by David Icke
11 January 2011
DavidIcke Website
Why does this ludicrous man seek to connect me (whose name he
doesn't even know how to pronounce) and others exposing the global
conspiracy with the outrageous shooting of a Congresswoman and
multiple murders in Arizona?
Why does he try to dub me a 'right-winger' when I believe that all
extremes, 'wings' and label-thinking, have lost the plot and also try
to connect me with violence when the very foundation of everything I
say is to emphasize non-violence?
Why? Because I am getting too close to the truth and because my
major article repeated below went out across the Internet on New
Year's Day
exposing the Rothschild Zionist secret society that has
used and abused Jewish people for well over a century and more, and
has its place-people in key areas of government leadership and
This silly man's organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC),
is part of the Rothschild Zionist 'hate-crime', 'hate laws',
'dub-them-racists' network that includes the
Anti-Defamation League,
B'nai B'rith etc., etc, and seeks to label 'racist' and 'far-right'
anyone who gets close to exposing the architects of human
enslavement and control.
Thank-you, Mr 'Botox', I take it as a
I am glad I have rattled their cage so much that they try so
desperately to discredit me, but how disgraceful and shameful it is
to seek to do so by exploiting such a terrible tragedy.
Mark Potok Blames the Radical Right for
Giffords Shooting
January 08, 2011
YouTube Website
True to form
Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law
center wastes no time in pointing the finger at "Right Wing
Ideology" as the motive for the assassination attempt of
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
Meanwhile Potok conveniently
leaves out the fact that Jared Loughner listed the Communist
Manifesto as one of his favorite books.