by Nicholas West
February 17, 2012
ActivistPost Website

The elite UK think-tank,
The Royal
Society, which has openly admitted to studying
how to play God with the climate,
has kicked off a new program that reveals another level of control
entirely: the human brain.
Brain Waves project is divided into four modules, each tasked
with studying the impact of developments in the field of
neuroscience and neurotechnology.
The titles of the modules reflect
the areas of examination:
The results from these modules have been
published, and clearly illustrate how this panel views the lower
public masses in light of their status as the elite arbiters of
human destiny.
We often hear from critics that these think-tanks are an essential
part of scientific discovery, and that drawing conclusions of a
nefarious nature about their intent is paranoid conspiracy theory - they are only thinking, after all. I would submit that objective
scientific inquiry is absolutely necessary and that the proper role
of science is to disseminate results to the public for open debate,
prior to their implementation.
However, think-tanks such as the
Royal Society betray, by their own language, subjective biases (and
corporate connections) that have no place in true science.
The Royal Society funds over 700 private ventures, which undoubtedly
are directed by findings from studies such as Brain Waves. While
their studies might be couched in scientific terminology, there is
always a philosophical overlay that indicates a desire to study the
sciences specifically for use toward a purpose that a relatively
small group sees fit.
Furthermore, given that many developments in
neuroscience are already being forced upon the public in a negative
manner, the claims of open debate and "welcoming comments from the
public" seem disingenuous.
Rather, what we have is a another
think-tank blueprint that is merely stating the current course
planned long ago, as well as what is to be rolled out in the near
Just as we have seen from other think tanks such as the,
...and a host of others.
Their thoughts translate to
reality on a less-than-coincidental frequency, so we would do well
to listen to what they are saying.
The Project
An elite view of the brain
As an initial aside, perhaps lending
insight into their philosophical perspective: the image they have
chosen to represent Module 1 of the project is,
"a drawing of
Purkinje cells (A) and granule cells (B) from pigeon cerebellum."
Slightly odd given that their results are directed toward humans,
but this would be consistent with much of elitist statements and
writings from,
...and others who literally refer to the masses as a lower form of
animal. (Are we to assume we're viewed here as bird brains?)
Module 1
An overview for subsequent modules
in "neuro-imaging, neuro-psychopharmacology, and neural interfaces
– and discuss(es) the translation of this knowledge into useful
applications... as well as the ethical questions and governance
Their statement of intent reads as follows:
Increasing understanding of the
brain... will increase our insights into normal human
behavior and mental well-being, as well as enabling other
enhancement, manipulation, and even degradation of brain
function and cognition...
The array of 'neuro' disciplines lend themselves to
applications in diverse areas of public policy such as
health, education, law, and security. More broadly, progress
in neuroscience is going to raise questions about
personality, identity, responsibility, and liberty, as well
as associated social and ethical issues.
The aim of the
Royal Society's Brain Waves project is to explore what
neuroscience can offer, what are its limitations, and what
are the potential benefits and the risks posted by
particular applications.
(page 1)
Similar to their discussion of
weather control, this study seeks an all-inclusive approach that
spans the full spectrum of society, begging the same question
they asked previously regarding the implementation of scientific
discovery, "Who decides?"
Module 2
"The report authors, including
neuroscientists, cognitive psychologists and education
specialists, agree that if applied properly, the impacts of
neuroscience could be highly beneficial in schools and
From the summary:
The emerging field of
educational neuroscience presents opportunities as well as
challenges for education. It provides means to develop a
common language and bridge the gulf between educators,
psychologists, and neuroscientists.
One group is conspicuously absent
from this particular part of the summary: parents.
Rather, we
are given a small glimpse into the mindset of technocrats and
scientific dictators everywhere who have a worldview of central
management and social engineering as the solutions for society
at large. In this new world, it is the state and its scientists
who are to hold the key for humanity's next stage of evolution,
not the individual or family unit.
Module 3
"This report considers some of
the potential military and law enforcement applications
arising from key advances in neuroscience."
From the summary:
This new knowledge suggests a
number of potential military and law enforcement
applications. These can be divided into two main goals:
performance enhancement, i.e. improving the efficiency of
one's own forces, and performance degradation, i.e.
diminishing the performance of one's enemy.
In this report
we consider some of the key advances in neuroscience, such
as neuropharmacology, functional neuroimaging, and neural
interface systems, which could impact upon these
developments and the policy implications for the
international community.
This is nothing less than a
justification for the military to become the guinea pig testing
ground for what will eventually trickle down to the rest of us.
Everything from drugs to erase traumatic memories, to
transcranial ultrasonic helmets, to complete computer-brain
Here is a video just released of the Chair of the Royal
Society's new project, Professor Rod Flower, who has some
interesting things to say about how the military applications
are "very, very exciting and potentially very useful for us," as
indicated by their study of neuroscience applications. For me,
Brave New World comes to mind.
This video is specifically
related to Module 3, but provides a good overview of the general
areas of study.
Module 4
"Neuroscientists seek to
determine how brain function affects behavior, and the law
is concerned with regulating behavior. It is therefore
likely that developments in neuroscience will increasingly
be brought to bear on the law.
This report sets out some of
the areas where neuroscience might be of relevance, along
with some of the limits to its application.
Specific issues
discussed include risk assessment in probation and parole
decisions; detecting deception; assessing memory;
understanding pain; and Non-Accidental Head Injury NAHI."
From the summary:
Many questions have been asked
about what neuroscience might offer for the law.
instance, might neuroscience fundamentally change concepts
of legal responsibility? Or could aspects of a convicted
person's brain help to determine whether they are at an
increased risk of reoffending?
Will it ever be possible to
use brain scans to 'read minds', for instance with the aim
of determining whether they are telling the truth, or
whether their memories are false? It has been suggested that
"for the law, neuroscience changes nothing and
This report takes a different position: that
discoveries in neuroscience (or in genetics or psychology)
will not completely revolutionize the theory of practice of
the law in the near future; but there are already some
important practical implications of recent neuroscientific
discoveries, which should impact on the law, and there will
certainly be many more over the next few years.
Here we see an indication of the
endgame, which we already see being played out in the latest
high-tech phase of the War on Terror.
Technologies like FAST are
being touted as mobile lie detectors that all people will be
scanned by for "malintent" regardless of any presumption of
Scientists will decide the markers, the computer will
provide the reading, and a bureau of State agents will make the
final threat analysis.
The only function that "law" has under
this type of scenario is which prison or rehabilitation center
to assign to those marked as trouble by the scientific
The area of brain study being conducted by the world's most elite
think-tanks poses a central problem for self-determination.
already have seen how the establishment think-tanks dictate their
policies regarding "normal behavior."
For example, the list of new
"disorders" coming from mainline medical sources are actually normal
human behavior for people of sound mind and, yet, the global
Orwellian initiative to declare everyone mentally ill is already
well underway, as shown by the skyrocketing prescriptions given
across the board to both adults and children.
The conclusions drawn by think-tanks can very easily transform the
rest of society, as they are disseminated down through the
institutions and private ventures that they fund, permeating outward
to the general society at large.
Add to this the military and legal
implications, and even a bird brain can envision where we might be
heading next.