5. Astral
In-body real-time or astral sight is a subtle body ability that
allows projectors to see through closed eyelids, and even through
heavy bedcovers (see chapter 1). Projectors frequently note this
phenomenon during the prelude to OBEs and during waking-paralysis
episodes. This can also occur during the trance state alone, due
perhaps to partial internal generation of the real-time projectable
The etheric body itself, while glued firmly within the physical
body, also seems capable of developing independent real-time and
astral-sight abilities, under the right circumstances. This is a
complexity of the mind-split effect that most commonly occurs after
the projected double has made its exit, and during waking-paralysis
The quality of these abilities is extremely variable. They seem
dependent on bioenergetic development, and on natural ability. Many
people, when they experience in-body real-time sight, do not realize
their physical eyes are actually closed at the time, or that they
are seeing through their bedcovers, often in a direction away from
where their physical body is actually facing.
There appears to be more to real-time and astral sight than meets
the eye - if you'll pardon the awful pun. They may seem to result
from a part of a subtle body peering out from within the confines of
the physical body, but subtle bodies do not contain functioning
sense organs, nor functioning copies of sense organs (see chapter
Everything seen in this way is better
described as being directly perceived by the mind/senses of the
subtle body in question. The etheric and real-time bodies, once
internally generated and partially freed from the limitations of
their physical body, are capable of perceiving energy directly and
of interpreting it in a visual way.
While separation is still only partial, the physical brain shares
the subtle body's perceptions. Under this circumstance, out-of-body
sight is shared simultaneously with the sight center of the physical
brain. It is therefore perceived as if seen through the eyes of the
physical body. These visual perceptions, although technically
experienced out of body, cause immediate memories to form in the
physical brain.
In a way, it can be said that
out-of-body perception and shadow memory sharing is taking place,
causing direct sight and memory input into the physical brain.
Remote-Eye Projection
Remote-eye projection is a term I use for another complication of
consciousness and of the mind-split. A remote point of consciousness
can project out of the physical body without any kind of normal
projection being sensed or even appearing to take place.
This occasionally happens spontaneously
to an awake but extremely tired person, but it can also occur during
the somnambulistic or deep-trance states. Accidental remote-eye
projectors are always extremely tired and hanging right on the edge
of sleep, forcing themselves to stay awake. (There is normally
another person involved, keeping the remote-eye projector awake.)
The overtired person suddenly sees a vision of a remote scene very
clearly, as if with physical eyes. This is usually a real-time scene
fairly close to the projector's actual location in the real world.
Remote-eye projectors are usually, but not always, able to see in
all directions at once. They are also usually unaware of having any
type of body or mind at their remote eye's location, although they
will be fully aware of their physical body and its surroundings.
They also usually have only limited influence over the movement of
their remote-eye aspect, if any.
Note here that remote-eye projection occurs while the physical body
and mind are awake and functional, if only just barely. The physical
body is still capable of sluggish movement, even of standing and
walking and going to the bathroom - especially if the projector has
some experience operating in the full-trance state. Speech is
possible, but takes effort and is usually slurred.
However, the projectors are fully
capable of speaking and of giving a running commentary of the
movements and perceptions of their remote-eye aspect - if they can
stay conscious long enough to do so. The view from their remote eye
may come and go, especially if the remote-eye projectors attempt to
undertake any activity requiring more than partial attention.
Remote-eye projections are less dramatic and hence less commonly
associated with OBE than are normal spontaneous projections, but
they are not exactly a rarity. They are caused, I think, by the
projection of a very low-powered version of the real-time double,
with a barely noticeable mind-split. A weak version of the real-time
double is projected, or more aptly ejected, from an extremely
overtired physical body and mind that, quite literally, cannot hold
itself together any longer.
The remote eye (projected double) will,
if effort is applied, be found to respond sluggishly to the will of
the awake remote-eye projector. This is more of an influence than a
control. If left alone, the remote-eye aspect will continue moving
about, changing direction and even flying at times, completely under
its own volition. This last factor strongly indicates that the
remote-eye aspect has its own copy of mind, albeit maybe a weaker
copy or reflection of the original.
The mind-split effect is quite evident here.
Projectors clearly
perceive themselves as existing in two separate locations
simultaneously. Neither aspect is aware of the other's thoughts and
no astral feedback is apparent between them. This can aptly be
called a genuine type of out-of-body experience, although the
projector is fully aware of being within the bounds of the physical
body at all times.
The following is a typical remote-eye projection:
It is late and I am very tired. My
eyes sting with dryness and feel like lead and I have to force
them to stay open. The room is dimly lit, with only a little
moonlight coming through the window. I can just make out the
shadowy shapes of the furniture in the room around me. My body
is heavy with trance symptoms. If I stand, I feel like I am
walking on big, fluffy pillows, and I can hardly feel my legs at
all, though I know they are still there and can still use them
if I try. I feel a bone-deep tickling throughout physical my
body whenever I move any part of it. My eyes droop closed
briefly, and suddenly I become aware of seeing clearly from a
remote point of view outside my body. My remote-eye aspect is
floating down the road near my house.
I can see in all directions at once. I am still aware of
listening to my friend talking, and of mumbling a few short
replies here and there, when prompted. I can still talk and move
my physical body, after a fashion. If I pull myself together,
taking a deep breath and forcing my attention back to the room
and the conversation, my remote eye view and that of the room
around me flickers back and forth. Each time this happens, I get
a sinking feeling in my stomach and chest, like the sensation
you get when your airplane hits an air pocket. This is the same
sensation you get when the projection reflex starts to kick in,
just before the separation of the physical body from its
projected double.
I can hold this remote eye view if I relax and concentrate on it
with my eyes closed, but I can also see the same view,
superimposed over the darkness, although not as clear, if my
eyes drift open. My remote eye view is exactly what I would
experience if I were actually projecting in real time. I am not
really there, but I am seeing from there. If I drift a little
too deeply toward sleep, I feel myself switch to the remote
location, inside my real-time body. When this happens, my mind
comes with me. I shift back to my physical body again if my
friend touches my arm or speaks to me.
While focused on my remote-eye aspect, it feels like I am
connected to something like a flying remote TV camera, and my
eyes are little TV sets receiving the view from there. Control
of my remote-eye aspect is difficult, but I do seem to have a
slight influence over it.
This type of experience usually happens
spontaneously, but I have had some success re-creating the necessary
conditions and causing it deliberately.
If I am not with another person who is
instructed to keep me awake, I will usually shift into the
remote-eye projection fairly quickly. It is a very delicately
balanced and difficult state to hold for any length of time, even
with assistance. If I allow myself to fall asleep, the experience
invariably becomes a real-time projection without noticeable
separation or exit sensations.
In my remote-eye projections, I have never experienced waking
paralysis, only physical heaviness and sluggishness. I have always
been able to think, talk, and move my physical body, albeit very
It is quite possible that remote-eye projections involve a different
type, level, or strength of the real-time projected double than is
normally generated during an OBE. This may be more like a real-time
reflected double, rather than a real-time projected double. It is
also possible that when the physical body becomes overtired, it
internally generates a weak real-time double as its bare minimum
requirement for that level of tiredness. This then slips out if the
physical body is held semi-awake for too long.
On the other hand, if the physical body drifts into sleep for only a
brief second or two while in this extremely tired state, a
projection exit occurs. This may account for the lack of
exit-related sensations, or the missing memory of them. The
mind-split is quite evident here, with consciousness residing in
both the physical body/mind and its projected double at the same
Each acts independently of each other,
with the physical body receiving the remote-eye visual connection as
something like secondhand input. The center of consciousness
flickering back and forth between these two aspects also shows the
strong and intimate link between them.
The visual connection between the awake physical body and its
remote-eye aspect is most likely provided via the silver cord, as
per any other type of projection, but the brow center is also very
likely involved here. The awake but tranced physical/etheric mind
can be thought of as receiving a type of remote-eye, real-time
vision broadcast from its projected double, via its silver cord. If
I am right here, this vision is received and seen by the physical/etheric
mind in its mind's eye, in a very similar way as normal clairvoyant
mind's-eye visions are seen.
This type of experience also supports my theory that the physical
body's original copy of consciousness stays firmly inside the
physical body, but is energetically connected with its projected
aspect at all times. This suggests that any other type of
out-of-body projection will be found to have similar basic
properties, although these may not be quite so apparent nor so well
Remote-eye projection also adds weight to my theories on the
mind-split effect, that OBE can occur at any time during the trance
state, often without being noticed. The physical/etheric mind stays
awake and functional, but remains totally unaware that a projection
is in full progress. This often, I believe, happens to people during
meditation, usually without them being aware of it at the time.
There are some other, more subtle, contributing factors at work
during a remote-eye projection. When people are extremely tired,
their brain waves slow and their physical bodies feel heavy, fuzzy,
and sluggish: These are classic trance-state symptoms. Full trance
is the ideal state not only for projection, but also for clairvoyant
The will and mental effort required to force overtired eye and
eyelid muscles to respond localizes and focuses body awareness in
the eyes and brow area. As these muscles are not working properly,
most of the eye-opening effort causes a strong, localized
body-awareness action in the eyes and brow area. The brow center
(third eye) is situated in this very same area.
The brow center is intimately connected with the eyes and with the
sight center of the brain, with all other types of non-physical
sight, and with many aspects of projection-tube-type projections for

Fig. 4.
Tired eyes lifting
action, showing awareness effect on brow center
Forcing tired eyes to stay open
stimulates the brow center quite effectively, and energizes whatever
developed or natural clairvoyant capabilities the brow center has.
The full-trance state also causes a naturally increased flow of
energy throughout the physical/etheric body, making available to the
brow center and its supporting energetic circuitry far more energy
than usual.
This combination of increased energy
flow and brow center stimulation is usually enough to stimulate the
brow center into an energetically receptive mode.
The Missing Link
There is nothing simple about OBE. There are many subtle variations
possible. This chapter outlines just one variation that falls into a
shady area somewhere between projection and clairvoyance. A more apt
description of this type of experience would be real-time remote
viewing, rather than OBE, per se.
Projections falling into this category often involve clear
perceptions of duality, with consciousness often flickering back and
forth between the physical and its remote aspect for the duration of
the experience. A remote-eye projection experience has a different
look and feel to it than more common types of projection.
It is also far more mentally and
energetically draining, if continued for any length of time, which
is not surprising if you take into account the overtired state of
the physical body and mind necessary for this phenomenon to occur.
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