by Mark Sircus
10 February 2011
IMVA Website
Spanish version
I would like to introduce you to a marvelous person,
Nassim Haramein,
and in this first of two videos of his I will present in this
chapter he humorously demonstrates how hypnotized we can be about
some pretty big things.
There has been a rising chatter about
extraterrestrials lately in the news but the greatest evidence of
their existence are the pyramids, which humans still don’t have the
engineering to build.
Over a hundred years ago the truth of human
history was completely distorted by British Egyptologists whose
minds could not grasp any other explanation for
Pyramids and
Sphinx than that those simple farmers made them with little more
than their bare hands when they weren’t busy out in the fields.
In this below video of Nassim, he speaks about what is beyond water,
beyond matter, which is unlimited energy and the wholeness of space,
which cannot be divided against itself.
It’s a leap for many to understand the
edges of life, but it does seem that light, energy and water are the
foundational stones to biological existence.
More than this, light,
energy, water and space are caught up in our worlds and experiences
of perception. Most do not know that color (specific light
frequencies) shape our perceptual abilities just as they have their
affect on water as the light passes through.
Nassim says that inside of us, inside of all pieces of matter, is a
black hole that leads both into and out of space - a pure space with
endless potential energy.
And he tells us that through our
connection to this zero point of pure space we are connected with
all pure spaces that are everywhere in existence. When we probe the
very reaches of the universe we begin to understand that there is
only one space and everything rests in its belly.
Things can exist inside the
vast space
of the universe but on a fundamental level these things do not have
the power to divide space from itself. Nothing in the created
universe has this power except the egocentric mind that mistakenly
thinks its king of reality.
That is exactly what the ego is - the
illusion of separation, the perception of separation - a bubble self
that defines us as separate from the zero point of pure space or
what I call pure consciousness.
Pure Water -
Space - Pure Consciousness
To understand something as important and beautiful as
pure water we
need to understand
consciousness because pure consciousness and pure
water have many things in common.
Though absolute pure water does not
exist outside of a laboratory except as a concept, pure
consciousness is not a concept, but it is rarely experienced or
perceived in its pure form.
Pure consciousness, what is that? It is
much easier to say what it isn’t than what it is.
If we sit down in meditation and relax
until we do not feel our bodies, then slow our minds down till there
are no more thoughts to think, and calm our hearts until there is no
more emotion, no feeling, no hearing, and no images in our
imagination, what do we have left?
Nothing but our very own pure
consciousness; pure awareness is what is left and this is the
foundation of everything that we are.
Instead of talking about pure
consciousness let me share a meditation I have been doing that might
facilitate an experience of it.
First get comfortable in a chair or lie
down in your bed or on the floor and simply relax for a minute. You
can imagine all your muscles in each section of your body getting
heavier and relaxing.
Then you start breathing air/energy into
your brain, kind of washing it with the incoming breath letting it
circulate around and around, and then exhaling. You could breathe
in, counting to 20 or 30, hold your breath for that count, and then
exhale for that count, then trying again to wash the brain of its
non-stop thoughts by throwing the breath of life into it over and
The more practiced the easier this is
but know that the last thing our minds want to do is dissolve into
the nothingness of pure space or pure consciousness.
Once you get the mind’s velocity below the supersonic level and
further down to the point where you are ready to touch down on
experiences of being, bring your awareness down into the heart
chakra, into the chest, and from your feeling center expand out to
the whole world (or whole universe) and identify your caring for it.
Then pull your energy back to the self and repeat.
When you look out on the whole world and
everyone on it, you can identify with what you might think a great
being would think or feel, having a caring for everyone and the
whole of life is a nice feeling that we can cherish and appreciate.
Finally you drop into the first chakra, which is most connected to
the body and breathe in, charging the chakra with energy, then
expand the gathering energy you feel there and use it to energize
your entire body. It is like using your consciousness, the mind and
the breath as a pump - and this center is the sexual center after
all and it is not that difficult for most people to feel something
But whatever we feel we instantly
channel it as pure energy to our body and even to our energy field
or aura.
Then go back to step one and breathe into the brain and enjoy the
sensation of mental stillness, of mind relaxation and the slowing of
the endless internal mental river.
Try not to think of anything but
be aware of your awareness, aware of your consciousness, aware of
your feelings (as opposed to emotions driven by thoughts).
Pure consciousness is something we begin to experience as all
thoughts recede. When we become like distilled water empty of all
impurities of body sensations, emotions and thoughts, we enter a new
space that is both full and empty at the same time.
Practicing this or any similar meditation on a daily basis actually
strengthens the mind because it quiets the mind.
Bathing oneself in this zero-point field
can be quite enlightening and centering while it brings rejuvenation
to one’s body, heart, mind and soul. The zero point space is
coherent and has a wonderful affect on the water of one’s body like
light has on water in Pollack’s water experiments. This should be
obvious since we are now defining our physical presence as more
water than anything else.
We are water and we are space (which we
just got in touch with via meditation) and sure, we are protein and
bone and a few other things as well.
Information in
There is growing scientific evidence that space itself can store
information. Some scientists call this the "zero point field" or the
"implicate order."
Lynne McTaggart calls it "The Field".
She says,
"Walter Schempp’s explosive
discovery about quantum memory set off the most outrageous idea
of all:
short- and long-term memory
doesn’t reside in our brain at all, but instead is stored in
the Zero Point Field.
After Pribram’s discoveries, a
number of scientists, including systems theorist Ervin Laszlo,
would go on to argue that the brain is simply the retrieval and
read-out mechanism of the ultimate storage medium - The Field.
Pribram’s associates from Japan
would hypothesize that what we think of as memory is simply a
coherent emission of signals from the Zero Point Field, and that
longer memories are a structured grouping of this wave
If this were true, it would explain why one tiny
association often triggers a riot of sights, sounds and smells.
It would also explain why, with
long-term memory in particular, recall is instantaneous and
doesn’t require any scanning mechanism to sift though years and
years of memory."