by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
June 28, 2012
WakingTimes Website
Spanish version
Did you ever say the exact same thing as someone else at the same
exact time?
Did you ever get a bad vibe from someone for no
particular reason at all?
If all thoughts are energy, then how
powerful is the human mind and what are we truly capable of
Empaths can easily feel emotion when words aren’t spoken. Dogs
instinctively know when someone is malicious or not.
How is this
All thoughts are energy that can be transmitted and received
throughout the Earth’s grid. Look no further than on days of global
meditation when crime rates drop significantly through
spiritual enlightenment.
We are all receptors and transmitters of
energy, including animals and plants.
As evidenced by the above video, plants have consciousness and
feelings, too.
This is further proof of how we are all connected as
living organisms though thoughts and energy, yet we have been taught
to be detached from this evidence through our educational facilities
and through the main stream media.
Please also understand that vegetables and fruit are honored to be
consumed by you, just as the grass that you walk on is grateful for
being able to supply you with comfort and beauty.
This is part of
ascension process!
How You Can Help
If all thoughts are energy, then there is nothing to lose and
everything to gain!
When I’m in the car, I’ll silently say to the drivers of the
oncoming traffic, “I love you.” If there are no oncoming cars, then
I might pick out some trees or plants and do the same thing. If
you’re driving the car, then please stay focused on the road, but if
you’re a passenger, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to share
your energy!
If you go on a walk in nature, tell the trees and plants how much
you love them.
During meditation, try focusing your thoughts and intentions on
love, gratitude and appreciation for a few minutes, not only for
your immediate surroundings, but for as many living creations
throughout the planet and universe.
At work, try sending loving thoughts to your coworkers.
If you’re at a body of water, send those same positive thoughts to
all of the wonderful life living in that environment. If you’re at
the beach, perhaps this will call a dolphin or manatee to you!
There is a reason why we never feel good after watching the 6
o’clock news:
because it’s filled with fear-ladened propaganda to
keep us living in that vibration, which eventually manifests itself
somewhere throughout our day or evening.
If we live in the vibration
of love and send loving thoughts to all living creatures, then we
will conversely change this paradigm into a world full of love while
attracting those of the same vibration, with just a few simple
thoughts each day!