by Sylvain Lamoureux
August 1, 2015
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version
Sylvain Lamoureux
I am simply a man which wants to think but is thwarted
at every turn.
I have questions
which most don't want to hear.
Other than that,
I'm a fairly nice guy. |

As I read, learn and live I see the ever
increasing number of peoples which claim to be "awake". These people
with their research, documents, web links; all "evidence" that they
must be "awake".
They lament about the 1%,
… the list is endless.
What they don't see is that it is not
the 1% but rather the 99% which are the enablers of this catastrophe
which we refer to as civilization and which hinders any kind of
progression into human evolution.
Let's take the 1%, which we abhor, into perspective:
had released a report ('Wealth:
Having it All and Wanting More' - short lived in the
media but hey, Justin Bieber was doing something
reckless) that 85 people in the world control over half
the world's wealth.
A little simple mathematics:
1% of 7,000,000,000 (billion) people
is 70,000,000 (million) people, yet only 85 own
half the world's resources making them the 0.000000012 %.
So why is it that we make it into such
an acceptable number as 1% instead of seeing how utterly ridiculous
it actually is?
Now let us talk about the "awakened":
Perhaps there are 70 million people
which are beginning to realize that things are not as they seem
and far from optimal in the course of human development (awake).
70 million people seems like a lot
but really it would only represent 1% of the human population.
Now these "awake" individuals all
see that the majority of the population (the 99%) are asleep at
the wheel and are not doing enough to keep us from driving over
the edge.
The "Sheeple" (as many, including
myself, has called them),
can be seen accepting laws which
remove their (and my) rights in order to feel "secure"
they defend the rich because
they too aspire to wealth and a life of ease
they defend the system by
repeating what they have heard of other systems (the devil
you know versus the one you don't)
they say things like "That's
just the way it is," or "What can I do?"
Basically they help to enable everything
which the 0.000000012% want to accomplish through their fears,
acceptance and apathy.
Now here is the tricky part: how do you blame 99% of the people
(including ourselves)?
It is far easier to lay the blame
externally on the 1% (which is far larger than it should be but
acceptable to the mind) than to see our very own complacency within
the problems of the our species (not to mention other species and
the Earth itself).
To see it as it really is would mean
that everyone would have to do an honest introspection of their very
being; everything that they have learned which makes them believe
who they are.
They would have to have an honest and
moral look at the world around us which we all have helped to shape
in one form or another. They would have to delve into the unknown
and want "change" (no not
the Obama kind) rather than
being content and fearful of anything which might upset the
"balance" in which they find solace.
Sounds like far too much work and
perhaps even a bit mamby-pamby...
All I ask with these thoughts is that people stop using the 1%
program and at least start using the zero followed by seven
zeros followed by twelve - 0.000000012 - percent when discussing the
rulers (so we can see how ridiculous it really is), and perhaps to
reflect and discern information (even this one) before simply
repeating whatever is presented; like calling money what it has
become - life credits - but I digress, that is for another time