by David Icke
06 July 2012
DavidIcke Website
Next on the scene was Jean Monnet, a friend and associate of
the Jesuit and
founder of the Bilderberg Group, Joseph
Retinger, and both of them answered to
the Rothschilds.
Monnet would go on to be called the
'Father of Europe’ for his work on the ‘European Project’.
He described the plan from the start in
a letter to a friend on April 30th, 1952:
'Europe's nations should be guided
towards the super-state without their people understanding what
is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each
disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will
eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.'
And it is still going on today.
Monnet was instrumental with French
politician and later Prime Minister, Robert Schuman, in the
establishment in 1952 of the European Coal and Steel Community
(stepping-stone) which merged and centrally-controlled the coal and
steel industries of,
West Germany
the Netherlands
Monnet was awarded the Wateler Peace
Prize (pay-off) of two million francs to recognize the,
‘international spirit which he had
shown in conceiving the Coal and Steel Community.’
The award was made by the
Rothschild-controlled Carnegie Foundation.
Merry and Serge Bromberger,
both admirers of Monnet, described the covert plan in their book,
Jean Monnet and the United States of Europe:
‘Gradually, it was thought, the
supranational authorities, supervised by the European Council of
Ministers at Brussels and the Assembly in Strasbourg, would
administer all the activities of the Continent.
A day would come when governments
would be forced to admit that an integrated Europe was an
accomplished fact, without their having had a say in the
establishment of its underlying principles.
All they would have to do was to
merge all these autonomous institutions into a single federal
administration and then proclaim a United States of Europe.’
That day is now so close and it has been
planned from the day one.
But, don't worry, there's no conspiracy.
