Rich Anders
WorldMysteries Website
On December 27, 2002 Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, CEO of a company called
Clonaid, gave a press conference in Hollywood, Florida. She stunned the
world with the announcement that the first human clone had been borne one
day earlier. Allegedly, the baby girl is in good health. Being the first of
a kind human she is called Eve. Dr. Boisselier claimed that ten implants had
been made and 5 of these resulted in normal pregnancies. 4 more births were
due in January and early February.
The announcement stirred up instant controversy and opposition from just
about everybody. Physicians in the race to be the first to produce clone
humans denounced Clonaid and pointed out that this company has not done any
research with animals nor has it published scientific papers about any such
work. In view of the fact that the cloned sheep Betsy was the first positive
result in 268 tries they were stunned that from 10 implants 5 would result
in normal pregnancies. The ethical aspect of cloning humans was discussed
publicly and scathing comments condemned Dr. Boisselier and her team.
Adding to the controversy was another aspect of this situation, which was a
major blow for every respectable scientist. Dr. Boisselier has close ties to
the Raeliens, a group, which in Canada has been granted status as a religion.
Allegedly, this cult has more than 80,000 followers worldwide. The founder
and leader of the group, Claude Vorilhon, calls himself Rael, hence the
name Raeliens. He claims that in 1973 he had an encounter with extraterrestrials.
The extraterrestrials told Rael that humans originate from clones produced
by aliens tens of thousands of years ago and deeded on this planet. They
also told him that the time had come to produce human clones again. As
told on CNN the same day the plan was to first impregnate women with their
own clone and have the fetus be carried through a normal pregnancy resulting
in a normal birth. The clone children then would go through a normal
childhood until they reached maturity at eighteen years of age.
In the second stage in biogenetic laboratories human clones would be
produced who had an accelerated growth rate not only before but also and
especially after coming to life. Rael said he believes that eventually fully-grown
human clones could be produced in the course of several hours. He added that
such clones would be just like a vehicle in need of a driver because there
was no way to produce a developed spirit.
This aspect Rael considers to be an advantage because he envisions that in
future the ones participating in this program could reach a kind of
immortality. When a human reaches old age and/or is near death he/she would
order a clone. Once this clone is fully-grown his/her mind would be
transferred to the clone. When the clone reaches the stage that his/her body
becomes obsolete another clone will be produced and the mind will be
transferred again. And this is supposed to go on and on…
There is an important aspect to this scenario, which neither Rael nor anyone
else mentioned. What if the clones could receive not only the minds of the
donors of the cells they were produced from? What if the clones could
receive the minds of extraterrestrials, as well? Could this planet be
threatened by an invasion of alien body snatchers? Could aliens be directing
and guiding the work of Clonaid in order to establish a foothold on this
On December 30th 2002 in an interview with ABC, Dr. Boisselier mentioned that
the birth of this clone baby was the culmination of 25 years of research.
This puts the start of this cloning project at about 5 years after the
encounter with aliens Rael allegedly had. 5 years seems a reasonable time
frame for preparing laboratories and getting the scientists qualified to do
this kind of work. A 50% success rate as claimed by Dr. Boisselier is far
higher than any other fertilization method in use now. Clearly, this
situation needs to be watched very carefully.
Modern man appeared out of nowhere about 45000 years ago. There is no
biological link to other hominids that lived on this planet. About 30000
years ago the Neanderthals disappeared from the fossil record. B/94/1. Nobody
knows exactly when and where modern man originated. B/100/3. Suddenly, 5500
years ago in 5 locations known as the cradles of civilization development of
farming, husbandry and cities began. Religion was implemented everywhere and
a political and economic structure assured the advance of civilization. A
mere thousand years later the Egyptians built pyramids we would have a hard
time to erect even with the means of present day technology.
Compounding the mystery of man's sudden appearance with no links to this
world's past is the immense variety of racial features. It is inconceivable
that in a mere 45000 years the many races populating this planet could have
originated from natural selection and from influences of climate and local
conditions. White man has been living in Africa and the Americas for
hundreds of years.
Blacks and other persons with colored skins like Arabs or
Indians have been living in northern latitudes of America and Europe for
hundreds of years. Not the slightest change in skin color or ethnic traits
has been noticed. Anthropologists try very hard to research and to explain
this situation but their efforts produced only theories that are woefully
There are several main groups of humans:
These groups
vary dramatically amongst themselves most of all the Indo-Europeans.
Therefore, we'll deal with this group because it provides the most
fascinating insight into the origins of man.
On February 2, 1786 Sir William Jones addressed the Asian Society in
Calcutta. He presented the startling news that a far-flung family of Indo-European
languages points to a common origin of many peoples previously thought to
have originated from very divers backgrounds. With this speech he uncovered
the biggest enigma of anthropology. While a common linguistic background was
found for approximately half this world's population ranging from India to
Iceland their appearances differ dramatically.
To date nobody has been able to provide an explanation for the differences
in racial traits between the peoples who have Indo-European as a common
original language. Just as enigmatic is the fact that nowhere any artifacts
or remnants of an Info-European culture could be found so far. By detective
work based on languages it is assumed that the Indo-Europeans originated
somewhere to the north of the Black Sea. From there they spread populating
the lands from India to Iceland. This is as much as we know.
Looking at the mysterious origins of the Indo-Europeans under the aspect of
a large scale production of humans in bio-genetic laboratories could provide
the explanation anthropologists have sought so long in vain. The most
important criteria are twofold: can many humans be produced in a short time
and can these humans be produced with very different racial appearances?
Up to December 28, 2002 nobody would even have asked the question. Then
the leader of the Raeliens, casually mentioned that in phase two of the
human cloning project human clones will be produced in the course of several
hours. From inception to the finished product of a human being a few short
hours would be enough to do the job. Commentators on TV hardly took notice
of this statement. Yet it could be the most important aspect of the cloning
controversy raging today.
Nobody ever spoke and nobody probably even thought of the possibility to
produce human clones in such a short time except Rael. So where does he get
the idea that this would be possible? If his claim of contacts with
extraterrestrials is true the source of this information is obvious. Then it
is also obvious that the claim that humankind originated from clones could
be true.
Then it also could be true that several thousand years ago a major
production facility north of the Black Sea produced wave after wave of
genetically customized humans, who then were sent all over the lands. The
dark skinned humans were sent to areas with a very hot climate. The white
skinned humans were sent to the lands in the north with a cold climate. For
climates in between humans were produced with varying shades of skin colors.
Assuming that contacts with extraterrestrials did indeed take place and
assuming that the aliens told the truth about humans descending from clones
there should be reports from ancient times referring to the production of
humans by superior beings.
There is indeed direct reference to the production of humans in Sumerian and
Babylonian traditions. The gods produced humans as servants destined to
fulfill the needs of their creators. In the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh even
a specific case of producing a human is reported:
This epic provides many interesting details about the time when Gilgamesh
was the king of the Sumerian city of Uruk around 2500 BC. He was the child
of a union between a goddess and a human. The goddess Innana, in Akkad and
Babylon known as Ishtar, had given him the kingship.
Over time Gilgamesh
became intolerably obnoxious molesting men and women alike sexually and the
human population begged the gods to do something about it. The gods then
produced Enkidu fully-grown custom designed to meet the needs of
in every respect. This man became the close companion and lover of Gilgamesh
whom he kept so busy that the rest of the population got a much- needed
Genetic engineering is relatively new but it has brought very impressive
results already. From cloning a human to genetically custom designing the
finished product may only be a small step.
As there is very little information referring to an artificial production of
humans it is necessary to investigate the very

Assyrian Tree of Life |
appearance of humans and the
circumstances accompanying it. - Allegedly, the aliens told
Rael that 25000
years ago extraterrestrials produced human clones who then were seeded all
over the planet.
There is no evidence that at that time extraterrestrials or
humans appeared in large numbers on this planet. In the fossil record humans
appear approximately 50000 years ago. Also, there is overwhelming evidence
that 5500 years ago aliens who called themselves the gods invaded this
planet and occupied it until about 3500 years ago.
It is interesting to note that in Japan and in Yucatan there was a human
population before the gods landed. When the gods arrived about 5500 years
ago they brought along or produced a new, more advanced version of humans.
In both cases a dual society with different languages for the ruling class
and the servants developed. The original humans became the servants of the
newly arrived or produced humans and the gods.
Approximately 3500 years ago a major cataclysm struck the planet. The most
violent volcanic explosion of the last ten thousand years destroyed the
island of Thera. The entire Mediterranean was devastated. In Greece this
event cause a huge flood remembered still as Deukalion's flood because he
and his wife were the only gods to survive. For 3500 years alien gods could
not exist on the surface of this planet. The cloning project of Rael and
Clonaid could be an attempt to change that.
Rael said the aliens who contacted him were about 4 feet tall. It is
interesting to note that one set of the gods of antiquity was quite short.
There are pictures and statues of gods and goddesses and they all showed
common traits the world over. The gods were not only short - 3 to 4 feet.
They all had extremely short bent legs, large misshapen heads and usually
were very ugly. (Ptah, Egyptian god of creation; Bes,
Egyptian god of love
and birth; Thor, Germanic god of thunder; Polynesian gods; Aztec
Bat god; Ku
or Kukalimoku, Hawaiian war god; Adena God; Maya god).
There is a second set of gods and these look like humans only better. These
are the gods of Greece, the deities of Egypt etc. The solution to this
mystery lies in Egypt because the good-looking gods there were called
deities and they ranked below the gods. In mythologies of the near and
middle East as well as Greece the younger generation of gods fought the
older generation of gods and defeated them.
We know the names of the older generation of gods and they are the dwarf
gods. We know the names of the younger generation of gods and they are the
good-looking ones that are like humans. They are the ones who had
relationships with humans and it is known that all over the ancient world
children were born from unions between gods and goddesses and humans.
It is not conceivable that the older generation of gods could be the
biological parents of the younger generation of gods/deities. The difference
in appearance is too big. Conclusion: the first generation of gods produced
the second generation of gods/deities as clones of themselves. As reported
in mythologies throughout the Middle East and Greece at some point of time
the second generation rebelled against the first generation, their producers,
and assumed all the power. Zeus became the supreme Greek god and
Amun became
the supreme Egyptian god. The deities assumed "god-status" and became the
gods of mythology.
In view of the above one must consider the possibility that this cloning
project of Rael and Clonaid could be the preparation for an invasion of this
planet by aliens who were here before. This leads to the question: "why
don't these aliens not simply land as they did 5500 years ago?"
When astronauts began space flights, initially, they came back disoriented
and dizzy. The Russians installed magnetic resonance systems in their space
station to simulate the electromagnetic field of the planet. For whatever
reason, it seems obvious that the aliens cannot tolerate the present
electromagnetic field because there are no reports of aliens landing and
staying here for any extended period of time other than in ancient times.
This obstacle could be overcome by producing cloned humans who are used to
the electromagnetic field of this planet and transferring alien spiritual
energies into these beings.
Whatever the implications, Rael and Clonaid's activities need to be closely
watched. Ethical and moral considerations are much less of a concern than
the possibility of an alien invasion via human clones produced to give ill-intentioned
extraterrestrials a foothold on our planet.