Chapter 34

I've thought about an eloquent
way to end this volume with a flourish of cosmic wisdom that would bring the
entire contents of this work into perspective and balance, an ending that
would be worthy of all of those brave truth-seekers who have so generously
contributed to this project.
Having failed to do this, I will gladly give this opportunity to one who
should know, more than anyone else, just exactly what we as a planet are
going through in our struggle for freedom from interventionist oppression.
The following appeared in
Val Valerian's MATRIX II work, and although I've
made some interjections throughout, I would ask that you pay special
attention to the words of a certain 'Nordic', born among the stars, who can
fully sympathize with our plight here on earth.
But first, some words of introduction from Val Valerian:
The first type [of Gray] is the short gray humanoids with the large heads,
which resemble embryos and average about four and a half feet in height.
They are from a
solar system that revolves around
Rigel. Rigel is a double
bluish-white star on the
left foot of Orion...
It is this type of humanoid that is performing most of the animal
mutilations and human mutilations, which has made a secret deal with our
government, and which was in contact with Hitler [Nazis]. They derive
nourishment from the glandular secretions and the enzymes they extract from
the animals they mutilate, which they absorb through their pores. Our
'government' permits such activities partially because of its acute fear of
these beings, and partially because it is under the delusion that they will
give us technical information enabling us to attain military superiority
over the Russians in exchange for our permitting the mutilations and
The Stealth Bomber and Star Wars technologies are being obtained from them.
However, our government does not appear to realize that when it comes to the
crunch the technology they are transmitting will not work as it is supposed
(Note: More advanced technologies have been obtained via
crash-retrievals, an aspect that the aliens may have underestimated. - Branton).
It is not in their interest to give us decisive military
superiority over the Russians, or vice versa. It is in their interest to
keep us in a state of unresolved conflict with each other, the old game of
divide and conquer...
Working under the instructions of the humanoids from Rigel,
CIA and former
NAZI scientists have developed and deployed malignant strains of bacteria
and viruses, including AIDS. The rationale from the fascist point of view is
to exterminate portions of the population considered to be undesirable. The
rationale from the Rigelian point of view is to decimate the human
population to such an extent that the survivors would accept [not resist]
open control by the Rigelians...
The humanoids that have been nick-named 'Swedes' are on the average between
six and six and a half feet tall. They [some] are from a solar system that
revolves around Procyon, a binary yellow-white and yellow star system that
rises before Sirius in Canis Minoris [in the body of the
Lesser Dog], about
11.4 light years from Earth. They are from the fourth planet in orbit around
the Procyon double star system. The tall blond humanoids from
Procyon and
the short gray humanoids from Rigel have been enemies for thousands of
The tall Blonds from Procyon have a benign attitude toward humanity, except
for their strong disapproval of our inhumanity to each other. This strong
disapproval is further intensified by our government having made a secret
alliance with their hereditary enemies, in order to obtain even more
destructive weapons systems than those already in existence. Our
'government' is not interested in negotiating with the Procyonians, as they
would not provide us with weapon systems...
Their motivation for
breeding with humans is to tune-up the frequency of our
species, in order to help us to help ourselves. Their concern is for the
well-being of all forms of life, not just humanity. The entire biosphere
will benefit if we fulfill our positive potential, instead of
self-destructing our planet's biosphere in the process.
It would be a mistake to count on them to clean up the mess we have made of
our polluted planet, or to bring peace by dismantling our nuclear weapons.
It is up to us to solve the problems that we have ourselves created...
In order to extricate ourselves from the covert alliance the CIA (and their
Nazi SS predecessors. - Branton) had made with Rigel, without our knowledge
or consent, we must first regain control of our government...
Valerian then quotes the following words of one
Procyonese star-traveler by
the name of KHYLA, who revealed the following to an un-named earth woman
with whom he had established contact:
"...Tyrants have been defeated many times on many planets, in countless
solar systems and galaxies. How strange it is that as soon as one tyrant of
any species is thought to be banished forever another always, but ALWAYS,
takes his place. The idealistic revolutionaries who defeated King George III
in America went on to oppress the Indians and Blacks. Many of those who
fought most courageously against the Axis powers of fascism later became
fascists themselves, as is demonstrated by the present plight of the
Palestinians, Afghans, Chileans and
Yes, you must try to regain
control of your government, but if so much as one individual involved in
this process has not first gained control of his or her selfhood, it will be
for naught. One can never defeat or gain control of anything but oneself.
Those destined to ouster the Rigelians must always keep track of the state of
their selfhood, and learn first to defeat within themselves the essence of
that which is tyranny.
Through this type of awareness, they will know when
to and when not to act. Through understanding a hostile entity to be but one
of the ineffable countless facades, it loses its power over you. Through
the ability to wisely perceive a hostile entity, you may gain control of it.
In overcoming the Rigelians, one must take great precautions not to become
oneself the enemy."
Or, as the old Chinese proverb says:
Khyla, the Procyonese Intelligence agent, continues:
"If you were a highly advanced culture about to invade a relatively
primitive culture, you would not do it with a flourish of ships showing up
in the heavens, and take the risk of being fired upon. That's the type of
warfare less evolved mortals would get into. You would begin by creating
intense confusion, with only inferences of your presence, inferences which
cause controversial disagreement
(Note: It is interesting that the major
Intelligence projects designed to discredit UFO witnesses and cause
confusion and contention among -- and infiltration of -- various UFO
research organizations have been traced back to the Nazified NSA-CIA, which
in turn maintains, as this is being written, continued ties with the Grays.
- Branton).
"You would go to the most secret and powerful organizations within the
society. In the case of the United States, you would infiltrate the CIA, and
through the use of techniques unknown to them, you would take over some of
the key people in their innermost core group. You would proceed in the same
fashion to take over key members of the KGB. You would also create great
dissension among the public at large, some individuals and groups insisting
that they have seen UFOs, others insisting with equal vehemence that such a
thing is not possible, and that they are either liars or deluded.
"You would involve the planet's two major nations in an on-going idiotic
philosophical dispute, keeping them constantly at each other's throats over
such questions as whether Thomas Jefferson was greater than Karl Marx or
vice-versa (that is, whether 'Capitalist' tyranny or 'Communist' tyranny is
worse than the other. By the way, don't confuse Communism with Communalism,
and don't confuse Capitalism with Democracy. Communalism and Democracy are sovereigntist movements that respect the personal rights and freedoms of
others. So-called unrestrained Communism and Capitalism are co-dependent
collectist evils. Capitalist tyranny created Communist tyranny, and
Communist tyranny justifies its existence as a force to fight Capitalist
tyranny. Insane world we live in, is it not? - Branton).
You would keep them
continuously occupied with quarreling like two adolescent boys trying to
prove their masculinity over who has which piece of territory, whether one
has the right to invade Afghanistan or the other has the right to invade
Nicaragua, persistently exchanging threats and insults like a couple of
macho teen-agers, while arguing whether one should dismantle one type of
nuclear warhead, or the other should dismantle another type of nuclear
warhead. As you watched all this, you would sit back and you would laugh, if
you had the capacity to laugh...
"You would occasionally let your ships be seen by some of the ordinary
citizens, so that the elite governmental groups would become involved in
attempts to keep them quiet, clumsily squelching attempts to make
information about UFO activity public. This would result in the mass
population losing confidence in the veracity of their elected officials.
There would be constant arguments between the authorities and the public as
to whether or not the persistently reported phenomena genuinely existed,
thereby setting the population and the government at each other's throats.
You would have already set the two major super-powers at each other's
throats. By subtly causing economic turmoil, you would set the "Haves" and
the "Have Nots" at each other's throats. In all possible ways, you would
plant the seeds of massive discontent.
"After you had manipulated the population to the point where your covert
control over it was complete, you might decide to go overt, and let a few
ships land in public. But you would not go from covert to overt until you
were sure of the totality of your control...
Those who have experienced
UFO sightings or ET close encounters will
constantly be at odds with the government, which will continue to retaliate
by stigmatizing them as liars or deluded... The impoverished will become
even more impoverished, and more filled to overflowing with explosively
righteous anger. The wealthy will cling even more greedily to the wealth
that they already have, creating a social atmosphere of sheer desperation
and complete confusion.
To add to that, there will be series after series of
'natural' disasters, some genuinely natural, some human-induced through
aberrant scientific activities such as underground nuclear testing, others
deliberately induced by the Grays through the (Scaler-type? - Branton)
technology they are in possession of. When approximately three-quarters of
the planet's population has been eliminated in this fashion, the Grays can
then make an overt appearance as saviors from the skies, distributing food
and medicine to the survivors. As the survivors line up to receive their quotas of food and medicine, implants will be inserted, supposedly to aid in
further food distribution, actually to guarantee complete Gray control with
no possibility of rebellion
(Note: Electronic chip implants have already
been developed. These operate on bodily temperature changes and it is
interesting that the part of the body which experiences the greatest ranges
of temperature change are the forehead and the hands, which is interesting
when compared to the prophecies in the 13th chapter of the book of
These chips will not only serve to control individuals, but will
also be able to track their every movements by satellite. One individual who
worked on such a chip stated that the implant would decay after a certain
period of time, at which point a poisonous virus would be released into the
bloodstream of those who had recieved it, eventually killing the person and
effecting a type of automatic "population control" for the
electronically-controlled society. - Branton).
From the point of view of the
Grays, terrestrial humanity will have been reduced to manageable numbers and
to eternal submission.
"Humanity is not about to be invaded. Humanity is not in the middle of an
invasion. Humanity has been invaded! The invasion has taken place, and is
NEARLY in its final stages. Great invasions do not happen with thundering
smoke and nuclear weaponry. That is the mark of an immature society. Great
invasions happen in secrecy.
"You throw a crumb out here and there. You bribe the U.S. government with a
few tidbits -- a Stealth bomber, a Star Wars system. You encourage the
government to think that the UFO researchers indeed threaten the security of
this great secret they have. You tempt and tease the Soviet Union with a
laser system far finer than any their own scientists could think of. And you
always keep that subtle inference just on the borderline of consciousness
that the elusive will-of-the-wisps termed UFOs may in fact exist, yet you
persistently repress this borderline perception, and make it seem so insane
that there is a social stigma attached to declaring one's conviction that
the phenomena are in fact real.
"While all this confusion is going on, the
Grays are gradually changing you
over. The inner core of the CIA is deeply controlled by the
Grays. The CIA
see the Grays as a path to greater scientific achievement, as a way of
overpowering the Soviet enemy
(Note: since the overt breakup of the Soviet
Union, the Grays may provoke a new "Cold War" with another Superpower,
possibly China? It has also been suggested that the 'Bavarians' engineered
the dissolution of the Soviet Empire because at the time their agenda called
for a merger of the East and West into a Bavarian-backed New World Order.
other words for this to occur Russia had to become less 'Communist' and
America had to become less 'Capitalist' so that they could both merge
somewhere within the realm of "Democratic Socialism", with more than a
little 'help' from the UNO or United Nations Organization. - Branton).
Surprisingly enough, the obtuse collective mentality type that makes up the
bulk of the CIA also makes up the bulk of the more fanatical
Star People,
those who babble and mush and gush so endlessly. All those who have to
cleave to or be fused with some form of group mentality (most notably, the 'Ashtar'
collective, much of which according to contactee
Israel Norkin has been
infiltrated and taken over by the "Unholy Six" star systems of
Orion - Branton) leave themselves wide open. They have already been taken over.
There is a large and ever-growing cult of contactees who think of the
Grays as liberators, sincerely believing them to be heavenly
Star Brothers who
have come to help humanity
(Note: One common brand of 'intellectual
defecation' that the Grays have been spewing forth through their human
'channels' is that the Grays are really the "good guys", and that they have
been 'conquered' and exploited by the taller Reptiloids and therefore are
working with the secret government in an attempt to throw off the yoke of
their oppressors.
Any one who is at all familiar with 'Gray' mentality
should know that they are WILLFULLY working WITH the taller Reptiloids, and
that they are reprobate LIARS who have no conscience whatever when it comes
to using multi-levelled deceptions to get their way. Unfortunately many
metaphysical-minded "gray huggers" are accepting these lies and others like
Other lies that have originated from the Grays include:
We are the
genetic creations of the Grays, so we must submit to our 'creators'
Christ was a genetic creation of the Grays -- interesting, in that
blasted the serpent race in more than one instance
The Grays are a
superior race -- they may be superior intellectually, however they have no
internal or eternal soul-matrix as do humans, and so from a spiritual
perspective they are inferior, in essence being little more than 'predators
with brains'
- Branton).
"The reason the awful little
Grays mutilate animals is the stuff that they
eat. They eat pulverized hormonic secretions, what you would call subtle
essences. They live on the stuff of life. There is something deathlike about
their species. They always bring about the death of animation, the death of
"How to I know? I am a Blond from
Procyon. We were a culture that could
travel through time (that is, phase through various time-space dimensions or
densities where the 'flow' of time and 'frequency' space are different from
the time-space dimensions of the 3rd dimension. - Branton), but also lived
on a planetary sphere. And the little Grays, our insidious little 'friends',
did to us exactly what they are doing now to you. This is what happened to
our planet.
"Having come in war, but having been unable to obtain any decisive victory,
the Grays expressed the desire to make peace. We had not wanted to fight
with the 'survivors' of the Rigelian Great War to begin with, and gladly
accepted their offer. As time went by, they said they wished to normalize
relations and be our friends. We were in doubt as to whether it would be
safe to trust them, and debated the issue for a long time before finally
deciding that we should trust them...
"The Grays began to visit us, first a few as ambassadors, then as
specialists in various domains where their expertise could be useful to us,
as participants in different programs that developed which involved mutual
collaboration, and finally as 'tourists'. What had begun as a trickle became
a flood, as they came in ever-increasing numbers, slowly but surely
infiltrating our society at all levels, penetrating even the most secret of
our elite power groups...
"Just as on your planet they began by unobtrusively gaining control over key
members of the CIA and KGB through techniques unknown to them, such as
hypnosis... so on Procyon through the same techniques, whose existence we
were not aware of either, from the start they established a kind of
telepathic hypnotic control over our leaders. Over our leaders and over
almost all of us, because it was as if we were under a spell that was
leading us to our doom, as if we were being programmed by a type of ritual
black magic that we did not realize existed.
"Just as a few of the original tall
Blonds clandestinely left Rigel when the
Great War was about to break out, so did a few of the original tall
clandestinely leave Procyon and escaped into the corridors of time just
before the Grays completed the slow undermining that culminated in their
sudden take-over of Procyon. Those who stayed behind came under the total
domination of the Grays.
"The Blonds you see on the same ships as the
Grays, working with them, are
hybrids, or they are clones. One way to distinguish the clones is that they
look alike. The real Blonds have distinct facial feature differences, and do
not look alike. The clones have thick necks and coarsely muscular bodies.
They do not have the ability to teleport or to travel interdimensionally.
They can be contacted by telepathy, but are unable to send. They can be
given orders telepathically. They are zombie-like flesh robots. You can tell
that they are of low intelligence by looking into their eyes.
"The real
Blonds are also muscular, but have slender necks and agile bodies.
Their eyes are alert and of high intelligence. Physically they are almost
identical to humans, the main difference being that by human standards their
blood circulatory system is under-developed, while their lymphatic system is
over-developed. This gives them stronger immune systems than terrestrial
"The hybrids are in an intermediate state between the real
Blonds and the
"After what has happened to Procyon, NO TRUE
BLOND would collaborate
voluntarily with the Grays. The Grays have taken some prisoners of war, who
have no choice in the matter, and are forced to work with them in order to
survive, with the hope of escaping. There are also a few Blonds who have
become degenerate renegades, space pirates and mercenaries who sell their
services to the highest bidder. But many of us remain free, and continue the
fight to the finish with the life-form that has become our hereditary enemy.
We choose to remain in exile in the corridors of time, where they can not
reach us, rather than to live under the domination of the insidious Grays.
It is dangerous for us to venture forth from the corridors of time, but
occasionally we do so for a hit-and-run strike, similar in nature to a
cosmic version of terrestrial guerrilla warfare.
"We must periodically enter a substantial physical form for a period of
repose, or to breed progeny, in order to continue to survive, but otherwise
we constantly travel the vast corridors of time. That is why we may appear
to fade in and out like holographic images to human perception. What I have
come here to communicate, if only to one or two people or a small group, is
that what is now in the process of happening to your culture, also happened
to ours. It is the same fate our own culture suffered. And the Blonds you
see with the Grays are either hybrids, clones, or prisoners of war. Because
no true Blond who got out untouched, unscathed, uncrossed with those
would ever be with them. He or she would prefer to be in a state of
"Besides the Blonds and the Grays, ships from many other space cultures are
watching planet Earth at this time with extreme interest. Scientists from
other space cultures are studying what is going on here during this decisive
period of your history. If your elected representatives had not so stupidly
made a deal with the only aliens willing to provide them with weapons
systems, with the short-sighted goal of overpowering the Russians, the
would not have achieved their present dominance, and you would now be
exchanging ambassadors with a wide variety of space cultures.
"What I want to get across to you is that the ultimate evil, which underlies
all the negativity in the cosmos, finds expression in that masked form of
psychological complacency which leads an individual to adhere to a group
philosophy rather than to think things through for oneself! Those who feel
safe and comfortable in no matter what belief system merely because many
others adhere to it, who get together and form an arrogant self-righteous
group convinced it has a monopoly on the truth, and those who are ready to
persecute, kill or stifle anyone who challenges that group's philosophy,
have formed an alliance with the ultimate evil, whether they know it or not.
It is the self-righteousness and implacability of certain elite power groups
like the CIA and the KGB, certain organized religions, and certain so-called
lunatic fringe groups such as some of the more fanatical Star People, which
are so objectionable...
"I have seen civilizations rise and fall, begin again only to die again,
over and over and over. It isn't only a problem of this planet. It's a
problem that must be faced by all civilizations in the course of their
development, no matter where they may be located in the cosmos. Everyone
wants that slightly larger piece of the pie than their neighbor for
themselves, and eventually this tendency always culminates in choking them.
Sooner or later this will be the undoing of the Grays as well, thereby
enabling us to Return in triumph from our exile in the corridors of time.
The Grays do not see and are incapable of understanding their own
fundamental error: that the very weakness they seize upon in humanity is
their own inherent weakness, the blind spot that inevitably seals their
"The only way to victory is through the strength of your consciousness. When
genetic or other manipulations are being performed on abductees, the Grays
expect them to cringe in fear, and derive a second-hand high from the
intensity of the emotions expressed. If instead of cringing in fear, an
abductee can put his or her mind elsewhere, focusing attention on dynamic
protective imagery of a religious or mystical nature, it decreases the
gratification that the Grays are getting from their second-hand high, and it
confuses them. Center the consciousness on something so different from what
they expect that it puzzles them.
(Note: In most cases the
image of an empty red or crimson CROSS seems to be
especially debilitating to the Grays. For instance the legendary
soldier-saint, St. George, reputedly wore a shield with a red cross
emblazoned on a white background. Whether one believes that the dragonslayers existed or not, the legend itself claims that the Christian
dragon-slayers of Europe more-or-less marked the end of the dragon race's
infestation of the old world.
One such legend concerned the city of Silene,
Libya which had been plagued by a draconian beast for a long period of time.
The king of the city had offered up sheep and livestock in an effort to
appease the beast. However the time came when all the livestock had been
used up, and this was when human sacrifices were chosen, by lot, to appease
the fearsome beast. One day the lot fell on the king's own daughter, and the
grieved king, honoring his word, allowed her to be taken and tied to the
post outside of the city gates. As the beast was about to pounce upon the
princess, so the story goes, Saint George appeared in shining silver armor
and -- before the beast knew what was happening -- the soldier-saint had
pierced it through with his lance and rescued the princess, who later became
his wife.
Whether or not such legends have any basis in reality, the story
nevertheless symbolizes the unconscious animosity between 'Saints' and
'Serpents'. If we are to believe the legends, then this was only one of the
many 'vermin' -- as they were referred to in those ancient times -- which
St. George had vanquished during his life, and although not the only
dragon-slayer of legend, he was perhaps the most renowned. - Branton)...
"The only reason the
Grays have such a degree of dominance over you is
because your elected officials stupidly made clandestine agreements with
them, binding you to them in an exclusive alliance that is respected by
other space races, allowing them to install themselves in underground bases
impregnable to your weaponry, a situation you must now find a way to
extricate yourselves from
(Note: In that the
Grays have repeatedly violated
these treaties, they should legally be considered null and void. In fact
since the Executive branch of U.S. government was taken over by a fascist
CIA coup d'etat in 1963 at the time of the John F. Kennedy assassination --
AS WERE the governments of several other countries throughout the world
where CIA backed military coups resulted in the establishment of fascist
puppet dictatorships -- should we not consider the Executive branch of
government which made the 'treaties' with the Greys, to be null and void as
It certainly was not Congress who authorized such 'treaties'. - Branton)
"In antiquity this planet was divided into sectors between four different
groups still consider themselves to be the owners of this planet. They do
not recognize the human claim to ownership. However, some of us do recognize
human rights, as well as the rights of other life-forms...
Grays are having problems not only within their own ranks, but also on
other planets they have colonized. As a species they are afflicted with
severe, perhaps terminal, health problems (a weakness that can and should be
exploited. - Branton). They have substantial captive populations of
human and other prisoners of war, eager to join a revolt at the slightest
"One must be rational in attempting to fight back, and understand the proper
way to proceed. Your own consciousness is the most potent weapon that is
available to you at the present time. The most effective way to fight the
Grays is to change the level of your consciousness from linear thinking to
multi-dimensional awareness. Your secret weapon, your ace in the hole, is
that you are not hive-minded collective thinkers, though many of you do fall
into that category by conforming to conventional group-patterns, and are
therefore easily controlled by the Grays. It is your INDIVIDUALITY which is
your best weapon, because it is the one weapon you have that the Grays do
not have.
The major weakness of the Grays, their area of vulnerability,
their Achilles heel, is their inability to think as individuals. They are an
extremely telepathic high-tech society, but as individuals they are not
creative thinkers. They take orders well, but they do not conceptualize
well. They have the technology to throw your planet out of orbit, but there
is one key ability that you have and they do not have: the ability to hold
in mind imagery that inspires an individual to realize his or her direct
personal connection to the source of ALL THAT IS, which is the ineffable
Godhead, no matter what name you may call it. That is your key to
It would be a grave error to give myself full credit for this volume, as I
can state for absolute fact that most of the work on this volume was carried
out by 'others' who -- operating through my unconscious mind -- inspired me
intuitively with the information, and led me to the sources and
documentation, which were necessary for the completion of this book, which I
consider a major challenge especially in spite of my own personal
This "backup team", you might say, consists of a number of so-called
'hybrids' or 'hu-brids' who have broken free from the
draconian collective
and established their own resistance movement based mainly within the
underground systems of this planet -- at least in the case of those 'family
members' or 'relatives' of mine 'beyond' this world who have inspired me
with this work. Although they dwell within the cavernous recesses of this
planet, they nevertheless interact with other worlds within the 'Federation'
who oppose the activities of the Draconian-Orion-Reticulan 'collectivists'.
They are constantly working to establish freedom and truth here on [and
under] planet earth.
Since the hybrids/hubrids 'communicate' with me on the intuitive level
rather than through audible or visual communication, I will attempt to
'translate' their often strong impressions into 'words' and convey what I
believe they would have the readers to know and understand about themselves
and their feelings towards us.
So here then is what I strongly feel, and believe, that these wonderful
'people' would 'say' to us:
Greetings friends, or should we say brothers and sisters? For indeed we are your brothers, your
sisters, and your children! Many of those who have had encounters with the 'Greys'
will understand exactly what we mean.
We are the children of your 'seed', and although our
DNA has been altered we
nevertheless possess souls, and this makes us just as 'human' as you.
Unlike our erstwhile masters who are lacking what you call 'soul', many of
us 'hybrids' -- realizing our foundational humanity -- began to develop
emotional individuality.
There are apparently several reasons why the
Greys began the 'hybrid'
projects. Some projects were to breed stronger beings to serve their
collective empire, others to breed 'Greys' with human characteristics and
specialized psionic abilities who could be used to understand humans on
their own level and who could in turn teach the Greys how to more easily
manipulate humans on various levels.
The Grey collective apparently did not take into account that there would be
-- by the Grace of God -- so much resistance among our kind to their plans.
You see, they could not fully understand the concept of individuality,
compassion and loyalty to one's one kind.
We speak of the 'collective' here and not of the individual 'Greys', for
when it comes down to it, there are no individuals among the reptilian
collective... all serve as individual 'cells' within a vast organism -- the
collective intellect or 'Hive' you might say.
But those of us who have developed free-agency and have broken free from the
'Hive' HAVE developed human individuality. It is a long and difficult
process to 'wean' ourselves entirely from the collectivist mindset that many
of us were born into. We maintain a limited degree of collectivity, however
have established what you might refer to as a 'firewall' between our society
and that of the draconian 'hive' itself. This is largely for the sake of
other Hubrids who are joining us from time to time, and is necessary for the
process of 'deprogramming' them from a mentality of collectivism and the
continual development of their individuality.
We cannot say that it is the 'individual'
Greys and Reptiloids who are the
source of the 'evils' which are committed against humans throughout the
universe by the 'Draconian collective'... for as we have stated, there are
no 'individuals' within the collective itself, save for the malevolent
beings who are its ultimate masters. Those supernatural beings who control
the draconian collective ARE the sources of the evils -- the
Greys and
Reptiloids are merely the 'tools'. This is true in most cases except in the
context that many of the rebel beings who you call 'fallen angels' have been
incarnating through the soulless reptilian races since very ancient times.
Although we must see things as they really are, we realize that many of
these supernatural beings have corrupted themselves to the point where there
is no more hope for them to Return to the good side, having annihilated any
and all goodness within them. However we would like to believe and hope that
some of these rebel beings regret their present state and the part they
played in the ancient rebellions against the Almighty One. We would like to
that one of the underlying motives for the reptiloids/greys and their
breeding a race like ours would be for the purpose of raising up a race
genetically akin to their own kind, yet not their own kind, who could
understand where both the human and reptilian species are coming from.
Could it be that a faint spark of individuality and concern within the
legions who compose the collective somehow influenced the 'hybrid'
could it be that somewhere deep within the collective there existed and
exists a desire to break free into individual consciousness and in so doing
break free from those supernatural tyrants who control the collective with a
supernatural iron fist?
Could it be that these intelligence's within the collective saw that the
'logical' thing to do would be for the Greys and their collective to work in
harmony with the universe rather than against it? For the sake of their own
survival? After all, they ARE 'logical' beings, and many of the directives
that have come down from the central command of the collective have
contradicted 'logic' and contributed to a kind of pervasive confusion and
even self-contradicting schizophrenia if not insanity within the collective.
Being that these intelligence's did not have the power to develop individual
consciousness of their own initiative in the face of the overwhelming tide
of the collective and its twisted leaders, they understood that if they did
succeed in breeding offspring that possessed natural individuality and
emotionalism then these offspring might in turn break free from the
collective, and once having broken free, help others of their kind who do
not possess the self-motivation to do so. Once these were 'tamed' and
'deprogrammed' and placed in an environment where free-agency could develop,
these 'aliens' could then be given a choice to decide which side they will
serve -- whether they will remain with us or Return to the collective and
lose their individuality in the process.
Knowing full well the dangers of a 'collective'
system where no individual
expression is allowed, we have come to develop a deep and abiding respect
for the sacredness of free agency, even to the point of allowing other
beings to 'choose' to destroy themselves if they are fully intent on doing
so. We have also come to deeply respect the non-interference directives of
our dear friends of the Federation worlds.
Ours is a continual struggle, and we are not too proud to say that our
ultimate victory or defeat depends largely on YOU.
Every time YOU give-in to the will of the
draconian collective, every time
you believe one of the lies of a 'Grey' that is under the control of the
'Hive', every time you trade a little piece of you're soul for the supposed
'benefits' that the collective will tell you are yours IF you serve them...
every time you do this you weaken yourselves and capitulate you're power to
the enemy. In so doing, you make our struggle all the more desperate.
On the other hand every time you CHALLENGE the claims of the collective and
expose their lies and refuse to allow them to manipulate you into their
agendas, then you strengthen us in the process. Remember that we are truly
YOUR CHILDREN, because the majority of us within the 'resistance' are more
human than beast [reptilian, insectilian or what have you]. Those
hybrids who do not possess a soul are rare among us because they find it
very difficult to comprehend those individual virtues which come naturally
[or should come naturally] to those possessing a human soul-chakra matrix
and a 'conscience'.
Above and beyond anything else, we would ask that you PRAY to our
Creator -- as best you understand the concept of 'God'. Ask the all-knowing
and all-loving one to be merciful. Plead for us -- your brothers and sisters
and children who live within, parallel to, and out among the stars, beyond
this planet earth. Please PRAY for us and also for the many others of our
kind and your kind who are presently the captives of the soulless entities
serving the collective. Since physical and intellectual defenses are not
sufficient, being that we are also battling supernatural evils, we NEED the
Divine Intervention of God and his holy 'standing' angels. Since the
draconian collective attacks you and also us on the physical, psychic and
spiritual levels -- we cannot neglect the spiritual aspects of this
With this, we of the Hybrid council wish you all the best. May we -- all of
us -- do all that we can to bring about a future that will be everything we
had hoped for, and MORE. To our 'parents' out there. You know who you are.
Those of us who have separated ourselves from the controllers and also those
who still remain in their grasp... we send you our LOVE and our HUGS!!!
remember and cherish every hug and warm touch that you have given us during
those times in the night when you have been brought to us. Those times,
whether you remember them consciously or not, when you have shared with us
your feelings, your love, and in some cases your fears, and have shown us
what being human is really all about. We want to say, WE LOVE YOU!!! Pray
for us as we pray for you.
Until that time when we can all meet together as one, in TRUE freedom and
peace, may the Almighty SOURCE of all LIFE protect and bless you all!