from TantraMaya Website
The unconscious mind is a very live and active zoo of escaped animals raging about in pure chaos and savagery. Does their years of pent-up frustration make them even more crazy when they finally escape?
And in all of this unintelligible
impulse speaks back from the chasm some kind of insidious
intelligence. In modern psychology, this hidden intentionality has
been called the id, the shadow, or the unconscious.
His definition of this entity of the unconscious is much more mystical and profound than any other explanation that I know. It is more of a practical understanding of how the mind creates frustrated realities that remain trapped within one, like an itch under the skin.
He called it psorax because he saw it as the vital, pranic energy that becomes contaminated and gets trapped behind the skin, in the physical body.
This blocked vitality distorts the body's natural functions and may accumulate like a festering sore attracting more mental parasites like itself to itself, thus making a hodge-podge stew of evil and illness.
This idea makes more sense when one understands deeply the relation between the mind and the body and how prana, or vital energy moves between them.
Psorax is a trapped energy, a mental
plasm that can't effectively project itself outwardly as it would
like to. Each time it does it becomes even more frustrated. It has
the intelligence of mind behind it, but the frustrated
intentionality toward matter, or the physical body pulling upon it.
This is the reason that by living with false ideas about oneself or
the world is the greatest danger of conscious, human existence.
Not having this clarity and responsibility of how each one of us is a co-creator in this creation always leads to a fall. Psorax is a psycho-physical entity that in some ways is self-created by the individual while at the same time is aided by the fact that there are exchanges between these entities of psorax between human beings, or minds incarnated in physical human bodies.
One can receive as well as transmit this psychic virus in much the same way that one receives and transmits physical viruses.
A practical example: you are at peace. There are only a few light, positive thoughts in the mind and some pleasant feelings. Behind this subtle activity of mind is a deep, mysterious witness that just pleasantly is.
Out of nowhere, it seems, there enters a dark, violent image on the mental scene. Is it my own unconscious attacking my peace, or is it because another person has come near and I sense his suffering?
If I'm not at peace, then I may never understand and just get locked into a reception and transmission of negativity. This seed wants to take root within me, it vibrates my body and perhaps excites some memories and fears. It wants to become one with me.
Only from a state of deep calm and
non-judgment one can begin to witness these activities; how they
affect the mind, change the feelings, and even how and where these
influences vibrate and take root in the physical body. Most
importantly is to distinguish yours from another's psorax.
Deep, sincere meditation is of course the most effective manner of seeing and processing the shadow, but this depends on so much:
In yoga, yama and niyama is the base of this practice.
This practical morality imparts self awareness and practical universal ideas of how to maintain mental balance through proper personal and social responsibility. Without these fundamental ideas of humanism imparted to individuals one is but a mix of animal impulses and social determination, or a game of Russian roulette.
A society without spiritual principles that foster ethical awareness is but a vehicle for destructive, unconscious forces where psorax takes all into the abyss.
I think this is why Pluma Blanca lived in a cave and only taught a few good people. Anandamurti, on the other hand, impulsed others to fight within society against the depraving effects of what he termed "negative microvita".
Both are right according to who they were, where they were, and what they expressed as enlightened individuals.
Its not enough to believe and conceptualize about such things. Beliefs and opinions give rise to superstition and dogmas about ghosts, hauntings, and possessions, and the like.
Without the efforts of both of these men
who spoke about these phenomenon in the most practical and
scientific manner possible to speak of such phenomenon, I know that
I would be even more in the dark about understanding negative
microvita or psorax, and perhaps be yapping about the devil and
hell-fire and salvation...