OK, let's put all this into a greater perspective. I have been
talking throughout this book about the multi-dimensional nature of
existence. That makes it hard, indeed impossible, to give the true
picture of what is happening in our world, our frequency range.
What you have been reading is my universe, my reality, at this point. Or, rather, one of my realities. We are imprisoned by the belief that if one thing is "true" the opposite can't be true. But it can, and it is. It's just that they come from different perspectives of the same event. For instance, if the world is not perfect, how, at the same time, can it also be perfect? But it can and it is.
When you look at the world from the Matrix perspective, it is far from perfect, whatever perfect is. We see untold suffering, abuse, conflict, and sadness. So the reality that the world is not perfect is valid and supportable. But how can we evolve and grow into greater knowledge, wisdom, and understanding unless we face the consequences of our actions? We can't. If a child had no consequences of his or her behavior, they would not change the behavior and make different choices.
What Creation does magnificently is to put the consequences of our choices, or more accurately the intent behind those choices, in front of our faces. This imperfect world is the consequence of human choices, the choice of those who wish to control and destroy, and the choice of those who sit back and let them do it, or close their minds to what is happening because they think it is easier that way.
So in terms of our evolutionary
journey, Creation is presenting the consequences of our action and
inaction and, in doing so, it makes the world we live in absolutely
perfect because we are experiencing what we need to experience. Two
apparent opposites, but both are true. Life is a paradox, but then
again, it's not, because these are not paradoxes, they are different
perspectives. They are not contradictions, they are comprehensions.
No, we see one person and make judgments as if they are one person. But we are many "people". If I am reacting or seeing something in that moment from the view of my Matrix-level holographic "physical" image, I am going to see things a certain way. But, in another moment of reflection when I open up the connection to my higher levels of being, I will see the same events and experiences in a very different light.
That's not
contradiction, it is the comprehension of the level that is
observing. If you watch one of my talks you will see me moving
realities as I go along, always culminating in the ultimate reality
that we are all one and that one is love. So I have written this
book from one perspective of reality and it offers, I would submit,
an accurate theme of what is happening in that reality. But it's not
the only one, and I see this same theme and story from many other
realities. At the highest reality I have accessed thus far, it's all
just a game. A cosmic game called evolution, a game called love.
They are our shadow, that part of ourselves that we do not want to face, acknowledge, or admit to. While our shadow self is hidden from us, the reptilians will stay hidden and continue to covertly control. As we acknowledge it, so they will emerge and we will see what is going on. One is a reflection of the other. The more we deny our shadow side, the more the consequences will be placed before us because that's the way the game works. The longer we stay in denial, the more powerful and challenging the consequences become. That is our choice. See it now or see it later. Because we are going to see it.
The question is how extreme must be the consequences before we do? In this movie, The Great Illusion, we play our parts in mutual service to the cosmic game. If Richard Warman did not determine to silence me and suppress my information, I would not have the challenge to overcome that frustration and grow from it. If Richard Warman did not have me, he would not face the consequences of his actions and learn from the experiences that Creation will present to him.
If journalists like Jason Cowley did not misrepresent me and my work, I would not have the major challenge to disconnect from Matrix reactions and, again, feel the frustration at what is written. Nor would I be given such a wonderful opportunity to see how journalists defend and underpin the Matrix mentality. If Cowley did not have me, as the evidence emerges to show the validity of what he dismisses and ridicules, he would not have the opportunity to see what a prison he lives in and perpetuates for others.
If we did not have
the Illuminati, we could not experience the consequences of what
happens when you give your mind away to someone else's reality and
insist that everyone else does the same. If the Illuminati did not
have the human race, they could not face the coming consequences of
seeking to impose their will on others. We are all providing
experiences for each other. In fact, we are providing them for
ourselves because we are everything. There is no us and no them and
no "we". There is only one infinite "I". We are the reptilians and
the "demons" and, at the same time, we are those they manipulate
because we are all the same "I".
Once we do that and see through the illusion, we hit the jackpot, the doorway opens, and we get out of here. We can still be in it physically, but we are no longer of it. The experiences my life have set before me since 1991 particularly, often extreme and played out in the public eye in Britain, have not yet freed me from the Matrix. But they have made me free-er than ever before. And I'll get there.
I have yet to meet anyone who is
fully free of the illusion because we look it in the face every
minute of our lives. I have met many who think they are, but they
are just caught in another facet of the illusion. They are entrapped
by the illusion that they are free of the illusion while continuing
to be controlled by it. The more I disentangle my lower mind from
the Matrix, the crazier and more extreme people think I am. But I'm
not crazy and extreme. That is only the perception of those
mesmerized by the Matrix and if only they could step back and
observe the world they believe is "normal" and "sane", they would
see just how extreme and crazy that is.
Our physical senses disinform us in the same way, unless we balance that by opening ourselves to our higher frequencies of perception and intuition that can recognize an illusion when they see one. So the foundation of freedom from the Matrix mentality is to know that we live in a dream world created by our own minds and those who condition them. More and more, I look at the physical world and see it as vibrating energy. The numbers and codes in the Matrix movie is a good way to visualize it. I find that this constantly re-confirms to me that I live in a virtual reality computer game and what we see is whatever we think we see or are told we see.
It keeps me on my guard against falling for the Matrix mentality. When you perceive those who harass you and situations that challenge you as merely vibrating numbers and codes, it takes the sting from the experience and your emotional response because you can see it's not real. You know you are like the guy in the computer game dodging the bullets fired by a spotty-faced 15-year-old sitting in his bedroom hour after hour. If you get hit, the game just starts again. No one's really dead. They just play dead and then continue their eternity. We live forever. We are the players in the game and we are those controlling the game and observing the game. We are the game.
As Bill Hicks said of life:
And that's all it is. Fear in all its infinite expressions like guilt and resentment and a desire for revenge, is the low-vibrational emotion that holds us in the pen, the Great Illusion.
Love, in its purest sense, is our highest vibrational state and one that connects us with the highest level of all that is. All that we are. That transformation of perspective, from fear to love, vibrates us out of the Matrix mentality and we step out of the game and out of the illusion that it's all "real". If you observe parts of this book, particularly the chapter, The Gatekeepers, you will feel my Matrix level, my holographic image, screaming inside with frustration at the way we control and imprison each other.
That's one reality and a valid one from that point of
observation. But when I open my heart to the love vibration and open
my mind to acknowledge the illusion, the frustration dissolves
because it's just a game, just a ride, just a movie of our own
making. We can make it a nice picture or a horror film. That's our
choice. It is, always was, and will always be.
We are different aspects of the same infinite
whole. No, we are the infinite whole.
The game never ends, it just changes as we change. But do you really want to have the experience of living in a fascist global state with your freedom of expression and choice denied in its most basic form? If you do then just sit on your arse and watch it happen because it will. It is happening. What Richard Warman and Bernie Farber (the Bronfmans) are trying to do to me will be written into the law of the land.
Such laws are already being introduced. If we don't want that, we need to make another choice and make it now. We can take the straight-on path and walk the Freedom Road. If that's our choice, there are some fundamental changes to make. First, we free ourselves from the illusion and the reactions and responses of the Matrix mentality. Unless we start to free ourselves, how can we hope to free the world around us, which is merely an outward manifestation of the inner self?
We live in an external prison while thinking we are free because we live in an internal prison while thinking we are free. The prison without is a reflection ot the prison within. Change ourselves and we change the world. Look in the mirror. Try changing the image you see without changing the image it is reflecting. You can't, of course you can't, but the human race has been trying to do that for thousands of years and that's why it has never worked.
I have written before of the three crucial elements that I believe are the key to unlocking the gates and the portals to multi-dimensional freedom.
These three steps would trigger a transformation of such magnitude that they would turn this prison into a paradise. And all three, as they relate to us, we have the power to introduce right now. This book may have said much about bloodlines and the history and techniques of human servitude. It may have highlighted at some length the reptilian genetic connection to all this. That's important because people need to know what is going on at that level of reality.
But what this book has really been about is humanity freeing itself from the Great Illusion. If I had to choose one thought that people would remember from these pages, one thought that would transform this world more than any other, it would be this: