

Summary of Anomalous Evidence Related to Human Antiquity

In Table A3.1, sites mentioned in this book are listed in order of the published minimum ages we find most likely or otherwise worthy of consideration. The following is a glossary of terms used in the table.

  • eoliths = naturally broken stone with one or more edges intentionally modified or worn by use.

  • paleoliths = stones purposely fashioned by chipping into a recognizable tool type.

  • neoliths = the most advanced stone tools and utensils.

  • human = identified by at least some workers as anatomically modem human.

  • incised, broken, carved, or scraped bones = purposely modified animal bones.




The following Pleistocene discoveries are anomalous only for North and South America (Table A3.2). According to most scientists, humans first entered North America not more than 12,000 (.012 million) years ago.


Question marks after the dates of some of the following discoveries indicate they- were later assigned AMS radiocarbon dates of less than 10,000 years.



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