10. Tactile
Tactile imaging (T.I.) is the active use of body awareness to
directly stimulate and manipulate the substance of the energy body.
This is simply an extension of MBA (Mobile body awareness). When body awareness is focused
on a specific area, and that point of awareness is given motion,
this motion directly stimulates the energy body in that area. When
done at the site of a primary or secondary energy center (a major or
minor chakra) that energy center will be directly stimulated.
Individual energy centers can then be targeted and manipulated in a
strong and dynamic way.
I developed MBA and T.I. for a person who had been blind since birth
and of course could not visualize at all, having no conception of
what visual sight was like. This person contacted me on the
Internet, via a Braille computer, and asked if I had a projection
technique that did not rely on visualization.
This was an interesting challenge, so I put my mind to solving the
problem. After a few significant Eurekas, I came up with MBA and T.I. - both based on the sense of touch. When I road-tested this new
technique, I was amazed at how effective it was. It was light years
ahead of any other energy-body manipulation technique, far more
powerful than visualization techniques. Since that time, I have used
this discovery as the foundation for all my energy-body
manipulation, development, and projection techniques.
Ironically, I lost contact with the blind person who started all
this, while the new T.I.-based projection technique (called rope)
was in the throes of development.
Learning Tactile Imaging
Focus body awareness alone on
the specified target area and try not to use your eyes unless you
really have to. Many people find they cannot learn MBA or T.I.
techniques without using their eyes to help target specific areas.
Do what is necessary, but wean yourself from using your eyes as soon
as you can.
Many advanced exercises and techniques
given later in this book do not allow the use of eyes or other
targeting or highlighting aids.
Circular Exercise
The best way to learn
tactile imaging is by doing it. Rest your hands comfortably in
your lap, or on the arms of your chair, palms down and fingers
slightly spread. Close your eyes, relax, and shift your
awareness to the base of your right thumb, topside. There are
important secondary energy centers (small chakras) in the thumb
joints and you are now going to stimulate one of them. Many
people will feel one of the thumb centers (small chakras)
activate the first time they work on them.
The first area to work on is on top of the large joint where
your thumb joins the right hand. Flex your thumb while holding
this joint between your other fingers to help locate it. Lightly
scratch a circular area, clockwise, on top of the thumb joint,
about half an inch (1 cm) or so across, to highlight it with
awareness. Slowly trace a finger around this same circular path,
while following the touch of that finger with your point of
awareness. That point of touch, that point of feel, is your
point of awareness.
Continue following this action until
you can remember the exact feel of this circular movement and
can re-create this action with your point of awareness alone. (A
small artist's paintbrush can also be used for this purpose.)

Fig. 5.
Tactile imaging
stirring technique on thumb joint
Feel the tingling target area on top
of your thumb joint with your point of awareness. Re-create and
feel the circular stirring action. Move your point of awareness
in a small clockwise circle in that area, as if you were
stirring it with an imaginary pencil. Concentrate and feel this
action, continuing the motion with your point of awareness
Move your sense of feel through your
skin with a circular motion. Keep stirring this center with one
or two circling actions per second. (The timing is not crucial.)
In a short time, this action will gain its own momentum and
become almost automatic. It will then take very little effort to
continue this action. Hold your point of awareness very close
inside your skin as you do this. Feel your point of awareness
continually circling and moving through your skin in the target
After a while - anything from a few seconds to a few minutes
during a first attempt - you should start to feel a slight
localized heaviness, pressure, tingling, buzzing, or even a
bone-deep tickling sensation inside your thumb joint. This may
extend into more of your thumb and hand. This sensation
indicates that the energy center in the thumb joint has been
successfully stimulated into a higher level of energetic
activity. If you feel this, immediately move on to the next
If you feel nothing, after trying
for several minutes, move on to the next exercise anyway.
Stirring Exercise
Move your point of awareness in a straight brushing action
up and down through your right thumb, from just above the joint
at the base to the tip of the nail, feeling this pathway as you
go. Move your point of awareness continually back and forth
through this area. You are now brushing your entire thumb with
your point of awareness and are thus stimulating that whole area
Feel the brushing action through the
whole of your thumb. The sensations you may have felt earlier
will intensify and spread through more of your thumb as you do
this, as more and more secondary energy centers and energy
exchange ports in the thumb become energetically active. Repeat
both exercises on the thumb of your left hand.
Repeat the exercise on the big toes
of both feet, one at a time, starting on top of the large joints
of the big toes only, where they join each foot.
Stimulation Notes
Often there are inactive secondary energy centers (small
chakras) on one side of the body, but rarely on both sides. If
you feel nothing after doing any awareness action for several
minutes, move on to the next exercise. While energy-movement
sensations become apparent in the majority of cases, some may
feel nothing at all, although I have found a complete lack of
sensation to be rare.
No sensation at all indicates the energy body is blocked or
inactive in that area. If this is the case, continue with these
early exercises as best you can. It is important to learn and
practice the technique. Later exercises in this book restore
inactive areas and remove energy blockages.
A hot shower or bath not only relaxes the physical body and
cleanses the skin, but also promotes a stronger energetic flow
throughout the energy body. If you have trouble doing these
exercises, try bathing first.
The tingling in the skin caused by the scratching used to
highlight target areas is not the cause of energy-movement
sensations. Test this, if you wish, by repeating this exercise
in the middle of your forearm, or in the middle of a bleep or
thigh, where there are no significant secondary energy centers.
This test will be found to cause no discernible energy-movement
sensations. Alternatively, try this same exercise on another
small energy center, but without the scratching.
It is the movement of the focal
point of body awareness through the energy body, at the site of
an energy center, which causes energy-movement sensations.
Using Tactile Imaging
Following are some simple but
important exercises that build on those given in the previous
chapter. These take you one step closer to taking manual control
over your own energy body. Please take your time over these, as the
practice of tactile imaging is fundamental to most of the procedures
given within this book, including trance and projection techniques.
Their importance cannot be
Awareness Hands
The most natural way to use your point of awareness is to
feel you have an imaginary pair of hands. Awareness hands are
the business ends of tactile imaging. These are powerful
awareness tools and you will be using them for raising energy
and manipulating energy centers, as well as for projection
techniques. You will soon learn how to use them over larger
areas and in many other practical energetic ways.
Awareness hands are, in practice, simply extensions of body
awareness. You have a left and a right awareness hand. Each hand
is to be felt as being attached to an imaginary awareness arm
coming from each of your shoulders, although the awareness arms
themselves are not important. With practice, you will feel that
each awareness hand is attached to a different side of your
energy body. Each hand is attached to a different side of the
brain, and one awareness hand is usually slightly weaker than
the other, depending on which side of your brain is dominant.
The more you use awareness hands,
the stronger they become and the easier they are to use.
Awareness Hands Exercise
Close your eyes and relax, while sitting or lying
comfortably. Using your body awareness alone (without actually
moving), take both your awareness hands down to your left foot,
as if you were grabbing hold of it. Scratch or rub the top of
your left foot and wiggle it a bit to highlight it and make this
exercise easier. Feel the whole of that foot. Draw your
awareness hands through your left foot, from toes to heel, back
and forth several times.
After this, draw your awareness hands through your foot to your
ankle, and then slowly take them on up through your whole leg.
Feel the whole of your leg as you move your awareness hands
upward through it. Draw your awareness hands all the way up your
shin, past your knee, up your thigh, and on up to your hip. When
you get to your hip, flick your awareness instantly back down to
your toes again and repeat the upward-stroking, energy-raising
action. Do not stroke your awareness back down your leg. Repeat
this action over and over, taking several seconds per stroke,
feeling the whole of your leg each time.
This action forces energy to flow into your foot and draws it up
through your leg. You may feel some peculiar sensations as you
do this, like tingling, buzzing, warmth, cold, pressure,
heaviness, or even bone-deep tickling sensations.
Repeat the entire exercise with your
right leg.
Splitting Awareness Exercise
Splitting body-awareness is very simple and easy to do. It
feels quite natural in practice, just like using both your real
hands at the same time. As an example exercise, split your
awareness and feel both your feet at the same time, after
targeting them, feeling one in each of your awareness hands.
Draw energy up both legs at the same time, exactly as you did
with the previous exercise, over and over. With a little
practice you'll be able to do this effortlessly. If you have
trouble splitting awareness, stick to using one at a time until
you feel more comfortable with splitting them.
When you have had some practice at splitting your awareness
hands, increase the speed of the upward stroking action until
you can draw your awareness up through your legs at the same
time, taking two or three seconds for each upward sweep, from
feet to hips.
To add to the above, imagine and feel as if you were sweeping
water up through the whole of your legs with your awareness
hands. Imagine your awareness hands are each holding a large
sponge and you are sponging water upward through the whole of
your legs. The water keeps trying to run back down your leg, so
focused awareness effort is used to force the water to rise.
This action provides more energetic resistance and gives your
awareness hands something to grip onto, so to speak.
This increases the effectiveness of
any whole-of-limb energy-raising action.
Visibly Detecting Awareness Hands
After a little practice with using your awareness hands, you
may start detecting them when they move past your closed eyes.
This is especially so if you have been meditating at the same
You may see vague shadows and
indistinct moving shapes. It does not matter, though, if you
never see anything, as it is not necessary to see anything for
these techniques to work effectively. Watch for this side effect
for interest's sake only: many people have reported this
I always see my awareness hands when they move past my eyes, but
I've had a lot of practice at this, so am not really a fair test
subject. I rely on my volunteers to provide me with more
realistic feedback.
As an experiment, relax and close your eyes. Concentrate on
feeling your awareness hands. Slowly raise your awareness hands
past your face and eyes and on up over your head several times
(don't actually move your real hands), stroking your awareness
hands over your face and head. Try to sense this from behind
your closed eyes. See if you can detect shadowy movements, or if
you can see the shape of your awareness hands as they move past
your eyes. If you succeed at this, you are using a type of
energy sight similar to real-time or astral sight, as discussed
This experiment is most effective if
done immediately after meditation.
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