by Allan R. Buckmann
August 15, 2012
ActivistPost Website
Allan R. Buckmann
is the president, co‐founder and
principal partner
of Microbetech, Inc.
Microbetech is a
leading edge bio‐remediation company with environmental
products that provide effective and innovative solutions
for cleaning up pollution and restoring water, soil and
plant health.
Visit their website
at microbetech.com.
Mr. Buckmann will
be speaking at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails
conference Sunday, August 19th. |

I am a trained U.S. Air Force weather observer who worked in the
military as an observer from 1960-1964, serving mainly at Beale AFB,
with a 3-month assignment at the Pacific Missile Range at Point
Hueneme, Oxnard, California, working with NASA, RCA, and the U.S.
Navy on the Tiros III weather satellite readout team.
I am familiar with cloud observation,
jet contrails, the military, and space-based weather information
Contrails are by definition 'condensation trails' left by hot jet
exhaust melting ice crystals which rapidly cool and refreeze and
disappear. They do not stay in the sky and create clouds. A contrail
is usually of low volume and extends some 2‐20 times the length of
the aircraft. Exceptions occurred during WW II from large
deployments of combustion engine bombers, but did not generally
extend into the jet age.
Jet clouds made their major appearance for weather observers in the
early 1990s, after many years of jet traffic without such clouds.
One can go back and look at the sky in old movies to see the
Why the change? Were the changes unintentional from commercial
airlines and a change in fuel?
To answer this question, I began to observe the aircraft with
telescope and binoculars. My observations found that the majority of
cloud-creating aircraft were all white, unmarked KC-135 (Boeing 707)
or large C-141 air tankers, flying in groups and in grid patterns
including turn around, flying in both military and commercial
airspace, and clearly not commercial aircraft. They have to be
military or military contractors.
It is clear to me there is an intentional cloud creation program in
operation daily across the USA, and a large part of the globe. There
are also some commercial airlines being outfitted for such purposes
judging from other reports, as well as numerous other military
Further analysis of the jet clouds indicated many cloud types in
rows or cross hatched, indicating many different formation nuclei,
rather than the normal cloud front with gradual changes in patterns.
It is obvious that a cloud creation program is in operation. It is
obvious that it has been going on for many years and not just
occasional testing. The absence of such clouds during the 9/11
events and aircraft groundings was a clear break in the jet cloud
Anyone who witnesses a jet trail turn
into a cloud and hang in the sky for hours, and sometimes days, is a
witness to a cloud creation program. You can call them anything you
want, but they are documented fact and yet are being largely
Online research indicates there are many other observers and
professionals who have made similar reports and are ignored, or
called 'conspiracy theorists.' I was only asking questions, so I was
amused to find out I am so defined.
It is obvious to me that the term is
used to convince the untrained to ignore factual information with
disinformation. The cloud creation program is not a theory as they
say, but a fact. There are literally millions of pictures and miles
of video of jet cloud formation.
This fact and military comments
addressing the issue as a conspiracy is probably true; they should
know since they are doing it. But they would probably couch it as
'National Security' if they claimed it at all, and I am not sure
whose; theirs or ours (see my comments on 'Ask
an Astrobiologist' - NASA website).
Once I realized that there was a major and significant military
weather modification program going on, I wanted to know why.
It was bad enough to have more than 80 recognized weather
modification 'for hire' programs going on in the western US for snow
pack, or water for hydroelectric power or agriculture, and other
reasons which are altering the normal weather cycles for profit, and
it is a 'rob Peter to pay Paul' program; one gets water, the others
lose it (drought, then fire) and the environment suffers.
My later training as a wildlife biologist (38+ years with the
California Department of Fish and Game) told me that interruption of
natural weather cycles can have a significant negative impact on the
native flora and fauna, growth cycles, soil microbes and health, the
timing of the seasons and water availability and distribution. There
had better be a damn good reason to put our native ecosystems in
such peril.
My contacts with government representatives to find out more led me
nowhere. They didn't know or would not discuss. The jet clouds were
not even being discussed as influential on weather patterns.
I was treated as a pariah.
NOAA and NASA have actually changed the definition of 'contrail' on
cloud charts by using pictures of jet-sprayed clouds to depict
normal contrails. And other 'scientists' are claiming that jet
exhaust 'contrails' are spreading out to form clouds, without any
analysis that it is actually coming from the exhaust, or as has been
documented, other vents. Nor do they explain why they cannot be
This is serious disinformation. We even
have several new clouds based on the spray program!
My conclusion is that artificial cloud creation and weather
modification programs have been in operation for several decades; in
very visible but secret programs (see USAF 'Owning
the Weather in 2025'). These programs pose the most
significant and dangerous environmental impacts in human history.
Changing the weather also changes the native plant flora and all
dependent wildlife species, and threatens man' s planetary survival.
These programs trap greenhouse gasses,
elevate air temperatures (melt ice fields?), increase storm
intensities, and alter normal weather 'chaos cycles.' These programs
could well be the basis for our significant weather and wildlife
changes and respiratory disease increases; even before being
analyzed in concert with
HAARP electromagnetic technology for weather
The rabbit hole goes much deeper.
I am totally amazed to watch our 'scientists' clamor after 'solar
geoengineering programs that create
artificial cloud cover to protect us from global warming, while such
a program has been ongoing for decades and probably is creating the
very problems they say they want to solve.
These are programs that they "don't
see," "deny exist," and call others "nuts" for discussing. Don't you
guys ever go outside, look up, and watch the spray program? This is
basic observation that anyone can do if they know what to look for.
How can our 'scientists' clamor for a program that is already an
elephant in the sky and is having significant weather impacts?
This information is not even in the
discussion, but is witnessed and photographed by millions of members
of the public.
The largest mystery is the avoidance of
the existing spraying program that is creating global warming.
The next is using the reason for
creating a 'solar shield' to protect us from global warming, by
transferring the apparent cause of heating to the sun. Weather
trends indicate we are in a period of cooling, so the solar shield
reasoning seems bogus and the basis for much scientific argument.
The solar data indicates that most of the solar radiation increases
have occurred in the last 30 years; well within the timeframe of
manipulation with jet clouds and electromagnetic weapons that mimic
the sun. But one cannot deny the increases in UV & IR radiation
hitting earth. If it is not the sun, what is it? Again, military
weather programs raise their shadowy head:
HAARP is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,
based on the
Nikola Tesla invention of an
electromagnetic frequency generator.
HAARP press officials claim it is
capable of heating the magnetosphere thousands of degrees, pushing
the atmosphere out into space (a Tesla dome), protecting us from
missile attack, allowing communication with submarines and ships and
ground tomography (seeing into the earth for holes, fluids, etc.).
While they deny it can be used to alter
weather, such electromagnetic systems are fully capable of extreme
modification since they can move the jet stream.
See the video
Holes In
Heaven, and read the book
Don't Play This HAARP.
To blame the sun for the heat increases is to also refuse to
acknowledge the existing sky cover that is creating global dimming,
reducing solar availability from 20-40% or more, and long range
solar trends. It is all contradictory and confused; probably for the
reason of hiding an electromagnetic war, the search for more oil,
opening arctic shipping, environmental stock gambling and increased
resource extraction.
There are even claims that a Russian HAARP facility is responsible
for moving the jet stream and amplifying the effects of Katrina. It
exists. It could do that. But did it?
Testing of soils, water and vegetation indicate sometimes dramatic
and widespread increases in metals, particularly aluminum and
strontium, which could only come from aerial application. Used as
metal salts which are 'water loving' and at a nanoscale needed to
stay in suspension in the sky, they could very well be part of the
jet spray nuclei used in jet cloud formation.
These substances are similar to silver
iodide salts long used for cloud formation and weather modification
since 1948.
Why use metallic particles? The USAF and NASA say aluminum coated
fiberglass (chaff) is 20 times more reflective than sulfur and the
metallic particles have strong electromagnetic properties. So, why
do they need electromagnetic properties? Metallic particles
suspended in the air column can be heated, cooled, or otherwise used
to alter the environment.
The inventor of the HAARP directional
antenna, Bernard Eastland, claims that the generator can
produce any frequency: from high intensity microwaves to human
frequencies, to geological frequencies. Experts claim that HAARP can
alter mental function and create earthquakes.
The daily spraying of cloud cover creates a thin but present cap on
the air column, in addition to the metallic silvery haze which
drifts slowly to the ground. This creates a metallic, plasma-like
envelope from 30,000 feet to the ground which alters our living
envelope, and which can be manipulated by HAARP.
I have documented the haze layer across
the entire USA which I didn't know was possible. Eastland is a
plasma physicist and in Holes In Heaven illustrates how microwaves
"light up" normal air in a closed container; analogous to heating
the air column made more sensitive by metallic particles.
The cap also acts as a metallic mirror that can reflect HAARP waves
to areas around the globe, and there are numerous HAARP facilities
around the globe as well as mobile units.
The U.S. Government took down the HAARP
website to conceal evidence of
weather modification and earthquake inducing
warfare (PC World News, 4/18/11). One cannot view their
waterfall and magnetometer charts that illustrated their use of the
facility for such activities against foreign states which were
clearly damaging.
What are the environmental effects? They claim they don' t know?
This is very serious and dangerous weather manipulation and
biological mismanagement! We can see the damage all around us on a
planetary scale, aside from the natural processes that are also
The only way to know what the natural weather really is requires
turning off all the HAARP generators and stopping the jet cloud
spraying. Then we will know what we need to do to reclaim and
protect our natural world, if we can.
It' s hard to dismiss the feeling that the mad scientists are in
charge. And in their hubris, they are ignorant of the environmental
consequences while not telling the rest of us.
If you control the weather, you control the world. If you control
the bank, you control the economy. The corporations control both.
Ex-FBI Director of the Los Angeles office, Ted Gunderson
"They are toxic dumps, genocide -
created by an elite cabal within government that needs to be
I know there are natural biological
solutions to help clean up the mess, and we need to get busy on it.
But, most importantly, we need to expose
the truth and the real villains to stop the assault.