why do
people have such a problem understanding why a "loving God" would
create "laws" of nature, laws of the wild, in which everything was
based on killing and survival?"
There appeared to be such a
contradiction between "Divine love" and the carnage and fear written
into the very fabric of "nature". But there was no contradiction,
the voice said, because the "laws of nature" were the creation of
the Matrix, not the Infinite. "Do you think the Infinite, where you
are now, would wish to see anything suffer and live in fear - never
mind create a structure in which this happened as a matter of
Nature was another holographic projection that was only "real"
because we were conditioned to believe it was. The "laws" of the
natural world reflected the state of being of its creator, the
Matrix entity; a state of fear and desperation to survive. There
were, the voice said, some apparently beautiful expressions of
nature on "Planet Earth" and so long as we realized they were
illusions they could be enjoyed.
But we should be careful not to
become mesmerized by what we see on Earth or we would become like a
moth hypnotized by a light, trapped by illusions that held us in a
disconnected state. The message was enjoy what you see, but remember
that what you "see" is merely what you think you see.
An illusion
can only control you when you think it is real.
The new age Matrix
If you are interested in "New Age" thought or some of the Eastern
religions and philosophies the next bit might be a bit of a
The voice explained to me that the vast majority of
"incarnate" consciousness that left the "physical" body at what we
call "death - did not consciously reconnect with the Infinite.
Instead it moved to other "non physical" dimensions of the Matrix.
Consciousness may have withdrawn from the Time Loop, but it was
still in the flytrap, albeit a less dense expression of it. Reincarnation was the cycle of consciousness moving in and out of
the Time Loop from other levels of the Matrix.
The concept of reincarnation is another creation of the Matrix
entity to hold consciousness in a cycle of servitude while believing
it is "evolving" through experience in line with the New Age
belief. "Do you think the Infinite has to reincarnate?" the voice
said. "Consciousness in the Matrix is also the Infinite, so why does
that have to reincarnate?" It doesn’t, it just believes that it
does. As with the saying "death is no cure for ignorance", so this
is why consciousness in other levels of the Matrix was also trapped
by illusions.
When consciousness withdrew from the "physical" body it did not
become immediately re-enlightened. That depended on its reality. In
the five sense realm, what we think we should see, is what we appear
to see and experience. This, the voice explained, is what also
happened in other frequencies of the Matrix. If consciousness left
the body believing totally that it was going to the heaven of Jesus
and the Christian version of God, this would be its experience;
that is what it would "see" because that is what it believed
it would see.
It was the same with the other religious beliefs, so the Matrix
maintains a Christian "heaven", Islamic "heaven", Hindu "heaven" and
Jewish "heaven", etc. But these were nothing more than figments of
expectation. Only that which was free of conditioned belief was able
to transcend the vibratory illusions of the Matrix and become
consciously one with the Infinite. Belief was the prison, and other
levels of the Matrix were different levels of illusion. This meant
that the overwhelming majority of information "channelled" through
psychics in the Time Loop was from consciousness still caught in the
Matrix. This might know more than those in the Time Loop density,
but it was still in the web of illusion.
I was shown a picture of people symbolically dropping from the sky
onto a footpath across a field. The voice said that because
consciousness in the Matrix was caught in a cycle of moving in and
out of the Time Loop through "reincarnation", they were not
only conditioned by the beliefs of one "physical" lifetime. They
were conditioned by endless experiences in the Time Loop and between
these "physical" excursions they were in another form of illusory
state. So they were already conditioned even as they returned to the
Time Loop reality for still more conditioning.
This was why humanity dropped into the conditioned, servile state so
easily. They had been there many times before. As these words were
being spoken, I saw the footpath being worn away by the trampling
feet going over the same ground until the path looked like a sort of
record groove. It went ever deeper and the figures walking the path
went down and down into the dark "groove" until they disappeared.
"is it any wonder that humans, look up for their God?" the voice
said. "It is the only place where they can see any light!"
The voice told me how "New Age" thought and some philosophies of the
East and native peoples were more enlightened than those of the
purely Time Loop religions and sciences of mainstream society. The
"New Age" reality understood that the "physical" realm was only one
dimension of existence and there were many more beyond the
vibrational walls of human senses. That was good, but what was not
understood is that these other vibrating dimensions were still
levels of the Matrix. They provided the constant "supply" of
consciousness to inhabit the Time Loop and generate the fear
necessary to keep the Matrix "alive".
New Age beliefs in a "Great White Brotherhood" or an "Ashtar
Command" communicating with their chosen people were
manipulations of the Time Loop from other levels of the Matrix. In
fact, some were even communications from within the Time Loop
planted in the minds of the "psychic" by mind control and forms
of technological "telepathy". When psychics, like those in stage
shows and television, were communicating with the deceased relatives
of the audience, they were contacting levels of the Matrix very
close to the Time Loop reality. Their other frequency communicators
may realize that there are other "worlds" beyond the "physical", but
they were still in the realms of Matrix delusion.
They communicated about going to "Halls of Learning" in their non
physical world and how the Earth was a spiritual "university" where
people came to learn some tough lessons and work out their "karma".
This was illusion, the voice said, total illuuuuusion! "Do
you think the Infinite has to go to school to learn anything when it
knows everything there is to know?" the voice said. As for "karma",
the idea that you experience what you have made others experience,
the voice asked "Why should the Infinite have to experience what it
has made itself experience?"
The idea of karma was a Matrix
manipulation to indoctrinate beliefs in the passage of "time",
it’s my karma from a past life, or I am building karma for the
future and to maintain people in a state of guilt and
"Infinite Love does not judge itself or
loathe itself - these are illusions of disconnection."
What sign are you? Er, all of
The voice then turned to astrology. Yes, it said, astrology appeared
to "work" in the sense that certain types of "personality" and
traits could be predicted by the illusory "time" and "place" of a
person’s birth in the "year" (a classic illusion of the Time Loop).
But why was this? Astrology "read" the vibrational fields of the
Time Loop and while it could do this effectively in skilled hands,
it was still a Matrix illusion that was based on division, not
Astrology, said the voice, was a creation of the Matrix to
manipulate people to identify still more powerfully with their
illusory "personality". I am a Taurus, a Leo a Capricorn or
whatever. It emphasized the idea of division, of parts, not the
whole. "Do you think the Infinite has its astrology read?" asked the
voice. "Do you think it consults a psychic about its "future" or
visits a tarot card reader?" These were all identifications with the
"physical" personality and such "forward" predictions were peering
down the Time Loop, that’s all.
Psychics were extremely useful in showing people that "death" is an
illusion, and the best of them, those connecting with the Infinite
beyond the Matrix could bring profound and mind freeing information
into the Time Loop, it said. But if people believed what the psychic
or tarot reader said would happen, they could make it happen. What
people believed was what they "saw" and experienced.
In fact, we all have the power to create whatever reality we choose.
As I was hearing these words, I was shown a symbolic scene of the
Infinite sitting at a table when someone brought the morning paper.
The Infinite turned to the list of birth signs on the astrology page
and said "Oh my goodness, this will take me all morning because I am
all of them." Since that time I have refused to identify with my
"astrology" and instead have identified only with being all that is.
If I don’t identify with being a "Taurus" or "Aries" or "David Icke"
I begin to release myself from such influences and limitations.
The New Age and mainstream religions have a belief in the existence
of "light" and "dark". But there was no "light" or "dark", the voice
said. These were illusions. The belief that light was needed to
balance the darkness was utterly misguided and a belief in the
existence of "light" was as divisive as a belief in the existence of
"dark". To believe in the "light" means you must also believe in the
"dark" and so belief in the "light" also creates the illusion of its
perceived polarity, dark. Once more these were figments of
disconnected mind.
Light and dark were illusions of the Matrix designed to cause
division, conflict and fear. The Infinite was not light any more
than it was dark. It was the balance of all things. It is not "good"
nor "bad", "light" nor "dark", black nor white, male nor female, it
just is, the Oneness of all.
Neither were there any "demons", the voice said. These were
projections from the mind of the Matrix and the creation of human
minds that accepted their existence. "Demons only manifest in minds
that believe in them." If Infinite Love was the only truth and
everything else was illusion, how could demons be anything, but
They were holograms projected from the imagination of frightened and
manipulated minds. The idea that the "light" must "fight" the "dark"
and the demons - only reinforced the belief in their perceived
existence. There was no need to "fight" anything and those who did
so were only giving what they fight more power by confirming it was
"real". If people didn’t like their life experience they should
perceive another reality and the manifestations of the present one
would disappear. You don’t like your dream?
Then dream something
Why ask when you know?
The voice emphasized that to free ourselves from the illusions of
the Matrix we had to identify with being the Infinite and
not a fragment of mind stuffed inside a body. There was no David
Icke, only Infinite consciousness. If we relate to being the
Infinite and not some hologram dreamed into imaginary "existence",
the Matrix will no longer control us. Stop asking questions, the
voice said, and start knowing the answers.
It didn’t mean rhetorical questions to illustrate a point, but those
that come from the belief that we don’t know something. "You are the
Infinite so you know everything; do you think the Infinite asks
questions when it knows all there is to know?" Whenever we
identified with limitation, ignorance and our illusory personality
we were disconnecting from the Infinite that knows all and is all.
When we ask questions we are accepting that we don’t know the
Would the Infinite do that? Stop asking the question and you will
know the answer, the voice said, and, modifying a line from the
first Matrix movie, it added "It’s not the question that drives you
mad, it is asking it." The psychiatrist, R.D. Laing, once said "If I
do not know I know, I think I do not know." People so lack
confidence in themselves, that they look to others to tell them what
to think, but if they could free their minds of such doubt and
limitation, they would simply "know".
Don’t think it, know it. Don’t
ask it, know it.
Dreaming our lives away
Since Brazil, I have understood more about the nature of our dream
world reality.
I walked along a beach on one occasion in an altered
state on a beautiful sunny day thanks to "magic mushrooms". It is
the only other time I have taken anything to access an altered
reality. The voice said to me "Look around you, does it not seem
like a dream? Does it not feel like a dream that you have in sleep?"
It certainly did and later the "memory" of the experience was
extremely dream like.
Did it happen? Was it really all a dream? It was like walking
through a painting, a reality "bubble", and laughter came far easier
than it does in the purely five sense state. What I found
interesting was the way that "this world" phenomena could bring me
out of the altered state in an instant. I was walking along enjoying
my expanded reality when I saw a police car and began to think of
the authoritarian system. Immediately I was out of my altered state
and back "here". Later I began to think about something relating to
fear and the same happened. Whenever I checked the "time" on my
watch I was kicked out of the altered state as I related to the
reality of the Time Loop.
This allowed me to understand more of how the Time Loop/Matrix
holds us in a manipulated reality and why the system is
structured as it is. Interest in psychoactive substances exploded in
the sixties with the use of drugs like LSD, but they largely became
an escape from this reality rather than a bridge to a new one. I
don’t want to escape this reality, I want to change it, and
experiencing altered states can help us to understand the game we
are dealing with. Those who have studied the effects of drugs like
LSD from this perspective have certainly learned a great deal more
about reality than they would otherwise have done.
One is Stanislav Grof, the author of "The
Holotropic Mind," and a former professor at John Hopkins
University School of Medicine. He was a founder of the International
Transpersonal Association and has developed a means of taking people
into altered states called Holotropic Breathwork. Grof was a
convinced materialist and atheist until he began studying the
effects of LSD in the 1950s as he sought to establish if there were
any medical benefits.
He was to continue his research for decades to come. In his first
experience on LSD, he had what he called "an extraordinary encounter
with my subconscious".
He realized immediately that the unyielding
"truth" of the scientific establishment, taught as fact in the
schools and universities, was a fantasy
"Traditional science holds the
belief that organic matter and life grew from the chemical ooze
of the primeval ocean solely through the random interactions of
atoms and molecules. Similarly, it is argued that matter was
organized into living cells, and cells into complex
multicellular organisms with central nervous systems, solely by
accident and "natural selection".
And somehow, along with these
explanations, the assumptions that consciousness is a by product
of material processes occurring in the brain has become one of
the most important metaphysical tenets of the Western worldview.
"As modern science discovers the profound interactions between
creative intelligence and all levels of reality, this simplistic
image of the universe becomes increasingly untenable. The
probability that human consciousness and our infinitely complex
universe could have come into existence through random
interactions of inert matter has aptly been compared to that of
a tornado blowing through a junkyard and accidentally assembling
a 747 jumbo jet."
Itzhak Bentov calls this mindset
the " giraffe syndrome" in his book,
Stalking the Wild Pendulum.
term is inspired by the story of a man who sees a giraffe for the
first time with its enormous height, neck and legs. It is such a
challenge to his reality that he dismisses it as impossible and
rejects the idea that such an animal could exist. Stanislav Grof
conducted some 4,000 LSD sessions and 20,000 with his Holotropic
Breathwork, which involves a combination of breathing techniques,
sound, bodywork and artistic expression.
This has, Grof says, an "extraordinary potential for opening
the way for exploring the entire spectrum of the inner world." What
fascinated him were the remarkable states of consciousness his
subjects and clients have been able to access. They have experienced
what it is like to be animals and plants, and they have described
intricate details of their genetics and behaviour that later proved
to be 100% correct. They have even experienced being an atom
or a blood cell, seeing inside the Sun, and what it was like for
them in the womb and the birth canal.
Others have said they became the consciousness of the whole cosmos
and I know exactly what that is like myself. How was this possible?
Because we are the cosmos, we are every cell and atom, and there is
no "past" or "future". The five sense prison the Time Loop
disconnects us from the understanding that we are all One. Indeed
this perception of division is the prison.
In these altered states beyond the five senses we can regain our
conscious connection to the Infinite and experience any
expression of the Infinite, and be anything in all existence. Look
at the ocean. We give it different names like the Pacific or the
Indian, as we give ourselves names like Bill Jones or David Icke.
But these "different" oceans are the same water, as we are the same
consciousness. So where is the ocean? Is it crashing on the coast of
India? Is it lapping on a beach in Jamaica? Is it the Roaring
Forties or the South China Sea? It is all of them and so it can
experience all of them. We are the infinite consciousness that is
everything. Where are we? Are we the tree in the garden? Are we the
forest down the road? Are we the Sun or the sky? Are we the
reflection we see in the mirror or the raindrops on our face?
We are all of them because we are an expression of the seamless One
and we can experience any aspect of the seamless One that we are. We
have been manipulated to believe we are isolated "individual"
droplets when we are the ocean. We are not even part of the ocean,
we are the ocean. When you place a droplet back in the water, where
does the droplet end and the ocean start? There is no division, the
droplet becomes the ocean. This knowledge has been communicated by
the enlightened throughout human existence, but official science has
denied its validity.
The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, said that human beings
were like people sitting in a cave always facing a wall. The
universe was the shadows projected onto the wall, illusions that the
people mistake for reality. The only reality or truth was the light
consciousness that made the shadows possible. The ancient Vedic
works of India make the same point.
The eighth century Hindu mystic,
Shankara, said,
"This entire universe of which we
speak and think is nothing but Brahman [infinite consciousness].
Brahman dwells beyond the range of Maya [illusion]. There is
nothing else."
I had known this since my transformation
began in Peru, but in the Amazon I experienced it like never before.
People often say that the more they know, the more they realize
there is to know. But once you reach the threshold of understanding,
the opposite is the case.
The more you know, the less you need to
know, because it is all so simple Infinite Love is the only truth -
everything else is illusion.
Related report:
Children of The Matrix - Excerpts