by Brendan D. Murphy
October 9, 2014
GlobalFreedomMovement Website

Water is central and absolutely essential to the process of every
cell in our body.
But the water we need is not ordinary tap water.
Tap water is dead and polluted. It is not H20. It
is H3O2. It is organized
molecules, that are structured in a particular fashion, to provide
our cells with true nourishment.
Water is certainly not as simple as you may think…
The research of,
Viktor Schauberger
Gerald Pollack
Callum Coats
MJ Pangman,
...described in this article, aims to give you a
deeper understanding of the science of water.
Understanding The New
Science of Water

The New Science of Water, pioneered by many researchers, including
Professor Gerald Pollack from the University of Washington,
shows that as well as occurring naturally in three different states
(solid, liquid and vapor), water also occurs in a fourth
molecular-structured state resembling that of liquid crystal.
This form of structured water (H3O2)
is energized, negatively charged, and is the vital element in all
living organisms and natural ecosystems that is crucial for growth,
well-being and longevity.
According to Australian Environmental Scientist, Robert Gourlay,
the New Science of Water is leading to the conclusion (not yet well
understood by mainstream scientists) that water structure and energy
(including cell polarity) are more critical to life function than
the natural chemical constituents of water.
Most water that humans and domestic animals now
utilize on a daily basis is toxic, including rainwater that is
exposed to air pollution, soil water that is contaminated by toxic
waste and chemicals, and all captured water in dams, tanks and
The limited availability of clean, structured,
negatively-charged water, which every cell in your body and in
plants and animals requires for good health, is now a major
limitation to a healthy life.

Rob Gourlay also points out that magnetically
structured water has a concentrated molecular structure that
substantially mitigates friction associated with pressure-induced
flow velocity in pipes, thereby offering significant efficiency
advantages in irrigation, agriculture, and other hydrodynamic
Similar flow efficiencies were observed and used by
Viktor Schauberger in the early 20th
century through his vorticular water flow experiments, that
mimicked the processes occurring in nature.
Gerald Pollack and his
Significant Revelations About Water
Gerald Pollack
Structured EZ Water (H3O2)
for Cell Health - Interview with Dr Mercola
Gerald Pollack
The 4th Phase of Water
Gerald Pollack - Electrically Structured Water
Part 1 - EU 2013
Gerald Pollack - Electrically Structured Water
Part 2 - EU 2013
The New Science of Water
by MJ Pangman
(ref: Dancing With Water, and Science: Liquid Crystalline Water)
The Significance of Liquid Crystalline Water
by MJ Pangman
Water Has Memory

Drinking the best quality water is vital for our good health. It
helps to maintain the well-being of vital organs and blood function.
Almost 80% of our body weight is made up of crucially important
inter-cellular water.
Modern city public water supplies in many developed countries around
the world are recycled as many as 20 times.
Even if the physical
contaminants have been removed, their "vibration imprint" is still
carried by the water in it's "memory", according to researchers such
as Jacques Beneveniste and Michel Schff (The Memory of Water, 1995).
No matter how many times such town water is recycled, it can carry
restorative energies and can transmit negative or destructive
imprints that cause disharmony or disease.
Town water can also
contain a frightening number of contaminants, including,
veterinary medicines
Tap water
is dead and polluted.
Viktor Schauberger's Vortex/Implosion and Memory Research with Water
In 1958, what was to be the last year of his life, a little known
man of great vision received an invitation from America he simply
couldn't refuse:
complete and ample financial support to carry on
the work of Project Implosion - a project which promised to give
humanity free, clean energy while allowing for the return of balance
in nature.
And so, despite his deteriorating health, an elderly
Austrian Forestmaster, Viktor Schauberger, gathered all the
materials of his life's work and made the trip to America - at last Schauberger was to receive the long-overdue recognition for his
awesome discoveries!
Unbeknown to Viktor however, there was no money, only a well planned
set-up that kept him in virtual imprisonment until every bit of his
incredible data was signed over to these mysterious Americans.
Completely crushed and dismayed, Viktor returned home to Austria
where he died five days later.
Who was this man Viktor Schauberger, and what sort of evolved
discoveries had he made which prompted the methodical invalidation
of his ideas and the diabolical destruction of his intense will to
This video reseals all the shocking details of his life commitment - the proposals, the inventions, and the predictions that so upset the
This video celebrates Viktor's dedication to the salvation and
glorification of water - the lifeblood of the earth. Witness for
yourself the astounding contributions one remarkable man attempted
to bring to a planet already showing signs of the desperate times
ahead during the 1920s and 1930s.
This is one video you will want to
show to everyone around to help spread its vital message.
Nature Was My Teacher - The Vision of Viktor Schauberger
Technology developed by Viktor Schauberger can cleanse and re-energize
water and remove its "memory". This technology is known as Schauberger's Vortex Eco-Technology.
The following documents are provided by courtesy of Schauberger.co.uk:
is Living Water?" - from Caduceus Magazine by Alick
My Own Words" - from Resurgence Magazine by Alick
is Water Important" - by Alick Bartholomew
We Replicate Viktor Schauberger's Eco-Technology? - by Alick
Man's Actions Affect The World's Climate? - by Alick
What Alick Bartholomew Says About Viktor Schauberger
Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) was an Austrian forester, naturalist
and ingenious inventor.
"He viewed the intricate interconnectedness of all of Nature's
energetic processes essentially sacred, emanating from the
supreme source, The-All-That-Is. He saw energy as the
"actuality" and matter as 'fossilized energy'.
He saw water (including sap and blood) as an
organism, the vital life-giving and energy-empowering vehicle that
intelligent Nature uses for all forms of transmission and
communication, energetic as well as physical, a medium linking Earth
and Cosmos, with a vital role in promoting higher evolutionary life
"He emphasized the importance of the water cycle which, together
with the minerals that it supplies, can be seen as providing the
nourishment for evolutionary biodiversity".
"He describes Nature as purposeful, and evolution as the continual
refinement of energies to promote greater complexity of
inter-relationships, to facilitate the emergence, and to raise the
consciousness, of higher life forms. All of creation is imbued with
spirit, and you find that even a stone displays a living energy".
"Nature is the mirror of the supreme consciousness, and Schauberger
recognized in her the kind of omnipotence that our religions ascribe
to God. This is little different to what humanity has believed
through 99% of our time on Earth, but its implications for our
present civilization are enormous. We need to accept that we are
indeed part of Nature, and subject to her laws".
"This is so contrary to the skepticism of our current materialistic
science, which has no room for meaning and purpose, though the winds
of change are stirring. Science has begun to rediscover holism,
particularly in quantum physics and holistic biology. Our science
recognizes certain natural laws which apply to the material world,
but fails to see that they often become invalid in an energy
dimension higher than the physical.
"The second law of thermodynamics says that all systems degenerate
into chaos. Schauberger discovered that a system can in fact
generate energy spontaneously, and once started, no further energy
input is necessary. This was the basis of his free energy machines".
Extraordinary Nature of
Schauberger Lecture (Callum Coats)
The video above by Callum Coats provides an extraordinary insight
into the hidden properties of water.
Callum Coats is one of a very few people who truly understand the
Nature of Water and the brilliant work of Viktor Schauberger, which
he has translated English for the benefit of others. Viktor
Schauberger (1885 to 1958), a naturist from Austria, made a lifelong
study of water from mountain springs to river flows and highly
evolved hydraulics.
He earned the name "Water Wizard" by developing
a deep understanding of water… the most important life-giving and
energy empowered substance on Earth.
Through Callum Coats' videos and books, you will be guided through
forests, rivers, and the global water cycle, which reveal deep
insights into water's nature and how it needs to be handled for
humanity to stay healthy.
You will see the effects of nature's
amazing vortex motion in water, how to harness clean abundant
energy, and how to generate lightning from a fine water jet.
Callum's booksare based on his own research and Viktor Schauberger's brilliant work with natural energy and water: