by Susanne Posel
May 26, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

The claims of climate change alarmists
never cease; they just get weirder.
Those who purport about the devastating effects of climate change
are now decrying that
thunderstorm clouds are capturing heat, which
is increasing global warming.
Alarmists were shocked that they had not thought of this one before,
considering that their computer models “failed” to take this into
account when predicting the not so accurate future.
A new study claims that pollution trapped in thunderclouds is making
climate change worse.
The problem is that pollution is causing clouds to take on an
anvil-shape which causes the tops to spread across the atmosphere,
where they trap heat, claims Jiwen Fan of the Department of
Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
“Global climate models don’t see
this effect because thunderstorm clouds simulated in those
models do not include enough detail,” says Fan. “The large
amount of heat trapped by the pollution-enhanced clouds could
potentially impact regional circulation and modify weather
Deep convective, or thunder clouds, are
integral to the earth’s weather patterns.
The majority of the scientific community
has been in the dark about clouds because not much research has gone
into studying them. However, alarmists seem to know quite a bit
about clouds and their impact on our planet.
Fan asserts that pollution particles divide the water droplets
within the cloud formations. Those lead to more droplets, which are
too small to fall as rain. The moisture rises up into the upper
atmosphere where it is turned into water vapor.
Instead of using real world observation or study, the research team
added data into a computer model to reach their conclusion that warm
summer thunderstorms had to have large pollution ridden anvil-shaped
clouds. These clouds did not reflected sunlight, trapped more heat
and therefore caused global warming.
The pollution drenched anvil clouds were most pervasive at night
where they trapped the most heat, causing warmer night temperatures.
This team of climate change alarmists failed to take more serious
observations in the real world into account when they created their
computer models.
Geo-engineering, or
chemtrails, has been plaguing our
skies for decades now. It has only been recently that our US
government has admitted to this alteration of our earth’s natural
weather patterns.
Chemtrails are exhausts from airplanes that do not dissipate, like
normal contrails do. They change from straight lines and cross hatch
patterns into streaks of “clouds” that cover most of the visible
Chemtrails have been seen all across the world. They are composed of
parasites, toxic metals, nano-engineered particles and other toxins.
Samples have yielded the presence of:
Mold spores
Synthetic nano-fibers
Bacillus blood spores
Radioactive thorium
The Obama administration’s science
advisor, John Holdren, has come out publicly to say that he
believes that
geo-engineering will assist the planet is stabilizing
its weather with regard to global warming.
Holdren sees geo-engineering as a
perfectly viable way to cool the planet’s temperature.
He fully supports the process of releasing particles of barium,
magnesium, aluminum, nano-fibers, bacillus blood spores and other
chemicals to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.
One point government officials fail to mention is that using
modification is the cause of the changes we see in the planet’s
natural bio-spherical patterns. Chemtrails, and the toxins they
release into the atmosphere, have an effect of warming temperatures.
The aluminum in the chemtrails, which is claimed to reflect the
sun’s heat out into space, also traps the heat from the Earth’s
surface causing a stagnant layer of extremely hot air.
What scientists call the “greenhouse effect” is actually a direct
causation of this geo-engineering process.
The climate change alarmists and their gang of quack scientists
depend solely on computer models to explain their assertions.
When the researchers claimed that pollution was trapping heat within
the clouds, did it occur to them that geo-engineering is dumping
massive amounts of aluminum and other toxins into the clouds; toxins
that would obviously be considered pollution?
Quite ironic, seeing that their own geo-engineering is causing the
effects they claim are caused by man-made global warming.