by Zen Gardner
January 5, 2016
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

"Between two worlds
hovers like a star,
twixt night and morn,
upon the horizon's verge."
Lord Byron
There is a lot of evaluating and assessment going on right now.
Where are we heading?
The trajectory of at least the outside
whirled is certainly not a good one.
What about our personal lives?
How will these seemingly
inevitable fascist external controls affect us?
Should we adjust our plans
And how?
A lot of questions, and a lot more
Choose your course wisely but don't be
attached to the outcome. A simple but profound concept. It's a time
to stay light footed and ready to play it by ear.
If that seems disconcerting to you there might be a problem or two
you need to address. Adjust accordingly and continue to jettison
excess baggage. This existence is transient and so should
be our way of life.
Doing so is becoming a matter of
survival at the very least, but it's also a path of immense
happiness and freedom.
2016 - Just
Another Year?
2015 was a year of tumultuous challenges and changes as we watched
the outside world unzip and unfold in the midst of engineered
events, the resultant disappointing sway of hypnotized humanity, and
a concurrent massive awakening under way on multiple levels both
within and without each of us.
It was all preparation. For now... As now is for
the next phase.
Hopefully most have taken care of the basics and unloaded
unnecessary stuff, attachments and pointless connections and
obligations. If not, you better get on the stick because the next
front of this hurricane is about to hit and it'll tear all that
bullshit away anyway and you'll be left with missing limbs that were
trying to hold onto it.
I kid you not. Let go now or face the consequences.
What we're rapidly steering towards is clearly a storm, a type of
wormhole or massive energetic shift, however you want to describe
it. We all know it's true to some extent.
Taking refuge in looking at the
zombified masses acting as if everything's OK and nothing's going to
happen just won't work. Nor to their growing hysteria.
Do not look to the outside for confirmation of anything. Look to
your heart...
The Urge to
We are currently faced with the opportunity of the ages:
to affect the direction of humanity
within its most dire straights.
That may sound overly presumptive
or symbolically exaggerated but it's true.
The crossroads is here, in our faces, in
our lives, and directed by our every decision.
Will we react as we've been externally programmed to do and withdraw
in fear? Or take that challenge like warriors called to the ultimate
We each have some serious decisions to make. And they'll be
continual. That's what thinking on our feet is all about. But
staying on our feet implies not sitting down, but being in a ready
As the rising tides of both awakened and
blindly reactive humanity continue to intrude on our previous
paradigms, only those familiar with the nature of shifting conscious
awareness that are prepared with a foundation of true knowledge will
be able to successfully navigate what's ahead.
A Time to Assert - We
Have the Advantage
It's not a time to be on the defensive, but to take the initiative
and a clear offensive.
There is a mighty awakening happening in
our midst, and it's powered by you and me. We are the engine of
creative change that will make the difference. We don't have to be a
majority or even 10 or 15%.
Just wholehearted and communicative and
boldly bearing that living heart energy for all to see.
The consequences will take care of themselves.
It's a fine line between intense compassionate concern and
mistakenly carrying the world on our shoulders. The world is not
ours to move, it's only ours to do our part. The rest
will unfold naturally.
Maybe not as fast or in the fashion we
would like to see, but it will happen and already is...
The amazing amount of empowering and revealing information that's
been generated by independent and alternative media for billions to
view has not been in vain. In fact, it is perhaps our biggest engine
driving this transformation and having a profound effect. And it's
powered by me and you.
And it's scaring the crap out of the two dimensional cling-ons.
Don't think for a minute these
parasitic want-to-be controllers
aren't getting hit with this massive shift we're all undergoing.
This is why their psychotic attempts at creating chaos to gain
resultant control have become so transparent and sloppy.
They're desperate and going through
their own confusion and disorientation as most on the planet are.
No one escapes the shift. This is where we have the upper hand.
Step It Up -
With Full On Confidence
Our approach to all of this needs to be conscious and heart led most
of all.
Knowing the true underlying reality of
this screwed up shifting playing field is a massive advantage. We
now need to take wise steps towards manifesting what we know to be
We're also undergoing monumental personal changes in preparation for
a next phase now breaking upon us. Take time for these adjustments,
they're fundamental to our having a truly transcendent and fully
empowered approach. Then band together, as fully realized
That's the next step...
Moving into this next phase of building community is a natural
evolutionary step no one should miss out on. Find others now. Follow
up your on-line relationships with meet ups. Attend awake events,
visit intentional communities, gather together with like minded
people in your community on something you all agree needs doing or
Use the community connector at
FullCircleProject.net where over
10,000 people have already logged on looking for others in their
communities. It works, because connecting works.
There are many other similar venues
available to take part in.
Whatever avenue you have to make a difference this year, use it
fully. And venture out and find new ones. Connecting with others
will open new vistas to you and steps will unfold before you. Let's
not let them corral us into any sort of defensive mode - physically,
mentally or spiritually.
When we take the initiative it's all ours for the taking. Why?
Because we have the truth.
Find the surge within you. It's there and growing.
Then release it with abandon...!
P.S.: Ken O'Keefe's World
Citizen Solutions initiative is another avenue towards conscious
It will have many levels of involvement
that anyone can get behind. I wholeheartedly suggest everyone look
further into it at
worldcitizen.solutions and stay
tuned for more information coming soon!
It's taking the initiative that puts us
in the driver's seat!