Suffer little children

The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.
Herbert Agar

You can't say that civilization don't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way.
Will Rogers

After the invasion of Afghanistan in 200lJlin which at least 5,000 civilians were killed for no other reason than oil and Illuminati conquest, they began to prepare the way for the next stage in the plan for global domination. It was back to Iraq or back again to their ancient headquarters in the land of Sumer and Babylon (Figure 10). Boy George Bush was given the speech to read (as best he can) for the State of the Union (it's shit) address on January 28th 2002.


This contained the phrase, the "axis of evil", written by neo-con David Frum of the American Enterprise Institute. It referred to Iraq, Iran and North Korea, three countries specifically named in the September 2000 document produced for Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Co by the Project for the New American Century. First on the list was Iraq and the lies began to flood from the White House, the Pentagon and Downing Street in an effort to sell an invasion to the public.


They had to justify the war with spurious claims about 'weapons of mass destruction' and also portray their 'victory' as the liberation of grateful Iraqis, freed by American heroes. This was important because the better the spin in Iraq the easier the next invasion would be to deliver. In this endeavor they were supported magnificently by the American television networks.


I was watching CNN in America on the day the statue of Sad dam Hussein was famously pulled to the ground by US troops amid crowds of cheering Iraqis in Baghdad. Or, at least, that is what they told me I was seeing. CNN stayed live on the statue for some two hours waiting for this event to take place in the square right in front of the Palestine Hotel, which just happened to be home to the international journalists and TV crews. It was all a set up.


The TV pictures focused on the close-up of the statue and the cheering people, but a wide shot revealed that only a handful of Iraqis were there and the rest of the square was empty (Figures 11 and 12). Many of these "cheering Iraqis" were connected to the CIA-funded Iraqi National Congress of Ahmed Chalabi, who is the US puppet-of-choice to 'lead' occupied Iraq.


The whole event was carefully planned and stage-managed to provide a defining moment of the 'war' in the minds of the masses: Iraq had been liberated from oppression by the glorious United States (played by John Wayne).


Dr Susan Block, an author and sex educator, compared the scene to a rape:

"The supreme victory for the rapist is proof that his victim 'enjoyed' it. Though he may force his way into her property, demolish her home, murder her loved ones, pillage her belongings, though he may terrify and humiliate her, beat and batter her, break her bones and tear her flesh, spill her blood, wound her organs and lay waste to her very soul, if, in the midst of the rape, between tears and shrieks of agony, if his victim should, for a moment, for some reason, any reason, if she should smile, or, better yet, orgasm, the rapist is redeemed; he is even (in his mind) heroic ...’’

.. ... And still the cozily embedded mainstream media keep playing the image of the toppling statue and the smiling Iraqis. CNN might as well be anchored by Ari Reischer [the White House press spokesman]. The jacked-up newscasters revel in the soft-core porn of war, 'tastefully' showing very little of the rampant hardcore death and dismemberment, just lots of handsome, stalwart troops and beguiling, brown-faced grins that communicate: Freedom! Liberation! Smiles! They love us! We may have brutally, systematically raped their country (and the rape continues), but they want it! They really want us to bomb the shit out of them. They like that... 1

Yes, the media fell for the propaganda as usual and, indeed, many US network executives and owners were involved in the plot. Television stations and newspapers across the world blazed the picture of the toppling Saddam and the cheering Iraqis across their screens and front pages to give the mind manipulators exactly what they wanted. Spin doctors: 33,666,911,000; the truth: 0.


On March 19th, just before the slaughter began, I wrote the following on my website,


It was headed "The Playground Bullies":

"The US and UK have firepower unprecedented in known human history. By comparison the Iraqis are trying to stop an elephant stampede with a popgun. The war, therefore, will not be a war at all. It will be a gang of playground bullies kicking the shit out of the seven-stone weakling with the glasses and the calipers. The speed by which they do this (and the efficiency with which they suppress news of civilian casualties) will be presented as a 'glorious victory' as the bullies take over the playground and dictate its rules under the guise of 'freeing the people from a brutal dictatorship'.

"The truth is that while Saddam is a brutal dictator, put in place by the very forces that now seek to remove him, he is not in the class of those who will now replace him as the dictators to the people. If anyone still believes that the post-Saddam 'Iraqi' regime will not be controlled by the same fascists behind this 'war', I have an antique computer they might like to buy. It was made in 1593." 2

Figure 10: Returning home: the Babylonian Empire in the very land now targeted by the Illuminati and their 'neo-cons'


Figure 11: The truth about the 'war' with Iraq. It was not about "liberation", but American conquest on behalf of the Illuminati that controls the US government

Figure: 12: Manufactured Illusion: the virtually deserted square as the Saddam statue is toppled by US troops. Carefully shot close ups gave the impression of cheering Iraqi crowds. But where are they?

Of course that is what happened and it hardly took a genius to see it coming because the plan is the same every time: emphasize that you want the people to believe and suppress or downplay anything that would give them a different perspective.


For this reason it was vital to focus on Saddam's toppling statue while talking as little as possible about the "collateral damage" -dead and horrifically maimed parents and children. Most of the mainstream media gave the spinners all the support they needed. Would CNN have had a live camera pointing for two hours at a dead and dismembered child? Or inside a devastated hospital trying to treat the children with scorched bodies and missing limbs like those in Figures 13, 14 and 15?


That would have provided the truly defining moment and reality of this slaughter, but that is not the idea. Instead the image the spinners wanted people to remember was the one that got the coverage and Arab stations were condemned for showing the true price of war. Everything is spin and aimed at the cameras and the minds of the people. It has nothing to do with truth or facts.


Journalist Robert Fisk reported on how American troops opened fire on the car of Quiz al-Selman, a Danish engineer in Baghdad. He was carrying his Danish passport, driving license and medical records, but that didn't matter to the troops who approached him. He said he told them he was a scientific researcher, but they made him lie down in the street, tied his arms behind his back with plastic-and-steel cuffs and tied his feet before putting him into a military vehicle.


This is what happened next:

"After 10 minutes in the vehicle, I was taken out again. There were journalists with cameras. The group of Americans untied me, then made me lie on the road again. Then, in front of the cameras, they tied my hands and feet all over again and put me back in the vehicle." 3

It's a mind game.

Figure 13: The face of war they don't want you to see


Red write district

The American television networks like Fox, CNN, NBC and ABC are an affront to all that is considered to be human and those who take their dirty dollar and do their bidding are engaged in intellectual prostitution. In Britain, the tabloid Sun is owned, like Fox/Fix News and William Kristol's Weekly Standard, by Rupert Murdoch.


The Sun ran this headline about the Iraqis:

"Show them no pity: they have stains on their souls."4

Better than not having one at all, I guess, because you have sold it to Rupert Murdoch. Sun feature writer Katy Weitz quit in protest at the paper's coverage of the war. The Sun was supporting the Murdoch line, she said, and no one was going to challenge that.

"I want to be proud of the work I help to produce, not shudder in shame at its front-page blood lust", she wrote in The Guardian.

Some of her fellow journalists felt the same, but they wouldn't leave because they needed the job, while others said she should keep her views to herself.

"I can't bear to hear people knocking their paper -it's like hearing them bad-mouth their family", one "journalist" told her.

What about the families in Iraq? Katy Weitz is a rare exception.


As she said, the general reaction from colleagues was:

"Goodness me ... a journalist with principles. Wonders will never cease." 6

MSNBC correspondent Ashleigh Banfield angered her employers when she gave a lecture at Kansas State University on April 24th 2003 about the war coverage and what she called the "big show". She described what the global audience was not allowed to see. Nobody witnessed the real horrors of what happened, she said, and so people could not "seriously revisit the concept of warfare the next time we have to deal with it".


There had been a lot of dissenting voices before the conflict about the horrors of war, but she was very concerned that the "three-week TV show" may have changed people's opinions:

"It was very sanitized", she said. "You didn't see where those bullets landed. You didn't see what happened when the mortar landed. A puff of smoke is not what a mortar looks like when it explodes, believe me. There are horrors that were completely left out of this war. So was this journalism or was this coverage? There is a grand difference between journalism and coverage, and getting access does not mean you're getting the story, it just means you're getting one more arm or leg of the story.


And that's what we got, and it was a glorious, wonderful picture that had a lot of people watching and a lot of advertisers excited about cable news. But it wasn't journalism, because I'm not so sure that we in America are hesitant to do this again, to fight another war, because it looked like a glorious and courageous and so successful terrific endeavor, and we got rid of a horrible leader: We got rid of a dictator, we got rid of a monster, but we didn't see what it took to do that.

"I can't tell you how bad the civilian casualties were. I saw a couple of pictures. I saw French television pictures, I saw a few things here and there, but to truly understand what war is all about you've got to be on both sides. You've got to be a unilateral, someone who's able to cover from outside of both front lines, which, by the way, is the most dangerous way to cover a war, which is the way most of us covered Afghanistan ... But we really don't know from this latest adventure from the American military what this thing looked like and why perhaps we should never do it again.


The other thing is that so many voices were silent in this war. We all know what happened to [actress] Susan Sarandon for speaking out, and her husband, and we all know that this is not the way Americans truly want to be. Free speech is a wonderful thing, it's what we fight for, but the minute it's unpalatable we fight against it for some reason." 9

Banfield said she was often ostracized for simply giving both sides of the story in the Middle East -"just for going on television and saying,

'Here's what the leaders of Hezbollah are telling me and here's what the Lebanese are telling me and here's what the Syrians have said about Hezbollah"'.

She said that a radio host on MSNBC called Michael Savage was outraged that she dared to speak with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade about why they do what they do; why they are prepared to sacrifice themselves for what they call freedom fighting and others call terrorism. Savage, she said, labeled her a slut, a porn star and an "accomplice to the murder of Jewish children".10


This is unbelievable unless you have heard some of these American mainstream 'talk show' hosts at work. Many have mouths the size of the planet and brains the size of a pea, but they are telling America what to think, or rather not to.


In 1991, some called for nuclear attacks on Iraq.

"How can you discuss, how can you solve anything", Banfield said, "when attacks from a mere radio flak is what America hears on a regular basis, let alone at the government level?"

If this kind of attitude is prevailing, she added, forget discussion and forget diplomacy. What does that leave us with? War. Banfield highlighted the truly disgraceful Fox/Fix News of Rupert Murdoch. She talked of the "Fox effect" with its one-sided patriotism and lack of anything remotely resembling journalism.


Cable news operators had wrapped themselves in the American flag and patriotism, she said, and targeted a certain demographic audience. It had been very lucrative and you could already see the effects on the other networks as they hired more and more right wing contributors. All of this was because of Fox, she said, and its successes in taking viewers from other networks.


What she is saying is that next time they go to war the 'news' coverage will be even worse.

Institutionalized racism

I was in America for part of the 'war' and I saw the countless emotionally charged stories about US troops who died in Iraq.

"Terrible news", I heard CNN say. "Two US soldiers have been killed in a missile attack."

There were interviews with the families of troops who would not be coming home alive and the interviewers said how awful it must be for them. I understand this, but never did I hear a thought for what the families of dead Iraqi civilians must be going through.


The parents who saw their children blown apart and children who watched the same happen to their mums and dads. Dead Iraqi civilians are not "terrible news", it seems; they are unfortunate and unavoidable "collateral damage". I saw a Christian TV channel suspend its programming to urge the viewers to "pray for our troops".


No mention of praying for Iraqis.


But then they are Muslims and why would the Christian god give a shit about them? It sickens my stomach to see such blatant racism in the way this 'war', and all such 'wars', are portrayed. Do people with brown faces not have emotions every bit as traumatic and unimaginable as the relatives of US troops? The troops made the choice to go, the Iraqi and Afghan civilians had no such luxury. The United States is the leader of the 'free world'? It holds the high ground of morality?


Those who believe such blatant nonsense drown in a cesspit of mass murder and self-congratulation.

Let's hear it for the heroes ...

Those 'heroic' troops dropped an estimated 30,000 bombs on Iraqis from the air alone at a fantastic cost in human suffering and financial outlay. This is a world that has billions living in poverty, yet every Tomahawk cruise missile costs around a million dollars and the overall military cost is closing in on 100 billion dollars.


They targeted a country in which some 60 per cent of the 24 million people were children. I see nothing heroic in that. The most famous victim of this fascist carnage was Ali Ismail Abbas, the 12year-old who lost both his parents and both arms in the US and British bombing of Baghdad. He also suffered appalling burns to his body.

"It was midnight when the missile fell on us", he told Reuters at the Kindi Hospital.

Thinking about his uncertain future, he asked whether he could get artificial arms.

"Can you help get my arms back? Do you think the doctors can get me another pair of hands?" Abbas asked. "If I don't get a pair of hands I will commit suicide", he said with tears spilling down his cheeks.

The Reuters report continued:

"His aunt, three cousins and three other relatives staying with them were also killed in this week's missile strikes on their house in Diala Bridge district east of Baghdad. 'We didn't want war. I was scared of this war', said Abbas. 'Our house was just a poor shed, why did they want to bomb us?' said the young boy.


With a childhood lost and a future clouded by disaster and disability, Abbas poured his heart out as he lay in bed with an improvised wooden cage over his chest to stop his burned flesh touching the bed covers.

'I wanted to become an army officer when I grow up, but not anymore. Now I want to become a doctor, but how can I? I don't have hands', he said.

His aunt, Jamila Abbas, 53, looked after him, feeding him, washing him, comforting him with prayers and repeatedly telling him his parents had gone to heaven. Abbas' suffering offered one snapshot of the daily horrors afflicting Iraqi civilians in the devastating US led war on Iraq." 11

Only a public outcry about his plight in the Baghdad hospital, overwhelmed by the casualties and under supplied with drugs and doctors, led to Ali being flown to a hospital in Kuwait.


An Iraqi nurse, Fatin Sharhah, wrote a letter to Bush and Blair that said:

"You have all this technology to bomb us ... but you cannot spare one aircraft for one ?ay to save a life?" 12

Ah yes, but highlighting the story of kids like Ali would not support the US and British spin on their slaughter and so they ignore the suffering until they are forced to act because the news is out. Then those who caused the suffering are portrayed as the good guy heroes helping a little child to 'live'. As doctors and aid agencies stressed, Ali was only one of countless children who suffered similar consequences and for what?


To allow Illuminati corporations to take over Iraq and its oil reserves and install themselves as the controlling force in the Middle East.

"Ali's voice is one among millions of children's voices we're not hearing", said Kathryn Irwin, a spokeswoman for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

It is they who suffer and die, so people like the Bushes, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Powell, Perle, Blair and the rest can impose the agenda they slavishly serve for a global fascist state.


While the people suffered from their unimaginable injuries, the effects of the bombing closed most hospitals in Iraq and the looting that ensued from the chaos. Those that were open had few medicines and no electricity or clean water.


UNICEF spokeswoman, Kathryn Irwin said:

"Hospitals are having to deal with ill children without the drugs they need and without water -how can you treat someone without clean water?"

I am sure Bush and Blair thought of nothing else. The International Committee of the Red Cross spokesman in Baghdad, Roland Huguenin-Benjamin, said an average of 100 civilian casualties a day were being recorded at hospitals in the capital.13


Dr Huguenin Benjamin and his staff were also shocked by the numbers of dead and injured in a hospital in the town of Hillah:

"That hospital where we had a chance of travelling with our own surgeon was utterly overwhelmed by hundreds of civilian casualties brought in, in just over 48 hours", he said, " And there were lots and lots of dead bodies that were practically dismembered by the violence of the explosion they had been subjected to."15

Here is some more of the reality behind the glorious victory that CNN, Fix News and the other mainstream networks fail to mention:

"Just a few weeks ago, Ayesha, a young and fragile Iraqi girl, was looking forward to her seventh birthday this coming May. Those aspirations were quickly snuffed out by a US bomb that literally sucked away the insides of her skull, leaving behind the grotesque remains of a shattered dream. The blood that flowed from her small, frail body onto the dirt beneath made sure of that.


It was those first images we witnessed that truly reflected the operation that US President George W. Bush has dubbed 'freedom'. Yes, Ayesha is free from further tyranny, and countless other innocent souls have followed her path towards freedom from Bush; but there are others today who are being subjected to no less a fate.

"From bombs dropped incessantly on a helpless population, to civilians strafed by US aircraft, to women and children shredded to pieces by gunning ground troops, this is not a war. This is the terrorism that is of the worst kind. For it is purveyed under the cloak of legitimacy, and in the name of a 'great' democracy." 16


"The moaning of Aisha Ahmed, eight, fills the hospital's emergency ward. One of hundreds of child victims in the 15-day-old US-led war in Iraq, she lost one eye and her face and body are peppered with wounds from what must have been a storm of shrapnel. 'Mummy! I want my mummy. Where is my mummy?' Aisha kept muttering.


Yet neither the nurse nor the neighbor trying to comfort her dared to answer. Her four-year old brother Mohammad died and her mother and other brother were in critical condition undergoing surgery for head and chest injuries. Her father and two sisters were all badly injured and in another hospital. A neighbor said he saw missiles crash into Radwaniyeh, a remote area near Baghdad's airport on Wednesday morning.

"To their misfortune, the live in an area that -apart from their farm -has a presidential palace complex and military positions. A total of 12 children and six adults were struck. US war headquarters in Qatar said that a farm at Radwaniyeh doubled as a military 'command and control facility.' Washington says it seeks to minimize civilian casualties in its war to oust President Saddam Hussein.


Aisha was with her cousin and neighbors playing in the garden during a lull in the fighting when a missile struck, the neighbor said he."


"Doctor Ahmed Abdel Amir said children were bound to make up a large number of casualties because they are such a big proportion of Iraq's 26 million population. Another child, Mohammad Kazem, seven, lay in the next bed with serum tubes strapped to him. He was hit by shrapnel in the stomach when a missile crashed near his home west of Baghdad. He is so terrified now. He trembles when he hears explosions. I keep on trying to calm him down. I keep telling him that nothing will happen to him any more.


'Whenever he hears the thud of explosions he grabs me. I stay hugging him and patting him until the bombings stop,' said his mother, Madiha Mohsen AIi, 40. 'He does not sleep or eat. The only question he keeps asking is: 'Mummy when will this banging stop?' she added. Such scenes have become part of daily life in Iraq since the US-led war started with a fierce air attack and a ground invasion on March 20." 18


"Mohammad al-Jammal, six, was also screaming from his wounds. He too had been standing outside his house when a missile struck, killing two people and sending shrapnel into his stomach, opening it to the intestines. He lay with his father and mother reading Koranic prayers for him. They said he would be all right because 'God is looking after him'. Mothers at the hospital compare notes on their children's traumas. Many speak of their terrified children crying relentlessly, trembling when they hear the bombings. They say their children refuse to eat or sleep."19


"Amid the wreckage I counted 12 dead civilians, lying in the road or in nearby ditches. All had been trying to leave this southern town overnight, probably for fear of being killed by US helicopter attacks and heavy artillery. Their mistake had been to flee over a bridge that is crucial to the coalition's supply lines and to run into a group of shell shocked young American marines with orders to shoot anything that moved. One man's body was still in flames. It gave out a hissing sound. Tucked away in his breast pocket, thick wads of banknotes were turning to ashes. His savings, perhaps.

"Down the road, a little girl, no older than five and dressed in a pretty orange gold dress, lay dead in a ditch next to the body of a man who may have been her father. Half his head was missing. Nearby, in a battered old Bolga, peppered with ammunition holes, an Iraqi woman -perhaps the girl's mother -was dead, slumped in the back seat. A US Abrams tank nicknamed Ghetto Fabulous drove past the bodies. This was not the only family who had taken what they thought was the last chance for safety. A father, baby girl and boy lay in a shallow gravel On the bridge itself a dead Iraqi civilian lay next to the carcass of a donkey." 20


"An old man cries over the coffin of his daughter. His wife and younger daughter sit in the dirt outside the mortuary in shock and abject sadness. It is only an hour and 20 minutes since Nadia Khalaf died, too early for total grief to set in. But time enough to know their lives have been shattered forever. We discovered them during a random visit to AI Kindhi Hospital in North East Baghdad at 1p.m. The doctors did not know we were coming -we had an official guide and we were free to choose which hospital. Nadia was lying on a stretcher beside the stone mortuary slab. Her heart lay on her chest, ripped from her body by a missile which smashed through the bedroom window of the family's flat nearby in Palestine Street.

"Her father Najem Khalaf stood beside her corpse. And I shall try to write what he and his family said in exactly the order they said it. I shall try because I hope it will better convey the bewilderment and horror that broke on one Iraqi household yesterday. 'A shell came down into the room as she was standing by the dressing-table,' Najem says. 'My daughter had just completed her PhD in psychology and was waiting for her first job. She was born in 1970. She was 33. She was very clever'.


He holds out his dead daughter's identity card for us to see. His fingers are covered in her blood. I go to offer my condolence to his other daughter Alia, who is 35. 'I don't know what humanity Bush is calling for,' she says in English, 'Is this the humanity which lost my sister?' ... Nadia was joking about going for a shower. Alia told her she'd probably be away for three hours ... just waiting for some water. They were laughing. 'I didn't hear any sound', Alia says.

'''Suddenly a shell or bomb or something came through the room. I fell to the floor. My mouth was full of dust. I was swallowing dust. Then I looked at her. The missile, something big and unexploded, had come through her chest and her heart. She was covered in blood, unconscious. I ran down to the street, daddy and mummy behind me, screaming for an ambulance. There wasn't any. A neighbor said he would drive us here to the hospital. We all knew it was too late. But we hoped, we hoped.'

" ... And so they leave. Three people driven by a neighbor with their precious daughter strapped to the roof. Our guide says they will now wash her body, drape it in white and before dusk lay her in the ground. It has been one of the saddest episodes I have ever witnessed in my 26 years reporting for this newspaper." 21


"Doctors who treated Iraqi victims of two previous Wars say they are taken aback by the injuries they have seen. Most suffered massive trauma and fatal wounds, including head, abdominal 9ind limb injuries from lethal weapons, they said. 'I've been a doctor for 25 years and this is the worst I've seen in terms of the number of casualties and fatal wounds,' said Duleimi, 48, who witnessed the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War and the 1991 Gulf War.


'This is a disaster because they're attacking civilians. We are receiving a lot of civilian casualties', he added. 'This war is more destructive than all the previous wars. In the previous battles, the weapons seemed merely disabling; now they're much more lethal,' Dr Sadek AI-Mukhtar said. 'Before the war I did not regard America as my enemy. Now I do. There are the military and there are the civilians. War should be against the military. America is killing civilians.''' 22


"Donald Rumsfeld says the American attack on Baghdad is 'as targeted an air campaign as has ever existed' but he should not try telling that to five-year-old Doha Suheil. She looked at me yesterday morning, drip feed attached to her nose, a deep frown over her small face as she tried vainly to move the left side of her body.


The cruise missile that exploded close to her home in the Radwaniyeh suburb of Baghdad blasted shrapnel into her tiny legs -they were bound up with gauze -and, far more seriously, into her spine. Now she has lost all movement in her left leg." 23

You could fill a library of such stories and when they want to bounce the world into a repeat in Iran, Syria or wherever, perhaps it would be worth asking those supporting another carnage to read those accounts before they urge the people to "support the troops" in the latest 'glorious liberation'.


Most did not see or hear such stories amid the triumphalism of a US president and vice president who both avoided the draft to Vietnam while supporting conscription for others. This is the president who said (no, his scriptwriters said) that when Iraqis look into the faces of American troops, "they see strength and kindness and goodwill".24


No, they see death, destruction and occupation of their land and they see a vicious, brainless, heartless front man in the White House who cares nothing of their plight. A president who talked about "we" are making progress in the war when "we" were spending most of the time watching sport on the White House television as the devastation continued. But when you come from a family with a truly stupendous record of supporting fascism, abusing and murdering children, and removing those who get in your way, the consequences for Iraqi civilians do not enter the equation (it's a mathematical term, George).


In fact, it's a good laugh to them and I'm not kidding. If anyone has a problem with that, they should read some of my other books. To confirm the real mindset behind this war, I watched Lt General Claudia Kennedy.(ret) on CNN responding to the American tank attack on the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad that was home to the international journalists. She said she hoped the military would not agonize over every such incident (no chance of that) because winning the war was all that really mattered.


Once there was small arms fire from the hotel it became a "legitimate military target", she said, even though it was-full of men, women and children. This is the mentality that is planning more such conquests.


What was that Rumsfeld told his heroic troops?

"With the liberation of Iraq, you have transformed the country. But how you did it will transform how we defend our country in the 21st century."

What does it matter to Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld or Blair that people like 72-year-old Abid Hassan Hamoodi lost virtually his entire family when a US/UK 'coalition' (demolition) aircraft 'mistakenly' bombed his home in Basra?

"I lost 10 of my family. I once lived in that house with six other relatives, now I am alone. Just before the invasion started much of my family came to stay in my home, it being made of reinforced concrete and very strong. There was my doctor son, my daughter -a microbiologist and her three sons. My other daughter is a medical consultant and she came with her infants. We all slept in a very safe place at the back of the house; my bed was just a few meters away from the rest.


Several rockets had already fallen on a club across the road from my home, five days before my catastrophe. Two days before, the Mukhabarat, the secret police building, was hit. We escaped without injury, though all our windows were destroyed. On 5 April at 5.30 am, a plane dropped a rocket on the main road. We all woke up. Just five minutes after we had returned to bed, the plane returned and dived very sharply, firing its rockets. They fell just at the back of the house where we were.

"The three walls of the room fell on many of my family killing them instantly. I went to the room and saw them all covered with the bricks and concrete that had fallen. There were 13 in that room. I somehow managed to save one of my daughters, together with her son aged five and her six-month-old infant. Her third child was killed sleeping beside his grandmother, my wife. Despite my enormous efforts, I was unable to remove the things piled up on their bodies. My daughter-in-law went into the street shouting for help, but it was early and it was completely deserted. We had to wait for the ambulances to come to remove them, but they were all dead. I gave the kiss of life to three as they were removed, but I could not restore their lives ...

" ... While I was busy removing my family and in such great shock and sorrow, people looted my house. They stole two cases, one containing all our jewellery and $25,000, the other containing new clothes I had just brought back from Manchester, where my two sons live as British citizens. The coalition has now created an excuse that they were firing on a house adjacent to mine and that Ali Hassan, known to many as Chemical Ali, was inside. They attacked us just one day before Basra fell. They could have caught this man, not tried to kill him. Was it necessary to kill 20 people in our street for the sake of one bastard?

"I have never interfered with Saddam and he has left me alone to live with my family, bring up my children and educate them. Now the coalition has killed a family of highly qualified people, irreplaceable people for Iraq." 25

Anyone who supported the war, or was indifferent to it, is responsible for all that happened and continues to happen. I remember being on the 702 radio station in South Africa talking about the background to the war when a guy called "Mike" came on.


This was an idiot of unbelievable magnitude.

"What planet are you on?" was all he could say, ignoring every opportunity to answer the question: "What research have you done into these matters?"

He even castigated the presenter for having me on the program to say such things. When people ask me how a few can control the world, Moron Mike often gets a mention these days.


If it wasn't for people like him -and there are billions of them -none of this would be possible.

Fodder in uniform (brain optional, but not encouraged)

Many people of the Mike mentality are in the military or "the cavalry on the new American frontier", as the Project for the New American Century describes them. They are a mixture of John Wayne wannabes; psychopaths who can hide their sickness behind the cover of military legitimacy; those who genuinely think they are serving their country while serving the Illuminati; and others who are basically dumb and have to be told what to do.


Take Tyler Aholt, a member of a Naval construction force called the Seabees, who said this of the people protesting against the war:

"If they are not backing up those that are in charge of us, then in the long run, they're not backing us up."

Take a deep breath and wait for the punch-line:

"I've considered if some of the protesters even understand the whole idea of war: without war, how can you have peace?" 26

As Einstein said: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. And I am not so sure about the former." Then there was this guy reported in the UK Sunday Times:

"The Iraqis are sick people and we are the chemotherapy", said Corporal Ryan Dupre. "I am starting to hate this country. Wait till I get hold of a friggin' Iraqi. No, I won't get hold of one. I'll just kill him." 27

Stephen Eagle Funk, a 20-year-old marine reserve who refused to fight in Iraq, said that many of his fellow recruits envied him when they thought he was going to be sent into battle.

"They would say things like, 'Kill a raghead for me -I'm so jealous,'" he said.28

Another soldier recorded by the BBC said:

"We godda get this cargo up front, the sooner we get [it there], the sooner they can kill some of these people that need killin', the sooner we can go home." 29

In the same program came this gem from a boy soldier taking part in the 'liberation':

"We bomb 'em, you know it's cool to me because I like explosions and stuff like that, but, like, I don't get to see the actual explosion, and that's what I want to see, but I guess when we get closer to Baghdad we'll get to see more of that."

Hey, Cap'n, I just killed 14 of them there brown faces and my machine won't give me extended play, sir.


A British soldier was arrested after staff in a photo-processing store gave photographs to the police that indicate British troops tortured and sexually abused Iraqi prisoners of war. One shows a man stripped to the waist while suspended from a rope attached to a forklift truck. A soldier driving the truck is apparently laughing at his plight. Others appear to show an Iraqi man forced to perform oral sex on a white soldier; two others forced to have anal sex; and two naked Iraqis cowering on the ground.


Officers from the Special Investigation Branch of the Royal Military Police arrested Gary Bartlam, a private in the First Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. He was on leave from the regiment stationed in Iraq's second city Basra and the port of Umm Qasr. The British army is as brutal as any of them. Then there were the schoolboy slogans the juveniles would write on their tanks and missiles.


The brilliant writer, Arundhati Roy, said in the UK Guardian:

"On the steel torsos of their missiles, adolescent American soldiers scrawl colourful messages in childish handwriting: For Saddam, from the Fat Boy Posse. A building goes down. A marketplace. A home. A girl who loves a boy. A child who only ever wanted to play with his older brother's marbles." 31

This is the sort of mentality, if you can call it that, which is fighting these wars of 'liberation'. Peter Arnett, the veteran war reporter sacked by NBC during the Iraqi invasion, told in the UK Daily Mirror of his experiences with such dumbos.


He said that the United States was bringing enormous firepower to bear to grind down the Iraqis and he had seen it all before:

"During the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, I entered a US-held town which had been totally destroyed. The Viet Cong had taken over and were threatening the commander's building so he called down an artillery strike which killed many of his own men. The Major with us asked: 'How could this happen?' A soldier replied: 'Sir, we had to destroy the town to save it'." 32

There were others in Iraq, however, that did allow the reality of war to register, including this soldier quoted by the Sunday Times: "Did you see all that?" he asked, his eyes filled with tears.

"Did you see that little baby girl? I carried her body and buried it as best I could but I had no time. It really gets to me to see children being killed like this, but we had no choice." 33

An understandable reaction, but of course he did have a choice. He had a choice not to be there. Sergeant Ray Simon of the US 3rd Infantry Division put it very well when he said: "We get up in the morning, go and kill people, stop for a lunch break, then kill some more, before going to sleep. This thing is getting ridiculous." 34 There are decent, caring people in the military who do believe they are helping people. But these genuine soldiers are being duped.


Thousands of civilians were killed by US and British forces and hundreds of thousands injured -people like 20-year-old Akeel Kadhim, a student whose left leg was amputated.

"I was shot by the Americans", he said, "I was running to another wounded person, trying to save him ... We are innocent. We were not fighting. We were not resisting. I tried to save an innocent person. Why did they shoot me?" 35

Can a 'smart' bomb be used by an idiot? Apparently so.

Once again the public were manipulated into believing in the invincibility of the 'smart' bombs that only hit their intended targets and arrogant military spokesmen like Brigadier General Vince Brooks, Deputy Commander at Central Command, would give journalists a daily dose of this conditioning with videos of their accuracy.


Meanwhile 'smart' bombs aimed for Iraqi towns and cities were landing in Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey.


Whenever they landed their lethal cargo in civilian areas or the US military shot civilians, Mr. Brooks and company became much less talkative and they would immediately muddy the waters by saying,

"We don't know exactly what happened, we are investigating".

The idea is to hope that no one asks again. The cynicism reached new lows when a US missile landed in a Baghdad market killing more than 60 in the Baghdad district of Shu'ale and people like Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, General Richard Myers, sought to blame it on the Iraqis. It could have been Iraqi anti-aircraft fire, they said, when there was none by this time in the conflict.


UK Independent journalist, Robert Fisk, found a fragment of the missile with its code number and The Guardian newspaper reported:

" ... It has emerged -as a result of detective work on the Internet by a Guardian reader -that the explosion in a Baghdad market which killed more than 60 people last Friday was indeed caused by a cruise missile and not an Iraqi anti-aircraft rocket as the US has suggested. A metal fragment found at the scene by British journalist Robert Fisk carried various markings, including 'MFR 96214 09'. This, our reader pointed out in an email, is a manufacturer's identification number known as a 'cage code'.

"Cage codes can be looked up on the internet ( and keying in the number 96214 traces the fragment back to a plant in McKinney, Texas, owned by the Raytheon Company. Raytheon, whose headquarters are in Lexington, Massachusetts, aspires 'to be the most admired defense and aerospace systems supplier through world-class people and technology', according to its website ( It makes a vast array of military equipment, including the AGM129 cruise missile which is launched from B-52 bombers." 36

Lewis Libby, Dick Cheney's chief of staff, has shares in Raytheon Corp, which was selected with Kellogg Brown and Root to destroy 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq.


Many defense analysts have agreed that what happened at the Shu'ale market was almost certainly due to a Harm, which carries a warhead designed to explode into thousands of aluminium fragments, hence the injuries inflicted. In a similar incident, 21 Iraqi civilians were killed by a US/British missile unleashed by the forces of tyranny.


A Red Crescent maternity hospital was bombed and in al-Janabiy, in the southeast of Baghdad, photographer Patrick Baz, a veteran of the conflict in Beirut in the 1980s, found a farm pulverized by missiles with at least 20 dead inside, including 11 children.38 Members of the US 3rd infantry division shot dead seven women and children travelling in their car at a checkpoint set up by the occupying force. A Washington Post reporter at the scene said ten were killed, including five children who appeared to be younger than five years old.39 The report described the vehicle as a four-wheel-drive Toyota crammed with the Iraqis' personal belongings.


The military spokesman lied as always, saying -the car did not respond to warning shots, but the Washington Post reporter said that Captain Ronny Johnson shouted at his troops:

"You just fucking killed a family because you didn't fire a warning shot soon enough!" 40

"We do all we can to protect civilians"

The indiscriminate killings of civilians were a constant feature of the invasion and these have continued since the occupation began. When US troops exploded an arms dump close to a civilian area at Hai al-Muallimin on April 26th 2003 killing 12 people, they said it had been targeted by Iraqis. This was despite the fact that the US forces had been exploding Iraqi arms dumps all over the country and the people in the area had already asked them to move the one in question because any explosion threatened civilians.


Sabi Hassoun, a 70-year-old great-grandfather lost six members of his family -a son, three grandsons and two of their wives, the BBC reported, and near him a little boy was crying inconsolably. He lost both his parents in the disaster.41 At least 13 civilians were killed and scores injured when US troops opened fire on a demonstration in the town of Falluja, 35 miles from Baghdad.


The protestors were demanding that the military leave the local school to allow the children to return to their lessons. The US military, as always, said they had been fired on, but witnesses said only stones were thrown. Most of the dead and injured were young people and the next day two more were shot dead byUS bullets during a protest against the first killings. In another incident, troops opened fire on a crowd opposing the appointment of a new pro-American (of course) governor in the northern city of Mosul.


Ten died and around a hundred were injured. Hundreds more Iraqis have been killed by US troops since the 'major' war officially ended and the fodder troops have also continued to be killed almost by the day at the time of writing. Civilians were not only hit, they were on many occasions targeted, as they always are.


A Belgian news photographer, Laurent Van der Stockt, working for the Gamma agency and under contract for the New York Times Magazine, followed the advance of US Marines (3rd battalion, 4th regiment) for three weeks, up to the taking of Baghdad on April 9th.


Van der Stockt has worked in many war zones, including the first Gulf War, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Africa and the Occupied Territories. He told the Le Monde newspaper in France of his experiences with the same troops that would topple the Saddam statue in front of the world media.


Van der Stockt said he saw American troops taking every opportunity to tear down portraits of Saddam Hussein.

"They were doing this right in front of the local inhabitants, whose elation quickly vanished", he said. "The soldiers obviously didn't imagine that it was up to the Iraqis to be doing this or that it was humiliating for them." 42 He told Le Monde

"During the first few days, with colleagues from the New York Times and Newsweek, I tried to follow the convoys in a SUV by playing hide-and-seek. We were spending a lot of time then with the 1,500 Marines of the 3/4, commanded by Colonel Bryan P. McCoy ... their motto is 'Search and Kill'. The 'Kilo' unit is nicknamed 'Killer Kilo'. The words 'Carnivore' or 'Blind Killer' are painted on their tankls. McCoy could snap with a 'shame on you', a smile flashing across his face to the sniper who had just finished telling him: 'I've got eight, sjr, but only five'. Literally meaning: I've shot eight, but only five of them are dead'." 43

Van der Stockt said he had never seen a war with so few 'returns'. The Iraqi army was like a ghost, it barely existed, he said. Over the three weeks, he only saw the Iraqi' army' fire a few short-range rockets and a few shots. He saw deserted trenches, a dead Iraqi soldier lying next to a piece of bread and some old equipment.


There was nothing that really made him feel that there was a real confrontation going on, nothing comparable to the "massiveness of the means at the Americans' disposal". On April 6th, he and the Marines were at the outskirts of Baghdad, facing a strategic bridge the Americans called "the Baghdad Highway Bridge".


Residential areas were now much greater in number, but American snipers were ordered to kill anything coming in their direction. That night a teenager who was crossing the bridge was killed.


Van der Stockt described to Le Monde what followed:

"On the morning of April 7, the Marines decided to cross the bridge. A shell fell onto an armored personnel carrier. Two marines were killed. The crossing took on a tragic aspect. The soldiers were stressed, febrile. They were shouting. The risk didn't appear to be that great, so I followed their advance. They were howling, shouting orders and positions to each other. It sounded like something in-between a phantasm, mythology and conditioning. The operation was transformed into crossing the bridge over the River Kwai.

"Later, there was some open terrain. The Marines were advancing and taking up position, hiding behind mounds of earth. They were still really tense. A small blue van was moving towards the convoy. Three not-very-accurate warning shots were fired. The shots were supposed to make the van stop. The van kept on driving, made a U-turn. took shelter and then returned slowly. The Marines opened fire. All hell broke loose. They were firing all over the place. You could hear 'Stop firing' being shouted. The silence that set in was overwhelming. Two men and a woman had just been riddled with bullets. So this was the enemy, the threat.

"A second vehicle drove up. The same scenario was repeated. Its passengers were killed on the spot. A grandfather was walking slowly with a cane on the sidewalk. They killed him too. As with the old man, the Marines fired on a SUV driving along the river bank that was getting too close to them. Riddled with bullets, the vehicle rolled over. Two women and a child got out, miraculously still alive. They sought refuge in the wreckage. A few seconds later, it flew into bits as a tank lobbed a terse shot into it.

"Marines are conditioned to reach their target at any cost, by staying alive and facing any type of enemy. They abusively make use of disproportionate firepower. These hardened troops, followed by tons of equipment, supported by extraordinary artillery power, protected by fighter jets and cutting-edge helicopters, were shooting on local inhabitants who understood absolutely nothing of what was going on. With my own eyes I saw about fifteen civilians killed in two days. I've gone through enough wars to know that it's always dirty, that civilians are always the first victims. But the way it was happening here, it was insane." 44

Van der Stockt said that at the "roughest moment", the most humane of the troops was a guy called Doug who gave real warning shots, aiming for tyres or the engine, and saving at least ten lives in two hours, according to the photographer.


Distraught soldiers were saying:

"I ain't prepared for this; I didn't come here to shoot civilians."

Van der Stockt continued:

"I drove away a girl who had had her humerus pierced by a bullet. Enrico was holding her in his arms. In the rear, the girl's father was protecting his young son, wounded in the torso a1d losing consciousness. The man spoke in gestures to the doctor at the back of the lines, pleading: 'I don't understand, I was walking and holding my children's hands. Why didn't you shoot in the air? Or at least shoot me?'


In Baghdad, McCoy sped up the march. He stopped taking the time to search houses one-by-one. He wanted to get to Paradise Place as soon as possible [the location of the Saddam statue and the long-planned photo opportunity captured by the media]. The Marines were not firing on the thickening population. The course ended with Saddam's statue being toppled. There were more journalists at the scene than Baghdadis. Its five million inhabitants stayed at home." 45

Robert Fisk described this cold-blooded murder by an American military sniper e UK Independent:

"An American Marine sniper sitting atop the palace gate wounded three civilians, including a little girl, in a car that failed to halt -then shot and killed a man who had walked on to his balcony to discover the source of the firing. Within minutes, the sniper also shot dead the driver of another car and wounded two more passengers in that vehicle, including a young woman. A crew from Channel 4 Television was present when the killings took place." 46

But most of the time in this high-tech warfare the killers never even see their victims. MSNBC correspondent Ashleigh Banfield said the tanks and the vehicles used in the front lines are so high tech that an artillery engineer can pinpoint a target on a screen and destroy it without ever seeing a warm body.

"Some of the soldiers, according to our [embedded reporters], had never seen a dead body throughout the entire three-week campaign", she said, "It was like Game Boy." 47

Toys for the boys

The psychopathic, juvenile and dumb have in their hands the most destructive firepower in known human history. The latest little gem is the Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb or Moab, the 'Mother of all Bombs'. The use of the name, Moab, would never be a coincidence to the symbolism-obsessed Illuminati.


Moab is a name familiar to readers of the Old Testament as in the Plains of Moab, near Jericho (Numbers 22:1, 26:63, Joshua 13:32), where the Israelites are claimed to have made their last encampment before they entered the Promised Land after their alleged journey through the wilderness.


The Bible says that the character called Moses died in Moab. The location also has associations with Freemasonry.


The bomb of the same name is the most powerful non-nuclear weapon on the planet. The Moab detonates 21,000lb of explosives above the ground and is guided by the satellite linked global positioning system. It can trigger temperatures of up to 538°C (1,000°F) and has an awesome destructive power. I wonder if this just might qualify as a 'weapon of mass destruction? Imagine that dropping on a civilian area or anywhere.


Wade Frazier's excellent study of the Gulf 'War' reveals the background to another weapon used against the Iraqi people:

"The [fuel-air] bomb works thus: there are two detonations; the first spreads a fine mist of fuel into the air, turning the area [about the size of a football field] into an explosive mix of vast proportion; then a second detonation ignites the mixture, causing an awesome explosion. The explosion is about the most powerful 'conventional' explosion we know of.’’

"At a pressure shock of up to 200 pounds per square inch (PSI), people in its detonation zone are often killed by the sheer compression of the air around them. Human beings can typically withstand up to about a 40-PSI shock. The bomb sucks oxygen out of the air, and can apparently even suck the lungs out through the mouths of people unfortunate enough to be in the detonation zone. Our military used it on helpless people [in the 1991 Gulf Slaughter]." 48

Figure 16: Would a hungry child spot the difference?

The 'food' parcels and cluster bomblets were both dropped by US forces and both were the same color yellow.

How sick can you get?


Figure 17: What cluster bombs do: this is only one of tens of thousands of victims

mutilated by US cluster bombs in South East Asia.

The US and UK dropped these same weapons on civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Still support the troops.


These weapons were used in Afghanistan and the two wars on Iraq. On one end of this process is a 'hero' in a uniform pressing a button and on the other are men, women and children exploding into pieces. The Iraqi population were subjected to a lovely piece of hardware called a 'Big Blue', which produces a shock wave only eclipsed by nuclear weapons.


Wade Frazier points out that the power of the shock wave can turn a body into a hamburger. Also deployed were the 'bouncing bombs' that are designed to 'bounce' to waist height before exploding and ensure a better chance of hitting people. There is the 'Beehive' bomb that explodes 8,800 pieces of razor-edged shrapnel in all directions, tearing people apart. The US and British heroes and liberators bombarded Iraq, as they did Afghanistan, with lethal cluster bombs that cause horrendous civilian death and suffering.


Cluster bombs can be delivered by aircraft, artillery or missile. Each one releases dozens, often hundreds of smaller 'bomb lets' or 'grenades'. In turn, each of these contains hundreds of metal fragments. Just one of these fragments can rupture the spleen or cause the intestines to explode.49


These weapons are particularly indiscriminate and if you are there when they fall, that's just too bad. So many of these bomb lets fail to explode initially that their use peppers the landscape with landmines waiting to go off when any unknowing child touches them. In Afghanistan the sick minds at the Pentagon dropped "food parcels" that were almost identical in color and design as the cluster bomblets (Figure 16).


In Laos, where there are still an estimated 10 million (or more) unexploded American cluster bombs, people are still being killed almost every day from these weapons dropped 30 years ago (Figure 17).50 During the 1991 Gulf War more than 30 million cluster bomblets were dropped on Kuwait and Iraq. Unexploded bombs later killed 1,600 civilians and injured another 2,500.


A study by the Red Cross revealed that children in Kosovo are five times more likely to be killed or injured by a NATO-dropped unexploded cluster bomb than by a Serbian landmine. Today in Afghanistan the killing also still continues, as it does in Iraq. Reports in August 2003 suggested that a thousand Iraqi children had already died this way.


More than 50 international organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the International Committee to Ban Landmines have called for a moratorium on cluster bomb use, but the US and Britain go on using them. 51


When you think that all these weapons and more were deployed against Iraq, is it any wonder that people suffered such grotesque injuries from this scale of savagery?

Cluster bombing Babylon

The outstanding British journalist (yes, a real one), Robert Fisk, detailed in the UK independent the consequences for Iraqis from the cluster bombs used by the US and/ or British forces in the slaughter of 2003. Reporting from villages around the city once known as Babylon (how appropriate), he said that the wards of the Hillah teaching hospital contained the proof that "something illegal-something quite outside the Geneva Conventions" had occurred: the use of cluster bombs.


He described the wailing children, the young women with breast and leg wounds, the ten patients upon whom doctors had to perform brain surgery to remove metal from their heads. They talked of the days and nights when the explosives fell "like grapes" from the sky. Were they American or British aircraft that showered these villages with one of the most lethal weapons of modern warfare? Fisk wanted to know.


The 61 dead who had passed through the Hillah hospital could not say, he wrote, and nor could the survivors who, in many cases, were,

"sitting in their homes when the white canisters opened high above their village, spilling thousands of bomb lets into the sky, exploding in the air, soaring through windows and doorways to burst indoors or bouncing off the roofs of the concrete huts to blow up later in the roadways ... Some died at once, mostly women and children, some of whose blackened, decomposing remains lay in the tiny charnel house mortuary at the back of the Hillah hospital." 52

The hospital treated 200 wounded, besides the 61 dead, and many others were believed to have died who were not brought to the hospital. Doctors said about 80 per cent of the victims were civilians.


Robert Fisk wrote:

"Heartbreaking is the only word to describe 10-year-old Maryam Nasr and her five-year old sister Hoda. Maryam has a patch over her right eye, where a piece of bomblet embedded itself, and wounds to the stomach and thighs. I didn't realize that Hoda, standing by her sister's bed, was wounded until her mother carefully lifted the little girl's scarf and long hair to show a deep puncture in the right side of her head, just above her ear, congealed blood sticking to her hair but the wound still gently bleeding.

"Their mother described how she had been inside her home and heard an explosion and found her daughters in a pool of blood near the door. The little girls alternately smiled and hid when I took their pictures. In other wards, the hideously wounded would try to laugh, to show their bravery. It was a humbling experience." 53

Fisk described the mortuary as "a butcher's shop of chopped-up corpses" and there was a graphic account of the cluster-bomb carnage in the Asian Times.54 It quoted Roland Huguenin-Benjamin, a spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Iraq, describing the scene in Hillah as "a horror, dozens of severed bodies and scattered limbs".


Journalists found "babies cut in half, amputated limbs, kids with their faces a web of deep cuts caused by American shellfire and cluster bombs". Nobody in the West saw these images on their television screens because they were censored and milder versions distributed.


The Asia Times report said that an Arab cameramen told how he saw two trucks full of bodies -mostly children, and women in flowered dresses -parked outside the Hillah hospital.

If you miss the first time - get 'em later

The mass bombing made enormous additions to the depleted uranium left by the conflict of 1991 that has sent the rates of leukemia, other cancers, and deformed babies soaring. The British Ministry of Defense confirmed that troops returning from the Gulf were offered tests to assess the levels of depleted uranium in their bodies and establish if they were in danger of suffering kidney damage and lung cancer. 55


Professor Brian Spratt FRS, chairman of the Royal Society working group on depleted uranium, said:

"It is highly unsatisfactory to deploy a large amount of a material that is weakly radioactive and chemically toxic without knowing how much soldiers and civilians have been exposed to it." 56

He said civilians in Iraq should be protected by checking milk and water samples for depleted uranium over a prolonged period and that soldiers might suffer kidney damage and increased risk of lung cancer if they breathed in substantial amounts. But, of course, we know the effect of this poison with the consequences for the Iraqi people since 1991.


Within three years of the conflict cancer in Iraq had increased 700% and thousands f troops are suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, which the authorities spent so long trying to dismiss. Despite the clear correlation between health effects and depleted uranium, the UK 'Defense' Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons in 2003 that there was "not the slightest scientific evidence" to suggest that depleted uranium left a poisonous residue.57


This is breathtaking, inhumane, mendacious claptrap, as Hoon must know. He, like Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Home Secretary David Blunkett, are, in my view, beyond words. They are an insult to the principles on which their Labour Party was created and has long-since discarded to serve the Illuminati agenda.


Professor Doug Rokke is a former US army colonel and director of the Pentagon's depleted uranium project. He says that the military cannot just contaminate any other nation, cause harm its· people and environment and then ignore the consequences of what they have done. He called on the US and UK to "recognize the immoral consequences of their actions and assume responsibility for medical care and thorough environmental remediation".58


But they won't because they don't care about the consequences for troops or civilians, only that the outcome suits their plans.


The UN Environment Program found that the depleted uranium used by the US and UK in the Balkans had reached the water table and seven years after the conflict it recommended the decontamination of buildings to protect the civilian population against cancer. But there's no evidence is there, Mr Goon? Depleted uranium is standard in a number of anti-tank weapons and is also contained in bullets, shells and bombs. The so-called bunker busters used in Baghdad contain seven tonnes of depleted uranium alone and one of these was used in the "attempt to kill Saddam Hussein" when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would have contaminated a large civilian area with depleted uranium and that is just one bomb. 59


Experts suggest that between 1,000 and 2,000 tonnes of depleted uranium were used by the coalition in the three week conflict compared with 340 tonnes in 1991-and look at the consequences of that.60 Saul Bloom is executive director of Arc Ecology, a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization that has helped foreign governments analyze the environmental impacts of US military bases.


He says of the uranium pollution:

"Post-war environmental deaths may exceed direct civilian casualties." 61

Thus we can observe both the consequences for the Iraqi people of being 'liberated' and the almost unimaginable sickness of the soul it takes to plan such suffering simply to increase your own power. Yet these are the minds that control our world. For how much longer are we going to let them??

Medal if you kill, jail of you don't

Events may appear to be topsy-turvy and Alice in Wonderland, but that's only if you are looking for logical explanations based on the world the people are conditioned to believe in. The common theme that finds the logical in the apparently inexplicable is a simple question: is it good for the agenda?


For example, it does not appear logical or consistent to arm Saddam Hussein with chemical and biological weapons and then for the same people to use his alleged possession of such weapons to invade his country. But it suited the agenda both to arm Iraq before the Gulf War in 1991 and then to invade in 2003 using the US-supplied 'weapons of mass destruction' as the excuse.


To the manipulators there is nothing contradictory in that at all. It is simply the way the game is played. If you kill people while wearing a uniform they give you a medal and if you do the same in jeans and a T-shirt they give you a life sentence. Soldiers are called "heroes" for killing civilians and jailed if they refuse to do so. This, again, is perfectly logical because the Illuminati want their troops to kill people.


They don't want their fodder in uniform using their own minds and conscience and refusing to be involved in murder. Two British soldiers faced up to two years in prison for refusing to fight in Iraq because they would not take part in a conflict in which civilians would be killed. The two men, thought to be a private and an air technician with the 16 Air Assault Brigade, were sent back to their barracks and a third was preparing for a court martial after he would not travel to Iraq.


Stephen Eagle Funk, a 20-year-old US marine reserve, also refused to be sent to Iraq to take part in a war he believed was "immoral because of the deception involved by our leaders".62


He said he would rather take the punishment now than live with what he would have to do in Iraq for the rest of his life:

"I would be going in knowing that it was wrong and that would be hypocritical." 63

He faced a possible court martial and time in a military prison for his action. But he is a true military hero.


As Mark Twain said:

"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."

Like increasing numbers of young soldiers, Funk only joined the military to have his college fees paid and because,

"the ads make the armed forces look so cool-'call this number and we'll send you a free pair of boxer shorts'. A lot of kids had no idea what was involved", he said.64

He was soon to find out:

"Every day in combat training you had to yell out 'Kill! Kill!' and we would get into trouble if you didn't shout it out, so often I would just mouth it so I didn't get into trouble."65

He said that recruits were encouraged to hurt each other in hand-to-hand combat training.

"I couldn't do that so they would pair me up with someone who was very violent or aggressive."66

When the instructor told him he had an attitude problem he could not keep quiet any longer:

"I was a little pissed off and I said, 'I think killing people is wrong.' That was the crystallizing moment because I had never said it out loud before. It was such a relief. It's a lot easier if you just give in and don't question authority." 67

He said he had spoken out to warn other young people about the manipulations of the military:

"War is about destruction and violence and death. It is young men fighting old men's wars. It is not the answer; it just ravages the land of the battleground. I know it's wrong but other people in the military have been programmed to think it is OK. All they [the military] want is numbers. What I'm doing is really trying to educate people to weigh their options -there are so many more ways to get money for school." 68

Albert Einstein put it so well:

"The pioneers of a warless world are the youth who refuse military service."

Pawns in uniform, oops, sorry, "our troops"

The irony is that the troops who bombard these countries with their lethal weaponry causing such death and destruction are thernse1v~s considered to be expendable fodder by the Illuminati. The war criminal, Henry Kissinger, a major Illuminati front man for more than 40 years, said: "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy."69


They are portrayed as heroes when they go to war and they are hailed as even greater heroes if they die for the Illuminati, or "the cause of freedom and liberation". But once they are dead, or if they are maimed for life or develop war-related disease like Gulf War Syndrome, they will be ignored and cast aside, even publicly condemned.


My father served with the Army Medical Corps in the Second World War and he told me from an early age about the reality of war. He told me how young kids, still in their teens, would be brought back from battle with horrendous injuries screaming for their mothers thousands of miles away. He recalled how they would add ballast inside the coffins to cover the fact that there was so little left of the person inside.


He also told me how military doctors would bend the rules to get people enlisted into the military at wartime when they had medical problems that should have prevented this. Then, when they returned injured in mind or body, the same doctors would follow the rules to the letter to stop legitimate compensation. I wrote a poem about this that you will find in Appendix II.


Typical of this attitude was the experience of Lianne Seymour, a mother of a young child, whose husband, Ian, died in a helicopter crash in Iraq. Soon after his death she received a letter from the British Ministry of 'Defence' saying that she would have to vacate her military home and repay nine days of his salary that had been paid since his death. When the story broke in the newspapers the Blair gang did what they always do when the truth is out. They lied and blamed it all on the man at the ministry who sent the letter.


They described it as a "mistake" and said it was not policy to do this. It turns out that this is exactly what the policy is. I don't know why she should be made to suffer further, but Lianne Seymour was invited to meet Defense Secretary, Geoff Hoon, as he sought to offset the bad publicity. He said she would not have to repay the nine days pay or move out of the house.


She said of the meeting:

"It's completely disappointing. I think his words were that I'm not going to live in luxury but at least I'm not going to be poor, which I just think is terrible." 70

The men who sent her husband to war while never seeing a bullet fired themselves, will of course, continue to live in luxury. Some 200,000 soldiers who took part in the Gulf War of 1991 complained of pain, sickness, skin problems, loss of memory and concentration -the symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome. The average payment in compensation for the loss of their long-term health is, according to campaigner Joyce Riley, about $98 a month.71


Some 60,000 have had compensation claims rejected by the Pentagon. Riley said the pathetic payment "basically washes the DOD's hands; they can say 'look, we are compensating"'.72


Major General Smedley Butler was twice awarded the Medal of Honor, while serving for more than 30 years in the United States Marine Corps. He encapsulated the real nature of war and the military in a speech in July 1933 in which he said that war is just a racket conducted by the very few at the expense of masses and that only a small group on the inside knows what it is really all about.


He went on:

"Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914.


I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American, republics for the benefits of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 19091912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested." 73

Nothing changes. The Project for the New American Century document says that the US must "fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars" as a "core mission". Put another way, large numbers of US troops are going to be killed and horrifically injured to give these crackpots their global control.


Donald Rumsfeld told the troops involved in the Iraq slaughter:

"With the liberation of Iraq, you have transformed the country, but how you did it will transform how we defend our country in the 21st century." Yep, he really said, "defend".

What he means is the policy of "first strike defense" (attack) will be used to invade the neo-Nazi shopping list of target countries and a lot of troops are going to die and be maimed for life. All the troops cheered when he said that and treated Rumsfeld like some sort of god. It's the same whenever President Village Idiot reads his spinner-prepared speeches to the pawns in uniform. They cheer the 'leaders' who see the troops as nothing more than cattle to be used as necessary. It is so pathetic to watch.


When Bush talked to troops about their colleagues who died in Iraq, he said:

"No one who falls will be forgotten by this grateful nation. We honor their service to America and we pray their families will receive God's comfort and God's grace."

Those words were delivered by a practicing Satanist who knows that the troops are only there to be used and abused as required by the agenda he serves. It's just another script for the movie. The true scale of military casualties and the nature of their injuries are suppressed for the same reason as civilian casualties are not emphasized. It's bad for the movie version of war and the reasons behind it.


An American neurosurgeon, Gene Bolles, told his local newspaper in Boulder, Colorado, how the daily "White House press briefings and fuzzy real-time TV reports fall far short of conveying the brutality of war".74 Bolles treated military casualties at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, where he has been chief of neurosurgery for 16 years.


He said:

"It really is disgustingly sanitized on television ... we have had a number of really horrific injuries now from the war. They have lost arms, legs, hands; they have been burned; they have had significant brain injuries and peripheral nerve damage. These are young kids that are going to be, in some regards, changed for life. I don't feel that people realize that ... these are young children; 18, 19, 20 with arms and legs blown off. That is the reality." 75

A message to "our troops"

British Prime Minister Tony Blair had such contempt for the families of two dead soldiers that he said at a news conference with George Bush that they had been executed by the Iraqis. This was based, as usual with Blair, on no evidence whatsoever, but it suited the moment to indicate that this had happened.


The families were devastated because the military had told them the men had been killed in action and Blair was forced to make a public apology for the grief his spinning had caused.

"Support our troops", they tell us while they "exploit our troops", even after they are dead.

For goodness sake, get out of the forces before you are the next victim of these insane criminals. You are not liberating anyone; you are helping to complete the global fascist state that you and your children will have to live in. Many former soldiers in the US and British armies have contacted me over the years to say they now realize how they have been used and there are multimillions in the military today who have no earthly clue why they are killing people.


One teenage American soldier in Iraq called "Private AJ" told a CNN reporter:

"I want to get in there and get my nose dirty, I want to take revenge for 9/11."

The reporter pointed out there was no evidence to link the Iraqi government with September 11th Private AJ pushed his tongue out to the end of his chin and replied:

"Yeah, well that stuff's way over my head."76

According to a New York Times/CBS News survey, 42 per cent of the American public also believed that Sad dam Hussein was directly responsible for the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. An ABC News poll said that 55 per cent of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein directly supports al-Qaeda.77


The graphic descriptions in this chapter don't even begin to portray the true magnitude of the horror those people suffered and, for the ones who survived, continue to suffer. If people don't understand what 'war' really means behind the flag waving and victory parades they will go on supporting the sick minds that are planning to repeat the experience in country after country across the world. This is no time for mincing words and playing softly, softly.


We need to look this in the face and deal with it. Those in uniform, "our troops", who kill people to order-"three Iraqi's to go, please, heavy on the ammo" -are not "heroes". They are paid assassins guilty of mass murder.

And it's time someone said it.


1 "The Rape of Iraq" by Dr Susan Block,


3 "The ugly truth of America's Camp Cropper, a story to shame us all", by Robert Fisk, UK Independent, July 22nd 2003, story.jsp?story=426520

4 "Why I Quit the Sun", The Guardian, March 31st 2003

5 Ibid

6 Ibid

7 "MSNBC's Banfield Slams War Coverage", April 29th 2003; her full lecture can be seen at
8 Ibid

9 Ibid

10 Ibid

11 "Screams and Cries Echo in Hospitals", by Samia Nakhoul, Reuters, April 7th 2003

12 BBC News Online, April 14th,

13 Ibid, April 15th 2003,

14 ABC News Online, April 3rd 2003,

15 Ibid

16 Arab News,

17 "In Iraqi Hospitals, Child War Casualties Mount", by Samia Nakhoul, Reuters, April 3rd 2003

18 Ibid

19 Ibid

20 "US Marines Turn Fire On Civilians At 'The Bridge Of Death''', by Mark Franchetti, Sunday Times, March 30th 2003

21 "The Saddest Story of All", by Anton Antonowicz, Daily Mirror, April 5th 2003

22 "Screams and Cries Echo in Hospitals", by Samia Nakhoul, Reuters, April 7th 2003

23 "This is the reality of war. We bomb, They suffer. Veteran war reporter Robert Fisk tours tfie Baghdad hospital to see the wounded after a devastating night of air strikes", Independent, March 23rd 2003

24 "So He Thinks It's All Over", by Robert Fisk, Independent, May 5th 2003

25 BBC New Online. April 16th 2003

26 "Antiwar Protesters in a PR Fix. As Battle Images Flow Home, US Public Rallies for G.l.s", by Kim Campbell, Christian Science Monitor, April 2nd 2003

27 UK Sunday Times, March 30th 2003

28 "Marine who said no to killing on his conscience". The Guardian, April 1st 2003

29 Correspondent, BBC2. May 18th 2003

30 Ibid

31 Arundhati Roy, The Guardian, April 2nd 2003

32 "This War is Not Working", by Peter Arnett, Daily Mirror, April 1st 2003

33 UK Sunday Times. March 30th 2003

34 Vancouver Province. April 2nd 2003

35 "Iraqis Say Lynch Raid Found No Resistance", Washington Post, April 15th 2003

36 The Guardian, London, Apl'illst 2003

37 "Carving Up The New Iraq", by Neil Mackay. Sunday Herald. Scotland,

38 "Cluster Bombs Liberate Iraqi Children". by Pepe Escobar. The Asia Times (Hong Kong), April 3rd 2003

39 "Women and Children Gunned Down, US Troops Kill Seven Civilians in Checkpoint Incident", Associated Press, March 31st 2003
40 Ibid

41 BBG News Online. April 28th 2003

42 "Embedded Photographer -., Saw Marines Kill Civilians· ... by Michel Guerrin for Le Monde, translated for GounterPunch by Norman Madarasz. April 16th 2003. Appeared in Le Monde on April 12th. Article can be found at

43 Ibid

44 Ibid

45 Ibid

46 Independent. April 11th 2003. The article can be read at

47 "MSNBC's Banfield Slams War Coverage". April 29th 2003: her full lecture can be seen at http://www.alternet.orgjprint.html?Storyl D=15 778

48 Wade Frazier's articles can be found at'lq.htm


50 Ibid

51 Ibid

52 The Independent. April 2nd 2003

53 Ibid

54 "Cluster Bombs Liberate Iraqi Children". by Pepe Escobar. The Asia Times (Hong Kong), Apri 3rd 2003

55 "Gulf troops face tests for-cancer". The Guardian. April 25th 2003

56 Ibid

57 Ibid

58 The Guardian. April 17th 2003

59 "Gulf troops face tests for cancer". The Guardian. April 25th. 2003

60 Ibid.

61 "Long-Term Damage From a Short-Term War". by Solana Pyne. April 16th 2003, http://victoria . indymedia .org/ news /2003 /04 /13 739.php

62 "Marine who said no to killing on his conscience". The Guardian, April 1st 2003

63 Ibid

64 Ibid

65 Ibid

66 Ibid

67 Ibid

68 Ibid

69 Quoted by Monika Jensen-Stevenson in Kiss the Boys Goodbye (Dutton, 1990), p 97, citing The Final Days, Woodward and Bernstein (Simon & Schuster, 1976)

70 BBC News Online. April 15th 2003

71 Middle East Times, revisits~ulf.htm

72 Ibid

73 All Fall Down, p 113

74 county _news/ article/Oo/02C1713%2CBDC_2423_ 1866804%2COO.html

75 Ibid

76 Arundhati Roy, The Guardian, April 2nd 2003

77 Ibid

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