by Clif High
December 14, 2009
HalfPastHuman Website
In the martial arts, especially within
those arts of Japanese descent, the place in which one practices
their art is called a dojo. The ‘do’ part means ‘path’, while the
‘jo’ part means ‘place’, so the whole translates into ‘place of the
(practice) of the path' (or ‘way’).
Here at Halfpasthuman, we recognize that what we have labeled as the
‘woo woo world’ exists within a virtual space that we call the ‘woo-jo’.
As within any dojo, conflicts and contention arise. In martial arts
dojo’s, such conflicts are dealt with as soon as they arise or they
fester and destroy harmony in a very delicate environment filled with
weapons and deadly skills. In the martial arts, frequently these
disputes are brought to the mat in an open fashion before all
members of the dojo as all form a community, and thus all are
stakeholders in the harmony of the dojo.
Thus are the energies
dispersed, and opportunities created for harmonization to continue.
Such a conflict has arisen between Bill Ryan (specifically) at
Project Camelot and myself. Bill has a thread in his forum at
Project Avalon, in which he responds to a question about why I (Clif
High) think Dr. Bill Deagle is full of shit as a woo-woo
personality. I had previously made public statements that I found
Bill Deagle’s information to be questionable at best.
This caused a
question to Bill Ryan of Project Camelot (http://www.projectcamelot.org/)
to which he responded.
Bill Ryans’ response to the questioner can be read at their
Avalon forum, and also below in quotes...
“As best we understand, Clif High
set a PI [Private Investigator] on Deagle's bank account without
Deagle's knowledge or consent, with an instruction to look for
something that could be used against him.
The PI found some income that he could not account for and Clif
therefore assumed that he must be a paid agent.
It's an understatement to say that this is very dumb of Clif,
who is normally a bright guy. If anyone looked in to my bank
account, or yours, or anyone's, they would find things they
didn't understand. I don't even understand my own bank
statements sometimes.
And because this was all done without Deagle's consent, he was
never asked if there was an innocent explanation.
Not good research - and very underhand. We should not be doing
this to one another.
My solid opinion: Deagle is a very good man. We've spoken with
him extensively, on and off record.
One amazing conversation I witnessed two years ago and have
never forgotten (because I was physically in the room where
Henry Deacon/Arthur Neumann was talking with him on Skype) was
Deagle and Henry comparing places and projects where they had
both worked. Project names, codewords, clearances, everything.
They figured out that they must have bumped into one another but
couldn't recall where. The conversation lasted 45 minutes and
was quite something else.
We've visited his house and met his wife and children. He's a
huge-hearted soul with a brain the size of a small planet. He is
also human. I respect him highly.”
end quoted material
This is incorrect information. I did not
hire any PI, nor did I ‘set’ such a person onto Deagle.
I find the entire statement made by Bill
Ryan here is pejorative in both tone and word selection. His
‘understanding’ is factually wrong. His assumptions about my
analytical abilities are wrong. Please re-read Bill Ryan’s statement
and note the words used. The tone and words are offensive. The
factual ‘errors’ are incriminating and further, Bill Ryan is
directly accusatory.
I would have thought that, given the recent problems cited by Bill
Ryan himself in his
Open Letter to Jeff Rense, as well as the awful
treatment that he, himself, has suffered at the digital pen of
D. Burish, that he would have been a bit more sensitive in his response
to these questions. But I guess not...
I do understand that Bill Ryan has a large energy and emotional
investment into the perceived bona fides of the infamous Dr. Bill
I do understand that any perceived
attacks, in a psychology sense, against objects or personalities
with which the ego has identified, are treated by the ego as attacks
on that ego itself, and that this effect frequently leads to the
‘kill the messenger (of bad news) syndrome’. So the accusatory tone,
as well as the prejudicial words may arise from this response.
To be clear. I did not hire any detective to investigate Bill Deagle.
I have never been privy to any personal information about Bill
Deagle, nor any information which is not publicly available on the
internet. My first contact with Bill Deagle (by phone) was so
negatively affecting of the state of my ki that I began my own
research into Bill Deagle by the simple expedient of Google.
note…I do my own research...
I did not hire anyone and then ‘set
them’ onto Deagle with orders to find ‘stuff that could be used
against Deagle”. This is a lie. Bullshit. Let me state that again.
The characterizations written by Bill Ryan are false, and offensive.
In the investigation that I did perform with Google, the second
query that I used was “Dr + Bill + Deagle + fraud”. The results led
me directly to the information that I passed on to Bill Ryan that he
has misunderstood.
Further, Bill Ryan’s inability to understand his own bank account
speaks more to his mental capacities, including judgment, than mine.
And just because he cannot understand his bank account in no way
reflects my ability to understand both arithmetic and complex
mathematics (in many disciplines including banking/finance). Nor
does it affect my ability to recognize bullshit when I hear it.
Bill Ryan is correct in that I did not ask Bill Deagle’s permission
to Google him. I did not feel the need. Was this underhanded? Not in
my view.
In spite of Bill Ryan’s declaration to the contrary, I did very good
research on Bill Deagle. The results of that research confirmed my
initial reaction, and the matter was closed as far as I was
While I object to Bill Ryan’s characterization of my actions, he is
probably correct about my motives. I do not trust Bill Deagle nor is
information. And so sought evidence to support the feeling of lack
of trust.
Some of the reasons I think Bill Deagle is full of shit:
Setting aside all of the issues
raised by Bill Deagle’s past, both real and claimed, I need to
note that Bill Deagle is putting out blatant misinformation in
his Project Camelot interviews as well as other venues.
Specifically he states that my view on pole shifts are
incorrect, yet then goes onto describe the same outcome, but
through a ‘walking pace’ pole shift without dealing with any of
the physics involved… such as the inertia problem and the
necessary 12+ planetary earthquake that will accompany ANY
planetary crust movement.
Further Bill Deagle’s scenario is
NOT supported by any of the ancient descriptions of the pole
shift from a human perspective. These are always described in
ancient literature as cataclysmic. Bill Deagle characterization
of the pole shift as a ‘walking pace event’ is also damned by
his own words when he states that Japan would go under the waves
even in such a ‘walking pace pole shift’.
Also please note that
the accredited
physicist, Bill Ryan never questions any of the statements made
by Bill Deagle for any supporting math or science. He merely
accepts this information (and note my characterization as
follows) hook, line and sinker.
Further, Bill Deagle claims that China is making masses of
robots. Hmmm…for me that does not pass the smell test.
questions that instantly arise has to do with lack of evidence
for material or brains being used thus by the Chinese. Then
there is the issue of why, with 1.2 BILLION humans, and a
centuries long history of considering human life as both cheap
and expendable, would the Chinese change their basic cultural
proclivities, and invest millions of dollars per robot?
Bill Deagle claims to be told by classified sources that
underground cities are being completed in the USofA at the rate
of 2/two every 11 days or so.
Hmmm, then,
Why is there not a price
increase in concrete?
Or water handling equipment
as there always has been when local governments start
digging big tunnels?
What about all the other
material to populate these cities?
Is there secret buying from
China to fill these cities with beds, and teevees, and
gym equipment, and cooking pots and all the millions of
tons of other things that humans require?
If so, then why is China so
Why is all the shipping
idled off the South China coast?
Where is the global
manufacturing boom that would accompany such activity?
Where does the energy come
from to build these 2/two underground cities every 11
What about mass changes in
earth from all this underground activity?
Perhaps I have missed the point.
Maybe somewhere Bill Deagle
explained that these cities were ‘ant cities’…or some other more
plausible explanation. Basically my question is: if the
underground cities exist as Deagle claims, where is there any,
objective, real world evidence?
Assuming that I am a very bad
researcher because my surveys of materials and costs cannot find
any support for these underground cities being built, the
question is still begged, why has Bill Deagle never provided any
evidence for any of his claims?
Also note that Bill Ryan proclaims Bill
Deagle to be a good man and states his information to be
trustworthy. In Bill Ryan’s opinion.
However, Bill Ryan would have no one in the woo-jo ‘question’ either
the motives or the accuracy of anyone else. This is a pattern that
has been evidenced by Bill Ryans support of D. Burish and Bill
Deagle and his 'defense' mode when their veracity is questioned. Why
Bill Ryan should (apparently) fear open dialogue is subject to very
legitimate analysis and conjecture.
The attitude comes across as
arrogance (my characterization here) or outright fear in that he,
apparently, has the right to proclaim someone a ‘true guy’, but no
one is allowed to question his assertion. Why should Bill Ryan be
allowed to ‘anoint’ those who are ‘true guys’ in the woo-woo world?
In my universe, people, actions, and words stand for themselves,
able to be held up, examined, even gnawed upon to see if they are
real, and true…and if they need protection from such an inquiry,
there is usually a pretty damn good reason hiding under the covers.
Further, I find Bill Ryan’s insistence that Bill Deagle (and D.
Burish) are true guys to be the very same tactic used by
ThePowersThatBe to try to shove erroneous information into my mind
my entire life. I resent it from TPTB, and I resent if from Bill
Some woo-jo members may think this open letter is harsh and profane.
I agree, it is both. The times are harsh and profane, and neither
makes my statements wrong. And I have done nothing in this open
letter that Bill Ryan has not himself done in both open letters, and
his forum site. And I have deliberately tried to refrain from
characterizing Bill Ryan's, or Bill Deagle's motivations in any way.
I merely note my objection and refutations to their statements and
positions... unlike Bill Ryan who castigates and accuses me both in
tone and words.
In my opinion:
Time is short.
The woo-jo cannot afford the time and energy distraction of poseurs
and disinfo agents, whatever their motives. My critical analysis
tells me that both
Bill Deagle and
D. Burish are such poseurs and
disinfo agents.
Bill Ryan maligned me, and attacked my conclusions and motives. Bill
Ryan has deliberately used words which do not reflect either my
intent, my actions, or my conclusions. Further these words are
accusatory, and demand a response. This is it. Bill Ryan brought
this issue to the woo-jo with his public statements that I find to
be personally offensive, and maligning.
I can easily set aside my personal reaction to Bill Deagle to
objectively analyze his information. I have done so repeatedly. Each
time I find that the conclusion is that what Bill Deagle says is not
supported by even the most cursory of investigations, and no
evidence has/is ever provided.
Yes, in my opinion, this is a snarky bit of writing. Yes, in my
opinion, I am harsh, but I expect these same harsh and snarky
standards to be applied to my work. I get attacked for the
information I put out pretty continuously, and take umbrage at Bill
Ryan saying that Bill Deagle is to not be analyzed or attacked for
his information.
Why? Because Deagle claims descent from Moses? Or
claims to have been offered (in his own words) mastership of the
planet by the Priory of Scion?
Even if both claims were true,
neither is a reason to avoid scrutinizing Bill Deagles’ information,
in fact these would be just the reasons to do an extra thorough
investigation of his claims.
Of course, I expect both Bill Ryan, Bill Deagle, and lots of other
humans to respond to this. Such is necessary in these woo-jo
disputes. Let each make up their own mind as to validity of
arguments and statements. That is how an open, asymmetric social
organization is created. Not through ordo ab chaos, but rather
through continuous recharging of harmony within the chaotic
Of course I am willing to have all the information and projections
and forecasts that I publish investigated and analyzed. It is
necessary that such a critical, discriminating mind be developed in
every human on the internet. I put out our reports in as straight
forward a manner as possible such that it will be able to be
determined if these are accurate or bullshit. It is a case of
intellectual honesty, if you will allow, even a personal integrity.
I put what dates, and other discrete markers that are available, in
our work to support that effort at intellectual honesty. Opinions
will be individually formed about the accuracy and motives of my
work here. That is as it should be. Examine, poke, prod and gnaw
until universe reveals facts that can become the core of truth.
reader here would be foolish to take my word for any thing, just as
I would be a damned fool to take Bill Deagle, or Bill Ryan’s
information without a complete and critical analysis.
It has been Bill Ryan’s response to my critical analysis of Bill
Deagle’s information, and stated personal opinion that I did not
find Bill Deagle to be credible, that has set this whole stinky mess
into manifesting. At first I thought to just bitch to Bill Ryan
privately about his abusive language and accusations, and then let
it go.
However there are, in my opinion, larger issues involved that
go to the heart of the woo-jo. I favor a critical, feet on the mat
approach to the woo-woo world as it is so important and because time
is short.
Bill Ryan has maligned me, and accused me. I am responding and
calling him on it. Integrity is what is demonstrated Bill Ryan, the
slings and arrows of critical examination that you take, and then
prove your case, not what is proclaimed.
Ok, let us take this to the mats!
Of course Bill Ryan is invited to dialogue on this matter in any
form he may so choose. Not that he requires my permission for
Masa katsu (true victory is victory over oneself)!
Web Bot (Cliff High) claims...
Dan Burisch and Dr. Deagle are Not Credible
May 27, 2009
YouTube Website