by Zen Gardner
June 28, 2015
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

In ancient days there were Philosopher Kings and
Queens, Sages and Wise Councils who led, or rather
encouraged, mankind.
They did this by their innate
understanding, not by force or decree, but by loving and
compassionate empowerment and without hierarchy. They simply
pointed the way for humanity to discover its own true self by
conscious awakening and the realization of its true potential.
Truly benign and loving sages, shamans and elders who sought the
best for humanity.
Sad to say however, those days were usually scuttled by blood
thirsty power mongers, as in the days of ancient Greece and other
more enlightened civilizations being overthrown by warlords, or as
in the cases of the deliberate evisceration of native peoples across
the world.
No doubt this cycle has been repeated
for millennia, even before recorded history.
Memes of these ancient struggles
have been passed down through so-called myths and legends,
and have often been immortalized by works of art and literature.
The Lord of the Rings by
Tolkien is one example; part myth, and a large part hidden
truth. The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, a
classic for centuries, is another.
Modern culture has repeated these
archetypal imprints furiously in an effort to play upon these deeply
known truths in the human heart.
Unfortunately, it has usually been to
fictionalize and distance these great truths in the societal
engineers' efforts to further alienate us from their profound
meaning and significance.

The Ring of
Truth - Or Power?
It's interesting how the image of the ring has been so predominant
in these ancient and modern stories.
The placing of the ring on rulers, be
they crowns or literal rings on the hand, has signified some form of
generally accepted authority for eons.
It is quite profound how rings are used as power and allegiance
symbols - be it epic tales, royalty, marriage or even decorative
jewelry. The ring even extends to halos over so-called holy figures
and a host of other applications.
This doesn't make the ring symbol
untoward or evil in itself, it's merely a focal point.
The ring in any form simply exemplifies infinity, the universal
Source, the completeness of Creation and our ongoing creativity.
It's not sinister in the least. It reflects what is attached to it.
The Lord of the Rings meme and so many others like it have
become predominant in today's worldview.
According to Tolkien's tale this coveted
ring of power causes many to go through incredible events with much
drama, only for the ring to be thrown into the maw of earth's
interior cauldron to be destroyed forever, thus sparing mankind.
What is the real message here?
For us, is it that this scenario
of overcoming should be so and that's why humanity draws
inspiration from this story of struggle and eventual victory
over evil?
And might humanity realize this
symbolic ring of power syndrome still exists on our planet
and needs to be destroyed?
What is compelling is the underlying
notion of a power so immense that controlling it is the fantasy of
would-be rulers.
This of course hails to the
Luciferian doctrine of controlling energy itself, to be mimicked
and then disguised as a false "light" in an effort to dominate and
empower dark forces in order to exalt their ilk above Truth
It's an ancient meme, but our planet's history is riddled
with it on up to and including today's world.
The "ring" in their hands is one of power. This is not so in the
minds and hearts of the conscious who realize they are intricately
woven into the fabric of the divine and understand the true nature
of reality.
There is a serious vibrational
disconnect here between these ideas, and we should beware of getting
swept into their perverted interpretation and thus struggle on the
wrong playing field with hampered capability.
Enter the
Philosopher Kings
While these agents of evil and psychopathic control have been
glorified by violence and bloodshed throughout so-called fables
and history as they extol their "victories" over their
declared "enemies", the protagonist(s) of every heart resonating
tale is always a wise and brave one, or ones, who stood up against
the status quo and untoward forces for the good of humanity.
Someone(s) who had the overarching Truth
held close to their hearts who were incorruptible and unstoppable
despite the chaos perpetrated by the purveyors of death and
Yes, there is a place where our worlds collide.
We still hold these conscious outspoken figures and wise ones dear
in an unshakable way. This is why this meme is utilized in almost
every romanticized notion of courage and bravery in spite of
seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
We resonate with it, therefore it's
they want to control, pervert
and/or erase entirely.
You might have noticed the "rise of the dark knight" theme that's
swept the entertainment industry in recent years. Former heroes
become corrupted agents of evil while pristine qualities of love and
beauty have become grossly perverted.
The social engineering is in full swing
in an attempt to reverse even our archetypical knowing of not
only the difference between good and evil, but of courageous acts of
love and altruism, all in an attempt to bring
confusion and despair and further chaos as humanity's moral compass
gets jacked around by their manipulative magnets.
The fundamental truths that underlie our very existence however
cannot be hijacked - only masked and twisted in an effort for a
temporary effect on the social climate of the day.
Philosopher Kings and wise loving Queens
are ever not only amongst us, but a voice within each of us,
pointing the way out of the madness into a life of empowered sanity
and social harmony.
All the would-be controllers can try to
do is suppress these voices by marginalizing and minimalizing their
But that's a tough one to do in today's interconnected and rapidly
awakening world.

Warrior Within
Standing up for and speaking the truth and rising in defense of our
oppressed collective family can never be thwarted.
It is the heart cry of each and every
truly alive warrior of love. Hindered perhaps, but never quenched.
When the offending forces of greed and power grow to such
proportions as they have today, these opposing elements become much
more manifest and clearly defined as the catalytic crystallization
between these two forces takes effect as it is now.
It's a challenging time. We're being driven to personal choices such
as most of us have never experienced.
Those on the front lines of these
oppressive warring powers know full well the extent of their
murderous programs such as the western hegemonic genocide victims in
Gaza and the Ukraine and the like, but the vast majority in nations
perpetrating these atrocities and societal manipulations are still
sitting on the sidelines, clinging to their willful ignorance and
apathy and
trusting the mainstream narrative
that it's all for their good and security.
The voices of truth are rising, and in massive numbers and in ever
increasing volume. With or without mass communications, individuals
and local communities are arising to their challenges and taking a
The number one instrument we each need to activate is our own
resonant understanding. This goes beyond "normal knowledge" as we've
been taught and goes deeper into heart knowledge, a realm we're all
learning to access and trust all the more.
That voice of our inner Philosopher King, and Queen -
with the divine Feminine regaining her rightful place - cannot be
fully suppressed, any more than you can compress water between two
flat plates. It will simply relocate, and in fact be forced to
rapidly spread farther and wider than it ever has before.
So never mind the naysayers, the fear mongers, the mockers, the
disempowering and the rejectors. The truth is what it is and cannot
be stopped.
It's now up to each of us to know, live and speak this truth with
everything in us. The onslaught humanity is faced with is not in our
imagination and will not go away by burying our heads in the sand.
We owe it:
to the great voices that have
dared to speak the truth in love and wisdom and those who've
stood up for humanity in every age
to our progeny and our fellow
human beings
to our ravaged planet
to the wondrous creative
Universal Source that has imbued us with such marvelous
attributes awaiting our willingness to activate
Into the breach...!
They have no defense
against truth. Be bold, brave and unafraid.
Step into your warrior role and fulfill
your destiny...