by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
May 03, 2010
NaturalNews Website
The global AIDS epidemic being pushed by
the AIDS industry is a fraud.
Key pioneers from the industry now
speak out against "the false marketing of the AIDS epidemic" in an
exclusive video clip from the highly controversial documentary House
of Numbers (www.HouseOfNumbers.com).
Watch the clip:
"It was a total fraud"
In this video clip, you'll see Dr Joe Sonnabend, co-founder of
(The Foundation for AIDS Research) explain how the organization
committed fraud by hyping up the risk of AIDS in order to get more
money from Washington.
"One day one of the networks had received a press release from us,
and the press release said that heterosexual AIDS is about to
happen, that straight men are going to drop in droves... And I said
that's B.S. where'd you get that from? It was a total fraud and
scam. It was a fundraising ploy," says Dr Joe Sonnabend.
"But it was
so efficient that it resulted in a LIFE Magazine cover which said
'No one is safe from AIDS'... Once he put out this scare, the money
started to flow. It really did."
Brent Leung, director of the House of Numbers film, then asks Dr Sonnabend,
"Isn't that ethically wrong to scare an entire
"What do you think?" answers Dr Sonnabend. "You live in this world
you know that's exactly what they do."
By the way, do you note the similarity between AIDS non-profit
fundraising fraud and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure fundraising
we've exposed here on NaturalNews?
For both groups, it's always about the money, and the same thing is
true with most other disease non-profit groups.
Also in this clip, you'll see journalist Mark Conlan describing how
the Wall Street Journal exposed the fundraising fraud behind the
AIDS industry.
Journalist Celia Farber also appears in this exclusive clip, saying,
"It's a culture of P.R. A public relations phenomenon. The truth
doesn't matter. What matters is the image... The reality is that
AIDS is over."
AIDS, in other words, is no longer a threat to the world at large,
and certainly not a threat to heterosexual men.
But the AIDS front
groups want to keep spreading fear in order to unlock more
fundraising dollars that will pad their own pockets. So the fear
mongering continues, the fraud continues and the truth gets swept
under the rug.
What truth is that?
That the "worldwide AIDS epidemic" is now
largely a fictional construct created by,
...to sell AIDS drugs
that cause the very immunological suppression blamed on the disease.
AIDS drugs, in other words, cause the symptoms of AIDS and thus they
become a self-fulfilling prophecy to any person who dares take them.
Get the House of Numbers DVD
At long last, House of Numbers may be pre-ordered for its upcoming
DVD release. You can reserve your copy of this remarkable,
mind-blowing film right now by visiting
This deluxe edition DVD also features hours of special features and
behind-the-scenes footage. Shipped on three DVDs, this deluxe
edition includes 24 featurettes covering:
HIV Testing
• HIV Testing 101 • The History and Evolution of HIV Testing • The Morphing Fine Print of HIV Test Package Inserts • The Changing Criteria of Western Blot Testing • False Positives: Causes and Factors • Deciphering Test Results for False Positives • Examining the "Gold Standard" for HIV Diagnostic Tests • HIV Testing in High Risk Versus Low Risk Populations • HIV Testing Campaigns
• The Bangui Definition - A Closer Look • Bangui Redux: Abidjan and Caracas • The Growing Family of AIDS Marker Diseases and Indicators • The Clinicians' Dilemma: Dr. Anthony Fauci and Harrison's
Principles of Internal Medicine • 1993 - CDC Adds the CD4 T-Cell Count Marker • 1997 - CDC Tables 11 and 12: Addition by Subtraction
"Why I Began Questioning HIV" - Five Skeptic's Stories
• Dr. Kary Mullis • Rian Malan • Neville Hodgkinson • Dr. Rodney Richards • Dr. Christian Fiala
A Second Look
• Profile: Dr. Robert Gallo • Profile: Dr. Peter Duesberg • History of Fabricated Scares and The CDC • The Incarnation Children's Center: A Cautionary Tale