Part Six
Strange Astral Phenomena
31. OBE and Reality Fluctuations
There are no simple explanations for the underlying causes of the
reality fluctuations that plague real-time projectors shortly after
their exit out of body. I wish there were; it would make my work
that much easier. In most cases, especially with new projectors,
reality starts to fluctuate only a couple of minutes after the exit.
Reality fluctuations are more noticeable during real-time
projections, especially inside projectors' own houses, as the
details of this area are well known. Several possible factors have
the potential to cause or contribute to reality fluctuations.
The surface mind, if not strictly controlled, provides a continual
stream of random dialogue and guess-work-like thoughts. Some of this
surfaces from the subconscious in response to associations triggered
by thoughts, surroundings, and events. Part of the problem here is
guesswork, or what is commonly called the overlay. The overlay
plagues psychics, clairvoyants, and remote viewers alike: guesswork
thoughts interfere with objective perception and analysis. In the
case of real-time OBE, the overlay has a far more creative effect
than in real life. It is much more visual, and hence will often
trigger the creative powers of the subconscious mind.
For example, if an object, shape, or shadow is vaguely seen during a
projection, the surface mind will often guess what it is, even if
the projector is not thinking about it. This can stimulate the
subconscious mind into altering the object, or into creating a form
to fit whatever has been half-guessed. If a projector is
subconsciously fearful of the out-of-body environment, these vague
shadows can easily transform into fearful images.
During any type of projection, the subconscious mind holds the bulk
of creative power. Once triggered, it can create complex objects and
scenarios instantly, without the time and effort required to build a
similar creation using the weaker creative powers of the conscious
mind. The subconscious mind waits in the background, ready to leap
out and create something at the drop of a hat. But there is usually
no intelligent purpose in what is created.
The dream mind, when it becomes active, can access the strong
telepathic, energetic, and empathic links between the
physical/etheric body/mind and its projected double, via the silver
cord. It is therefore capable of causing reality fluctuations -
something like dream-generated real-time hallucinations - around the
projected double. The effects of dream mind interference are most
noticeable within a hundred yards (ninety meters) or so of the
projected double, and lessen with distance.
The length of time it takes any projector to enter the dream state
is extremely variable. The start of reality fluctuations during a
real-time OBE can be used to indicate when the dream mind is
becoming active. This is a very good time (recommended for
beginners) to end a projection, and to attempt a conscious reentry
while the physical/etheric body is still easily awakened, before it
falls into a deeper level of sleep. However, as projectors gain
experience and get to know their strengths, weaknesses, and
limitations, reality fluctuations can be weathered and even overcome
to a certain extent. Time out during an OBE can then be gradually
extended, with successful reentry still being possible.
With any projection attempt, the desire and effort to induce
projection will often carry over into the dream state. The dream
mind of a projector will often believe it is still involved in a
projection attempt when it becomes active, especially if it fell
asleep right in the middle of one. When it feels projection-like
symptoms coming from its physical/etheric body (vibrations, rapid
heartbeat, etc.), it will believe it is having an OBE exit from
inside its physical body. It will then experience a false but very
realistic dream version of a conscious-exit projection.
The dream mind's imaginary OBE will seem extremely real to it. The
real-time aspect of this dream OBE will be based on the projector's
actual memories of the surrounding area. This has the potential to
overlay the true real-time OBE (which is already in progress) with a
false dream version of exactly the same thing. The false dream
projector will always have a different viewpoint from the true
real-time projector. The false projector may believe it is in
another part of the house, or it may be simply facing another
direction than the true projector really is. This can overlay the
true real-time environment with a twisted, backward, or fluctuating
scenario that will not make any sense at all to the true projector.
Other minds, awake or asleep, are also capable of contributing to
reality fluctuations. This can be thought of as mental static or
background noise. Distance affects the strength of this type of
interference. The reason for this is directly related to how the
projected double becomes noticeably less affected by its own
physical/etheric body with increased distance from it.
Projectors operating in sparsely populated areas will notice much
less background noise. Heavily populated areas have greatly
increased background noise. For this very reason, serious
metaphysical pursuits and magic rituals are never carried out in
densely populated areas.
The brow center or third eye of a projector is also capable of
receiving visions during an OBE. Primary energy centers are far more
active during OBE than during the normal waking state, due to the
increase of energetic activity within the physical/etheric body. An
active brow center during a projection can thus act as something
like an untuned vision receiver. (This varies according to the level
of the clairvoyant ability of individuals and is hence less
frequent.) It can cause strange visions and unexplainable imagery,
seemingly unrelated to the projector during a real-time OBE.
Brow center activity can also cause complex visions to be
experienced during OBEs. If a projector's brow center receives a
strong vision during the course of an OBE, the projected double can
find itself experiencing that vision firsthand, from inside the
vision. In effect, a strong vision can cause a dimensional shift
that transports the projected double into an astral realm. A vision
experience like this will usually end the real-time aspects of an
OBE for its duration.
Once reality fluctuations start during a real-time OBE, it can be
difficult to make sense of what is happening. I do not recommend
even trying. Attempts to do so will lead to further complications
and generate even wilder reality fluctuations. It is usually best
for projectors to accept whatever is happening, to keep their mind
as clear as possible, and to continue on with their OBE as best they
can. If reality fluctuations become pronounced, though, it often
helps to move away from the affected area and hope things will be
more stable elsewhere. If this fails, wise real-time projectors will
attempt to reenter their physical body while they still can, or risk
losing the memory of that experience entirely.
While energetic development can extend the objective real-time
aspects of an OBE, a mixed bag of perceptions is to be expected by
most real-time projectors shortly after the exit. The norm is a
strange and fluid mixture of objective and subjective perceptions,
with reality fluctuations steadily increasing as the projection
continues. This leaves most projectors floundering for some kind of
a logical cause or explanation, which is unlikely to be found. While
annoying, reality fluctuations are not bad or negative elements of
an OBE.
They are usually just a little on the wild and ridiculous
side, that's all.
Avoiding Reality Fluctuations
Focus on what you are doing at all times and don't let your mind
wander. Keeping control during a projection strengthens it and makes
shadow memories stronger.
Keep moving at all times and do not stay in one area for too long.
Move away from your physical body immediately after the exit and
stay at least twenty feet (six meters) away from it at all times -
the farther the better.
Concentrate on forward vision and turn slowly and deliberately.
Keep up a running commentary during the projection. Talk aloud to
yourself at all times, describing what you are seeing and doing. If
your voice does not work, say it in your mind.
Do not concentrate on any one object or scene for too long.
Observe each object and scene only briefly in passing, noting it
aloud, then moving along.
Glance briefly at your hands frequently, and whenever reality
fluctuates, but not for long enough to cause them to melt. Each time
you do this, a small shock wave is sent back down the silver cord to
the physical/etheric body. This gives it a small shock that slows
its entry into the dream state, thereby strengthening the projected
End the OBE when reality fluctuations become pronounced, while you
still can.
Confusing Astral Effects
You do not have a real body during an OBE. You are an
infinitesimally small point of consciousness, a spark created by the
pure energies of your consciousness.
You have no real size or shape.
You are totally free of the limitations of your physical body and of
all the laws of the physical universe.
In many ways, the physical body and its projected double can be
likened to a car battery and the energy stored within it, or to an
electrical capacitor and its stored charge. If you could somehow
separate one of these physical devices from its stored energy,
releasing yet containing its energy in a single cohesive unit, what
size would the energy unit be? What would the energy unit weigh?
What would the energy unit look like?
There are no real answers to these questions, as energy has zero
size, zero mass, and zero weight. But the product of these questions
would exist in some form and have an energy potential that could be
calculated. It should, hypothetically, exist as pure energy once
freed of the restraints of matter. I asked a friend of mine, a
mathematical physicist, if these questions could be stated or proven
mathematically, and a comparison drawn to the projected double. I
received a chapter-length reply. The high-level math and physics
involved are way above layman level, but the end result was that the
projected double was likened to a potential well.
For all that, the projected double is indeed a body of sorts, albeit
an energetic one. A projector can perceive this body, but only when
parts of it are deliberately self-observed. The subtle body parts
that appear seem to be created by the subconscious mind. The mind of
a projector does not seem able to accept the total nonexistence of
its body, so temporarily creates body parts when they are looked
Melting Body Parts
If you try to look closely at parts of your own projected double
during an OBE, especially your hands, you will find they start
melting away very quickly, within two or three seconds. You can
glance at any body part and look away again and it will appear to be
fairly stable and solid, but studying any body part closely will
cause it to melt.
For example, if you look at your feet and then
lift one of them for closer inspection, it will begin melting just
as hands do.
Hands, being the most commonly looked-at projected body parts during
an OBE, look pale and unearthly. They sometimes even appear
macabrely elongated and spectral (see figure 1, chapter 2). Do not
panic if you observe this effect, as this is quite normal. It
usually is seen only during low-powered OBEs. In all cases, after
only a few moments of observation, the fingers will begin melting
rapidly away into pale stumps. The rest of the hand and forearm will
soon follow suit if the observation is continued. If you look away
and then look back at your hands, the melting process will begin
again from the start.
Any other real physical object observed closely during an OBE will
not melt. Things will change; they'll morph, disappear, reverse, and
mutate into other things, but they will not melt away as body parts
do. This points to the act of self-observation as the cause of the
melting-body-parts phenomenon. I think the melting-body-parts
phenomenon is caused by a conflict within the subconscious mind.
subconscious mind provides temporary subtle body parts, seemingly as
a reflex action triggered by the act of self-observation. It knows
its real physical body exists in another place, and knows it should
have a body with it during an OBE. So, when the projected double
looks for its body, the subconscious mind is tricked into creating
temporary body parts.
However, these body parts cannot be maintained in existence, because
the subconscious mind cannot accept that its body is existing in two
different places at the same time. Internal subconscious and
energetic conflicts cause the body parts to rapidly melt away. If my
reasoning is correct here, this conflict goes a long way toward
explaining why the melting-hands phenomenon can have such an effect
on projectors.
A brief glance at the hands during an OBE, for example, causes a
small shock wave between the projected double and its physical
counterpart that helps stabilize the projection. A longer
observation often shifts a projector from real time straight into an
astral realm. This last effect is especially powerful during an
astral projection and can be used by projectors to shift themselves
among the astral planes, albeit at random.
The melting-body-parts phenomenon is more noticeable in real time
than in the astral planes or higher, although it still happens in
much the same way.
And, as it is one of the rare few constant
factors associated with OBE and the projected double, it is worthy
of much further study.
Vision-Reversal Problem
Vision reversal is an occasional real-time problem. In my opinion,
this problem arises because the physical body has a natural frontal
vision perspective of approximately 220 degrees. It can see the
front half of its visible environment, but cannot see behind itself
at the same time. However, the projected double is a point of
consciousness with the potential to have real-time vision in all
directions. I call this spherical vision, for want of a better term.
The projected double does not contain functioning sense organs, nor
even energetic copies of them. It is therefore not bound by the
vision limitations imposed on its physical counterpart. It can see
in all directions at once if it can get past its ingrained natural
frontal vision perspective. This increased vision potential will
occasionally cause problems when it happens accidentally.
A 360-degree viewpoint is not readily acceptable by the conscious or
the subconscious mind. In a similar fashion, this real-time vision
problem can also interfere with the projected double's ingrained
sense of left and right, which can further compound the spherical
vision problem.
Spherical vision can cause some very peculiar real-time effects and
some pretty mind-twisting reality fluctuations. For example,
frequent real-time projectors often find that their world suddenly
becomes reversed during a projection, as if in some kind of mirror
dimension or reversed astral realm. Everything looks the same, with
the same objective qualities as normal, but everything is back to
front and/or out of place.
During some OBEs, projectors' visual senses have become disoriented
and they have momentarily experienced a change of perspective that
has reversed their left and right perspective. This can happen if
they suddenly change direction without noticing the change. Their
viewpoint suddenly changes, without them actually moving or
rotating, as they would have to in their physical body. This action
has reversed their natural frontal, left and right, back and front,
up and down viewpoint. This disorients and tricks the vast creative
powers of the subconscious mind into instantly remaking the
environment to suit how it feels it should be. A split second of
unnoticed disorientation and the OBE environment goes haywire.
The diagram below illustrates the reversal of viewpoint without
turning, and the strange effect this can cause. The natural sense of
front and back, up and down, left and right are so deeply ingrained
in us that it can have a strong effect on real-time perception,
which is a direct mind sense.
Note that in the diagram below that
the natural sense of direction does not change when the projector's
point of view suddenly turns inside out without the person actually

Fig. 35.
Vision-reversal problem
Please bear with me here, as explaining such an unnatural phenomenon
as vision reversal is a real headache.
The real-time projector @ is in the center of the diagram facing
toward (A) with the door clearly perceived to be on his natural
right-hand side. He has normal frontal vision with a natural left
and right perspective, as in real life. The projector knows, as does
his subconscious mind, that if he turns around and faces (B), the
door and TV will be on his left-hand side, and the chair on his
right-hand side, as shown above.
Now, if you as the projector are facing (A) and you suddenly turn
inside out without moving around, and without noticing this lack of
movement, your viewpoint will suddenly reverse without you actually
turning. Viewpoint (A) will suddenly become viewpoint (B) but
withoutyour turning around as you would in real life. Your sense of
left and right has suddenly reversed.
When your viewpoint suddenly changes from (A) to (B), without you
actually turning and experiencing a rotation of viewpoint that your
mind can accept and adjust for, the door stays in view and causes a
big problem, as do the chair and TV when they suddenly spring into
view. You were aware of the door on their right-hand side with
viewpoint (A), but you do not lose sight of the door when you
suddenly turn inside out and change your viewpoint to (B).
Your subconscious mind cannot accept this sudden reversal of
viewpoint. Even the conscious mind would have problems accepting
this. The door seen on the right-hand side while facing (A) at the
start of the inside-out reversal would have to vanish and reappear
again on the right-hand side after it turns and faces (A). But, this
would place the door on the other side of the room, which is clearly
impossible. The TV and chair would also have to reverse positions to
keep your natural left and right perspective in order, which is also
clearly an impossible proposition for the subconscious mind.
The new viewpoint with unchanged left and right perspective, gained
by the sudden change in viewpoint without turning, becomes clearly
impossible for the subconscious mind. It therefore takes the easy
way out and changes the view to suit that with which it can deal
more comfortably. Now, keep in mind here that what the subconscious
mind can accept and what the conscious mind can accept are two
completely different kettles of fish. This seemingly impossible
change in viewpoint has caused the subconscious mind to creatively
correct the view by reversing it, or by reversing and changing parts
of it, to fit what it feels is more acceptable.
The subconscious mind makes instantaneous alterations as its
viewpoint changes. It either makes the real door vanish and reappear
on the other side of the room, then switches the TV and chair to fit
this new perspective, or more likely simply creates another door,
another TV, and another chair for both sides of the room. You may
now find that you have a room with two doors, one on each side, with
a TV and a chair on both sides to match.
Or, you could suddenly find
that you no longer have any chair or TV - but you shouldn't
complain, because you now have two doors to make up for it.
The basic cause for the real-time OBE vision-reversal problem can be
simulated by lying on your back with your head hanging over the edge
of the bed. Clear your mind about what you are doing and do not try
to work it out beforehand. Open your eyes (in real life) while
upside down and quickly try to pick left and right and up and down.
You can do the same thing by looking behind yourself with a mirror.
This, you will find, causes a mild disorientation in your innate
sense of left and right. You'll find you have to deliberately
calculate which is left and right from your upside-down (or
reversed) position. This slight disorientation is all that is needed
to trigger the subconscious mind into creating something it feels
more comfortable with.
During a real-time projection, the subconscious mind will usually
create something to help with what it feels is its natural left and
right perspective at the moment of reversal. This is done according
to the visible evidence it has before and after the change of
viewpoint occurs. This generates an anomalous view of real time;
once this happens, it's way too late to correct it. The subconscious
mind will not accept a conscious change of left and right, and
anything it has created will stay in existence for the duration of
the OBE.
If you understand spherical vision and happen to get reversed during
a projection, you'll find it's not really a problem. You simply take
what has happened into account and continue to function reasonably
well in objective real time, rather than thinking you are wasting
your time in some strange mirror dimension. This means that if you
have plans to do something in real time, you still can. You just
have to adjust for it in the best way you can.
My best advice is if this happens while inside a house, leave that
house through the most normal part of it you can find. Then, stay
away from that house for the duration of the projection, or reenter
it from another direction or side. If you go through an anomaly -
through a created door, say - you'll usually find yourself in an
astral realm.
Real-Time Anomalies
Comparing the subconscious mind's creative power to that of the
conscious mind is like comparing a bank of supercomputers to a
child's calculator. During any conscious OBE, this difference in
creative ability can cause a great deal of confusion. This vast
difference in creative power, combined with vision-and
perspective-reversal problems, is the underlying cause of many OBE
Take these all together, and you have a recipe for total confusion:
Strong creative powers of the subconscious mind
Weak creative powers of the conscious mind
Sensitivity of the projected double's perceptions
Sensitivity of the out-of-body environment to creative energy
Spherical vision, with left and right perspective reversals
For example: You exit your body and explore your house in real time.
Everything appears normal, but as you move through your house, you
suddenly notice a door in the wrong place. Noting this anomaly, you
move on toward the kitchen, but find this is either incomplete or on
the wrong side of the house, or both. While moving through the house
you have somehow accidentally reversed your natural viewpoint, and
confused your natural sense of left and right. Your subconscious
mind has therefore rearranged the layout of the house to fit what it
feels is more natural.
This confuses you to no end. The furniture, pictures, windows,
doors, etc., all appear to be normal, but nothing is where it should
be, and some parts seem to be missing completely. Moving along, you
find another door where there should be no door. This door appears
real, although it is in the wrong place. Once created, it may change
in appearance but will rarely be uncreated. Solid doors don't have
the habit of vanishing, even during an OBE, so you're stuck with it
for the time being.
When you turn to where the real door should be, you sometimes find
the door there, sometimes not. You may end up with two or even more
doors where there should only be one. If you go through the real
door - the one still in its correct place - you usually find the
rest of the house behind it just as it should be. But, if you go
through a false door, you enter a created anomaly. This will always
lead to an astral realm. The subconscious mind knows that a false
door is an anomaly. It won't accept this as opening to a normal part
of the house that can't possibly be there.
Anomalies like these are reality fluctuations caused simply by
moving about in the real-time zone. Anomalous doors can be used as
fairly reliable entrances into astral realms. Enter one then
continue opening other doors as you find them. These other,
anomalous, doors will open into more astral realms.
If you
concentrate and hold in mind the type of astral realm you wish to
enter as you open these doors, more often than not you will find
what you are seeking.
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