Zen Gardner
22 December 2011
BeforeItsNews Website
Spanish version

There's no looking for crowd validation. There's no waiting for
outside redemption. There's no collective bargaining to rely on.
The awakening is you. Only you.
That's what all this ruckus is about. The battle for your spirit and
soul. And that's the boat each of us is in. There is nothing more
important in this life for you, or me, than waking up. Once that's
straightened out the rest will follow.
How we perceive the world around us creates and reinforces the world
around us. Once we become conscious and aware that this existing
matrix we're witnessing is an arbitrary creation manipulated by
power-crazed puppeteers, however you perceive them, that is when the
change happens.
And the Universe will tell you what to do from there.
That's what to respond to. Nothing else.
That's your job. That's my
Don't shirk it when it happens.

Enjoy Your Earthly Suit, But Rediscover Who You Truly Are
Like me, you are sitting inside, or somewhat near anyway, the body
you chose to be in.
We're looking through and freely operating these
amazing biological machines on a fabulous planet.
"Wow, there
appears to be a whole lot of other beings like me walking around!
Where am I? What am I here for? And what am I supposed to do?"
I know, jumped off the deep end there, but that's exactly our
And what immediately sets in once we arrive? As young
children we have this abandon as we experience this incredible place
and all its feelings, sights and sounds. We screech with delight,
sing made up songs, swing our arms around wildly, and run in place.
We just express!
Then what happens? We start to conform to what we're seeing, as well
as what we're being told.
We become more regimented and are herded
into classrooms and categories. We start feeling social pressures
and are then handed this fundamental doctrine of insecurity where
fear and scarcity become our main drivers.
Your purpose in life now
is to "fit in and get a job" so you won't run out of money or food.
Your internal, conscious response?
"This is strange. Everything's a
problem here. Sure didn't feel that way when I arrived."
The Illusory Attachment Trap
The main trick of the illusory world around us is to make us think
we're somehow attached to it, and therefore dependent, and that we
need to conform to this world we're viewing.
We tend to judge by the
standards we're exposed to, and act accordingly. We base our lives
and actions around these perceived behavior patterns, which in turn
gradually dull the voice of conscious awareness.
You might have noticed how blind people, such as entertainers Ray
Charles and Stevie Wonder, gesticulate totally freely, rocking their
heads while singing or talking, and have wildly free facial
expressions, almost as if they're handicapped.
Obviously they're not. But it strikes you. They're free from visual
conformity. They don't know how everyone else acts. They're free to
physically express their emotions without having to conform to the
suppressed, fearful conformist nature of our hung up society. They
don't know you don't rock back and forth, shake your head and smile
so broad your face almost cracks. How liberating!
And that principle can be applied across the board.
We judge so much by how we think it will measure up to the world
around us rather than just express what we're thinking and feeling
openly. Whether with close friends and family, our peer group, or
the message we pick up in public or from the media, we're being
Programmed to not respond to obvious needs, but to
strange, shallow self-serving impulses.
Just like everyone else.
You can say that's just natural, but it's not. It's induced behavior
from a manipulated and self-regulating created collective. Natural
the matrix, but not for
a conscious human being, especially when
the crowd is clearly going the wrong way.
But who's looking when
you're sleep walking.

The Cost of Vicarious Living and Beyond
In the end most humans end up living a vicarious life, acting out
the projection they think they're supposed to live up to. That's
The yardstick is acceptance rather than truth or
conscience. This is heavily reinforced through
the media
and the existing paradigm they've succeeded in creating. It appears
to be the only option out there... but only to the unawakened.
But there's a price to pay. Everything...
Waking up costs everything.
Life always costs everything.
You'll leave here
eventually, like me, and the cost will be your life.
How did you
spend it?
Consciously, or trying to conform, and using that to hide
behind to justify living as a comfortable, selfish, lazy brain donor
to the system you're too afraid to buck?
That's the battlefield. You. Me. It goes no further.
What we see
playing out in the world is a bunch of you's and me's deciding if
they'll live consciously and truly respond to that still, small
voice within them, or not. The sad reality is almost every one of
them has been duped into being fixated on what all the other "me's"
are doing in order to keep up with the projected reality. It's like
a school of fish feverishly clinging together in response to a
perceived predator.
The only thing is, for conscious, spiritual reality there is no
predator. That's the secret. We are eternal consciousness having an
The way to solve these problems is to re-create the
perceived reality through conscious awareness and conscious actions.

When You Get the Call, Take It!
We, individually, have to change first. We have to commit to
consciousness, get free of entanglements and live a conscious life.
The rest has little meaning until we get out of the matrix
If each of us would get that message the phony world structure would
crumble in a minute. Every soldier would drop his weapon and go
home. Every politician would wake up as if out of a dream and go be
with his family. Every policeman would lay down his gun, take off
his uniform, and go help someone in need, smiling and greeting
people on his way.
It's you. It's me. Your personal world and experience is the only
one you'll ever know. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Just
let consciousness be your guide. But act on it.
And don't fret too much about what it is you're supposed to do.
You'll know it when you see it. It comes in the form of little
things, little decisions, the rest follows. Learn to listen to that
voice and act accordingly and it gets louder and louder.
Just walk away from what you know to be wrong, and do what you know
to be right. It's not that hard once you start.
And again, once you
get your boat in motion, the rudder will take effect.
"A journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step."
Lao Tzu
...Now go for it. I can't wait to hear
about it!
I was honored to have the amazing
Snordelhans of Heretic Productions produce the following gorgeous
piece. Be sure to give it a look. It's shortened with just selected
excerpts but it's beautifully done:
You Are The Battlefield!
December 23, 2011
YouTube Website
There's no looking for crowd
There's no waiting for outside
There's no collective bargaining to rely
The awakening is you. Only you.
That's what all this ruckus is about.
The battle for your spirit and soul.
And that's the boat each of us is in.
There is nothing more important in this
life for you, or me, than waking up.
Once that's straightened out the rest
will follow.
How we perceive the world around us creates and reinforces the world
around us.
Once we become conscious and aware that
this existing matrix we're witnessing
is an arbitrary creation manipulated by
power-crazed puppeteers,
however you perceive them,
that is when the change happens.
And the Universe will tell you what to do from there.