by Dane Wigington
October 5, 2014
GeonegineeringWatch Website

In recent years there have been numerous scientists and scientific
agencies discussing the challenges
of global warming and suggesting
ways to mitigate further warming from occurring.
These solutions, labeled as "geoengineering",
range from the realistic, and possible, to the clearly impossible
and absurd.
Are some forms of geoengineering currently
being advertised as a "proposed solutions" when in reality
they are already taking place and have been for decades?
If geoengineering is occurring, is it a
reasonable strategy to combat global warming, or is it a
catastrophic measure that carries with it very lethal
Geoengineering is being advertised to the general
public as a way to mitigate some problems associated with global
warming when in reality there are many other agendas behind the

Geoengineering Is Now
The massive elephant in the room is that geoengineering programs are
very real.
They are currently fully deployed across the globe
and have been for at least several decades. Stratospheric Aerosol
Geoengineering (SAG)
and Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
are programs designed to saturate the stratosphere with reflective
aerosols through the use of modified jet aircraft. Unfortunately,
most scientists are either turning a blind eye to SAG and SRM, or
are simply misleading the public intentionally as to the reality of
the atmospheric spraying.
These programs are cited in numerous patents and
documents (about 150), are openly discussed in U.S. Congressional
hearings on weather modification, and are outlined by numerous
scientific agencies including,
Those unconvinced of the current aerosol spraying
deployment need only look more closely at the available data now
accumulating across the globe.
Any truly objective and unbiased analysis can only
lead to the conclusion that indeed geoengineering is occurring and
there are devastating effects taking place.
What Are The Various
Indicators Of Geoengineering Occurring In Our Skies?
Consistent horizon to horizon aircraft trails
that slowly expand and merge until the entire sky is often
covered with a blanket of artificial cloud cover and haze is
only one form of SAG and SRM.
There increasingly appears to be ever greater
efforts to make the atmospheric spraying much more covert
with shorter bright trails of sprayed disbursements that
turn the skies a silvery white or that produce cob web like
clouds or an atmospheric haze as mentioned.
Any bright trail behind a jet that lasts for
much more than a few seconds is likely not just a
condensation trail.
The "high bypass" turbofan jet engine is on
all commercial carriers and all military tankers. This
engine is nearly incapable of producing a "condensation"
trail due to its design as 80% of the air that passes
through this engine is non combusted.
It is important to consider that much of the
SAG and SRM operations occur over fully canopied skies where
the spraying cannot be readily seen.
Elements such as Barium, Aluminum, Strontium,
and Manganese showing up in lab tests of precipitation in
extreme quantities across the globe.
For example, a lab test for a single rain
event taken in Shasta County California in 2006 measured 7
parts per billion (ppb) for aluminum, already high. Less
than five years later at the same location a single rain
event measured 3450 ppb for aluminum, this is an increase of
nearly 50,000 %.
Aluminum is a primary element listed in
numerous climate engineering patents.
According to the California Air Resources
Board (CARB, which does extensive air quality studies)
aluminum IS NOT among the aerosols migrating in the
atmosphere from China.
Heavy metals DO NOT migrate such distances
with the exception of mercury which converts to a gaseous
Numerous lab tests have determined that the
soil PH has been radically altered in the forests of the
Pacific Northwest.
There is so much aluminum raining down on us
that soil PH tests from Shasta and Siskiyou Counties (for
example) have changed as much as 15 times toward alkaline.
Aquatic insect populations have also been
severely affected by metal contamination in the formerly
pristine watershed in regions of Northern California.
Aquatic insect populations have declined as
much as 90%, in the last decade according to studies done by
35 year US forest Service veteran biologist Francis Mangels.
A similar decline in terrestrial insect populations have
also been noted.
"Global dimming" - the reduction in the
amount of global direct sunlight that reaches the earth’s
surface - has reached 20% due to the light scattering and
reflecting metal particulates in the atmosphere.
Global dimming studies compare the amount of
direct sunlight that currently reaches the surface of the
Earth as compared to 5 decades ago. Blocking the sun is the
primary goal of "solar radiation management" (SRM).
Drought and deluge is now the norm around the
globe. Geoengineering completely disrupts and derails the
hydrological cycle which fuels extreme weather events.
Verified massive ozone holes are now present
over the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Very harmful UVB
radiation levels are off the charts, this is unfortunately
not being reported by official agencies.
Atmospheric conductivity has increased
radically leaving the earth more prone to increased
lightning strikes.
The Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG)
has repeatedly called for "emergency war time scale
geoengineering to avert a planetary catastrophe" unfolding
in the Arctic right now due to the imploding Arctic ice cap
and massive methane release.
The paradox is that available data makes
clear that the ongoing climate engineering is making an
already bad climate situation far worse overall, not better.
The US military has for decades stated its
intense interest in climate engineering programs for
strategic military purposes, i.e. "Owning
The Weather By 2025″.
Top US military leaders have repeatedly
stated on the record that climate change is the greatest
national security threat of all. It would be extremely naive
to believe that the US Military is not completely involved
in global climate modification programs.
In fact, there are numerous film footage
segments of military tankers spraying materials at altitude
available for any that choose to investigate.

What Effect Is The Climate
Engineering Causing?
In the midst of all this metal showing up in our soil and water, our
forests are suffering huge losses.
Forest fires are out of control around the Northern
Hemisphere. Siberia is losing about 100,000,000 acres a year to
forest fires. Many other countries have had prolonged states of
emergency from record wild fires as well. Drought, one of the main
consequence associated with geoengineering aerosols, also is
reaching an epidemic level this year.
It is important to understand how forest fires and drought apply to
geoengineering. In addition to robbing the environment of moisture,
an atmosphere saturated with geoengineering particulates also
increases atmospheric conductivity.
With the forest fuels at record low moistures levels
due to the ongoing droughts, the effects of the SAG and SRM have
proved a devastating combination as dry-lighting strikes have become
wide-spread, fueling countless out of control wildfires.
Clearly, with geoengineering the weather on the earth can be
modified by the timing and quantity and size of particulates being
sprayed into the environment.
This begs the question as to the true intent of
Is it a potential way to gain power via control
of the weather rather than a proposed solution to prevent global
It appears as though a primary motivation for
pursuing geoengineering by the U.S. military is the strategic
advantage offered by weather modification for numerous scenarios.
Controlling the weather creates a powerful "force
multiplier" for a nation’s military during a conflict. For example,
if one nation were able to ground an entire country’s air force
because of severe weather, or create a drought so bad that a nation
is weakened internally and rebellion against its leaders takes
place, a nation could win a war before firing the first shot.
The U.S. military has historically been vocal about
the desire to be able to modify the weather going back to the
1940’s, when they partnered with General Electric who was
researching weather modification at that time.
For the third time, the president of Iran has
stated that he believes his country is the victim of
ongoing NATO weather modification assaults that have
left his country in a dire state of drought.
Officials in Pakistan have also made similar
Recently, when the government of Thailand
drug its feet in regard to granting a new base in their
country for the US to "monitor" weather changes (conduct
weather modification?) they were decimated by record
Who Profits?
Closer to home, don’t overlook the still worsening drought
decimating the western US.
Is it yet another coincidence
that Monsanto (the world’s
largest genetically modified seed company) has introduced
its newest drought and aluminum resistant corn in the midst
of this unfolding disaster? The weather derivatives market
trades stocks that are nothing more than bets on where
weather catastrophes will strike, who such events will
affect, what crops will be damaged, etc.
Could this be the
corporate/industrial/military complex
manufacturing weather disasters
and then making massive profits for corporations from the
damage they have done? All indications point towards a new
type of profit investment market, disaster capitalism.
Who are the players that appear to be
The Raytheon Corporation is
heavily involved in weather modification patents. Raytheon
is believed to do all the weather modeling for the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) and
the National Weather Service.
Another player in this gamble on the future of our
planet is the
Lockheed Martin Corporation who is
also heavily invested in the weather modification business and
appears to do all the weather modeling for the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA).
Could the foxes be running the hen house?
Are they predicting weather at this point, or
giving us the "weather schedule"?
If this is the case, would they want to
disclose this?

How Is The Spraying Done?
Many ask if these materials that are being deposited in our
atmosphere are part of jet fuel, or are they part of a "payload"
delivery system that is actually sprayed, all available data points
primarily to payload dispersion.
First, there is already a patent for a "powder
contrail generator" which is for the expressed purpose of spraying
microscopic particles into the atmosphere from jet aircraft.
Next, the massive amount of metal aerosol tonnage
proposed by geoengineers to be dispersed on an annual basis
(20,000,000 tones according to internationally recognized
geoengineer David Keith), is simply far too much for any type
of fuel additive.
Again, as already mentioned, there are also countless
compelling photos and extensive film footage that clearly indicates
spraying from separate nozzles on the plane. Shockingly, some of
this footage actually shows spray coming from the front wing of a
rear-engine jet, with visible spraying from nozzles starting and
stopping at various times.
So, why in the world are they spraying if it is doing so much damage
to the planet and life on earth? It would seem because they can, and
there is no one to stop them.
The craving for absolute control appears to have no
bounds or limits even if that quest puts the seekers themselves at
Why did the same power structure feel the
need to detonate over 2000 nuclear weapons even though that
has contaminated all that lives?
Why has the same power structure constructed
a nuclear arsenal large enough to mathematically destroy
life on earth some 12,000 times over?
Coming up with an answer to such questions is
What it is possible to say is that a mountain of data
confirms the harsh and lethal reality of global geoengineering. The
ongoing spraying is completely disrupting all natural weather
patterns, creating catastrophic global droughts, record deluges,
shredding the ozone layer, contaminating our soils and waters, and
even more critical, poisoning every breath we take with microscopic
metal and chemical nano-particles that are extremely damaging to the
human body.
As if all this was not enough, the damage done to the planet now
appears to have reached a critical point.
Catastrophic methane release has been triggered on
the East Siberian shelf of the Arctic. Though methane is often
considered to be 20+ times more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2,
this is over a one hundred year time horizon.
Over a ten year time horizon methane is considered to
be 100 times more potent than CO2.
To put this in context, the methane release that has
been triggered is a global game-changer in and of itself, with
potential consequences that are unimaginable. Mathematically there
is enough methane hydrate in Arctic sea floor deposits to create a
Permian type mass global extinction 100 times over if it were all to
Global geoengineering is literally putting life on
earth in a dangerous balance.
All available information related to the ongoing
climate engineering insanity points to the conclusion that short of
nuclear annihilation, the ongoing global geoengineering atmospheric
spray programs are the greatest and most immediate threat to life on
How Do We Stop Global
So what can we do? Raise awareness at a grass roots level. This is
the only way to battle this issue.
All governmental agencies and representatives are
part of the corporate/industrial complex and no ground can be gained
through the "system".
I say this after ten years of effort working in
conjunction with,
...and other institutions.
Only when the population at large is made aware of
the fact that they are being sprayed like lab rats, can the
geoengineering be brought to light and to a halt. If the population
is aware, military personnel and families will then be aware, and we
would hope they would at some point refuse to participate in their
own demise. There are many good people in the military that would
care if they only were informed.
Certainly, they will never be told by the system they
are in.
What is a course of effective action?
From our own home computers we can all work to locate
and identify people, groups, and organizations that would care if
they only had a clue. These groups can include journalists,
environmental organizations, ADD groups, Alzheimer’s, autism and
agriculture organizations. The list is endless.
The film "Look
Up" by filmmaker George Barnes is a very good
introductory educational tool on this subject. The "skyderalert.com"
app is another excellent tool for spreading the word. Power point
presentations are available at geoengineeringwatch.org. Passing out
informational flyers is also very effective, many flyer examples can
be found at geoengineeringwatch.org.
These flyers can be downloaded for free and printed
It’s up to us. Geoengineering is not just another environmental
issue, it is THE issue. The ongoing implementation of these programs
is virtually decimating the biosphere from top to bottom. If it is
not brought to light and to a halt, all other issues will soon
enough become mute.
Geoengineering is a lethal reality that must
be exposed and stopped.