11. Supporting
Energy Structures
To project out of body while fully conscious and have some hope of
remembering it afterward, it is an enormous help to be able to
increase the flow of energy into and through the energy body. A
well-known side effect of the trance state is that it produces a
stronger flow of energy than does the normal waking state and with
regular use causes slow but progressive development.
The majority of case histories on OBE mention energy-movement
sensations. The well-known vibrations and rapid heartbeats are
nothing more than intense energy-movement sensations associated with
the generation and extrusion of the projected double. Underneath our
fleshy exteriors we are all bioenergetic beings.
When the energetic
part of us moves to the forefront, as it does during conscious-exit
projection, energy becomes simply everything.
At a very early stage, when I saw the many conflicts between New Age
thought and various Eastern schools of thought over energetic
manipulation and development, I decided to take a fresh hands-on
approach with my investigations. My research and experimentation
with the energy body over the years has yielded significant
discoveries and a great deal of insight.
Almost a decade ago, I decided to map out the energy body the hard
way, using tactile imaging to feel my way through my own energy
body. I literally picked my way through every inch, searching out
the smaller energy centers. I probed and stimulated and felt how
they worked, what they did, and how they fitted into the structure
of the human bioenergetic body as a whole. I avoided researching
existing works on this subject at the time, as I wanted to make a
completely fresh and unbiased exploration of the human energy body.
This work allowed me to unearth much of the underlying support
structure of the energy body. This is not unknown today, if you
research acupuncture, reflexology, t'ai chi, Qi-Gong, and other
energy-related disciplines, mainly of Eastern origin. My fresh
investigations, however, have given me a far more workable hands-on
understanding of the energy body than would otherwise have been
My initial discoveries led to a plan to apply what I had learned.
This necessitated the development of many techniques, which in turn
led to a great deal more experimenting and testing. The new system
was then extensively road-tested by dozens of volunteers who
provided extensive feedback.
This enabled me to fine-tune my initial
theories and techniques, and to develop NEW, a simple but highly
efficient energy-body manipulation and development system. It has
proven itself extremely valuable and versatile in all aspects of
energetic development and OBE.
This book contains a modified version of
the complete NEW system, tailored to suit the needs of projection
Five Separate Circuits
The human energy body can be
likened to an energetic reflection of the physical body, composed of
stable and highly structured etheric matter (see chapter 28). It
contains within it several different but interdependent energetic
I have defined these circuits logically,
through experimentation, observation, and what I consider to be
sound reasoning. My definitions and descriptions strive to provide a
good rule-of-thumb way of understanding and dealing with the
pure-energetic processes of the energy body, without being overly
technical or mysteriously esoteric.
There are five basic energetic circuits within the human energy
(I will not discuss the master circuit to any great extent. I
have shown it here only to illustrate relationships between the
different circuits.)

Each circuit has many different
functions on the physical, bioenergetic, and pure-energetic levels.
All are interconnected and work together
to support each other's energetic requirements, and all are integral
parts of the human bioenergetic body as a whole. The primary energy
centers (major chakras) and their higher functions cannot properly
be used and developed to any extent (barring accident or natural
ability) until the lower circuitry and smaller energy centers have
been stimulated, developed, and stabilized.
If attempts are made to
develop and use the higher energetic circuitry first, a great deal
of time - often years - must be spent waiting for the lower levels
of circuitry to catch up with the new demands being placed on them.
Early attempts at energy work, especially with the primary energy
centers, can cause major disruptions and realignments within the
existing structure of the energy body.
New energy pathways must be formed, and
old or blocked energy pathways redefined, widened, and cleared.
Until the support structure develops to the point where it can
handle the greater energetic demands placed on the energetic support
structure by the changed requirements of the higher primary centers,
energy is often taken from the vitality storage areas of the energy
This can cause the physical body to
become energetically depleted. Fatigue, disorientation, headaches,
digestion problems, depression, and a variety of emotional disorders
and other odd problems can temporarily manifest, in varying
combinations and degrees of severity. These can be especially
pronounced if the procedures and cautions recommended within this
book are not followed. Primary-center work, especially, should not
be undertaken too vigorously at too early a stage of development.
Before primary centers are worked on to
any great extent, the support structure needs developing so it can
better handle the greater flow of energies required of it.
The first step is to stimulate and clear individual secondary energy
centers, exchange-port clusters, and their interconnecting pathways,
one part at a time. While this process may sound a bit tedious, it
is well worthwhile. Once the development process is begun, energy
begins flowing far more freely and strongly through the energy body
than was possible before.
This solves many underlying
projection-related energetic problems by making projection easier
and reducing the severity of heavy exit sensations.
Energy Flow
The average person normally absorbs only a small amount of the
energy and vitality available each day, and steadily less with age.
Energy is absorbed during sleep, digestion, breathing, and exposure
to sunlight. Let us say that you absorb 100 units of raw energy per
day, enough for your average daily requirements.
Energy-development exercises increase
energy usage, and you begin using 200 or more units of raw energy
(vitality) per day. This deficit of 100 units will usually be made
up for by the energy body's storage areas, sometimes causing the
physical symptoms of energy body disruption and depletion.
With a little time and attention, the energy body can be conditioned
to handle just about anything. The best way to start is by
stimulating, developing, and nurturing the all-important secondary
and tertiary energetic structures.
The energy body is then better able to
adapt and develop in response to its new energetic requirements.
Secondary Energy Centers
Secondary energy centers are similar to primary energy centers, but
are smaller and have fewer functions. Their main purpose is to
transform and condition energies received through the tertiary
system (energy exchange ports) into the specific qualities required.
These smaller parts of the energy body
can be likened to something like bioenergetic electronic components.
The diagram on the following page represents a typical skeletal-type
secondary energy center. These have four poles each and a central
connecting core running through their center. Each pole is a small
vortex-like energy structure that flowers on the surface of the skin
directly above the joint. These poles are connected to a larger
internal conduit that runs through the center of all bones, through
the bone marrow. Energy flowing through these cores is the cause of
the bone-deep tingling sensations commonly felt while raising
energy, especially during early exercises.
The skeletal secondary centers are
interconnected through energetic pathways running through the flesh.
muscles, tendons, and nerves, and along the surface of the skin.

Fig. 6.
Close-up of typical
secondary (skeletal) energy center, showing cross-section of finger
joint (cutaway)
Slightly different, but with similar
functions, are those secondary centers attached directly to physical
organs, nerve ganglia, glands, and muscles.
These types of secondary centers are not
attached to the skeletal system, and usually have only one or two
poles flowering on the surface. I have not been able to determine a
great deal more about this particular type of secondary energy
center. The secondary centers and their connecting pathways are, not
surprisingly, fairly well in-line with traditional acupuncture
meridians and acupoints.
There are also striking similarities
between the secondary system, as a whole, and the human nervous and
circulatory systems.
Energy Exchange Ports
Energy exchange ports (tertiary system) are very small energy
centers with very simple functions, much like the millions of tiny
pores covering the surface of the skin. Their basic function is to
absorb and discharge energies.
The whole surface of the skin is covered
with these, but they are more heavily concentrated in several main
areas: the soles of the feet, the palms of the hands, the nasal
passages, the mouth, lips and tongue, and the genitals. The hands
and feet are the largest energy conduits into the body and therefore
contain the highest concentrations of exchange ports.
So these are the most important areas to
stimulate, develop, and make awareness-sensitive during early
development exercises.
Storage Centers
The human energy body has
three major vitality storage centers, where different qualities of
energies are accumulated.
These are quite different from the
primary energy centers (major chakras) that share the same general
areas, although they can be considered to be energetically related.

Fig. 7.
Three energy storage
centers, plus major energy exchange port concentrations
Position: Midway between
bellybutton and pubic line, two inches inside average
Function: Raw physical
vitality energy storage
Position: Center of chest,
at base of sternum, two inches inside average body
Function: Raw emotional
energy storage
Position: Between eye-socket
ridges in center of brow, just inside skull
Function: Raw mental and
psychic energy storage
Of these three storage centers, the most
important and safest to actively fill is the sub-navel storage
center. When this center is full, it overflows into the sub-heart
storage center, which when full overflows into the sub-brow storage
Deliberately filling the two higher storage centers first is a very
unwise practice that can unbalance the energy body and significantly
lower vitality levels. This not only is developmentally
counterproductive, but can also adversely affect emotional, mental,
and psychic stability. Filling all the storage centers is a
lifetime's work. It can take months of regular energy raising before
sub-navel storage levels significantly increase, because a great
deal of energy is used up during early development exercises.
There are no safe shortcuts. If you long for psychic abilities,
practice regular trance meditation and work daily on filling your
sub-navel storage center. Make trance meditation and energy raising
a part of your daily life, and your energy body will develop in a
natural, balanced, and healthy way. Any dormant psychic abilities
will begin to manifest when the energetic conditions that allow them
are created.
Forcing this process causes predictable
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