by Amanda Froelich
March 30, 2015
TrueActivist Website
Spanish version
These close friends estimate that in the past 10 years, they've
planted over 10,000 trees to help revive the once-barren environment
around Yeli Village in northeast China.

Credit: MyModernMet
Although we - as a collective - have more than previous generations
could have ever dreamed of, the majority of us are quick to make
excuses when it comes to doing ‘work' we are less than inspired by.
Take out the trash? Nah, pass. Walk the dog? Nah, she'll be fine.
Plant a tree? No, too busy. On and on, excuses to avoid activities
which are necessary for an orderly environment and collaborative
world to exist are quick to be offered by many in our society.
…Which is why this story of a blind man named Jia Haixia and
his friend, a double amputee with no arms named Jia Wengi, is
fascinating and beyond inspiring.

Credit: MyModernMet
The duo have spent more than 10 years replanting trees to revive the
once-barren environment around Yeli Village in
northeast China.

Credit: Photo.Sina
Born blind in one eye and having lost the other in a 2000
work-related accident, Haixia depends upon the sight and kindness of
others to help him accurately navigate the world.
And having lost both his arms in an accident when he was only 3
years old, Wengi has developed incredible abilities to engage in the
world around him with his lower limbs, but still lacks the ease
others take for granted when it comes to carrying out simple, daily

Credit: MyModernMet
Together, however, the pair have leased 8 acres of land from the
government and have begun replanting the land with trees to protect
the village from flooding.
Every morning, the friends rise at 7 AM and then head out for a
day's work. With little money to buy saplings from the store, they
rely on cuttings taken from grown trees and plant them to create new

Credit: Photo.Sina
After years of living and laboring side by side, the pair of friends
learned how to work together in order to overcome
their individual disabilities.
Wengi often carries sightless Haixia on his back
across the rushing river, while Haixia climbs to the top of trees to
cut off the boughs that will become new trees. After climbing back
down, Haixia digs holes in the ground to plant the cuttings.
Wengi's job is then to take care of the growing
saplings by watering them.

Credit: Photo.Singi
With this unique system of teamwork, the friends estimate
that they've planted over 10,000 trees in over a decade.

Credit: Photo.Sina
A tremendous amount of attention and a bounty of support has been
offered to the pair after news of their heroics went viral in China.
shared by Hebei Haoren, some
generous souls have even donated money to provide the elderly duo
with pensions to support their lifestyles.
And according to
another article from
Xinhua News Agency, Haixia may be
soon be able to regain sight in his left eye thanks to an operation
that a team of health care professionals are willing to perform for
free, making this story even more heartwarming!

Credit: Photo.Sina
Truly, positivity does exist in this world, and personal initiative
to co-create a greener, more sustainable environment is growing.
It's now up to the people to demand news that showcases more than
the negative happenings presently being showcased.

Credit: Photo.Sina
Perhaps their inspiring example will inspire you and others to think
twice before making excuses to carry out tasks others may only dream
of being able to act upon.