by Julian Rose
July 30, 2014
JulianRose Website
Spanish version
Julian is an early
pioneer of UK organic farming, an international activist
and author.
His acclaimed book "In
Defence of Life" is now available in
paperback or 'ebook'. |
In 1381, at a time of great repression for the British agricultural
work force, an extraordinary people's revolutionary named
Wat Tyler sprang to his feet
and announced,
"England should be a nation of self
governing communities" to which he added, "No lord shall
exercise lordship over the people, and, as we are oppressed by
so vast a hoard of bishops and clerks, the property of the holy
church should be taken and divided."
His colleague, the priest John Ball,
spoke out with equal fervor,
"The lords' claims to be more lords
than we are rests solely on their power to force us to labour
that they may spend."
A great surge of support for these
proclamations swept through the farming communities of South East
England, quickly spreading further North.
The farmers took up arms - whatever
appropriate implements they could find in the farmyard - and set out
on their mission to free themselves from the wicked landlords and
clerks, who between them were taxing the life out of the farming
communities throughout the land, destroying the livelihoods of
thousands of countryside families.
Many a pernicious bureaucrat was confronted by this motley army,
with the brave farmer, Wat Tyler, proudly riding at it's head - and
many a selfish landlord was forced to concede his greedy rental
regime and bow to the demands of the British peasants.
And yes, blood was shed in the struggle to gain respect for basic
human rights.
A great quest for liberation, justice and equality blazed amongst
the downtrodden land-workers and villagers of fourteenth century
England during those famous months of
The Peasant's Revolt.
Only an act of royal treachery finally
stopped this revolution from fully undermining the corrupted power
of the State and the intransigence of King Richard II.
Why do I tell
this story?
Because more than six hundred years after this peasant uprising
shook the nation, we have come full circle.
Once again
the call is going out for peoples and regions
under the hand of oppressive, dictatorial regimes, to secede from
the nation state and become 'self governing communities'.
Wat Tyler's heroic stand echoes down the
ages and nourishes the cause of non-compliance and community actions
that stand up against the ever more insidious tentacles of
centralized power.
Right now there are one hundred and fifty communities in the United
States redefining their right to self govern and pushing forward
their programs for localized renewable energy and ecological food
security. Not only this, they are also rewriting the laws that
govern their communities and declaring citizens' charters - banning
GMO's and initiating local seed saving actions.
They are also declaring the right to
clean water and are making 'fracking' a criminal offence.
In the process, through collective acts of civil disobedience, they
are stripping the corporate world of its powers. These communities
are able to show how the notion that corporations have some form of
sovereign power - is a facade - how it is people who hold sovereign
power, as Wat Tyler made plain all those years ago.
And it is people who must again exercise
that power.
All over the World such stirrings are gaining momentum. Actions to
reclaim powers usurped by that toxic cocktail of government and
corporate collusion, are breaking out. If such stands are being
taken in the US heartlands of corporate and government connivance -
then it proves that the will of the people is more powerful than the
will of
the hierarchical cabal whose
ambition it is to control all aspects of our lives.
We should draw strong inspiration from
these game changing actions - and increase our own determination to
go in the same direction.
The time has come for all awakening individuals to hone a definite
life strategy. A strategy that puts us in the driver's seat and
empowers us to set a new course - one imbued with creative
inventiveness, courage and mutual support.
We have arrived here because of the accumulated evidence which
overwhelmingly proves that the status quo is a fraud - designed to
strip us of our powers of judgment and the determination to act on
that judgment.
There is no time for further
deliberation of the pros and cons of this or that political polemic.
It's all a miasma. A massive sham. A sham which we continue to
uphold as long as we go on playing along with its sense of self
importance; giving it a status it does not actually possess, and
then sheltering under its poisoned wing.
Everyday that goes by without putting into place a strategy to step
out of this straight-jacket - is a day wasted - a sacrificial
offering to to all that is sucking the life out of humanity.
Self government starts by taking control of the self.
By shaking off the doubts about one's
capabilities and taking specific steps to enhance one's powers:
spiritually, mentally and
We need to be aware that there is no
predestined design for this life that will fatalistically play
itself out while we bury our heads in the sand.
Yet we are indoctrinated to believe that there is some kind of
inevitability to the way the world lurches from crisis to crisis,
war to war. That suits the cabal very well - because it is their war
game that is being enacted on planet Earth - and the more people
that see that war game as somehow 'inevitable' - the longer will it
go on desecrating the fabric of life.
Just now, many are falling into the trap of declaring that we are
inevitably heading for a Third World War. But in so doing they are
merely fulfilling the ambitions of those craven agents of death
whose game design includes that scenario.
Our role is not to prophecy, but to
change the goal posts so as to ensure that such horrors never take
That is the meaning of 'seizing control
of our destiny'.
If, in spite of our efforts, such a war breaks out, it is simply
because there is insufficient energy focused on the true path of
life. Insufficient self discipline to steer against the tide of
doom. But every person who gives in to a sense of doom when
confronted by the machinations of the war machine has failed to
grasp the powers with which they are endowed.
Powers to change themselves as well as
the assumed course of events. Forging a path of truth where
presently are deserts of desolation.
Wat Tyler, and his gallant peasant followers, did not stand back and
allow repression to rule. Nor should we. He proclaimed that no
hierarchical figure should rule over and repress the people. So
should we. He called instead for England to become a nation of self
governing communities. So should we - in whatever Country we reside.
Because this is surely the only practical antidote to the super
centralization of our lives and absolute rule by the despotic
fiefdoms of the 21st century.
Self governing communities turn out to be our most instinctual socio
economic model of survival and create the right setting for a
fertile organic expansion of the spiritual and artistic path.
Because to be 'spiritually aware' 'self governing' and a 'caring
community' is fundamental to the growth of responsible and cohesive
shared living.
Everything else that poses as a solution is already shot full of
Humanity is an extended family. But as in the present tragedy which
is Jew-v-Arab, Israel-v-Palestine, this truth has been riven with
lies and ripped apart by ulterior motives. Modern 'democracies' are
are now simply a perpetually repeating expression of this divide
and conquer holocaust.
It is impossible to become awake and
then continue to put both feet back into such a deeply compromised
and incongruous system as we have today. Therefore we must change
the script.
Everyone who follows my writings and the parallel concerns of others
who contribute to this site, should already be concentrating
themselves on the process of building - or contributing to the
building of - self governing communities. Increasingly freed from
dependence on
the fallen model.
As the foundations of the status quo continue to crack apart, so do
the seemingly reliable sources of life dependencies to which we are
accustomed also go with them. There is no more time to sit on
fences. They are themselves rotting away underneath us and will soon
turn to dust.
We who have become 'aware' - are the leaders of the age. We must
live up to this reality. We know that the status quo is beyond
So we must take this knowledge to be
the signal to build that which will redeem our collective Human
status; which will carry us through the apocalypse. We know what
the ingredients are that will make our arks self sustaining. We know
what we need in order to come alive again. Now we must put them all
together - for that is where they belong.
If we are to overcome that which oppresses us we must unite our
creative powers and imaginations in common affirmation of the life
force with which we are each endowed.
The quest for liberation, justice and basic equality so nobly fought
for by Wat Tyler and the peasant's revolt six hundred year's ago is
now our revolution.