by Elva Thompson
May 05, 2014
HeartStar Website
Any movement of the assemblage
point means a movement away
from an excessive concern with the individual self. Shamans believe
it is the position of the assemblage point which makes modern man a
homicidal egoist, a being totally involved with his self-image.
Having lost hope of ever returning to the source of everything, the
average man seeks solace in his selfishness.
Warrior teachings of Don Juan
Carlos Castaneda
Journey into
It’s an uncanny feeling when one comes face to face with self… and
finds a stranger partaking at the table of one’s life.
And it is a rude awakening when one observes within oneself, the
child that whines, the petulant, sulking adolescent, the bully, the
barrack room lawyer, the predator, the martyr, the victim, the self
seeking friend, and all the other extensions of the ego.
Brave is the seeker, who bares his soul and confronts the squirming
appetites that lie hidden behind the careful grooming of the self.
Lusts and passions that can only be revealed when one throws off the
shackles of self love and dares to look within.
Riding the
The recent eclipse of the moon, sun and the powerful astrological
aspects of the planets, resonated deeply on my natal chart and sent
me on a journey of exploration into self.
I set myself the task of randomly
observing my thoughts and feelings over a period of two weeks and
writing down my findings.
Most of the time, when I checked on my thoughts, I was a dynamo of
negative energy, fuming
about chemtrails in the sky, the
destruction of the environment, abandoned pets, or the speeding car
that almost ran me off the road on my way to town.
What shocked me was the extent of my discordant thinking, and I
realized that when I was not mindful of my thoughts, the program
took over and ran amok with its own fantasies, prejudices and
Knowing that the preparing and serving of food in a loving
environment is essential for good health, I began to observe my
thoughts while I was in the kitchen. I caught myself several times,
standing at the sink, all pissed off and scrubbing the vegetables.
Other times I caught myself dwelling
miserably on debris from my past or fretting about the future.

By not being mindful in the now, I did not heed the enemy within and
inadvertently, not only poisoned my food with my negative thoughts
but my families as well.
I think that there are invisible entities that hate us and
deliberately resonate on our traumas when we are not mindful in the
They are responsible for the negative
thought that comes out of the blue, the emotional trigger that
brings depression and despair for seemingly no reason. They are mind
parasites and stalk us from the shadows, waiting for us to take that
extra drink or drug, so they can possess us.
Dr Harry Oldfield has developed PIP (Poly
Interference Photography), that is able to capture the frequency
patterns and form of these demons attached to the human chakra
from the program
Our exalted being of soul, the core of all life, knows the truth…
and it tries to tell us.
But we are deaf, enamored and enchanted
by the giddy world of ego and sensation. We are immersed in duality,
living a lie that we think is real, the program of ‘them versus us’
and ‘the blame game’, and as a result, we are at the mercy of
duality and our emotions are dragged from one end of the spectrum to
the other.
This to-ing and fro-ing of the mind is
an emotional roller coaster, a barren repetition that is impotent
from a cosmic point of view. It is the separate reality of self
going round and round the cycles of time like a lemming on a play
We become automatons, blinded from
beauty and caught up by the arrogance inherent in the program.
In distraction there is chaos and to liberate our minds, we have to
shake free of the choking rope of ‘us and them’ and ‘the blame game’
that slowly strangles life affirming action in the moment of the
We have to transcend duality in the full knowledge that it is a
program, a piece of software to trap and entrain our senses and
harvest our heart pain, our lusts, our unfulfilled dreams and
The realization that we are programs in a virtual reality game and
no different from any other self replicating live stock, is a
terrifying thought. We get scared when the rug of normalcy gets
pulled out from underneath our feet. We have to take control of our
thinking and kick out the dark invaders of our minds.
It takes vigilance and practice to
overcome the program, and as we conquer our inherited software and
explore our inner space, a whole new paradigm begins to open up, and
we start happening to things, instead of things happening to us.

We feel the ‘quickening’, the frequency change and a calmer panorama
takes hold of our lives.
In this understanding the soul stirs,
the quiet voice comes to the fore and the storm clouds of doubt and
uncertainty are no more. This energy is the counter strike, the
contrary, the resonant frequency heralding our victory over the
Now is our time. Reclaim your mind. Grab your dream and run into
Love is all there is.