by Prof. James F. Tracy
December 14, 2012
GlobalResearch Website
Spanish version
"The ultimate solution is a multiplication of leverage by citizens
to the point where it simply cannot be denied".
Clifford Carnicom
The materials disbursed in stratospheric aerosol geoengineering
operations contain a combination of,
ionizable metallic salts
gel-type materials
These are the
longstanding and deeply interrogated observations of independent
environmental research scientist Clifford Carnicom given on a
December 10 conference call organized by
GlobalSkywatch.com director
Russ Tanner.
During the meeting, coincidentally held on
International Human Rights Day, Carnicom asserted that because the
system of responsible government has failed, the immediate
collective efforts of citizens are necessary,
"to claim their rights upon this
planet." [1]
His remarks were made just three months after his presentation at
Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails conference held in Los Angeles
last summer.
In that talk, "Geoengineering and
Bioengineering - The Unmistakable Link," Carnicom upheld his research detecting such a
"'Is there a direct relationship
between the alteration of living systems (us) and ecosystems
(the environment)?'" he asks.
"My answer is unequivocally, ‘Yes.'"
Mr. Carnicom's work began in 1999 when he noted clear changes in the
skies overhead.
He has since produced a large body of sound and
meticulous yet accessible research reports examining the nature and
contents of such aerosols, all of which are available at
The implications of his observations
- that virtually every breathing
organism is an unwitting participant in a massive biological
experiment of unknown purpose - have proven terrifying enough to
prevent many individuals from even tentatively considering his
investigations and hypotheses.
"There's a personal journey everyone
has to take about the reality of this," Carnicom told call
The most well-known manifestation of such nano-biologicals is the
Morgellons ailment, an especially unusual and
disturbing condition marked by painful dermal lesions through which
such nano-fibers protrude.
Tammy, a participant on the conference
call suffering from Morgellons who became intimately informed about
the sickness because of Carnicom's work, asked if the broader
population was also susceptible.
"I want to be as accurate as possible if I'm going to make a public
declaration," Carnicom stated.
"The diplomatic way of saying this
is that the evidence indicates that the general population is
subject to the very same symptoms that Tammy is experiencing."
How can one determine whether they are an unknowing subject of
In 2008 Carnicom presented a simple technique
developed by naturopathic physician Gwen Scott for the lay
population to detect the presence of nano-fibers in their bodies.
mouthwash consisting of two teaspoons dry red wine and one teaspoon
hydrogen peroxide vigorously applied for five minutes yielded
observable clumps of fibrous strands comprised of an,
"encasing filament, sub-micron
filament network, Chlamydia-like structures and the ‘hybrid
form'" in fourteen subjects tested from diverse
geographic locations across the US.
According to Carnicom such organisms,
"have now been discovered repeatedly
across all major body systems and functions, including skin,
blood, hair, saliva, dental(gum), digestive, ear and urinary
samples." [2]
US Government's Conflicted Interest
Shortly after Carnicom began his research in the late 1990s major
government and corporate entities with probable ties to this program
made numerous repeated visits to the researcher's website.
interest suggests the threat Carnicom's investigations posed in
making such programs publicly known.
IP addresses employed to peruse
the site included offices as high as,
the Secretary of Defense and
Air Force Headquarters
over one dozen US Air Force
several US-based research laboratories
the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
the corporate offices of Lockheed,
Boeing, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Arco Chemical, Kaiser Permanente, and
the Mayo Clinic [3]
Yet such curiosity fails to permeate the US agencies entrusted with
the preservation of the environment and public health.
Even though Carnicom is producing especially valuable research and has
persistently called for regulatory intervention on the public's
behalf, the
EPA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) have
been wholly dismissive of his findings and requests to actively
enforce existing laws intended to protect the environment and public
Nor have these agencies presented comparable evidence of
their own refuting Carnicom's findings and justifying their failure
to act upon the standards under which they are purportedly governed.
For example, when Carnicom sent the EPA samples of fibrous
pollutants for analysis several years ago the agency responded,
"It is not our policy to identify
unsolicited materials."
characterized this key instance of bureaucratic denial as,
"a powerhouse of innuendo and
obfuscation that has never been resolved. When you have a
specific mission statement you do not adopt a policy that suits
the person in office at the time."
Along these lines in early 2012 the CDC announced the findings of
its inquiry into Morgellons by stating that it could not identify an
origin for the fibers and concluding that individuals demonstrably
suffering from the condition were "delusional."
Environmental writer
Randy Ananda commented that the obfuscation merely provided cover
for the Department of Defense's ongoing experimentation.[4]
The US Government and Human Experimentation
The US government and military have long possessed the capacity and
demonstrated the will to violate the Nuremberg Code by using nerve,
biological, and radiological agents on unsuspecting human
fluoridation of public water supplies and above-ground
nuclear testing are but a few dramatic and irrefutable examples.
premeditated will to do so further resounds in the government's
overt sponsorship of over 700 Nazi scientists under
Paperclip. The fruits of their research included the noxious and
debilitating mycoplasma stealth pathogen derived from the
brucellosis bacterium that likely infects many today.
Further, the US military's ability to administer lethal substances
on civilian populations is well established.
In 1969 testimony
before the House Defense Appropriations Committee the Pentagon's
Deputy Director of Research and Technology Dr. Donald MacArthur
explained how,
"[l]ethal chemicals… about ten times more potent than
the most toxic of World War I gases" could be released "in artillery
shells or bombs, rockets, or you can deliver them from spray tanks…
[T]o attack a complete city of many millions of people," MacArthur
"Let's say a densely populated city
like New York... it would take 300 to 400 tons efficiently
dispersed to immobilize the city." [5]
There are likewise numerous historical instances of the US
government using citizens as nothing short of guinea pigs.
example, in 1994 Freedom of Information Act requests forced the US
Army to divulge how in the mid-1950s it sprayed hundreds of pounds
of zinc cadmium sulfide into a densely populated and predominantly
black district of St. Louis.
"I'm wondering if it got into our system," said former resident Lisa
Martino-Taylor, who lost four brothers and sisters to cancer early
in their lives and suspects that radioactive particulates were mixed
with the metallic substance.
"When I learned about the testing, I
thought ‘Oh my god. If they did that, there's no telling what
else they're hiding.'"
The Army claimed that it only used blowers atop buildings to
distribute the toxins.
Yet a resident of another targeted
neighborhood in St. Louis, Mary Helen Brindell,
recalled a summer day playing baseball with other kids in the street
when a squadron of green Army planes flew close to the ground and
dropped a powdery substance. She went inside, washed it off her face
and arms, and then went back out to play.
Over the years Brindell
has battled four types of cancer - breast, thyroid, skin and uterine.
"I feel betrayed," said Brindell, who is white.
"We pointed our
finger during the Holocaust, and we do something like this?" [6]
With such instances in mind the question is no longer,
"Would the government partake in
such human experimentation that may be injurious or fatal to its
own population?"
It is instead,
"What safeguards and systems of
accountability exist that would prevent the government from
using members of the general population as unwitting lab
The bureaucratic shenanigans of the EPA and
CDC and the abandonment of their respective mandates to protect the
environment and public health make the answer more than obvious.
"Our World Has Been
In a 2011 paper Carnicom demonstrates how the filament samples
likely originating from aerial spraying are identical to those
in Morgellons' victims.
"The fact that this traces itself to
a repeatedly occurring environmental sample represents, in my
opinion, the worst crime in human history." [7]
Indeed, such observations suggest how the unspeakable horrors of
Dacchau and Auschwitz are not the stuff of a seemingly distant
historical past.
As Carnicom's deep research suggests, such profound
crimes have been resurrected in the skies above and worlds within.
"Our biology is being negatively affected by this intrusion into our
lives," Carnicom warns, "whether it will be fifteen or fifty years."
Drawing a conclusion to his remarks on the GlobalSkywatch call, Mr.
Carnicom responded to an attendee articulating frustrations shared
by many conscious and concerned citizens.
"How do we get this to stop? How do
we get the government to respond to us?"
"I will be inadequate in terms of
what I can offer," Carnicom began.
"I have an obligation as a human being to do what is within my
means to make the world a better place. As an individual I have
that obligation, and so I do that to the best of my ability, so
much so that it has occupied the past 15 years of my life and I
have to spend a good part of it managing a non-profit. I'm one
person that has certain particular talents and a background. I'm
not the best public speaker in the world. I'm not the best
activist in the world. I'm not the best money raiser in the
world. But I do some things hopefully reasonably well.
To start answering this question I have to extend it to each one
of you. Do you remember the old JFK [challenge]?
I know it's a
cliché but clichés sometimes have some meaning.
"Ask not what your country can
do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
Just skip the patriotic aspect of it and ask yourself
what you're going to do. The first thing that I would do is
extend to every one of us the necessity for involvement and
using your talents.
The second thing is that our world has been transformed now.
Normal things don't work. Frustration does not eliminate the
call for duty that exists upon each of us…
This is more a level
of consciousness and awareness; of planting a seed, but the
level that is going to be required is so different in this world
than anything that has been imagined in terms of the demand for
the right to a healthful and peaceful existence on this planet.
It's going to have to happen at a level that we're not thinking
of right now because the normal processes are not working. The
Million Man March doesn't cut it. I wish that I could answer
simply what it is going to be.
But it is going to [require] a
shift in consciousness and awareness that is so forthright and
direct that all of the games and manipulations - and the business
of three, four, six
companies controlling the media - no longer
works and no longer applies.
I don't want for it to be decades
in our future."
[1] Clifford E. Carnicom,
Remarks to GlobalSkyWatch Weekly Phone Meeting, December 10,
http://globalskywatch.com/go/ Unless otherwise noted,
all quotes are from this December 10 event.
[5] United States House of
Representatives, Ninety-First Congress, Hearings Before a
Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, First
Session. In Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell, 63
Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read, New
York: SkyHorse Publishing, 2011, 65-66.