by Valerie V. Hunt, Ph.D.
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Dr. Valerie V. Hunt’s seminal
work on the human bioenergy field is a must
reading for scientists, health-care
professionals and anyone seeking increased
awareness and self-development.
Based on decades of research
and clinical studies, 'Infinite Mind' presents
the first scientifically comprehensive human
energy field model, documenting its fluxuation
with changing environments and demystifying it
from the superstitious and antiquated
explanations of the past.
"Valerie is a leader in
demonstrating the human energetic system
from a scientific point of view...
To all those ready to
open themselves to the infinite
possibilities of the human potential, this
book will be the beacon."
C. Norman Shealy M.D.,
Reasearch and Clinical Professor of
Forest Institute of Professional Physchology
The information in this book is provided for
educational and informational purposes only.
It is not
intended to be, and should not be used as, a
replacement for appropriate care by a
physician or other health-care provider.
The publisher
and the author are not responsible for the
use, effectiveness, or safety of any
procedures mentioned in this book, nor the
possible result of following any procedure
mentioned in this book. If you have a health
problem, consult a physician.
Pregnant women
in particular are urged to consult with
their health care specialist before
beginning any therapy.
This book is
dedicated to those persons whose minds find new thoughts
and great
wonders to explore. |
Table of Contents
to Mind Mastery Meditations
Mind Mastery Meditations are the practical "how you do it"
instructions following the information in my recent popular book,
INFINITE MIND: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness.
Mind Mastery Meditations are very different from other meditation
approaches. Our goals are not simply to give you emotional peace and
relaxation. We do not follow ancient beliefs, sacred philosophies or
shamanistic rituals. This book is written by popular demand for you
who have evaded meditation because it seemed to stress beautiful,
unreal symbolic experiences that had no permanent meaning in your
It is written for you who tried meditation and got nowhere.
This book is for you who stopped meditation because it was not
sufficiently profitable for the time expended. And this book is
written also for you experienced mediators who realize that you are
caught up in a consciousness block that your current techniques do
not handle.
Mind Mastery Meditations give you skills to evolve toward Mastery.
The exercises are as literal as the title - you take control not by
repression but by insight and change, which frees the mind for its
great potential. The mind is no longer a slave to its unconscious
urges, but is constantly aware if its interaction with external
fields of information. Here one can select experiences and respond
on a more successful consciousness level.
This book focuses on the mind not on the brain; specifically, it
deals with the mind as a function of the mind-field not of the brain
tissue (INFINITE MIND, ChapterV, The Mind Field Residence of the
Consciousness and the Soul).
We have discovered that the mind- field
holds memory of the soul’s experiences from prior lifehoods as well
as the unconscious experiences of the "self" in this lifehood. These
are residues that influence and often totally direct behaviors that
are beyond the domain of brain memories.
Because these are not always easy to
recall "will power" can be used to control them. Yet, "will power"
can never eliminate their influence.
The word "mastery" is connected to the concept of a "master" in
spiritual tradition. But it refers to you as master - not to some
learned one who knows all Mind Mastery implies both power and wisdom
connoting mastery over the external world and the drives and
predilections of the inner self; being in control of one’s destiny
but at the same time realizing he oneness of everything, Mind
Mastery does not require the ego to be dampened but rather extends
selfhood into the divine level which removes self-imposed
Our goals are to open closed recesses of the mind, to access hidden
agendas, to eliminate restricting thoughts and to reorder confused
emotions. The approach is very different from brain training or
biofeedback. The objectives are not linear, logical solutions of
everyday problems.
We already know that problems are never
solved on the conscious level that we think created the problems.
Mind Mastery Meditations allow you to
redefine stubborn problems by viewing them at a higher level of
wisdom where self-protective emotions don’t cloud the issues or
elicit the reflexive behaviors from the brain level.
Mind Mastery
Meditations start with consciousness expansion where you learn what
is going on in your "stream of consciousness".
If from this discussion you are now
motivated to pursue these meditations, take a moment to answer the
following questions:
Do you believe that you possess
far greater capacities than your present accomplishments
reflect? Haven’t you put out the effort or don’t you know
Do you feel that your mind has
its "brakes" on - that you are stuck so that expending
energy only wears out your patience and your body?
Do you want to and do you have
the ego strength to change old unsuccessful thoughts? And
are you willing to look at your most cherished beliefs as a
possible source of your blocks?
Are you willing to experience
and acknowledge your emotional defenses and with deeper
understanding to release these? As you open your mind field
you will find unrecognized beliefs and experiences that
powerfully influence your daily life.
As stated in
the Mayan Calendar we are
passing from the "Age of Man" to the "Age of Gods", a millennium
where we can see, acknowledge and free the beauty of our souls.
As we change our awareness we can change
the social world with a new and glorious focus upon man’s spiritual
nature. Our own individual souls, our highest selves, are telling us
that mankind has far greater potentials and spiritual powers than we
have ever known.
Are you eager to be about this work for
yourself or are you hesitant?
In this book
consciousness is restricted to a human condition.
Consciousness is an awareness or a focus
on some sensory or mental data that is then recorded in the brain
and mind. But awareness is not absolute or always finely pointed.
There is always the relativity of awareness; sometimes it is
expanded, sometimes truncated. The relativity is determined by the
stimulus and the readiness of the brain or mind to pinpoint a focus
or to sidetrack information.
For example, we know that incoming
sensory information is routed throughout a neurological switching
station in
the brain stem where each individual has programmed what
is important in his personal life. He becomes hyper alert to some
information and casual with other information.
In this book we envision consciousness on a continuum from
subconscious to intellectual cognitive consciousness and to super
consciousness. Any level can blend in or out with another level.
Because consciousness is awareness and awareness occurs on numerous
levels there is no such thing as unconscious behavior.
There is non-cortical behavior but as
long as life exists there is always awareness of the level of
consciousness that exists at the time.
How do we know these things? We scientists who have redefined the
mind have discovered vibratory frequency patterns that coexist with
patterns of consciousness. Here the mind is found to exist in the
field rather than in the denser tissue of the brain.
It exists in organized energy containing
information from the soul’s experience in this and other lifehoods
.The field permeates all tissue and radiates around the body. We
have simply called it the aura.
From such new ideas we can start
directly understanding consciousness.
The Human Energy Field and
That the human energy field contains the highest level of the human
mind was documented in my Bioenergy Research Laboratory at U.C.L.A.
Briefly this is what we discovered:
The atomic electrical energy of
cells becomes the auric field.
The field is both inside and
outside of the body where it colors all sensory information
that must pass through the field and skin before it gets to
the sensory nerve endings.
Because the field has a corona
on the outside of the body it is in direct contact with all
the energies of the environment, living, mineral and
celestial. This is the primary way humans interact with the
The human field is a dynamic
ever-changing series of pattern of frequencies that
oscillate up to one million cycles per second making it the
fastest and most elaborate of the body’s electrical systems.
Each person has a unique
signature pattern of frequencies, his base reference, to
which he returns when his field is not stimulated. This is a
base reference from which his field responds to other
The mind-field is the highest
level of memory, containing information about the physical
body, thoughts, feelings states and past and present life
experiences, particularly if memory is of profound
Emotions connected with higher
states of consciousness organize the mind-field and make it
susceptible to new and threatening situations. This level of
emotion is the deepest motivation of behavior.
Because our energy field is our primary
information gathering source we should not wrap ourselves in "white
light" to protect ourselves because this barricades out all the
important information that we need.
The meditations which follow will help
you to open the deeper recesses of your mind which have been closed
to consciousness awareness.
A field which is flexible and strong with a wide range of
frequencies is a stable signature, an ideal resting ground which is
complex and well-organized but not chaotic. This is a comfortable
field which gives satisfaction, allows exciting discoveries and
makes possible exuberant health.
These mind-field concepts lead us directly to the dynamic continuum
of consciousness which we can call the " stream of consciousness."
The stream of conscious awareness is
ever shifting. Sometimes awareness is directed to material things,
sometimes to mystical and spiritual things and sometimes to
survival. The focus of consciousness may move rapidly through all
levels simultaneously. Cognitive memory seems to lag behind when
memory areas of the brain are stimulated.
But consciousness is instant when the
memory stored in the mind-field is stimulated.
How To Meditate
Mind Mastery Meditation, with an internal focus on the stream of
consciousness is the best way to broaden the narrow consciousness of
most people.
Consciousness must include the gross
sensory information, nervous system and brain functions incorporated
with the subtle information of the mind. The entire field must grow
in coherency flowing freely between mind and brain. As one’s
everyday stream of consciousness rolls along one needs skills to
survey what is going on, one’s dreams and daydreams.
The best way to recover this information
is through visual imagery.
We know that all information (either sensory or subtle) which drives
one’s stream of consciousness must first penetrate the surrounding
mind-field. Perceptual research shows that all information is
integrated through visual imagery. Likewise, stimulation if visual
imagery brings forth the clearest memory.
However, even with visual imagery we
tend to block out parts that are too emotional or we get stuck with
only parts of the information such as sound, color, or motion.
How To Start Meditating
Locate and christen a place in your home where you will practice
Mind Mastery Meditations.
Ideally set aside one room or a part of
a room for that purpose. If possible select a spot away from where
you cook, eat, entertain, sleep or watch television to eliminate
your reprogramming of the space. You want no distractions while you
discover the non-ordinary mystical levels of your consciousness.
Tell the family that when you are here
meditating you are not available. Also, request that they behave
Go there daily, at a programmed time if
possible to look inside your mind. Meditation when you find time
never works - you rarely find the time. Also plan for enough time to
swing out of clock time into past and future time where you dream
and reverie.
This is all preparation for your deeper
meditation. You may use color, lights or sounds to establish a
peaceful mood or to block out sounds but don’t rely on these to take
you to places you are unwilling to go without them.
Now try to give up your intense "will" to make it happen and your
ego needs to be in charge. And while you are eliminating such
personality controls file your rational brain in the hall of in
another room. If it is too demanding tether it outside.
Those are the ways that you try to solve
ordinary problems. Now you are seeking new skills by opening your
mind to all its glories, its inconsistencies and its errors of
judgment. Generally, such consciousness clearing doesn’t happen
during the first meditations. But it will if you give it time.
Keep uppermost in your thoughts that you have chosen to start Mind
Mastery. Know that your mind has all the answers to why you are as
you are. It has answers to your soul’s needs, your unique capacities
and your self-designed destiny.
Yes, no one knows exactly how to do this
but you will find guidance from a higher source. A bit of impatience
helps but too much discourages you by keeping your meditation on the
material level, not where Mind Mastery occurs. Eventually you can
find the greatest excitement balanced by the most profound
But dramatic happenings rarely occur
immediately. Be aware of how long it has taken you to build up
barriers and to settle into where you are.
Your job is to learn to access your profound teacher. At first you
may contact "guides" to help you over the insecurities that arise as
you seek new information from your higher self. Guides are
comforting for a while but I urge you soon to realize that the
guides did not chose you; you chose them based upon your level of
awareness and needs.
Start out by asking questions about the
answers "you get from them."
Ask them what this information means to
you. If you don’t like or understand "their" teachings challenge
them so that you can clear up your thoughts. If information is
helpful embrace it as yours because that is where it came from. Soon
I hope you will try to reach that space without your guide. Give him
or her a vacation. And when you do you will begin to feel your
power, that you are in charge. Thank them and bid them adieu.
Remember it is weakening to give away
your power to some being or guide or to constantly use psychic
readers to contact your upper consciousness. Yes, psychic readers
can read your thoughts, but they also filter these through their
minds with what they think is significant.
They encourage child-like dependency.
Mind Mastery Meditations help you grow up consciously. Mind Mastery
comes with your commitment, your insights and your growing
Some of you will still feel weak with a
nagging’ I don’t know how; someone must teach me" attitude. If you
feel you can’t meditate because you haven’t been successful before,
recognize that this is simply a defense. Be annoyed at this defense
and whenever it comes up be aware and let it go. Ask yourself what
you feel like not to have these doubts.
Don’t try to "tear them out".
That won’t work because you will build
back that defense or others just as quickly as you consciously
eliminate some. Defenses go permanently only when you no longer need
or want a false protection from understanding the hidden recesses of
your mind.
How To Use This Book
After reading this chapter, rapidly survey the remaining chapters
for an overview before you begin Chapter 2: Activating the Physical.
The first six chapters require that you
reach inward into self to expand your consciousness and free your
mind. With practice, your consciousness should be quite fluid and
your Mind Mastery skills more developed. During meditation on
Chapter 7: Transferring Thought, you will refocus your awareness
outward into the social world to understand and communicate thought
through vibrations.
In the last chapter, Sensing The Biocosmic Confluence, you are asked
to focus on the physical world and the outer worlds with the
electromagnetic milieu, which supports you and the wide ranging
vibrations which activate you.
You will learn to expand your awareness
still further out to sense the constant communications between your
biological field and those of the universe. So you will begin to
sense how your electromagnetic transactions change us and the
With the following Mind Mastery Meditations we are primarily
concerned with the stream of consciousness of the mind, its
wholeness as we become aware of its dynamic qualities on all levels.
This means that we extend our stream of consciousness to increase
our capacity to integrate all parts of the extended whole where we
can select the most important information to solve problems and
enliven our lives.
This is an enormous task, for it demands
the skill to know the most profound information about self - to
change what is unacceptable and to learn to effectively transact
with the world.
Back to Table of Contents
Activating The Physical
This chapter will give you the skills to activate your physical
energy field. Each of you has created your personal world based on
what you consider important. Most people consider material things
very real and thus significant.
So it’s little wonder that you place a
special value on your physical body.
Regardless of how well or poorly you
treat your body, it is always central to your physical life, a
reference point for your behavior and the seat of your ordinary
consciousness. When you become ill or experience pain you recognize
that some change is necessary, so you seek medical attention and
improve your health habits. But these actions only treat the dense
body and its malfunctions.
Recent research shows that there is another important treatment that
is often not considered. The body has a force or an energy field
that operates at a deeper and more basic level than systems,
tissues, and cells. This is where the disturbances are believed to
have occurred first, before they appear in the chemical or
physiological systems. In other words, your field is sick before
your physical body becomes ill.
Experience shows that the healing of injuries or systemic problems
is immeasurably hastened when the body’s energy field is coherent,
flowing smoothly and not blocked. As the dense body is supplied
energy from food, so the energy field is activated by the
interaction with the electromagnetic energy of the universe through
the air one breathes and through the direct interface with the
chakras and the acupuncture points.
We know from clinical experience that
individuals can consciously manipulate and improve the body’s energy
field with creative imagery.
Beginning meditators have particular
difficulty quieting their busy minds; however, when they practice
imagery focused on their field they learn to meditate more rapidly
than if they use esoteric imagery that is unrelated to physical
reality. The imagery exercises contained in this chapter are
effective in hastening recovery from illness or injury, overcoming
fatigue and maintaining physical health.
These exercises will also help you to
quiet your busy mind before you undertake deeper meditation
For those of you unacquainted with human electromagnetic fields, let
me describe the body’s connection. Although the field cannot be
perceived easily by the five senses, it is readily observable in
higher states of consciousness.
Focal points in the human field are
chakras which are not material substances but are wheel-shaped
vortices of energy that were discovered many centuries ago by
ancient Eastern philosophers. Although they are more readily felt
than seen, chakras have been scientifically validated and found to
be in apposition to major neurological plexuses and over primary
endocrine glands.
Likewise, there are small chakras
connected to all joints. Much of the pain from minor joint injuries
comes from shock to these chakras.
Research has shown a stronger field
flowing in and out of the body at these locations - a communication
system between the atomic energy from the cells and molecules with
that of the outside environment. Aura readers describe the flow as a
vortex like a cyclone or water moving down a funnel.
Blockages that occurs in the chakra
areas stop the smooth flow of energy in and out and up and down the
Muscular Relaxation
You will learn to consciously increase the flow and the coherency of
the field using conscious imagery. When first learning it’s better
to lie on your back on a firm surface in a quiet place.
Feel your
muscle tensions release and rest securely on the firm surface.
First tighten muscles in your
feet and legs until you feel the tension quite strongly. Let
half of that tension out. Stop and be aware of your feeling
of tension. Now let go one half of what remains. Follow with
a slow continuous relaxation until your legs rest firmly and
the tension in your legs is gone. Pause for a minute feeling
the lessened tension.
Now less strongly contract the
muscles in your hips and buttocks. Let one half of that
tension out. Pause to sense this amount of tension. Now let
one half of the remaining tension go. Follow with a slow
continuous relaxation. Without pushing downward allow your
hips to rest firmly on the supporting surface. Pause again
to experience the absence of tension.
Next slightly tighten your arms
and shoulders until you feel tension. Let out half of that
tension. Hesitate for a few moments to sense the decrease in
tension. Now let out one half of the remaining tension.
Continue a slow progressive relaxation until your arms rest
firmly on the supporting surface. Then let them relax
further as though they were dropping downward in water.
Hesitate to experience the growing relaxation in your legs,
hips, and shoulders.
Now lightly tighten the muscles
in your neck. These muscles accumulate tension as you
attempt to screen out extraneous signals to and from your
brain. Visualize your neck as a suspended bridge that sags
gently in the middle, with the weight carried on your head
and shoulders. Allow half of this tension out. Pause to feel
the difference. Now allow one half of the remaining tension
to go. Follow with a slow continuous relaxation. See if your
neck feels like a soft connection between your head and
Take a series of full breaths
which you let out with a big sigh. This relaxes your
Relaxation Scale
Here is a rapid way to decrease general physical tension in your
Imagine that you see a scale of
tension from 0-100 points: 0 equals a total absence of
tension; 100 represents the highest tension the body can
tolerate without a nervous collapse; 50 is the level of
tension most efficient for ordinary physical and mental
Look at your scale; where is
your current tension level? What you immediately see is
generally correct for the time being. Know that you can
systematically lower your tension level at will. Concentrate
on lowering the scale and watch it drop progressively 10 or
Note your success; hesitate a
moment then drop it 10 to 15 more points. Continue lowering
your tension scale until you reach 0 or as low as it will go
this time.
When you visualize and practice
focusing thought on a single point or an idea such as in
meditation, regardless of the technique or purpose, the
frequency vibrations of the energy field increase and you
will experience another level of awareness or consciousness.
Simultaneously activity in muscles, nerves and glands
The energy field vibrations of
many beginners may increase rapidly and accumulate in the
upper part of the body and even pour out the top of the
head. This condition is often called an "out of body" state,
because perception is no longer linked to the material body.
In fact, usually, memory of an out of body state is limited
and often absent. Here meditation provides as escape rather
than providing you with new refined information about
yourself, the universe, what has happened or will happen,
where you are on your evolutionary path and deep and abiding
solutions to your problems. You must be grounded when you
You can progress farther at a
later time or another day. This same exercise will
effectively lower blood pressures and heart rates. Repeat
this imagery scale when you are fatigued, tense or before
Earth Grounding
You logical thinkers who rarely daydream are probably already
grounded by your strong sense of reality.
But for you who tend to daydream with
thoughts that fly around, the next exercise is a requisite, before
you undertake any further meditation. Grounding yourself means that
the energy is flowing in the lower part of your body, anchoring you
to the reality of the earth. Meditations that emphasize the upper
chakras encourage an ungrounded state that excludes various
consciousness levels.
Here is a basis grounding image.
Take a full breath as though you
were breathing through the bottom of your left foot. Bring
the breath up your left leg and across the back of your hips
as you inhale.
As you exhale force the breath
down the right leg and out the foot deeply into the ground.
Repeat this several times until
the circuit is clearly habitual. If you become light headed
or dizzy during other meditations, repeat this grounding
Tether Line
While lying down imagine that
you have a strong tight tether line attached to your navel
on one end and to a large boulder on the other end. This
line holds you firmly to the earth.
In between you and the rock
there is automatic reel that you can activate to shorten the
tether line and pull you down to earth. Also, you can let
out the tether line so that you can drift upward in space
and in consciousness while being safely attached to the
Imagine bringing yourself close
to the rock. Feel the sensation of your feet firmly planted
on the earth.
Now allow yourself to drift
upward, always aware that the line from your navel is a
gentle restraint keeping you from drifting off into space.
Sense how it feels to be
grounded yet free to soar.
Experiment with how you feel
when firmly grounded and when gently grounded as you go up
higher in vibrations.
As you gain skill you will
broaden your range to include higher and lower frequencies.
This will prepare you to integrate various levels of
If you are already strongly
grounded spend more time with the tether line exercise.
If you tend to be ungrounded be sure to
practice the earth grounding exercise.
Increasing The Field Flow
You will need to develop two skills: to activate the movement of
your body’s energy in and out as well as up and down; and to raise
and lower your field’s frequencies.
To improve the flow in and out and up
and down we use breathing exercises progressing from feet to head.
Starting at the feet, imagine
that you have noses at the bottom of your two feet. On each
breath inhale energy through your feet up to your abdomen;
immediately exhale pushing the energy back down your legs
and out your feet. Take normal rather than exaggerated deep
breaths and focus your attention on how your legs feel as
the energy flows up and down. Do this about ten times or
more if you are habitually ungrounded or until you feel you
have established a circuit that will continue.
Now focus your awareness on the
inside front of your knees, as though your noses were there.
As you inhale feel the energy entering your knees and rising
into your abdomen. As you exhale, experience the energy
flowing downward and out the knees. Repeat ten times or
until you are aware that the circuit has become automatic.
Next focus awareness deep in the
pelvis, slightly anterior to the rectum (the root chakra).
Again pull energy inward with each inhalation and outward on
exhalation. It is frequently difficult to feel energy
flowing in this area because we experience urination and
defecation as outward flows. Here we are working with the
energy field which flows in and out.
Now become aware of a location
in the lower abdomen where the testes and the ovaries lie.
Eastern literature calls this the kundalini. Again breath in
toward the spine and then out from the spine, allowing the
energy always to move upward on inhalation and downward and
out the lower abdomen on exhalation. These exercises will
increase the amount of energy flow and also indirectly will
increase circulation of the blood and lymphatic fluid
Now move your awareness to the
solar plexus or your stomach above your waist, which is
called the emotional chakra. Because this area of the field
is frequently sluggish, you may have difficulty visualizing
breath entering easily and smoothly. More than ten breaths
may be required to establish a free flow.
Next place your attention on the
middle of your body at the heart level. As you breathe
through the heart chakra, your chest will fill as the energy
moves downward into your abdomen. Strangely, of all the
chakras so far visualized, this is the one that is usually
most open and free. Ten breaths may be adequate to increase
the energy flow here. If you feel that your heart chakra is
closed, the sensation generally comes from problems in the
emotional chakra not in the heart.
Now focus on the throat chakra
in the middle of the "V" above the breast bone. Throat
chakra stagnation in adults has been associated with blocked
creativity. As you breathe through this chakra be aware of
energy going both ways, down on inhalation and coming back
up to the throat on exhalation.
Focus your attention on the
third eye, located on your forehead just above and between
your eyes. Breathe deeply but smoothly through this spot,
feeling the air go into the center of your head then
downward filling the chest and abdomen without strain.
Exhale through the third eye and repeat ten times.
And last, focus on the spot on
the top of the head, above your ears. Imagine inhaling air
down through this crown chakra into the body and out the
crown chakra on exhalation. Repeat ten times. The energies
should now be flowing in and out so that your field is
expanded by many inches or even feet around your body.
Before you leave this imagery
exercise, repeat taking one breath through each chakra into
the chest and abdomen. But instead of exhaling back down and
out the same chakra, exhale the energy up and out the crown
chakra. This way the energy is flowing from each chakra up
and out the crown.
If your mind starts wandering
during any of exercises, go back to the knees with a few
breaths. This will ground you rapidly.
Now focus on the feeling in your
feet, the insides of the knees, the bottom of the pelvis,
the kundalini, the emotional chakra, the heart chakra, the
throat chakra, the third eye and the crown chakra. Spend a
few minutes now settling in, observing and being aware of
what your electromagnetic field feels like when it freely
flows in and through your body in all directions.
Increasing Energy Frequencies
You should learn to increase your vibrations in all ranges: high,
low and in the middle ranges to stabilize the field before
attempting deeper meditation.
We no longer emphasize just going up in
vibrations, but rather in filling a wide range of frequencies from
low to high with all in between. With health, happiness and
successful meditations your range of frequencies expands. With
disease and emotional disturbance the range decreases.
To expand your frequency range it is
helpful to imagine each chakra spinning clockwise while visualizing
a corresponding color. (In the northern hemisphere, water flows
clockwise down a drain; in the southern hemisphere it flows counter
We will be spinning clockwise only the
following chakras:
Root chakra (1)
Kundalini (2)
Emotional Body (3)
Heart chakra (4)
Throat (5)
Third eye (6)
Crown (7)
Our research has shown that the auric
field contains the complete spectrum of frequencies of light from
red to blue violet to white.
Each chakra can also exhibit the full
spectrum although there is a tendency for a chakra to show a
prevailing frequency band that is, have a particular color. The
lower charkas are marked by colors lower in the light spectrum and,
therefore, lower frequencies.
Higher frequencies and colors higher in
the spectrum characterize the upper chakras.
Vortex Spinning Information
Spinning chakra vortices clockwise is often as confusing as
identifying which is your right or left side. Here are simple
While lying on your back imagine
that your chakras two through six are clocks with the face
pointing toward the ceiling. Twelve o’clock is toward your
head and six o’clock is toward your feet.
When you spin your chakas
clockwise, visualize starting at twelve o’clock while
creating a circle to the left, then down, to the right and
then up.
If you have difficulty, use your
finger to circumscribe the circle above your body.
Visualize your root chakra (1)
facing toward your feet. Twelve o’clock is at your pubis and
six o’clock is toward your tail bones.
To spin your chakra clockwise,
visualize starting at twelve o’clock by creating a circle
toward your left leg, down toward the floor, then upward
toward the right leg and back to the pubis.
Use your finger to circumscribe
this circle, which is projecting inward into your pelvis
rather than downward to the surface you are lying on, as in
the second through the sixth chakras.
Visualize your crown chakra
pointing away from your body. Twelve o’clock is the front of
your head and six o’clock is at the back.
To spin this chakra clockwise,
visualize starting at twelve o’clock by creating a circle
toward your right ear, down toward the back of your head and
upward to your left ear and on to your forehead.
Use your finger to circumscribe
this circle, which is projecting downward through the brain
to the spinal cord.
Imagine each chakra vortex like
a funnel, large at the body surface and small as it
approaches the spine.
If the circle in any chakra is
rough or irregular and the color is not clear continue the
exercise longer.
When there are major blocks, it
may take several sessions to retrain a chakra to a circular
Spinning Chakras
Start by focusing on the root or
the deep pelvic chakra, coloring it a rich red. If you don’t
see red, imagine a red apple, a red dress or a tie. See the
energy spinning clockwise. Spin the chakra for at least ten
complete revolutions. If it moves smoothly and easily in a
complete circle a few repetitions will suffice. If it is
stuck and resistant or moves in a lopsided circle, if it
doesn’t move or it goes counterclockwise and if the color
fades, you need to spend more time and focus your awareness
on this chakra, for there is a block in the vortex of the
Next move to the lower abdomen,
the kundalini. Color it orange and spin it clockwise ten
circles, while you observe the spinning. In our culture this
chakra is often weak with a poor flow.
Now focus on the solar plexus,
the emotional body; color it yellow like a lemon. Spin it
clockwise ten times.
Next be aware of the heart
chakra; color it green - a rich, vibrant green, like new
growth in the Spring. Spin the chakra ten times clockwise.
Now be aware of your throat;
color it a rich yet light blue, like a clear sky. Spin it
clockwise ten times. As you progress upward in the body, the
colors become lighter and more vibrant, approaching the
frequencies of white.
Next focus on the third eye; see
it as a light violet, orchid or lavender color. Spin it
clockwise ten times. You will note as you move up the body
the vortex becomes smaller and it spins faster.
Finally pay attention to the
crown chakra, visualizing it as a crystal clear white, like
water or ice. Imagine spinning the chakra clockwise with the
vortex going deep down into the body. Spin it ten times or
until it spins freely.
Because all momentum slows down
over time, go back to each of the chakras in sequence,
visualizing the corresponding color and spinning them
several times. Start with the red root chakra, then on to
the orange kundalini, the yellow emotional body, the green
heart chakra, the blue throat chakra, the violet third eye
and the white crown.
Now lie there quietly and
visualize energy flowing from your feet upward in each
chakra toward the crown, where it flows up and out and
spills down around your body in a white light.
With practice, breathing through the chakras and spinning them with
color will become automatic and take less time.
Now you can move on to other
meditations. Those of you with major energy problems may continue
these physical exercises as your primary or total meditation for
some time.
These skills to activate chakras and the energy field flow are basic
to Mind Mastery. Expanded consciousness encompasses a complete
spectrum of vibrations from grounding in the lower frequencies
(red-orange) combined with power in the middle frequencies
(yellow-green) and great power in the higher frequencies
(blue-white). Higher evolution requires a smooth flow through all
chakras and areas of the body.
Additionally as your field becomes more
coherent you can expect a refined physiology that improves healing.
I encourage you not to make the mistake
of shortening this training so you can rapidly move on to more
exciting meditations. Each chapter provides skills that you need to
master before moving on to the next set of meditations.
Back to Table of Contents
Opening Emotions
We have demonstrated the direct relationship between emotion and the
mind field’s vibrational patterns.
To heal and to evolve require that we be
able to coherently organize our emotional energy and expand the mind
field (see Infinite Mind - Chapter VIII). This chapter describes how
to gain these skills.
You will learn to find the source of unsuccessful emotional patterns
embedded in your memory from childhood and other lifehood
The Mind Mastery Meditations will help
you gain a new appreciation of your emotional energy and a growing
freedom to experience it - to better understand why your energy is
misused and to eliminate blocks to emotional enjoyment and problem
During expanded states of consciousness, emotions flow on a
continuum from subconsciousness to everyday awareness to
superconsciousness, each with a different connection to
Superconsciousness states have been
viewed as altered states because we have believed that arbitrary
breaks occur between consciousness levels. However, from a more
enlightened wholistic perspective, "altered states" describe only a
blockage in the consciousness continuum, not an inevitable
Most psychotherapeutic techniques deal with ordinary and
subconscious levels of awareness. Transpersonal psychology now is
concerned with ordinary to superconsciousness states. Such emphasis
points out that the greater blocks lie in the transitions between
ordinary and sub - and superconsciousness.
We have learned to separate these
special awarenesses from everyday ones. Both ends if the
consciousness continuum contain emotional energy. The subconscious
level deals with material existence and drives. The
superconsciousness state is concerned with spiritual life.
We generally consider our destiny to be
connected to material-physical happenings. However, the primary
destiny which brings us back lifetime after lifetime is the
spiritual destiny which is tied to higher states of consciousness
and emotions.
Emotions and imagery are different in super - and subconsciousness
states depending on the condition of consciousness at the time.
During ordinary reality emotion is powerful, materially oriented to
self, body, possessions and the values we place on them.
If emotion is either repressed or hyper-stimulated, physiological
responses occur which over time can bring on psychosomatic
repercussions. Basic emotions are organized to protect our
perceptions of material reality. The imagery and daydream states of
ordinary reality are the real "now" world even if the material is
symbolic. The colors visualized are dark or rich.
In contrast, the emotions of the superconscious state are love,
ecstasy, and include divine experiences with God symbols,
teachers and wise guides. These are air and water symbols, light in
color and etheric in quality. The physiological systems are
quiescent and operate in low normal ranges. If the state is
prolonged or habitual, the lack of physiological stimulus brings on
deficiency diseases.
The superconscious states are like
daydreaming or fairy tales. In our culture these entertain us but
are not easily believed or valued. Yet the experiences we remember
most are peak experiences coming from superconscious states.
These extremes of consciousness seem distant from each other and
linked only by ordinary reality. But like a circle made by two
actions that each take the opposite direction, these states are
strongly bonded together by emotions. On one end the function of
emotions is to protect and save the body, and on the other end to
protect and embellish the soul.
With such important goals we erect
stubborn defenses against uncovering the deep sources of emotional
disturbances. Without more sub - and superconsciousness information
we can only struggle to solve emotionally charged problems.
Emotion is aroused energy - a human power source, which is
intrinsically neither bad nor good. Unpleasant problems highlight
your cursory thoughts about emotions. You may experience confusion
and frustration because you can’t seem to get ahead or solve a
problem. Generally the real problem is isolated by the closed
emotions of ordinary reality.
When considering ordinary behavior,
things that happen to disturb you are more the result of your
emotional dynamics than a direct response to anything happening in
your external world.
But what is the general source?
To experience the potential loss of your
life or the destruction of your soul brings intense emotions that
you are unable to understand, to dissipate or eliminate. Therefore,
you literally "shut away" your memory of an actual event while you
dissipate the emotional energy with physical hyperactivity, nervous
tension or psychosomatic disturbances.
These behaviors are predictable by the
huge gaps that appear in the energy field frequencies and in the
consciousness continuum.
Defenses are a part of all ordinary consciousness but they do not
exist in higher states. The memory of the experience that caused the
emotional turmoil is held in higher consciousness while the defenses
are created in ordinary awareness to protect you from the strong
emotions and frightening experiences.
The memory of the original experience is
protected by repressive blocks, which have now become disconnected
residuals that get in the way of your evolution.
By focusing attention upon defenses
psychotherapy literally nourishes them. The harder you consciously
try to eliminate defenses the tougher they become. Defenses are best
eliminated by literally side-stepping them.
Acknowledge your defenses while you ask
yourself if you are tired of this behavior, your blocks, and if you
are ready to give them up. Answers to such questions actually weaken
the boundaries of defenses.
Remember you created these and only your
resolute decision can eliminate them.
There is but one goal with Mind Mastery
Meditations, to help solve the soul’s unfinished business. You do
this by developing power and security by knowing who and what you
are on the soul level and by manifesting this greatness as a living
human being. At the first level this constitutes expansion and
integration of consciousness.
The material problems of finances,
social relations and ego strength are connected only as detours and
troublesome sub-problems that will be solved by better everyday
choices, whereas large problems relegated to the wisdom of higher
consciousness will cause a major "phase shift" in your evolution.
The following Mind Mastery Meditations
have been tested to fulfill the following objectives:
To give you skill in opening the
To weaken defenses and to expand
the consciousness on a continuum
To give you comfort and command
over free flowing emotions
To recover authentic information
from the source about your non-adaptive patterns (see
Chapter IV)
Some meditative philosophies insist that
you give up "self".
I don’t request that, for I wish you to
become acquainted with higher, regular and lower levels of self.
Consult yourselves to insure that no one in particular has absolute
command over the others.
When you first embark on your path of self-discovery reevaluate this
common attitude,
"I must hurry to get it over with."
You will never complete your ultimate
growth until you have embarked upon changing your relationship to
the world by changing your relationship to yourself.
Most people in our culture experience limited emotional resources.
They are acquainted only with their own
staid repertoire of emotions. Their only referent is how they handle
their own emotional energies.
Pure anger, love and fear are generally
watered down, misplaced into generalized affect states of anxiety
and sadness mixed with feelings of insecurity, unworthiness and
distrust. Often the mind is unable to direct this energy because it
doesn’t understand why and from where it originated. With no clear
course of action the mind frequently dampens this energy source.
The primary task then in the Mind Mastery of emotions is to allow
your self to experience from a higher source while being
sufficiently grounded so as not to get lost in turmoil. In this
expanded state you can acknowledge and recognize what it is that
activated the emotions.
You will realize that the actual
stimulus is not the source situation - it is a trigger. And you will
understand that emotions don’t occur independently. You established
a pattern of what activates emotions and how you defuse or express
It is nearly impossible to eliminate
emotions intellectually. Curbing them is psychologically and
medically unwise. Rampant emotional expression is socially
unacceptable. However, it is imperative that you free the bound
emotions so that you can learn to direct the energy toward the
evolution of yourself and others.
The starting point is to consciously describe to yourself
realistically the emotions which upset you and are unresolved, as
well as those which make you feel secure. Honestly survey your
pattern of yourself. Acknowledge "this is how I am."
What about it bothers you the most? Are
you ready to give up this unsuccessful pattern while remembering
that these are defenses which cover up pure and stronger emotions
you haven’t liked?
Before you start the following emotional
exercises, ask yourself if you are willing and able to recall some
of the highly emotional episodes which you may have forgotten.
Accessing the Mind Field
If you can see images spontaneously when you close your eyes and
relax, move on.
If you are not skilled in visual imagery
continue with the following exercises. Remember that you are
constantly imaging as you daydream or think. But you need to become
more skilled in remembering these images. This is the most important
initial tool in Mind Mastery.
You must know what is going on in your
mind to skillfully manage or change it. If you sidestep this skill,
you will not remember your profound experiences when you return to
ordinary states of consciousness.
Mind Mastery also insures that your
"will," personality and ego do not direct your meditations or your
major decisions.
Your guidance will come from a divine
Ground yourself by breathing
through your left foot, up and across your lower back and
out your right foot to the ground.
Briefly breathe through your
chakras and spin them.
Imagine that your own television
set is turned on and you are watching your mind’s passing
stream of events. You may see the pictures projected out
front like a television set, or pictures behind your eyes.
As you watch your pictures, if
there is a story, an elaborate theme, or bits and pieces of
a pictures, monitor what is happening but don’t get involved
in the story line or spontaneous emotion. You are only
seeking information.
If the picture fades and a new
one does not take its place, command the image to return but
don’t struggle to see it.
Imagery Exercises
Ground yourself by the tether
line exercise.
Increase the flow of energy by
breathing through the chakras and raise the body’s frequency
level by spinning chakras.
Close your eyes; turn on your
personal television set to your mind’s passing stream of
events. Visualize yourself walking on a path or a road. If
no path appears, see yourself walking until a road or ground
appears under your feet.
Observe what it is and where it
is going. If you find yourself in the sky or flying, look
down and follow a road somewhere.
Casually look around and see the
landscape, the plants, trees and any buildings or people who
may appear. Take in the entire scene.
Let your stream of consciousness
unfold. Do not interpret, only observe and record in your
mind-field memory.
If you come to water, look in
and see yourself or a picture. Water represents your
mystical nature. Stay with the picture, letting it flow like
the television images.
Stop walking now, but with your
eyes closed, recall what happened, as though you were
telling someone. The skill of remembering requires placing
imagery in the brain memory banks.
Do this exercise of imaging your mind’s passing stream of events
each day when you start your meditation session. This is a good
consciousness warm-up exercise, where the soul level of self is
close by.
To vary your imagery start with guided imagery. Recall a beautiful
scene you have encountered in the past. Ask to remember the colors,
the odors, and the emotions. These sensations will become integrated
into your imagery.
The information or images may have no rhyme nor reason. At this
stage, you are learning to pay attention to information from the
mind. If you try hard to see the images or to make cognitive sense
out of these images, they generally stop. The key words are allow,
and pay attention.
If you get a black screen just stare at the screen and wait for your
mind to warm up. Don’t try to force pictures to happen. Color,
lines, spots, swirls or geometric designs may occur first. Casually
observe these until they grow into recognizable shapes.
When you spread your focus over the entire screen you may see action
at the edges of the screen but not in the middle. If you have not
seen visual images easily before, these partial images are a
prologue to future imagery. Color imagery indicates strong emotional
If you have thoughts during the imagery, be able to describe them,
but be sure not to interpret them. Be non-judgmental and separate
yourself from the content of the pictures until the pictures flow
If you try to decode "gem information" immediately you loose its
deeper meaning. I encourage you to recall these gem experiences but
to file them on the shelf for storage and eventual contemplation.
The real meaning will come to you later in some quiet moment - with
a spontaneous "ah-ha".
Additional Imagery Exercise
There are many trips you take to gain inner information and discover
deeper meaning. Practical trips include walking up a long set of
stairs to see who you meet at the top or accepting a gift and
unwrapping it to discover a story.
More mystical trips include climbing a hill and looking off into
space. Walk on path to anywhere.
Think of yourself as a glowing candle radiating light which draws
all things to it. Observe yourself in this radiance.
Find a Small Child
Start again on your path
following the previous suggestions; you should have even
richer imagery.
Again check your relaxation. See
if your field is out around your body. Notice the color of
the field.
Start walking again but with no
particular destination. The path may be the same or a
different one.
This time you will find a small
child. Note such things as what the child is wearing? What
does the child look like and what is his approximate age?
Take his or her hand and let the child lead you. The child
has something to show you; you are the passive one. The
child knows where to go; you will follow. You may inquire
where the child is taking you but don’t expect a specific
answer. Let this go on for as long as the imagery
Now spend a few moments to
recall what you saw or heard with the child and your
feelings. You may have more elaborate or additional imagery
as you recall; let these images continue. Allow whatever
happens to happen. Oftentimes sharing your imagery with a
friend is helpful. But do not analyze or explain your
Some people bring in beautiful pleasant pictures, others ugly,
morose and scary ones.
The mind-field contains both kinds. What
came was evidence of some unfinished business. Don’t focus the
emotions on what you saw. At this stage you are not to judge, only
to observe. Each imagery exploration will help you to uncover your
unfinished emotional business.
Note whether you saw colors and if these were light or dark. The
light shade of higher spectrum colors represents the superconscious
state and the deeper, richer colors the subconscious part.
Many people see animals, a basic symbol of emotions. If the animals
were ugly or unpleasant they represent the uncomfortable emotions of
anger or fear. If soft, cuddly or happy animals, these represent the
pleasant emotions. As children we project our feeling onto animals
and pets and as adults these continue subconsciously.
Note whether your animals were grounded,
flying or swimming. This tells us something about your state of
consciousness when you had those images and how you handle emotions.
Some people find buildings or houses either open or locked. Try to
enter to see what’s inside. Peek in a window or walk around and find
an open door. The house of course, represents you, your emotional
Sometimes a barricade occurs on the
path. Don’t try to tear it down because another will appear and
replace it. It indicates a resistance to knowing. Find a way around
it or turn and go another way. Ask yourself if you are really ready
to see what is on the other side.
If you are, the barrier will dissolve.
If you see a sign, read it. If you get a package, open it or ask
what’s in it. All of these are the mind’s way of being cautious and
only giving you a peak in here and there. Be patient. You are
learning to know yourself.
If you see a dramatic symbol ask for more information as to what
this represents to you. Let the information stimulate more imagery.
If your path splits, don’t reason which is the better fork. Be
intuitive; take the one you want or the first one that appears.
Pay attention to any people who come into your imagery. Note what
you feel about them. Make their acquaintance. Ask them what they
want to tell you.
During this exercise when ordinary consciousness expands into super
or subconsciousness, we often forget the images. To establish a
permanent memory in the brain you need to practice imagery recall.
Ground yourself and concentrate
upon physical relaxation. Breathe through all your chakras
from your feet through your head. Spin the upper seven
chakras with color.
Bring in your child or a guiding
figure but remember that you are in charge and that they go
along just for company or security.
Allow yourself to spread out in
all levels of consciousness.
Recall your happiest experience
in this lifetime. Several may pop into mind. Intuitively
accept one experience even if you don’t remember it well.
Allow yourself to be the person
in that experience. How old were you? See the place where it
occurred. What was the time and year? Who was there with
Allow all memories to flood your
consciousness uncensored - feel the excitement. Continue
with your imagery until the story has terminated or until
the happiness changes to another emotion.
Now ask the question: "Have I
ever had a similar emotional experience earlier in this life
or in another lifehood?"
If new imagery and emotions
appear, passively follow both. Don’t become personally
involved but do sense if it’s the same pattern of handling
emotions or a new one.
If pleasant emotions change to
uncomfortable ones, ask the question: "What happened to
change my emotions? Do I have a pattern of anxiety when I
experience unabridged happiness?"
When you have finished every
emotional episode, recall all the details and allow more
information to come to you.
If your experience was pleasant,
you may recall the experience whenever you begin meditation.
If it becomes too unpleasant, delay the imagery for a later
Pain or Fear
Prepare your energy field for a
meditation experience.
Recall the most painful or
frightening experience you have had in this or another
lifehood. This imagery is often difficult to uncover because
of the uncomfortable emotions which surface.
If your memory is blank, ask if
it occurred at birth, during a near drowning or suffocation,
with anesthetic or injury or death at the hands of humans.
In the beginning try to locate
your awareness above the experience, as though you are
seeing but not struggling with what happened.
You will return to that
experience many times until emotional freedom occurs and the
information becomes more complete.
These emotional exercises are discussed early in the book because
emotional freedom is so important for the remaining meditations.
Repeating these emotional exercises will help clarify the changes
that you need to make.
Actually all other Mind Mastery skills are easier than straightening
out old emotional patterns.
If you discover that you condemn
yourself for unacceptable emotional patterns know that these are
defenses Be honest - this is how you are. You learned this
pattern when it was the best adjustment you could make. Now it is no
longer acceptable. Formerly you made a decision to change these
habits. If the pattern keeps recurring become angry with the
pattern, not at yourself.
You may find that the rational level of your consciousness
immediately excuses you by saying that so-and-so made me do it, or
my culture encourages such behavior. Immediately drop these
defenses; you cannot escape the problem by laying blame on
something. You must change. Regardless of how the emotional patterns
occurred, you are stuck with an unacceptable way of handling
But do not repress anger because you were powerless to change a
situation. For emotional growth we are not concerned with a
realistic outcome. We are only concerned with understanding and
changing repressed emotions.
If in actuality you could not change a situation your body may have
suffered greatly. But if you did not stand up for yourself and
express your strong feelings, your soul suffered more. An unresolved
soul tragedy is the deepest source of man’s emotional restrictions.
I have asked you to get in touch with your emotions of fear and pain
but closely connected is the protective emotion of anger, which many
of us fear the most.
Anger musters courage to take action to get out of the situation or
to confront the situation that created the fear.
You must recognize that by successful confrontation you grow in
strength and security and the threat lessens.
As you gain the ability to assert your
value and your rights - what you will not tolerate, as well as the
inexcusable mistakes of others that affected your life - you will
take command of your emotions and your anger will dissipate
Remember how we handle emotions and where we place them determines
our behavior and the quality of our lives.
Once you have started this process of experiencing emotion and
asking for information, the process will become automatic in your
daily life. When intense emotions occur, you will be able to clarify
whether the current situation is exaggerated by old, unresolved
emotional patterns.
The major emotional problems of our culture today are connected with
We all know love based on the deep
emotional experiences our love feelings bring us. Love problems
start early in life, even in utero. A healthy, full term child born
into a family who wants him, of a mother who has relished the
opportunity of her pregnancy by fully participating in his growth
and birth is programmed to love. Not everyone is so fortunate.
But in addition, each child brings his
soul’s prior memories of love to start this life with either
affection debits or credits. We carry love memories of this life in
our brain and of other lifehoods in our field.
Quickly we learn to connect pleasant or unpleasant experiences with
those humans who feed and care for us.
They are the recipients of our emotions
of love. Our love experiences now have a human object, which gives
us love or removes it. When we anchor our love with people, love can
be bartered. We believe that we will be loved if we behave the way
others want, and be unloved if we behave differently.
Over time we associate love feelings
with objects that comfort or make us secure - our sex, race, ethnic
group or nation, and with our valued possessions - our house, cars,
children, and animals. We withdraw love from those who differ.
As time passes love can become fully depersonalized, very
encapsulated and encumbered when we believe that others have control
over our love experiences. Ideally, to handle love problems we
should be able to erase all negative connections. Some meditation
systems claim to do this. I doubt it.
For those who claim to have removed love
barriers without personally changing I find their expression of love
to be insipid and ungrounded with bland, uninspired emotions. These
Mind Mastery Meditations point to love as a pleasant, exciting
experience in the mind-field with coherent, smooth flowing energy.
There is no material recipient; it is a God given feeling state,
which is truly unconditional.
In Mind Mastery Meditations we can learn
to reclaim our love emotions as our own, not others. Here we do not
primarily love objects or people; we have a profound, emotional
experience of lovingness. Here emotion is clear and pure without the
baggage and blocks that have previously encumbered our emotions.
Lovingness as a feeling is very personal; as an object it is highly
impersonal in that you don’t receive love, you just manifest
It is a field phenomena which does not
belong to a chakra or to the heart. A loving field permeates all
bodily cells; it radiates outward in the aura to contact other
fields. It expands and becomes billowy with the divine high
frequencies of white combined with low, life-giving frequencies of
red; the color is a glowing pink.
All happy babies and adults show pink
auras when they experience lovingness.
Lovingness Meditation
Relax your body and physically
manipulate your chakras.
Sit with your eyes closed. Image
the pure form of lovingness, pink in color, deep within your
tissue and radiating outward. You may easily recall the time
you sensed your greatest lovingness. Let lovingness
overshadow any prior frustration with love feelings; now
there is no recipient and there are no consequences. The
warm delight of lovingness is yours to experience and enjoy.
Take your time.
You will feel your vibrations
increasing smoothly or with sudden jump-ups, as you
encounter a "phase shift." Your aura will grow like an
inflating balloon until it spills over and fills your
meditation place.
When your field gets too big for
the room and building let it expand through walls, windows,
doors and roof. This subtle energy has no barriers. See your
field hovering like a pink cloud over your building.
Stop the lovingness expansion
now and experience your gigantic, marvelous lovingness
energy manifest. It should feel better than good; it is
When you are ready, return your
consciousness to your meditation location but do not bring
back your loving energies - let them hover in space. Note
that your field is now identical to your expanded lovingness
but is only smaller in size. Focus on this for a few
Now return your awareness to the
room where your imagery started and eventually to your
physical body. The energy remains where you projected it;
only your awareness is now more local. Recognize your warm
glow. Now go about your day with a divine lovingness "hang
Lovingness is not limited to a specific time and space; it can only
be expanded and retracted.
Don’t be concerned about where this
energy comes from or if it will run out. The energy is
inexhaustible, reprogrammed from the fields of others and the
Be aware that although you don’t
pinpoint this energy it is available as a field to all humans and
animals in despair or in need of lovingness. Be cognizant that it
radiates both outward from and inward toward your tissues and self.
Enjoy it and let it set you free.
Remember that as you gain skill to experiencing lovingness you will
realize that this energy and these feelings are available to you at
all times, for fun and for changing unpleasant emotions to glorious
All information about past experiences and habitual patterns from
any lifetime are available to you at any time if you become skilled
at opening and monitoring the stream of events in the mind-field.
Opening the mind-field is the first
giant step in Mind Mastery, the soul’s unavoidable journey. With
skill, you can on command, access the mind-field information by
asking a question and awaiting the answer.
You will get answers, whether you like
them or not. You will gain comfort and command over your free
flowing emotions and you will have the opportunity to change old
outmoded emotional patterns. Remember that the primary blocks in
your evolutionary process are emotional and hidden.
This series of sequential meditation
techniques can open the mind- field and let your everyday
consciousness look in and become enlightened.
Back to Table of Contents
Uncovering Lifehoods
Current literature on reincarnation is replete with outmoded
concepts about karma that were formulated in ancient cultures.
At that time ways of thinking about the
nature of the human in his universe were limited. There are many who
have accepted reincarnation and karma blindly; others often reject
the whole concept because it is surrounded by irrational,
unintelligent justifications and beliefs. At one time these karmic
beliefs served to explain on a simplistic level what man observed
and experienced about previous lifehoods.
Yet now, with our greater understanding
of human behavior and emotions, these beliefs based upon
predestination are limiting to our concepts of self-determined
Karma based upon so called "natural
laws" of the universe are like the older "universal law" from
physics. When reexamined through particle physics and energy field
concepts these "universal laws" are not unalterable truths. At best
both are relative to limited material situations.
Just as it took thousands of years to change the idea that the earth
was flat, we can expect that old beliefs about karma will also
linger. However, let’s not throw out the divine concepts of
reincarnation with the outmoded concepts of karma. Reincarnation is
a fact and it is divine. Karma and the old explanations of it are
There are skilled psychics who claim to
channel past lives. In tracing certain personality characteristics
or current problems, some psychics seem to be able to read answers
from the fields of others and to eliminate some stresses.
As a short-term goal this is extremely
helpful. It may be effective for people who wish to work on an
isolated problem, yet these readings are often incorrect and of
little significance except as interesting stories that are difficult
to integrate into one’s life.
Someone else cannot do it for us. If you
want the greatest growth and evolution from lifehood information you
must discover and relive your own lifehoods. Furthermore, the
greatest good comes from the changes you make not from the
information you receive.
When you discover lifehood information you will see some
similarities with your present life because it is the same soul. But
it is inaccurate to think that your past lives will provide answers
to your current problems. There is never a cause and effect
correlation between past lives and current problems.
Generally the cause of the problem lies
elsewhere. Psychoanalytic procedures reveal that there are five or
six levels of partials answers, each giving some symptomatic relief.
But when you no longer need to intellectually understand or explain
the problem, it is gone.
If you believe you no longer have a
problem because you intellectually understand, for example, why your
parents behaved as they did and you forgave them, you don’t
understand the problem.
Only when you have seen your role in
your unfinished business of this and past lives, and have changed,
will the problem dissolve, rather than being superficially solved.
Some people say that they don’t want to delve into past lives to
learn painful things. They would rather live in the present and the
future. What they fail to recognize is that past experiences are
still with the soul, which is now in a new physical body.
Awareness does not change the facts but
it does give us skills to connect all levels of consciousness by
opening the blocks in the mind-field.
Why can’t people remember lifehoods if they actually lived them?
Children easily remember them but adults have built up emotional
barriers to knowing.
Let me summarize my beliefs with the
following prose:
Life of Lives
The strongest human beliefs arise from the profound invisible
reality of God. No man can become self-realized without beliefs in
his immortal soul.
The fulfilling of human destiny depends upon what we have become
aware of and what our soul has done with it.
And yet, forgetfulness dims our early remembrances of this life and
a body veil of secrecy seems to hide other life experiences as if to
insure that this life remains the soul’s primary concern.
The truism, to know thyself will set you free, is unattainable until
awareness of the unfinished business of childhood expands to include
the incomplete work of lifehoods
Then, as man’s level of awareness, his consciousness, is fed by this
inner knowing, he can command the full spectrum of his existence.
Only then can he realize truth, and his soul be freed to exercise
his will as the divine will of God.
As Leo Tolstoy wrote,
"A life is but one of the dreams of
the more real life and so it is endless until the last one, the
very real life, the life of God."
We have established that the mind is not
in the brain or nerves - it is a field.
And if the past influences one’s present
life, it must be by way of the mind-field. The mind, which
experiences is different from the brain which records. To be in
touch with repressed experiences of this and past lives we must
literally move our awareness out of our heads and into the
mind-field which originally recorded the experience.
Opening the mind-field to recover past
life, earlier life and what is going on now is a skill, which can be
learned. Early in this life we closed the doors of the mind-field to
protect us from remembering difficult experiences, or our destiny,
which fostered our reincarnation.
What follows are some powerful experiences to help you extend your
stream of consciousness into all important lives you have lived
toward ultimately learning your paramount lessons. These experiences
help you to gain skill in opening your mind-field at will and
recovering past experiences by yourself.
But before progressing to lifehoods you
need to gain skill in imaging your current life both free and
structured imagery.
Age Remembering Imagery
First ground yourself using one
of the techniques in Chapter 2. Then relax your body and
activate your field by breathing.
Next, see yourself on a high
mesa overlooking a grand and beautiful valley below. This
entire valley is all yours; you’re going down to claim it.
There is a safe path with gradual inclines and steps with
firm hand rails. Start your trip down toward your valley.
Take your time. Pay attention to what you envision as your
place. When it is completed go within to be with your
deepest self - to commune with your soul. Stay as long as
you wish. When you return to ordinary consciousness, recall
the experience as though you were telling it to a friend.
As you quietly relax in your
peaceful valley, reminisce about your current life. Ask to
see an image of yourself from between ages 12 and 15. When
the picture comes pay attention to what you are wearing,
where you are, who is with you, the time of year and what
you are doing. Let the image progress to a party, school or
a social setting. Follow the image until the program stops
or you tire of the image. Stop imaging and recall what
happened and your feeling state at this time. By remembering
you are placing the imagery in your brain and dissolving any
schisms between levels of your consciousness.
Allow that picture to fade. Now
you will see an image of yourself between the ages of 8 and
11. What’s on your mind? What are you doing? What are you
wearing? If your imagery brings up experiences that you
remember, follow these. If you recall any specific incident
that happened at that time, remember it. Don’t hurry to get
to the next meditation. This one may take your entire
meditation time.
Erase the last picture and see
yourself as you were sometime between the ages of 4 and 7.
You are the same person just younger. How old are you? What
are you doing? What are your thoughts? If you have
difficulty seeing any particular age group, ask again to see
yourself as that age and be patient.
Now, wipe your mental screen
clean and bring in a new image of yourself as a very little
one between ages land 3. Are you happy? Do you like this
age? Do you have specific memories? Stay with these images
as long as you wish.
Next see yourself as a newborn
baby. Are you happy or sad? Ask why and await the answer. If
you chose to be born now, why is this a special time for
you? What is your destiny? When finished recall your
Stop imaging and open your eyes
slowly. Imagine that you are telling an interested friend
about your imagery and what happened. Don’t try to interpret
the images. This is an exercise in recording these
experiences from the higher mind to the brain so that on
command you can recall them.
If pictures are slow to appear there are probably emotional
experiences which temporarily block your imagery. Again, when your
imagery comes follow it. If emotion comes ask to see what happened
to cause your feelings.
It is acceptable to visualize a photo of yourself at various ages.
Photographic imagery is a little more hidden - it protects you from
re-experiencing that time in your life, but it does bring
information from the same source.
Sometimes these exercises are called
regression techniques. I call them remembering because you are
experiencing a memory of those events in the present. You are not an
infant or an 8 to 10 year-old. You are your present age recalling
stored information.
You will be amazed that your linear brain will find it so easy to
remember what you thought you had forgotten. Don’t forget that all
experiences are first recorded in the mind and are therefore always
available to you.
Recall which age was the most difficult to image. Spend more time
later with that age which is blocked by emotional secrets. The
exercises, which I have given you were to open the mind-field
memories of this life but if from the questions you go deeper, you
will recall lifehoods as real as when they were lived. Like any
physical, emotional or intellectual skill, you must practice to tune
your capacity.
If any one of these exercises has taken you on an extended
experience, go back and repeat it in days to come. You may start
with any interesting experience, which is likewise unfinished but it
is the bright, emotional ones that are the most important. The
repetition of imagery also enhances your skill in contacting all
mind-field information. You do not need to complete all the age
groups at one time.
If the imagery becomes real, stay with
it and move to the next age group another time. Again, these are
techniques that use this life’s experiences to find the emotional
blocks that were brought from other lifehoods.
In summary, the technique is simply to watch imagery and ask
questions to allow the imagery to progress. When spontaneous emotion
occurs, ask if it has occurred earlier in this life. If it has, ask
to return to the earlier event to see it.
Allow your imagery to continue in this
new direction.
Pain, Surgery, Illness and Disaster
As a small child did you ever have surgery, which used inhalation
anesthetic such as ether or gas?
If you have, hold that in your memory.
Were you ever hurt very much or very afraid? Have you been seriously
ill or nearly drowned? Did you ever experience a disaster when you
thought you would not live?
Pick the experience that immediately stands out in your mind and
allow yourself to drift back in real life to recall that experience.
You will be there consciously; it will all come back to you in the
present time: the details of where you are, the people, the sounds
and the odors. This may be emotionally painful but you need to
recover what happened.
Allow the story to unfold while you are in touch with the
accompanying emotion.
This meditation helps you to contact frightening and painful
experiences through imagery. Know that your previous experience is
now a memory that still influences your life.
Recall all physical sensations and the nature of your emotions.
Allow these to flow if you can. Be particularly aware of anger if
the dangerous situation was created by another person.
If you are very frightened don’t push to disclose the entire
experience. Remember that fear is protective and you may not be
ready for the experience without someone to support you. Individuals
differ considerably on this exercise.
Recall that this is a meditation to help
you gain skill. You are not required to solve any condition or
problem. Later you will learn to release the charges on these
experiences when you find out what has fueled these from other
Age Imagery
These following exercises will help you extend your stream of
consciousness into important lives you have lived.
Remember the exercises during
which you imaged various age groups. Recall the time of the
greatest feeling and allow yourself to return to that
experience. Don’t try to get details again; you want to
recover the feeling state.
Ask yourself if you have ever
had that same emotion at an earlier time in this life.
If your answer is yes, ask to return to that time and
experience the episode again. Continue imaging that series
until the images repeat themselves.
Next ask if this was the first
time your soul ever experienced this feeling or a similar
situation. If your answer is no ask to return to the memory
and imagery which is connected. If this happens you have
tapped into a lifehood that may be more emotional than this
life’s experiences. If this is your first lifehood, you may
be hesitant. Don’t consciously struggle to bring in the
information. Try another day.
If the story unfolds with
information in imagery, words, thoughts and emotions stay
with it as long as you wish. Remember to find out your sex,
age, the country, and the approximate time in history.
When that first lifehood has
wained out ask that you spontaneously recall additional
events in that life. See yourself as a child after that
episode. Generally the first lifehood memory is emotional
and dramatic, but the actual episode does not give you
enough information to know how or why certain events
occurred in that lifetime.
Now ask that you return to a
memory as a young boy or girl (whichever your sex was in
that lifetime). Ask to see your family, parents and siblings
and the state of affairs in your family, ethnic group and
the geographical location where you lived.
Later follow the life to its
termination. Can you categorize it as a passive or active
life? Did you want to die to remove yourself from impossible
situations or did you fight to the end? What were your
emotional patterns?
Slowly return to regular
consciousness; spend some time remembering and writing down
your experience. If you believe there is more to this story,
you know the way and you can go there during another
meditation time.
During some later meditation
when you believe you have reexperienced this lifehood ask if
you have ever lived another lifehood with similar
situations. You may find that you were of the other sex, at
a different time in history and area of the world. If the
experience is similar allow the information and imagery to
open up to you. Each time you recall a new lifehood with
similar characteristics you will find the pattern more
deeply rooted in your present life.
Find yourself moving back and
forth between the present and the other lifehoods. Be aware
that you are progressing in Mind Mastery.
The reason you ask yourself questions is to bypass the brain’s
rational answers to seek instead answers from the mind.
To ask the question or give the command
means that the intent is focused and the energy of the "will" is
elicited. This gives you higher answers and opens closed areas of
the mind.
While working at this depth, the images may be fuzzy at first. Don’t
struggle to clear them up. Be patient; they will improve. Remember
if an episode starts, keep your critical analytic thoughts out of
the imagery.
If nothing much happens generally there are emotional blocks to
protect you from re- experiencing the event. Often there is
ambivalence. One part of your consciousness is eager to know.
Another part doesn’t want to. By your questions you planted a seed
that frequently bursts forth in answers during daydreaming or during
repetitive work when your defenses are down.
Remember that the information you gain from lifehoods and the
patterns of behavior you observe are not automatically eliminated
simply because you remember them. They will change only when you
become so tired of your defenses that you really want them gone.
Then and only then will you stop encouraging and feeding these
While you can’t change what happened to
you in another lifehood, you can change the effects upon you now. To
do this you must rewrite the scenario more satisfactorily. This
means that you see yourself asserting and changing behaviors at
those times when you made judgmental errors or you behaved weakly.
Confronting your behavioral patterns will occur as you begin to
rewrite a new scenario of who you are.
You may become fearful even contemplating change so that you want to
leave lifehoods alone and slumbering. If you don’t wish to pursue
farther at this time, please don’t.
When and if your soul seems stronger and
you return to those memories, you are probably ready to reexperience
them with greater insight and begin to change.
As you continue with this work, you are beginning to peel the memory
onion. Don’t become lost in glamour of who you were. Also don’t
reject the drama because that creates the emotional charges.
The more spectacular these experiences
the more impact they had upon your soul. But the actuality of who
you were is less important than what you did or did not do. These
are the residuals - the patterns that must be integrated and/or
You have embarked upon the journey of self-discovery through Mind
Mastery Meditations. Uncovering lifehoods is the most direct route.
Your memory of one lifehood may be short. Others may last for many
months, as long as new information and insights are appearing. Often
times you will return to a previously remembered short lifetime to
gain in-depth information. The first time around you may have been
less ready for profound insights.
Don’t be in a rush to complete a
lifehood and leave the gems undiscovered.
With successful recovery of initial lifehoods you are better
equipped to understand the effects of family and culture upon your
current beliefs. And you are more equipped to evaluate the cultural
beliefs, which caused you to adjust poorly to the circumstances.
Imagery from Pain, Trauma, Surgery and Illness
Recall the imagery of your
initial experience with intense pain, surgery or illness.
Again remember the emotional experience only. It should be
easier this time.
Ask if you ever had another
similar emotional experience earlier in this life. Await the
imagery to gain more emotion. If this occurs it will add new
information to the experience you first recovered. Now ask
if a similar emotional situation ever occurred in another
Follow the procedures you used
to stimulate other lifehoods. See what sex you are; what you
are wearing; image the area of the world, the time in
history and what was occurring. Bring in the people who were
with you, even those who created the pain and the situation
where the trauma occurred. Were you saved? Did you recover
or did you die?
Follow by imaging your life
after that episode all the way to your death in that life.
What were your thoughts about that life? Was there any
insight that came with death?
Return to present time and
recall your imagery and experience. Again note the patterns
of your emotions and behavior. Are these similar in this
lifetime? Are you beginning to see the sources of your
behavior, the unfinished business that this soul brought
from many lifetimes which is manifest again now?
Lifehood recall takes place in the present.
Regression techniques should not be
applied to lifehoods where the information is metaphysically held in
the mind-field. As such it is out of time and so is not available to
regression. Regression can only open the neural memory of this life.
Each time that you return from your imagery to ordinary
consciousness recall the story. You may write or record your recall
verbally to help you remember more details. Also additional details
will come to you when you return to the same lifehood on another
If your name in that life comes to you it personalizes your
Never judge recovered information until numerous lifehood recalls
show recurring patterns. These patterns disclose the emotional
blocks that you act out.
The information that is so clear in higher states of consciousness
you may doubt when you return to ordinary consciousness. Only when
consciousness flows evenly along a continuum do these realities
blend into one coherent sense of knowing.
Along this line, how can you tell if the imagery and information is
of a real lifehood or a symbolic one which your mind has created to
give you bits of information but not too much? Your linear brain
will argue that your images come from a book you have read or a
television program you saw or a fable or myth you remembered.
This is how you can differentiate the real from the symbolic.
real lifehoods there is hesitation in the imagery and memory;
emotions may come so spontaneously that these block the image. There
will be physical systems and intense and sudden mood changes. You
may see animals. Memory is often stumbling and speech monotone.
Insights are alarming - you have ah-ha’s and deja vu experiences.
With fantasy imagery your narration is smooth and elaborate like
reading a story that is removed from yourself. Frequently you
greatly enjoy and get emotionally carried along by the story. You
know you are creatively imagining. It is fun.
Actually, these fantasies have some value. Your mind creates the
imagery - not someone else. You have chosen to create a story that
contains some truth but you distort it sufficiently to keep your
feelings from thoroughly manifesting.
This is protective but as long
as you know it you are in fact touching the essence of a real lifehood.
Imagery for Traveling Inward (1)
People differ in which techniques open the mind-field to memories of
Here are two other methods that may work
if the first two suggestions did not or if you did not find
emotional states in this life to trip off lifehoods. Your defenses
to lifehoods may be extremely high or you may have accepted belief
systems that mitigate the first two.
These are two quite non-threatening
techniques that may take you equally as far.
Ground yourself and relax any
physical tensions.
Is there an area of the world
that intrigues you where you have never lived in this
lifetime? You now have an opportunity to go there. Or you
may choose not to go to a specific area but rather to
A huge balloon is waiting to
take you on a journey of discovery. Get aboard, excited
about your new adventure. Slowly see yourself drifting
upward, forward and off into the distance toward your
destination. Don’t be in a hurry; have a nice trip as you
observe all around you and the earth below. Take as much
time as you wish.
When you are ready your ship
will land slowly and you will find yourself in a new land.
Ask if this is your destination or just a rest or fuel stop.
Let the story unfold. Observe
the terrain, the buildings, the people, their clothes and
behavior; about what year it is and in what country or area
has your ship come to rest. If there are people, greet them
and tell them you are on a quest of selfdiscovery. Now see
yourself no longer a tourist of this place but a resident.
Let the story continue until it
comes to an end or you become disinterested. You may wish to
return at another time because you sense that you had
actually lived there.
Return to ordinary consciousness
and recall your experience. It is not important whether what
you experienced was true. Here you are gaining skill.
Important, authentic information will stick and the
incorrect or unimportant will drop from your memory.
Imagery for Traveling Inward (2)
Imagine going into a cave with a
bright light. Observe the inside for animal or humans signs
- note the shape and structure of all the sides that you can
see. Some may be pleasant, others not. Follow until you find
an exit. A person will be waiting to take you to a lifehood
with information and unfinished business. Ask for the name
of this person or guide and have a dialogue with him or her.
Now spend a few moments to
recall the images of where you have been during your trip.
It is important that you recall, as well as simply
experiencing the images. Often times in recall the
experience becomes more elaborate.
Because these imaginary places were consciously created they may
lack the emotion and be less complete than those coming more
However, if you ask the questions and
follow some suggestions you can gain in skill and your mind-field
may release profound information from your higher consciousness.
If your imagery had details, emotions, feelings and a sense of
reality, it was undoubtedly a lifehood recall. It is not important
that you decide if everything you saw was true. One always doubts
when one starts recovering lifehoods. It is a good sign.
But as you continue moving into these
consciousness states and recover information, you will know and all
unimportant or incorrect information will drop out. If you are not
really sure about this lifehood ask the quick question. Is it a real
life? Remember if the answer is no, that does not mitigate the
general information.
It is your imagery - real or imagined -
and you have created your imagery from your experiences.
These were my goals for you as I led you through uncovering
Explore these to evaluate your growth.
To obtain skill in moving back
and forth through the continuum of consciousness so that you
can choose and command your reality constantly.
To become comfortable and free
in experiencing emotional energies and to use these
successfully in your life and evolution.
To disclose your most dominate
protective defense patterns so that they become weaker as
you grow in strength.
To put you in touch with the
unfinished business of lifehoods, understanding your
realized strengths, uncovering the latent ones and
redefining your choices.
To give you opportunities to
change your relationship to the world, thus redirecting your
behavior and attitudes toward your full and complete
Experiences from these meditations
should have shown you what you have been and the residuals which
define what you are today.
These experiences let you know where you
have made tremendous changes and where you play the same old worn
out tape. You must realize that you are more than any of your
lifehoods. You are all of your lives highlighted by the emotional
importance which you have assigned to each of them. You are what you
have done with your capabilities and your self-imposed restrictions.
You may have been overwhelmingly surprised to learn that you are not
simply an ordinary person of your current sex, age and experience.
By bringing in your complex memory of
other lifehoods you glimpse a destiny and a motivation far beyond
the personality of the human being you define as yourself today.
The skills you have gained from Mind Mastery Meditations will not
automatically remove your soul’s painful experience and unsuccessful
blunder (the best you could arrive at during the time) but they do
point the way. You can rationally decide that you are no longer
happy with old behavioral patterns which you replay unconsciously.
You can alter your long-standing scenario.
With "will" you let these old patterns
drop. Even such determination does not change you immediately. But
each time you bring such behaviors to conscious awareness you can
weaken their bonds. In due time these defenses are gone.
The Mind Mastery techniques I have presented are not designed to
solve isolated problems but as you change, ordinary problems are
more easily solved. I am more concerned with developing your
capacity to move back and forth, at will, with information from
present and past lifehoods.
In this process you tap into that part
of the soul that some still call the oversoul. Here as your true
destiny is revealed, one you may have never contemplated, your life
will take on meaning and excitement.
And the disparate aspects of your soul
can be integrated more smoothly into your current personality. I
want you to be able to take hold of your own power and to know that
you have the skill and divine guidance to evolve more rapidly
without outside help.
If you have progressed toward these goals, gaining skill in Mind
Mastery and becoming more evolved, we come to the final problem.
In my work with many individuals of all
faiths, both sexes and in a wide age range of different races and
ethnic groups, some young souls and some old ones, I find a common
problem when we uncover the deepest and the highest level.
The problem is not a subconscious one,
but a superconscious one. Each person has had difficulty with God.
In times of great stress and insurmountable problems, all people
turn to God. If their questions are not answered, if God does not
save them from their impossible situation, then doubt, anger and
frustration occur.
It is easier to be angry with ourselves
which we perceive unworthy than to be angry with God for not loving
us enough to save us. Because we formulate our self worth in a
family context we frequently believe our negative self-worth was
created by our parents.
Our culture milieu has also helped
formulate our self-worth but we have accepted the image as ours.
Actually the deep problem is in our relationship with God. I believe
that unless this problem is eliminated, no soul can reach its true
destiny, to become one with God, or to become God manifest.
I believe this is the ultimate problem
of evolution that cannot be sublimated or circumvented. It can only
be eliminated by recovering the first and subsequent experiences
during which problems with God occurred. Finally, when errors in our
judgment are understood, we have the opportunity to change, often
beyond recognition, as the burden is lifted.
Enhanced wisdom, creativity, higher
consciousness and enlightenment are the end results.
Back to Table of Contents
This chapter presents information about the physical skill of
self-healing. The physiology of healing is covered in my book
INFINITE MIND: The Science of Human Vibrations.
Self-healing carries a twofold
to remove all conditions known
to lower our human resistances, including our lifestyle
to assume primary responsibility
for our health, through our attitudes, practices and
meditative skills.
As we carry out these responsibilities
we will hasten the body’s healing response.
Mind Mastery Meditations are geared to
improving the fundamental unity of the body that heals and
regenerates tissues in conformance with the body’s intrinsic order.
Today allopathic medicine has no valid measure of health. Rather,
health is an assumed ideal condition present in the absence of
disease or known pathology. I describe health as a critically
self-organizing biofield which allows for successful evolutionary
adaptation in which the mark of health is a constantly self-healing
In other words, a healthy organism
exhibits a flexible mind and accompanying plastic tissue systems.
The general conditions of health show a
coherent flexible relationship with self and the world. During
disease and aging this resiliency is lost. It follows that piecemeal
treatment of parts or tissues without considering overall health is
doomed to have limited effects upon systems and no effect upon the
total health.
Health is also beyond any single state
of consciousness; it is tied to the full continuum of consciousness,
the realities of the mystical higher states, the everyday rational
problem solving state and the reflex behavior of material tissue.
Medicine and the healing arts began together with the same personnel
and philosophy. But in the 19th century medicine branched off from
so-called art and took the path of biochemistry to discover life and
define health. Despite major changes in physics, which led away from
the mechanical toward a more organismic view of life, medicine has
not revised its direction.
Biology and physiology also followed the
reductionistic approaches.
Throughout much of the 20th
century medicine has been spectacularly successful with the use of
the penicillin and sulfa drugs and their derivatives to handle
infectious diseases. But the degenerative health problems, heart
attacks, arteriosclerosis, cancer, stroke, arthritis, ulcers and
hypertension were less amenable to chemical treatment.
This is when the ancient healing
techniques from India, the Orient and the Native American Indians
were introduced into Western treatment as viable and successful
healing techniques. Shamanistic healing rituals became popular
during the last part of last century.
At the same time some professionally trained physicians and
scientists who recognized their mystical and visionary tendencies
began to investigate the course if illness by studying energy rather
than chemical treatments. They discovered that blood chemistry,
believed to be the metronome of disease, failed to predict the
course of disease.
Physicians found that some persons with
serious disease who displayed creative receptivity to new ideas,
flexibility and augmentation with strong egos, who expressed
personal feelings of adequacy and vitality, lived longer than those
passive people with an inactive immune system and uninvolved
Those with inner strength who knew how
to fight apparently activated the life urge, hastening the body’s
healing response to recovery.
These findings are tremendous
testimonies of the importance of personal and emotional commitments
for the healing of serious diseases. In a lesser degree these
personal characteristics are requisite to all rapid recovery.
In my laboratory we discovered dimensions of the human energy field
during illness and healing. We found that cancer patients who had no
red color vibrations or the lower electromagnetic spectrum more
often succumbed.
Those with these lower field vibrations
had good prognosis, remission or cure. If people could see red in
their field or experience it in their bodies their healing capacity
was accelerated. We learned that when human body frequencies become
complex, coherent and flowing the body’s physiology operates at
maximum efficiency. Health is insured.
But if the peak of complexity was
exceeded the energy flow slipped toward chaos into anti-coherency,
thus affecting the entire bodily chemistry.
At these times the congenitally weaker
systems failed. Chronic disease or dysfunction occurred. Such
phenomena lead us to believe that the real source of chronic pain
and illness, except traumatic injury, occurs first from energy field
disorganization and only secondarily from some local tissue
There is a growing awareness that
dynamic field interaction is the frontier view of health. Yet even
with mounting evidence the old reductionist model appears again and
again from researchers who state that each disease has its own
energy field, which must be reversed before healing can occur.
I would remind you that although some aspects of the field may be
more disturbed than others, the problem of disease is a breakdown in
the defenses of the body which is not localized to one part of the
energy field.
Specific treatment by either
complementary field procedures or allopathic chemical ones can
remove symptoms but will not provide health until health is restored
to the entire field.
Ancient Healing Techniques
Let us survey some of the beliefs of the
ancient priest and shaman chiefs who were assigned the role of
healers of the tribe.
Because of their close relationship to their
people and their long observation and intimate sense of disease they
have passed down much wisdom to the healers of today, particularly
we who choose to be self-healers.
What were their wisdoms? They always
treated the whole body, including the highest level, the spirit.
They saw disease as an imbalance where the power of the disease had
temporarily overcome the power of the person.
They learned that bacteria and disease
became threatening where the body’s protective field developed
flaws. Their purpose was not to avoid death but to protect the soul
and keep it intact while weaknesses of the mind were aired and
The great personal capacity of the
shaman to move through all states of consciousness helped the healee
and the tribe to loosen their bonds with perceived reality and flow
with the body’s intrinsic order. Information from the shaman to the
ill person took place on a subconscious level.
Shaman healers developed rituals to
further insure that all levels of consciousness were available to
the group to provide a profound energy source for empowering the ill
one. Vivid imagination occurred in such groups, vibrations which
assisted the healer in discovering the appropriate healing
techniques for each person with each disease.
The shaman’s rapid and lucid shifting of
reality encouraged the healer’s field to become flexible and
receptive to the field of treatments. Techniques from ancient
healing arts all used higher states of consciousness to stimulate
elaborate ecstatic imagination, which produced vivid imagery.
Specific disease imagery was encouraged to combat troublesome
systems but was always accompanied by field healing.
Shamans frequently used physical and
sensory deprivation such as sleeplessness, electrolyte imbalance,
sexual abstinence, darkness, sacred hallucinogenic herbs and sound
to encourage mystical states that faded the material body image.
Enlightened Healing Beliefs
A new perspective has now emerged to assist us in designing
appropriate self-help procedures.
Health and disease are related not only
to the chemical conditions of the cells and the atomic action of
molecules upward but are controlled from above downward from the
mental and emotional properties of the mind-field. Remember that the
mind as a field is the first and primary contact of the bio-organism
with the environmental fields.
Both shamans and current researchers
have hypothesized that all breaks in the body’s integrity lie in
problems of the person’s relationship to himself and to the demands
of the world as he sees them.
Current medical practitioners give the mind and emotions less
recognition than do the spiritual and psychic healers who place
primary emphasis upon healing the soul when it gets off track. These
healers believe that forgetting who we are is the source of illness.
Whereas outer healing of the body can temporarily save biological
life only the inner healing of the belief systems and life choices
can remove the contaminating source.
All self-healing procedures must take into account the person’s
emotional beliefs, which inhibit or facilitate a positive attitude
toward cure. Most important of these beliefs of the person’s own
"will" to recover. The positive and negative values that one has
associated with illness or disease do affect recovery.
Body drawing techniques can rapidly
disclose these in detail. When disease is envisioned as a black
demon-like entity that must be blasted, physically attacked or "dug
out" the emotional energy is full of hate and distaste and does not
encourage the healing response.
Meditation teachers and healers often
fall into the same trap by giving meditative images as though the
disease can be eradicated only by poisoning, cutting or violent
physically destructive acts. I believe this entirely is misguided.
If the problem and its solution lie
within the mind-field the energy should be used to engender powerful
images of the strength of the self and soul and the "will" to
stimulate the body’s natural healing response to overcome the
Check Your Healing Beliefs
Before you begin to create images for your self-healing, move into
higher consciousness and ask yourself the following question: Am I
totally ready to give up all needs for the disease?
To be valid the answer must come from
the higher state not from the logical consciousness, which says, of
course, that’s a dumb question. If there is hesitation, doubt or an
outright no, ask the next question. What beliefs or thoughts have I
accepted or created which hinder my healing? This can be the
beginning of deep insight and attitudinal change.
Your answer may be "I have tried but the
disease is bigger than I am."
Here lies the source of non-healing. For
some reason you have empowered the disease rather than yourself. In
these situations unresolved anger internalized with self-deprecation
and dependency make disease large and you small. If you can turn
this energy of anger into determination and conviction that you are
capable of all self-healing
you have taken the gigantic leap toward health. This new attitude
will facilitate your concentration of energy on the body healing
itself. It will make it possible for you to manipulate the
electromagnetic field, to create self-healing rituals using sound,
color and movement to change any negative beliefs and to make your
energy field glowing and coherent.
Such deep work is not done in an instant, as you didn’t get ill
suddenly; this takes time.
But ask yourself, would I rather invest
the time and concentration in obtaining a complete cure and health
or would I rather go the partial route to pay my money and have it
done for me, not as well but at least enough to calm my symptoms?
You mind must make these decisions for
your body.
Accessing the Immune System by Scalar
Health is the ideal state of a constantly self-healing organism.
Before disease or dysfunction settle
into tissue, the immune system, the body’s first line of defense,
with its protective hormones, enzymes and cells, has become
weakened. Yet regardless of the state of the immune system if the
transportation of these vital substances to the tissue cells is
blocked or inefficient the local tissue sickens.
Sluggish, lymphatic circulation occurs
when the body is unable to handle normal metabolic substances and
particularly the tissue protein from viral, bacterial and cancer
We sense such circulatory disturbances with local tightness and pain
and we learn to place heat or cold on the areas to make them feel
better. Our hands gravitate to the tender spots to rub softly or dig
deeply into tightness. We know that massage, manipulation, rhythmic
exercises and bodywork assist our rapid healing.
One doctor tells us that our immune system is not handling the
problem and that we need drugs or shots to stimulate the weak system
or extensive lab tests to find out the cause.
Almost never do doctors try to evaluate
the state of the lymphatic circulation as a primary or equal source
of our body’s poor immune response.
The exquisite specificity of the
chemical aspects of the immune system seem to have helped doctors to
forget that the important transportation of immunity may be lagging.
To reiterate, our earlier statement that
before disease or dysfunction takes place the immune systems guards
have been overcome. Also the flexible plasticity of a healthy body
is lost the result of disease or aging.
During my extensive research of hands-on healers and psychic
surgeons who effect deep tissue and open the body surfaces I
pondered many questions.
How was it possible to part skin,
nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue to open deeper tissues
without trauma? And how is it possible to re-suture such a
spontaneous incision without a scar, pain or break in tissue
I intuitively sensed that somehow the
energy used by psychic surgeons was different from that generated by
average good hands-on healers. As a researcher of energy fields I
was less interested in the psychic surgeons cure rate than in how
they opened the body. Their explanation fell upon my deaf psychic
One day I made a discovery. As my growing impressions came together,
I realized that there was no electromagnetic wave action, that
somehow opening the body was accomplished in a more passive state.
Serendipitously I recalled the static scalar, standing wave, a
concept in physics still in its infancy. Here is my brief review.
The energy that we experience in our bodies is electromagnetic waves
radiating from the atoms of all our tissue cells. When this energy
radiates away from the originating atoms it has a life of its own as
an organized electromagnetic field now available to interact with
other atoms and fields.
If such electromagnetic waves meet head
on at 180 degrees with another wave of the same frequency, a scalar
wave is created. This means that the energy from the two like waves
does not take another direction or even a different frequency.
Instead it becomes an enfolded, thicker
glob of the same energy or a standing scalar field. At first this
scalar energy was believed to be a vacuum. Now we know it is a
dynamic pile of non-directional energy. We have known that all
fields have surface bonds, which keep fields relatively intact and
not dissipating. Yet when the surface bond is weakened the field
expands in all directions, smoothly.
With this information in mind we experimented with creating the
scalar wave inside the body by focused breathing (see instructions).
We discovered that when we released the surface tension by thought
the scalar expanded rapidly in all directions.
The scalar energy became less dense and
as such the cellular tissue followed the same path as it became less
The lymphatic circulation was then under
less pressure and flowed more freely. As a result the cellular
protoplasm also de-densified, making the tissue less turgid. People
experienced that the painful tight areas of the body became lighter,
thinner and less engorged. In such a softer state the body
accelerated its healing by removing the tissue "garbage" and bathing
the cells with the immune system "guards."
These concepts are among the most
significant discoveries coming from my Bioenergy Fields Laboratory
in the 28 years of its existence. This will be a major emphasis of
our future research. Meantime, we have created meditation exercises
for you to create and release the scalar energy.
I believe if you learn the following scalar exercises you will
activate your self-healing of all illnesses faster than any other
single exercise in this Mind Mastery Meditation book.
Before you practice any specific
meditation suggested to heal your disabilities you should first
activate your scalar field.
Create a Scalar Wave
Prepare your field by
breathing through and spinning and the chakras.
This exercise can be learned
best by sitting practice. After acquiring the skill it can
be repeated while standing and lying.
Visualize your entire body as a
container where you will draw in electromagnetic energy with
each inhalation. Unlike the breathing exercises to expand
your field in Chapter 2, this time you bring the energy into
the center of your body. Do not move it out or up or down,
just in.
Start by breathing through the
front of your body - head to toe. When you have established
this reflex, focus your attention upon breathing through the
back of your body into the center where it contacts the
"front energy" and folds upon itself going nowhere.
Next breath through both sides
of your body simultaneously, right and left from head to
toes. Let the energy again meet the same opposing energy
building up and enfolding into a scalar standing field in
the body center.
Now concentrate upon the top of
your head and the bottom of your feet to breath in energy
toward each other until it meets in the middle of the body
to enfold upon itself. You have now created a powerful quiet
quantity of energy in your bodily center.
Now is when the quantity of
energy begins expanding outward through all your cells
toward the body surface. This is like an inflated balloon
becoming larger - or like a big glob of moist substance on a
paper towel the energy is expanding outward on the surface
beyond its original space. Allow this to continue until the
center scalar energy has been dissipated outward, loosening
tight muscles and connective tissue and expanding the space
between cells.
Create the scalar field again
but this time try to breath from all directions into the
center of the body simultaneously - as though you are a
radiating sun that is now reversing its energy inward on
each inhalation to centralize the energy. If you have
difficulty comprehending all sides at once go back to the
first meditation with isolated directions.
When your scalar field is full
you will start to experience its spontaneous even expansion
toward the body surfaces. You focus your attention upon
allowing this slow spreading apart of all cells, giving them
‘breathing room." The body area will seem larger and more
Place your mind in a receptive intent to assist your scalar wave and
to expand it. Avoid strong conscious intent, which causes
anti-coherence in the electromagnetic waves, which limits the
spontaneous creation of a non-directional pool of scalar energy.
Focus your attention upon the general experience of removing the
curbs, lowering the surface tension of the scalar energy to slowly
Note the sensory difference in formerly tense parts of your body and
the warm flush, which often occurs in the circulation. Later ask
yourself if any of the pain or discomfort has gone.
Repeat whenever you wish while lying or standing.
Preparing the Field for Self-Healing
Repeat your preparation
exercises by grounding yourself. Breathe through your
chakras to increase your energy flow. Spin your chakras to
expand your field frequencies.
Bring forth an image of the
healthiest and happiest time of your life. See yourself with
vigorous, youthful health, glowing with enthusiasm for life
and eagerness to overcome all obstacles. Firmly anchor that
in your mind as you feel your body growing in strength and
size with happy secure emotions.
When this expanded state is
firmly established turn on the "Rainbow Tape" sounds from
the Music of Light tape set. Take time for each of these
procedures. If you find this tape comfortable you should
play at least one 13 minute segment. If you find it too
stimulating during the first self-healing meditations turn
off the sound and just sense your increasing body
vibrations. Individuals’ responses differ widely to this
music. Most people have no difficulty with this tape;
However, I do not want your field stimulated faster than you
can comfortably integrate.
Now allow your self to drift
upward and make contact with your "lovingness." This time
experience the lovingness of yourself and the beautiful
world. Don’t hurry.
Next ask to see and contact your
highest spiritual image. A spiritual leader may come to take
your hand; angels may surround you or Christ, Buddha, a wise
man or God may appear.
Allow this spiritual place to
fuse with your feelings of lovingness. Experience the full
complete and powerful physical, emotional and spiritual
field, which you are. Stay in that field which you are until
it is well locked into your consciousness. Don’t rush on
until you are sure the preparation work is completed.
Remember your primary focus is upon breathing these sound vibrations
through your entire field rather than through your ears. This is
done by focusing upon your entire field - the aura outside the body.
Stay with the image of your healthiest, happiest time by seeing many
images of what you did when you had so much vitality. Take as long a
time as these pleasant images appear. See Chapter 3, Happiness. If
clear images of lovingness come slowly, review Lovingness
Meditations, Chapter 3.
If your spiritual imagery is not clear and strong think of a time or
place where you had a divine, mystical experience, or where you had
words or colors that brought you a profound spiritual awareness.
The effectiveness of the future healing meditations will be related
to your success in these preparatory experiences. When you think you
are ready for healing specific deficiencies ask the question,
"Am I ready now to focus upon my
health problems?"
Await the answer from your highest
consciousness. If the answer is yes, proceed to the next
If the answer is no, continue to focus
upon any aspect of your preparation which seems weak.
Healing Hypo - Deficiency Disabilities
Deficiencies in the low frequency vibrations of the energy field are
found in fatigue syndromes, endocrine deficiencies, low blood
pressure, diabetes, cancer and poor lymphatic circulation.
Visualize the warm color spectrum of red-orange and amber. Turn on
the red-orange-amber auric sound tape from the
Music Of Light tape
set, to bring abundant stimulation to your cells to carry out their
natural work.
Drums, rattles or percussive recordings with quick
strong beats can be used instead.
Breathe the sounds and colors through the entire body surface. This
will stimulate simultaneously the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular
and breathing systems.
Later you can breathe specifically through
your heart, lungs, intestines, genitals or skin, areas associated
with your medical problem.
(choose one or several)
Visualize orange-red lava
flowing down a hillside. You are a safe distance away. But
the brilliance holds your vision glued to the image of lava
as it slowly flows downward to the sea.
Visualize a sunset that is
vividly rich in reds, oranges and deep colors. Sense that it
carries tremendous strength. Breathe that energy into
yourself and feel the stimulating effects.
Think of a specific situation,
which irritates you the most, i.e., being underestimated or
taken advantage of, or a political or religious situation.
Feel the anger rise but as soon as it is full blown,
transfer the energy to your body and give up the frustrating
angry situation.
Visualize a powerful, healthy,
aggressive animal radiating his strength as king of the
world; a lion and an elephant are particularly helpful.
Observe that animal with a wide angle lens until you have
lost sight of the animal but can experience his power in you
- your energy, your limbs and your intent.
Visualize this energy in small
swirls of energy across your upper chest out to your arxilla
and from your pubic bone out to the pelvic rims of your hip
bones. These are areas of the lymphatic nodes that are
congested. You can also use your fingertips in a small
circular massage. Think of hormones and T-cells flooding
your lymphatic system.
Because these exercises are strong stimulants your breathing and
heart rate should increase. This is desirable. If you become
uncomfortably stimulated, stop the exercise. These operate like an
exercise which one must build up to.
You will come to learn from these exercises that repressed or
forgotten emotions, aggression and anger also repress the body’s
physiology. The nature of your deficiency disease stems from the
unconsciously slowing down of the dynamic life force, whereas the
specific classification or location of the disease is determined
more by genetics and lifestyle.
Deep imagery often brings spectacular changes in sensory experiences
such as feeling hot or cold, tingling, itching, losing sensation, or
feeling heaviness in certain areas of the body.
These occur because of your energy field
changes. Because we have no specific nerve endings to record field
changes all sensory nerves may respond to field changes, giving us
bizarre combinations of information. Therefore, there are no
universal sensory descriptions associated with healing imagery.
Earlier writings describing meditations for cancer placed too much
angry emphasis on killing or hating the disease.
These meditations followed the old
allopathic model that described cutting it out, destroying it
chemically or overshadowing it by a battle of the good against the
bad. Such an attitude toward cancer seems wrong to me because too
often hate of cancer becomes hate of self, further depressing the
body’s physiology.
A much sounder approach considers the cancer as a temporary,
undesirable condition while the mind recognizes the power of the
self to activate the body’s healing response.
Healing Hyperactive Diseases
Hyperactivity of the physiological systems result in major diseases
such as hypertension, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation,
arthritis, hyperthyroidism, allergies, skin rashes, colitis and
In all of these conditions we find the energy field
overflowing with the lower red-orange vibrations and undernourished
with the higher blue-violet frequencies.
Quiet elevating meditations help to calm all off these diseases
because as the frequency of the field goes up the body’s physiology
slows down.
Prepare your field with the relaxation and chakra exercises.
(Choose one or several)
Visualize your field inside and
out in a soft blue light like the sky on a peaceful summer
day. Play the blue, violet and mauve relaxing tape from the
Music of Light tape set or play soft lullabies. Breathe the
color and sound vibrations into all areas of your body.
Concentrate breathing through your legs, arms and, lastly,
through the large bodily cavities. Later you may want to
breathe these soothing energies through a local area where
there is pain or more involvement. Experience the entire
body with the same expansive softness.
Visualize the myriad of stars in
a warm summer sky, twinkling in slow pulsing rhythms. Get
lost in that image. Occasionally remind yourself that this
tranquility is happening in your body.
Visualize sparkling blue water,
the ocean or a large lake where you can see beyond into
infinity. You are in a secure craft drifting and dreaming in
a warm late afternoon sun. The lap of the water against your
boat is like a lullaby.
Visualize yourself floating on a
fluffy cloud cradled by a moonbeam and allow your body to
become a part of this picture.
Visualize your body like a river
that has come tumbling out of the mountains down a
tumultuous path now reaching the tranquility of the alluvial
Tributaries are branching everywhere
(like your capillaries) filling slowly with water and lowering the
river’s pressure and speed.
See the riverbed expanding slowly and
being lost in the land. Feel the softness occurring in your tissue
as you internalize the expanding river flow you feel your blood
vessels dilating, your pulse and pressure becoming slower and
steady. Sense your happy body as you languish in this state.
By preparing the field and performing the visualizations I offer,
you can later create your own images that are more related to your
After practicing these exercises your
automatic reflexes will change. If practiced, these perceptual
processes of imagery and sensitivity will help reprogram your
thoughts, your field and the physiology of your disease.
Sometime later check your blood pressure - not immediately - because
the intent is not to lower blood pressure but to expand the field.
The secondary result over time will be the lower blood pressure.
Occasionally throughout the day remember the expanded river image
for a few moments to keep the feedback loop strong.
Healing Neuromuscular Injuries and Fractures
If your medical problem is swelling and congestion from virus cold,
fractures or sprains follow the general procedures for preparing the
Use the river bed expansion visualization for a short time only -
not over 5 or 10 minutes. Follow by breathing in and out through the
area of congestion while at the same time visualizing healing blue
energy bathing injured areas as you inhale.
Play the blue, violet, mauve music tape
from The Music of Light tape set.
Note that the color of your breath has
changed to a darker red or purple as you exhale. You are removing
the excess inflammatory frequencies from your field. Continue the
"blue" vibrations frequently for 72 hours on bad sprains,
dislocations or fractures and swelling.
Visualize the red imagery with your blood vessels dilating to allow
healing blood to flow to and from the swollen area.
With fractures or major limb trauma, visualize your red blood cells
as bright red dump trucks. At the chest area as you breathe in you
fill the dump trucks full of oxygen and nutrients and as you exhale
you send them hustling out your blood vessels to the injured areas.
There your red blood cell trucks dump their healing substances.
These busy little trucks don’t return to the lung empty handed.
Contrariwise, on inspiration they again fill, this time with the
waste products of injury and swelling to hasten to the lungs for
disposal through the lungs and kidneys. According to our research
this exercise will shorten the recovery period by weeks or even
When the swelling and pain are decreased change the images from
blue-violet images to red-orange ones to increase the circulation
and regenerate new cells.
Dense tissue like bones, cartilage and ligaments has a slower
moving, lower frequency field and will take longer to heal than
nerves or glands, which have more pliable tissue and a faster more
dynamic field.
Removing pain and swelling caused by
muscle injury of the field is fast. But the actual repair of damaged
dense tissue, tendons, ligaments, bones and cartilage or healing the
destructive changes from arthritis can take considerably longer.
Degenerated tissue with nerve and muscle loss are the slowest in
healing and without activating the field, they may never regenerate.
Remember, however, that your field holds the template, the pattern
for regeneration and you have within your body the cells which
regenerate nerve, bone and endocrine tissue.
These new cells can be captured and
organized into new tissue.
Healing Neurosensory Disturbances and
With neurosensory disturbances such as deafness, visual and sensory
loss or muscular weakness, complete all field preparatory exercises.
Visualize the location of the disturbance and breathe in and out
with the field in these colors. Use the yellow, green and gold tape
from the Music of Light tape set. Visualize a net like structure
with innumerable communication circuits like a giant switchboard
inside the disturbed area.
Notice that only a few circuits are
lighted. Imagine that you have brought in a great surge of energy to
fill those circuits. Gradually all tracks light up like an electric
dimmer that has been turned brighter.
If you experience a circuit overload back off for a few minutes to
allow your nerves to reach a peak carrying capacity. Now you can see
the area as a busy, functioning, but not overloaded, system. You
will see the area becoming brighter until you feel the nerves
buzzing with aliveness. Continue to use the yellow, green and gold
With paralyzed degenerated neuromuscular systems, visualize the area
in full action.
If the problem is in the legs, visualize
jogging or dancing with full flowing action. If in the arms,
visualize an active sport using that limb or again using the arms to
communicate in dancing or mime. Imagining large movements is
Turn off and on with the red, orange and
amber sound tapes.
Neuromuscular disturbances can have many sources but changing the
field is essential to healing all of these.
From injury, shock and surgery, the
nerves may forget how to operate in a coordinated manner. The injury
may have caused a shutdown of the synapses - the connections between
nerves - so that the nerve impulses are short-circuited.
Play the yellow, green and gold tape
from the Music of Light tape set, because these have the same
frequencies as the synapses. Give them a jump charge. Sensory
defects, hearing and visual loss may improve immediately when the
circuit is reconnected.
To regenerate lost muscle or nervous tissue also play the red,
orange and amber sound tape.
Healing Barrier Diseases
This is not a medical classification but an energy field description
of a group of diseases such as scleroderma, psoriasis, multiple
sclerosis, and Lou Gerhig’s disease.
Persons with these disabilities have a
pronounced functional energy field pattern. Their field is rigid to
electromagnetic energy flowing in and out of their bodies.
Laboratory recordings of the energy field show that it does not
respond to a hands-on healer’s energy, to light, sound or
electrically-generated frequencies. It is a field that is very
protected by an emotional barrier to energy field transactions.
It is as though the body is wrapped in
an impenetrable cocoon, isolated as an island with unscaleable
There is first an energy field barrier
that must be weakened. Although all healing is possible these
barrier diseases require major emotional release and reorganization,
which generally requires the assistance of a trained counselor. But
the pattern of the barrier must also be removed from the field.
Repeat meditations to prepare The Field for Self Healing and Healing
Neurosensory Disturbances, and Healing Neuromuscular Injuries.
Practice regularly, creating and expanding the Scalar Resting Wave.
If your health conditions are acute, be gentle. You will play the
tapes for a shorter time.
Breathe in and out less forcefully.
Soften the colors from a strong blue or red or yellow to a pastel
shade. Turn the sounds down low. Gently move the red dump trucks in
a smooth pattern. Recognize that your body needs time to reorganize
its field that has been perhaps many years structured in this
destructive way. Your body must relearn how to use this energy to
reorganize itself.
As a self-healer you are your own coach
to hasten your body’s own healing response.
Practice your selected meditations at least twice a day for at least
30 minutes each. Remember to go through the entire sequence each
time - preparation, specific exercises and imagery. The preparation
will take less time as you establish a routine so that more time is
available for holistic healing. Establish a habit of self-healing
meditation like your routine of bathing and brushing your teeth.
Close each session by gradually changing the focus of your
consciousness to everyday reality. Survey your entire energy field
vibrations and physical sensations. Recognize and acknowledge when
changes in pain and symptoms take place.
Survey your emotional state and the power you experience when you
know you are in command and what you envision can happen. Know that
you have given your body the most powerful stimulus to heal itself -
the power of your mind.
May I remind you that you can improve any tissue since all cells and
molecules are replaced constantly throughout life, some faster than
others. These replacements should be with new and healthy cells.
Unfortunately, these are generally replaced by the same type of sick
cells that existed unless you change the pattern that has been
anchored in the field.
Give thanks for this divine healing capacity, which you have
experienced and used. Know that this skill becomes progressively
more available to heal you, to refine your senses and behaviors and
to enrich your life. Many cherish the opportunities they find during
their illness.
Assisting in Another’s Healing
We all have the capacity to heal ourselves and others.
Some of us do it spontaneously without
instructions. Others want formal classes. Of these many excellent
teachers, I recommend Rosalind Bruyere and Barbara Brennan as
But wherever you go your energy goes
with you, actually preceding your body. If you go to see an ill or
recovering person intend to take your healthiest and most radiant
field. Remember that with you in your mind-field, you also bring
your concerns and problems and confusions. Ill people are
particularly sensitive to emotional states of their guests.
Of all the gifts you could take the
person, not flowers and sweets or books, but your healing vibrations
will have the most lasting effects. Before you enter the hospital
stabilize and enliven your field.
Remember, despite your deep concerns for this person’s recovery be
sure to fill your field with lovingness and coherent energy that
will radiate from you to fill the room. Don’t stay a long time, just
enough to implant your coherent loving energy.
If you make physical contact with the
person, expand and lighten your field to be available for the sick
one to use to clarify his. Remember you don’t need to be a trained
healer nor do you need to purposefully "channel" energy to them.
Your intent to bring your coherent
loving energy to them is more than adequate.
Removing Anesthesia
General anesthesia when given by inhalation or injection is a
foreign poisonous substance stored in tissue.
It takes some time to dissipate via
regular fluid circulation. Anesthesia leaves rational consciousness
within hours yet it may take days or weeks to leave the body. Worse
yet, some of the anesthetic may remain forever cloistered in the
Actually it is the field, which permeates all tissue, that initially
holds anesthesia. The essence of the anesthetic lodges in the
abdomen where circulation is the poorest. The body’s natural healing
does not start until this toxic substance is removed. This accounts
for long recovery periods after surgery.
When anesthesia is removed, tissue
healing begins immediately and rapidly. Experienced healers quickly
and safely remove anesthetic from patients by alluring the toxic
field to the body’s surface then attracting it to the field of their
hands to remove it.
If you are the one anesthetized, when you return to consciousness
first focus your attention on your abdomen. Breathe deeply into your
abdomen by expanding your stomach on inhalation and exhale
completely out your nose, being aware that you are mixing the
anesthetic field with the air that you discharge.
If you get dizzy take smaller breaths or
repeat one of the grounding exercises in Chapter 2, before you
return to the decontamination breathing. Depending on your ability
to concentrate, this procedure may take place on and off for several
hours. Make every effort to slowly breathe out this toxic field. It
is the most important and primary self-healing event.
Continue this deep abdominal breathing
daily for several days.
Many experienced healers have asked me to share in more detail my
techniques for removing anesthetic from another person immediately
after surgery. Even novice healers can carry out these simple
procedures. Persons with no experience with hands-on healing can
also perform this miracle with a little instruction. Don’t be
apprehensive; it cannot harm either of you.
To become acquainted with the energy
field practice on yourself. Hold your two hands, palms facing
several inches apart. Allow the field of each hand to make contact
with the other. Your focus will be on the subtle feelings in your
Otherwise, you are not consciously
involved. After four or five minutes gradually try to move your
hands farther apart. Note the pull or attraction of your two hands.
Play with this sensation by moving your hands closer and farther
apart until you reach a distance where the field bonds seem to be
This is the sensation you will feel as
you hold your hand over the abdomen of an anesthetized person. You
will feel the net between you and a suction of attraction between
your fields. This time the ill person’s field may sting your hand or
feel prickly and in turmoil.
These are accurate sensations for the
confused and hyperactive field of the anesthetized patient.
With your hand held a few inches above the abdomen start a slow
movement upward and away from his body pulling that energy bond with
you until at some distance it becomes so weak you no longer sense
To be more effective at the same time
that you pull the anesthetic field upward you can create a greater
suction by breathing in through your hand and drawing the anesthetic
field into your lower arm. When you exhale move the anesthetized
energy out your elbow so that it does not enter deeply into your
main body field.
When I first discovered this way of
removing anesthesia I brought the breath through my body and out my
nose. Needless to say, I learned as I became anesthetized and the
patient became alert. I erred in not discharging the incoming breath
through the elbow. Using this technique your lower arm may have some
temporary sensory disturbance but your field does not basically
A few breaths in and out through your
hand after you have finished with the patient will remove your
sensory disturbance. After ten to twenty minutes the patient will
become aware of his surroundings; color will return to his face as
circulation improves and breathing deepens.
Others in the room may smell a strong
odor as the anesthetic dissipates in the atmosphere.
Self - Healing Rituals
Create your own self-healing imagery from which you expand into a
self-healing ritual.
Choose a setting for your ritual, perhaps a location such as India,
Egypt, Greece, South America or a pastoral or native environment, or
an imposing structure or temple you have seen. If you wish, create
your own healing space but give it reality with structures, colors,
sounds and ambiance.
Bring into this setting the people or animals you wish to assist you
with their presence. These should be living beings that you love,
admire and that will energize your field.
Review the suggested colors for disease classifications and give
your setting a color spectrum that suits your energy needs. You will
have a wide range of shades and hues within each color spectrum.
Choose appropriate sounds or rhythms for your ritual that serve your
energy field needs.
Use inner symbols which have deep meaning for you to create
spiritual ceremonies of initiation or celebration. You may also draw
on nature and the cosmos for your rituals. Make yourself the leading
character. Become a warrior, a priest, a regal male or female, a
wise one, a teacher, or a healer.
Check to see that each choice you have made to compose your ritual
has deep emotional meaning for you. Your concentrated pure emotions
must be involved to truly focus all of these energy sources for your
Bring in observers or a watch dog if you
wish - a silent partner to acknowledge and witness your work.
As you visualize the setting for
your healing ritual observe the many parts of the images so
it becomes firmly anchored in your mind.
When you start, bring in only a
few people and animals to increase your primary purpose
which is to heal yourself.
For this exercise you may select
the color blends and combinations which you like and the
sounds that are compatible with the entire scene.
An observer or watch dog is
important only to provide emotional comfort for you.
Self-Help Nutrition
No matter how carefully you select your diet, each day’s food is in
some way nutritionally deficient.
With the masses of people to be fed from
our land we have overfarmed our soil creating deficiencies,
particularly in minerals. There is ample evidence that our water,
which resupplies the soil with minerals is grossly lacking in
Thus our vegetables cannot store
adequate minerals or build vitamins for supplying nutrition for our
domesticated animals or for our own needs. Certainly, products
rushed to markets great distances from the farms require harvesting
before they reach peak nutritional value.
Understandably we are mineral and
vitamin deficient.
Aggressive popular advertising from the multimillion dollar
supplement business has convinced us of our needs. Self-help
nutritional books are best sellers. Yet we generally follow the new
fads applied to special segments of our population: athletes,
pregnant women, or those who want to lose weight and gain the
"beautiful body."
Unfortunately few people have the
background to evaluate the extensive but questionable nutritional
research used to convince use. We tend to follow the recommended
daily requirements for vitamins and minerals that were established
years ago and are not adequate for today’s pace.
Also, the expanded consciousness of
individuals today requires more minerals to maintain the higher tone
of the nervous system and the stable ionization of the energy field
to maintain tissue absorption.
When I view the nutritional dilemma from
the point of view of a physiological researcher who has studied
nutrition for fifty years, there are basic issues that each of us
must solve for ourselves.
How much of which basic foods
should I eat?
How do I know that I get the
proper amount of vitamins and minerals for my specific
First, if you have major medical and
health problems I encourage you to seek a well- trained nutritional
counselor to assist you and your physician.
Unless they have advanced recent
training in nutrition, most physicians are not prepared to supervise
a healthful diet. Medical school at best, provide one nutrition
course and generally only a few lectures to medical students.
Because this is a book on self-healing in which I recommend
individual healing programs I must also recommend an approach to the
planning of your overall food consumption and an individual mineral
and vitamin approach which targets health.
The criteria for the appropriate of fats, carbohydrates and
proteins, the building blocks of life, now in use were established
earlier in this century. These gravely need further research, study
and revision. It is understandable why so many new approaches spring
up based upon disease deficiencies and the need of particular
groups, such as the athletes, the fatigued, and the aging.
What do we know in general about these nutritional building blocks?
A high carbohydrates diet provides heat and quick energy that is
more important in some climates and with some ways of life; it
causes weight gain; it is necessary to repair and replace cells.
A high fat diet very efficiently
supplies energy over extended time - longer than carbohydrates; it
creates fatty acids that optimize body functions but also tend to
clog blood vessels and to cause weight gain.
When we consider selecting vitamins and
minerals the story becomes even more complex. Many supplements
contain undesirable fillers such as corn, wheat and sugar, which
stimulate allergic responses with overuse. Combining separate
minerals and vitamins in a convenient one a day pill is not sound
scientifically and certainly is geared only to mass consumers. It is
a shot in the dark approach.
Currently popular mineral supplements
are created with the attitude that the more the merrier, with as
many as 72 separate minerals, many of which have never been found in
the body. Those that have are not dosed in proportion to the
constituents of human blood.
I believe strongly that we should have the knowledge and the
opportunity to choose specifically what our body needs at the time.
I recommend THE ZONE: A Dietary Road Map, by Barry Sears (Harper
Collins Books, N.Y., 1995), a book which makes an important
contribution by exploding the myth that we should all be vegetarians
with a fat- free diet.
Barry Sears, a qualified biomedical
researcher formerly on staff at M.I.T. cites important, even "Noble
prize" winning research that has been published in major research
journals but not recognized in the field of nutrition. He offers
exciting new information about the essential proportions of
carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
He includes workbook exercises for
understanding the quantities of these substances to include in your
diet based on your sex, age and lifestyles, etc.
For the most advanced information about minerals I refer you to the
popular book by Lendon Smith, Feed Your Body Right (M. Evans & Co.,
NY, 1994) and my book INFINITE MIND: Science if the Human Vibrations
of Consciousness (Pp. 270-274).
Smith wrote his book to explain the
nutritional supplement program of "Life Balances" by John Kitkoski
in Spokane, Washington.
This program provides an essential
missing link to our prior discussion of minerals, stressing the pH
or alkaline-acid balance in healthy cellular activity. Kitkoski, a
visionary biochemist with years of significant research with animals
and humans, has discovered that when the acid-alkaline balance is
disturbed, neither the blood nor cells can absorb the vitamins and
minerals regardless of the food or supplements ingested.
Unless there is a negative ion charged acidity in the intestine and
blood the minerals do not cross the membranes to the blood and
eventually into cells. So the problem is not just what you eat or
which supplement you take but the condition of the body to absorb
You can be vitamin and mineral deficient
in the cells even with a dietary overabundance. With age, for some
even a young age, the exchange of minerals and nutrients at the
cellular level becomes inefficient.
The metabolic wastes accumulate in the
tissue, creating a toxic condition of cells and systems - the
destructive beginning of disease.
Kitkoski’s recommendations for dosage of his ionized minerals (in
liquid pH active forms) is based upon the normal proportion of
minerals in the blood to carry out their unique functions.
Specifically, he creates a personalized program based on your
particular blood deficiencies on the ideal ratio of companion
Your mineral program may be changed when blood tests show
Keep in mind that mineral pills are not
ionized and thus do not contain the electrical activity - pH plus
and minus charges which insure mineral absorption. Most mineral
pills cannot be used by the body.
The "Life Balances" program supplies
only pure vitamins, not mixtures, and only those which the body
But even more exciting it provides a way
for you to know which vitamins you need each day - you become the
knowledgeable judge. The "Life Balances" program provides a kit of
twenty vitamins in individual containers. Each day you smell the
contents of each vitamin container separately.
These will have a pleasant odor, no
odor, or a bad odor based on your nutritional condition. Those that
smell bad, you don’t need. Those that smell good you do need and
those that smell slightly pleasant or neutral you need less.
Because your nutritional needs are based
upon your work, play, emotions and health conditions, as well as the
food you eat, your vitamin and mineral needs will also change. How
great that at last "Life Balances" has given us a way to discover
and supply our nutritional needs without overdosing, wasting money
or ending up depleted.
I have chosen the Kitkoski program for
myself for a number of years because it works for me, and others.*
Briefly at the beginning of this chapter I commented that healing is
our immediate goal and health our ultimate one.
Both goals are better accomplished when
the individual takes over command of his own life and health, while
building a healthy attitude toward his body and a determined
vigilance over his lifestyle choices.
With intent I did not include the shaman healing practices of
evoking animal power or spiritual allies from whom knowledge is
supposedly gained and power manipulated. I believe these are
artificial ways to empower a person in order to initiate the healing
response but these are not permanent.
Such practices do not insure that the
individual gains a greater capacity to command and direct his energy
field to alter his body’s response to disturbing situations and to
continuously heal himself. Only by deep involvement of the
mind-field are these goals accomplished.
In all my writing and lectures I have
rejected the shamanic beliefs that illness results from entities
invading the body from without or that disease is punishment for
unacceptable behavior.
Treatment in these instances must
destroy, exorcise or protect against such invasions by counter
demonic or purifying rituals. In a similar vein are the beliefs that
the dark side of magic can place a hex or punish the person for
misdeeds ending in death or disease.
Let me summarize by saying that the human energy field is affected
by conditions of the environment before we breathe in pure or
contaminated air or before we ingest nourishing or poisonous
substances. Therefore, the human field is the first line of defense
against disease and the pervading condition of our field is the
ultimate indication of our health.
In this chapter I have presented tried and true exercises to hasten
your body’s healing response, to make your human field more
coherent, strong and perfect, and to assist in your evolution as a
person through Mind Mastery.
Back to Table of Contents
Without doubt a belief in some form or deity occurred in all
cultures which developed art rituals and group behaviors.
The idea of God, extended
consciousness beyond basic survival demands to allow a level of
transcendence. The mystical realm became a fact in man’s life. The
Mind Mastery concepts stress the importance of accessing all levels
of consciousness that are available to humans. When he touches the
highest level of thought, spirituality follows hand in hand.
Here he
reaches into the vibratory space where he comprehends universal
thought, knowledge and wisdom.
The skills for Mind Mastery are potentially available to all humans
even if they are not readily accessible to many. Religious beliefs
often provide the greatest barriers to attaining these skills.
Religion sprang from man’s experience with "one God" and became
anchored by the teachings of the Bible, the Koran, and the Buddhist
From common beginnings man developed various doctrines and tenants
to guide his behaviors and beliefs. These resulted in formalized
religion. In turn, religion gained authority by tapping into human
thought and intellectually molding individuals’ minds.
A universal
intellectual understanding of God was emphasized, making God a
remote being who remained forever illusive. Most people experienced
God in the same way. Yet throughout the history of religion there
were visionaries who had had profound emotional encounters with God.
Their stories of their encounters rallied others with similar
experiences to redirect their beliefs toward a mystical and highly
personal God. This idea of a personal God weakened religious
authority and led to a heightened spirituality.
Sensory information
came from higher states of consciousness to transform the experience
from a rational one to a mystical illumination; consciousness was
therefore extended.
The fundamental difference between thinking about spirituality and
experiencing it became clear. Unless thought activates human
emotions, thought is powerless - it remains a mere intellectual
construct. Herein lies the major difference between religion and
spirituality. Religion is often logical and comfortable;
spirituality may be emotional and frightening.
Spirituality is marked by mystical experience charged with great
emotion; religious beliefs are transformed from an impersonal
believing to a personal knowing. The experience of God will differ
from person to person. Because we experience God not objectively but
mystically, it is impossible to know Him in the way that others do.
The basis of spirituality is not to be found in the physical nature
of the universe but rather in the spiritual, mystical experiences of
The mystical approach to spirituality is an ancient if not universal
one. Early records show elaborate testimonies by Jews, Moslems, and
Christians who had sudden profound religious experiences.
wrote books demonstrating that by concentrating their awareness they
could have real divine and personal experiences with God. The Sufi
Muslim sect proctored postures, movements, music and dancing to
achieve a mystical state while encouraging inner awareness. We
Westerners know them as the "Whirling Dervishes" .
Theologians of the fourth century developed breathing exercises with
concomitant body postures to focus their energy inward.
mysticism was reported in the Kabala. Spanish mystical schools
reported in The Book Splendors suggested methods to penetrate the
inner life of God and human consciousness. Actually, the mystical
teachings of all of the monotheistic religions represented a stage
in human consciousness where the mystic ascends to God by descending
into his own mind.
God and man were considered
inseparable. When the mystic acquired an understanding of his own
deepest self he became aware of God's presence within him.
Not only religious leaders, but many thinkers of the day held strong
beliefs about God and mysticism. Plato and Spinoza believed that
spontaneous intuitive knowledge revealed the presence of God, while
Descartes and Newton had no time for mystery. They explained God in
rational, intellectual terms. Albert Einstein believed that
mysticism was the source of all true art and science.
The recent flowering of Buddhism and Yoga in the United States has
advanced the mystical aspects of spirituality.
Joseph Campbell’s
formerly popular television program showing the universality of
mystical consciousness and belief systems in dissimilar cultures has
added fuel to the growing trend acknowledging mysticism as a fact
ignored by the extended trappings of religion.
I acknowledge some of the often enumerated problems of mysticism in
religion. It is frequently said that the mystical God is not an
objective reality but a profoundly subjective experience that leads
to the abandonment of reason. Mysticism has been viewed as simply
Actually, mysticism is not in conflict with reality but
is an extension of reality into non-material dimensions.
reality does not exclude the transcendent reality of spiritual
experiences. As a matter of fact, the concept of God itself is a
prime example of a non-material reality, which has continued to
inspire people for thousands of years.
The literature abounds with warnings about the dangers of entering
altered states in search of spiritual insights. Some otherwise
enlightened clergy and psychiatrists liken higher states of
consciousness to trips into darkness where the soul can be taken
over by demons or where schizophrenia awaits the unprotected. This
advice should be cautiously evaluated.
Often these comments come
from those who have never had a mystical
experience. Some speak from fear of their own potential spiritual
power. Others may be influenced by religious zealots with explosive
religious fervor. These individuals are often ungrounded in earthy
reality and undisciplined by a critical intellect.
Of course entering higher divine states of consciousness without
instruction can lead to difficulty. Everyday perceptions are
altered. This experience would be akin to finding oneself alone in a
real space ship launched from the earth without instructions on how
to cope with weightlessness or control the vehicle.
We who are
ordained as spiritual leaders and who have experienced extended
consciousness, know that the warnings are exaggerated. A step by
step extension of consciousness into the mystical realm is
imperative and has been successfully accomplished by many
instructional systems.
Long-term meditators generally have these
skills. However, because of the potential problems connected with
spiritual states, this chapter is the last of a group directed
toward developing internal consciousness. If you have practiced and
become skilled in the exercises in the previous chapters, then you
should have sufficient Mind Mastery to move comfortably and
successfully into these final spiritual insights.
The following
meditations focus on releasing and integrating the great emotional
life force, the biological level of consciousness, as it moves
through the rational, intellectual level into the divine mystical
plane, all without breaks in consciousness.
Spirituality, then is
experienced not as a traumatic isolated episode, but as the
culmination of continuously accessing levels of reality
simultaneously without schisms. Then divinity and humanity are not
different aspects of life, but rather they are extensions of
consciousness along the continuum of reality. Both are profound.
One last clarification is in order. Unfortunately, some writers,
even mystical leaders, speak about the importance of diminishing the
personality and the ego in order to recognize the divine self. This
is an outmoded concept.
I know so very well that unless the
personality-ego contact is maintained at all times, these divine
characteristics never become a part of the everyday life and
behavior of the individual
Preparing for Mystical Experiences
Probably you are already acquainted with some of the startling
sensory experiences that accompany perceptual awakenings.
enumerate these so that you will not be surprised:
You may see a blinding white light beyond anything you have ever
seen. This may take the form of stars, the sun, bursting Aurora
Borealis, or halos around everything.
You may experience increased spontaneous physical energy that can
create energy waves, bodily jerks, and shakes, or undulating
You may experience increased sensory awareness of heat or cold,
sounds, and strong tastes and odors. The body image is often
heightened or absent altogether. A rise of the "Kundalini serpent
energy" up the spine is not unusual.
Information and instruction in verbal or printed form may
accompany divine "states". The information is like a charge. You
receive information about your destiny and instructions to trust
your divine guidance. This instruction is never concerned with the
material world and everyday problems.
A sense of oneness with the divine vibrations of the world can
burst forth during which you feel no separation, where all is all
and everything is perfect.
For additional suggestions, review Chapter 3, "Opening Emotions".
Preparing the Field
Repeat your preparation exercises by grounding yourself and
breathing through your chakras.
Remember several of your most satisfying accomplishments. Hear
people praising your attainments. Feel your pride and self-worth
growing. See a substantial physical image of yourself. Firmly anchor
these images in your mind knowing that this is you at a deep level.
Feel joy and release. Take time to remember this complete elaborate
When you have a clear image in your mind turn on the blue, violet
and mauve tape from the Music Of Light tape set. If these are not
available, play your favorite peaceful classical music. These
selections have a fuller spectrum of frequencies than most other
quiet music.
Allow your consciousness to drift upward as you recall your
lovingness and thankfulness for your readiness for deeper spiritual
These preparation exercises may take several days. Each day should
feel more comfortable.
Continue these images until you have the urge
to move on.
You will notice that events in your daily routine are brighter and
more pleasant. You experience fewer irritations.
Follow your expanding imagery without trying to give the images
linear rational meanings.
If you should image a barrier, recall the suggestions in Chapter 3
on opening emotions.
If a part of your self-worth, which is less than divine, comes to
consciousness, let it slip away. Such images are not appropriate for
your spiritual work. Don’t repress them; rather, watch them
Imaging your Spiritual Path
See yourself walking down a path in a meadow toward a lazy
meandering shallow stream.
When you come to the stream you see that
the water is clear and the bottom smooth and sandy, inviting you to
go wading. Walk slowly up the stream being aware of the cool water
against your bare feet and legs.
Your movements in and out of the
water make your feet tingle. Each time you pick up a foot you are
aware of its aliveness. How is it different from everyday walking
with your shoes on? You feel the bottoms of your feet being massaged
by the shifting sand. Energy rushes upward making your legs strong
and spry.
Walk as long as you wish until your feet and legs feel a part of
both the water and the land. You may substitute wading in a gentle
surf at the sea shore.
Cast your gaze forward to where the stream widens into a small pond
or lake.
Pause and look into the water to see your image. You will
see a pleasant image of someone with high qualities. Ask if this
image has something to tell you. Accept this person’s
characteristics as your own as you continue walking.
They will
expand and strengthen your self-image.
If the image happens to be unpleasant don’t evade it and don’t
incorporate it into your self-image. However, ask the image what it
is trying to tell you. Remember, this mystical image is indicating
some barriers to your moving ahead. Recognize that you may need to
repeat some exercises in Chapter 3, "Opening Emotions."
Take the
time and don’t be discouraged.
We rarely eliminate all blocks the
first time around. But never accept these unpleasant images as more
than the memory of some unpleasant emotional experiences that you
have not yet completely resolved.
When you are ready, continue up the stream to the other end of the
pond or lake. You notice that the stream comes from an incline where
the water flows faster as it spills over rocks. You may feel more
comfortable walking besides the stream.
Follow the stream upward
where tumbling waterfalls radiate more energy. Again monitor your
imagery. Your grounded imagery will remain the same as will your
mystical imagery of the water.
But now with the increased energy
from the tumbling water your entire field will brighten and with it
may come bolder imagery.
During the repetitive movement of walking, pay careful attention to
your random, spontaneous imagery, Simple repetitive movements, like
wading, tend to free emotional barriers that you may have built up.
Continue this transitional exercise for several days if you wish or
until you have the urge to move on.
Remember you are submitting yourself to control and instruction from
your higher self.
Following the Light
Turn on the "Relaxation Tape" from the Music Of Light tape set.
Breathe the color sounds of blue, violet and mauve through your
entire body, not just through your nose.
When you are ready a light will appear at the horizon or higher in
the sky. You will follow this new focus as you move away from the
Let your mind see dimensions of the light as color, shapes and its
source. As you move closer you will pass into a more enclosed
pathway, like a trellis, an arbor, tress in rows or columns lining
the path. Let your imagination describe your pathway to the light.
As you approach a tunnel, the light may become a specific beam
rather than being observed as a general brightness.
If you have apprehension when you come to the tunnel entrance,
stop for a moment to remember that the tunnel symbolizes a
transition into a higher consciousness, one that you may have felt
before as an altered state disconnected from day-to-day
consciousness. With the preparation you have had in mastering your
mind, consciousness is no longer broken into disparate segments. You
should therefore move toward the end of the tunnel and the light.
As you move toward the radiance
see how close you can come to it. Allow it to encircle you,
to engulf you and be a part of you.
Move into the light allowing your imagination to again expand into
some grand imagery. Don’t hurry to totally understand but check to
see if you are grounded, expanded and fully conscious on all levels.
Allow elaborate imagery to instruct you at the highest level. Now
you are integrating three formerly subjected levels of
Generally, meditators are so enlivened when they approach a
transcendent consciousness that they will get all the rational
answers, put it all together, and be one with life.
Remember, you
are changing your capacity to extend your reality and the skill and
security is more important than logical answers or the speed of your
We know that when people cross over into physical death, many
transition via a tunnel with a light at the end. Apparently those of
you who have already expanded your consciousness via the tunnel can
move rapidly into the light without tunnels. The tunnel is
characteristic of a change in consciousness. It does not herald
death of the physical body.
Some meditators find the light in the sky and wish to drift and live
in that light forever, in limbo so to speak. Like spirituality,
light must shine from your field at all times not just when you
escape from the more mundane levels of consciousness.
You must
experience that light within yourself and know it is a part of you
Experiencing the Divine Light
If you have ever had a divine light experience ask to see it
again. Take time even if your imagery is blank for some time. Some
people find a powerful light symbol like a sun that is
overwhelmingly brilliant.
If a person appears, approach him, observe his countenance,
attitude and appearance. Ask him who he is and what he has come to
tell you. You may be surprised at the answer you receive but know
your highest self is making a new connection in your consciousness.
Follow your imagery and experiences.
When you have completed this episode recall your imagery and your
sense of awe.
If emotions come allow them to flow without becoming lost in them.
New information will probably come as you recall the imagery.
Frequently a very powerful image occurs which will become a model
that you can retain and use to quickly move into this enlightened
If a person appears, he will have a spiritual demeanor with a
pleasant appearance, which you can recall at later times. When you
request to see this figure he/she will return. Use him/her as a
guide or as a stepping stone onward.
When your person appears be particularly aware of the physical
setting and structures that you can recall in his spiritual space.
Building a Temple
You know your lighted path well by now. Start your walk toward the
lighted heavens. The entire world takes on a luminescent glow. You
are going to find a spot to build your temple. When you start you do
not know its location. But you do know that with spiritual intent,
you will erect a real and substantial structure to bridge the
material and mystical worlds.
Notice what you see as you move into grand vistas. Eventually one
location will attract you for its purity and personal meaning. This
can be on a mountain top, a bold rocky outcropping, a broad valley
or desert, a forest or by water. Don’t intellectually decide.
When the location becomes clear and you are thrilled that you have
found it, sit quietly to image the shape and substance of the temple
structure you will build for yourself. You will determine its shape
and size by your deepest needs for a place to encourage your
spiritual thoughts. Pause long enough to turn on the "Elevating
Tape" from the Music of Light tape set.
Now build your structure. Be deeply involved and excited as it
takes shape. If you don’t like one part, change it. You have
infinite opportunities. Don’t be in a hurry. Great structures take
time to construct and to experience.
When your temple is complete, put in an entrance way and a door to
enter. Landscape or leave it natural as you wish. Now erect a plaque
or a logo to announce that this is your house of worship. Make it as
simple or elaborate as the structure suggests.
Now enter your temple to complete the inside. Sit for awhile to
experience the essence, the vibrations and let these tell you how to
decorate, the colors, the substances and the objects you will put
into it. Decorate one section as your private niche or alter, where
you can sit to comprehend your God.
Now that your physically creative work is over, sit quietly and
meditate. Take possession of your temple.
Let the light which was your guiding beacon at the beginning of
this trip irradiate and engulf your church or temple in quiet
beauty. You are content that this structure is correct for you.
From this divine space know that you are safe and loved. Allow
yourself to follow the imagery which follows. As your meditation
naturally terminates feel your radiance. Be not concerned with what
you will do with it. Be only aware that this radiance will lead you.
Slowly from this inner mystical place you will move in
consciousness outward to the material world taking divine light and
the essence of God with you. It is yours wherever you go.
Remember that you have soundly created your temple. During the
time it took to build and decorate it, its imagery became carved
into your mind-field.
After each session spend some time recalling the details of your
experience. Remember this locks memory firmly in your brain for
instant recall.
It is possible to have rapid insight into the profoundness of the
experience you may have had. But each time you return to your
mystical creation it becomes more firmly imbedded in your
It is even better if you do not follow these instructions too
carefully so that your own imagination better guides your imagery
and experiences.
Remember that the structure you created manifests where you are now.
If you built from your highest expectations it will stand as a
symbol of you for a long time.
However, if you built a lesser
structure which you know deeply is temporary, fleeting images may
occur of another grander temple you will eventually build from your
highest self.
Dedicating the Temple
When you are prepared to dedicate your temple in a group ceremony
you are
empowered to manifest your spiritual consciousness to the world.
Take pride in your invitation list. Yes, choose persons whom you
love who will also give you comfort in a new role. But choose from
those persons in history whom you and civilizations have admired. Be
not humble because by your creation and dedication you have joined
the greatness of humanity. If you ask them they will come.
Decorate appropriately for your ceremony and plan your service.
This is your show, the music, the light and the thoughts.
Give your dedication words with strength and radiance. You are
sharing a real structure you have built. You are announcing to the
world that you have found and taken back a divine power which you
allowed to slip from you many years, centuries and lifehoods ago.
And you are demonstrating to your loved ones that your power is a God-given capacity that is available to all humans.
When the ceremony is over, its essence has permeated each soul and
the greats and the friends have gone about their lives. Give deep
thanks for the divine energy which has assisted you in experiencing
the greatness that all humans can reach.
Note that throughout these meditations your consciousness has
progressed from the grounding reality of walking in a stream, to
anchoring your vibrations in earth and biology, to moving into and
through some of your emotional barriers by following the light.
expanded your consciousness into divine vibrations which you
anchored in a real material structure to house your expanding
As you now know all spiritual experiences are mystical. They are not
the primary reality of the material world, but they are equally as
real. The energy that we associate with God and the expression of "I
am" has changed to "I am in divine vibrations which I experience
and know to be the ultimate reality."
You may notice that now your prayers change from asking God to do
something for you and to change situations, to asking for the
strength and insight to move my own and the consciousness of mankind
to assist this planet in its evolution.
Remember divine work is done by humans who have accepted the power,
the responsibility and the humility to co-create with God. Then we
will have grown from the concept that we are God's children to be
worthy of being called God's co-creators.
Back to Table of Contents
Transferring Thought
The first six chapters of Mind Mastery Meditations focused on your
attention inward to perfect the strength, flow, and range of your
human energy field.
Then your goal was to access and to integrate
all levels of human consciousness simultaneously so that life
decisions could stem from wealth of information from the body, the
intellect and the soul.
These all cohered into vast wisdoms to guide
your behaviors, your life choices and even our civilization. With
Mind Mastery capabilities that you have gained from prior exercises
you will be able to reach out to manifest your subtle consciousness
skills with other people through silent transfer of thought.
This chapter on telepathic knowing and the transfer of thought
speaks about information crossing great distances by uncommon
methods. Ordinary information from remote places comes to us through
the sense endings of our eyes, ears, and nose, all distance
Theses senses are effective for obtaining information
within our sight focus and our hearing range or downwind from a
But these senses are limited to local information about
material happenings as perceived by ordinary awareness. In this
chapter, however, we are concerned with non-material space and
happenings on a finer, more basic level - the level of the field,
where the interconnectedness of the entire universe occurs; where
all fields of information flow back and forth sustaining and
changing each field; where emotions take place and where
evolutionary processes occur.
This part of the universe not experienced by ordinary senses, we
frequently miss because our mind-field, its prefect receptor, is
weak and relatively inactive.
Even if we receive signals from far
away we may disregard the information because we don’t understand
field phenomena. We have not learned that our mind-field is a
powerful broadcasting and
decoding system like radio and television. We can transmit
information great distances by waves from sending to receiving
antennae to be changed into sounds and images.
Furthermore, our
minds can send information as fast or faster than any manmade
communication system and they can more accurately pinpoint the
Before communication takes place there are thoughts.
Thoughts however, are like quicksilver; they are on the move,
peripatetic and elusive once they have been thought. Have you ever
kept a notepad beside your bed or wished you had, to jot down
thoughts and dreams that slip away as fast as you create them.
We have even hypothesized that the highest function of the mind
resides in the field not in the senses, which makes it privy to all
information. There are, however, some glitches in our recording
system, the interface between mind and brain, where momentary mind
thoughts are lost.
And furthermore, even if the information is
stored, often we cannot activate our brain recorder to remember it.
Preparing Mind and Brain
Since both the mind and the brain are involved with telepathy and
thought transfer, here is a meditation to normalize the energy and
action by tuning both brain hemispheres.
This can be done sitting or
lying with your eyes closed.
Practice the breathing meditations to expand the energy field’s
flow by breathing through the chakras upward from the feet to the
head. Spin the chakras clockwise using color in your imagery (see
Chapter 2 - Activating the Physical).
See a white ping-pong ball held above your right ear. Imagine that
you gently shoot that ball over to the left ear through your brain.
Then shoot it back to the right ear.
Do this as many times as you need to until it takes no effort. The
ping-pong ball should zip smoothly across from one hemisphere to the
other, back and forth.
This is a good exercise to equalize energy in the hemispheres when
one hemisphere has been overactive with rational thought or the
other has dominated with creative imagination.
Frequently headaches will calm down.
Persons with dyslexia are greatly helped by this meditation.
Frequently the movement of the ping-pong balls is faster going in
one direction. This indicates that you are overusing one hemisphere
at that time. Do this exercise more often when this occurs until the
speed of the ball in both directions becomes equal.
If you have been driving distances on an open road and come to a
city with congestion, do this exercise the first time you stop at a
light. Your brain will become more alert to signals, signs and other
autos afterwards.
Mind Thought - Brain Retrieval
The next meditations should improve your skills in being aware of
your mind’s stream of events, the interfacing of mind and brain, and
improved brain recall.
Ground your field, either by the rope tied from around your waist
to the boulder, or by bringing energy up through your left foot on
inspiration, across your lower back and down through your right leg
on expiration.
Spin your chakras clockwise: red, the root chakra; orange, the kundalini; yellow, the emotional body; green, the heart; blue, the
throat; orchid, the third eye; and white, the crown.
Think of some creative project you have not done for lack of time
or not knowing how to tackle it. Perhaps it is a repair job,
reorganizing an office or room, or going shopping with no specific
purpose in mind.
Pick something that spontaneously comes to you. Watch your imagery
as you are aware of your thoughts. With your imagination carry out
the project.
Have the intent before you start to record all thoughts in your
brain for retrieval.
Open your eyes and remember the details of your project. Tell a
friend or an imaginary interested person or just speak them out
You can practice recall whenever you are aware of daydreaming and
you do not immediately actively express your thoughts out loud.
If you vividly remember your thoughts you may not need to repeat
this Mind Mastery Meditation.
You have ample personal justification of your telepathic capacity
when your awareness is focused.
You think of someone and she calls.
Something happens which you had already known or you experience
others’ feelings from a distance. Transfer of thought implies that
something going on in ones mind-field is traversing space, being
intercepted and decoded by another. Conversely, it means that your
mind-field is also in touch with many fields, all carrying
If you record, organize and decipher this information,
you know something without apparent sources.
Think of a Friend
During a rest break, before bedtime or at the beginning of a
regular meditation think of a friend. Allow your imagery to traverse
space and see what that friend is doing. Don’t struggle just allow
the imagery to flow. You may see him in everyday or unusual
Continue your observation as though you were there with your
friend. Communicate with him by projecting thoughts that
spontaneously come to you.
Before your imagery leaves him, ask him to call you. When he does,
find out if he was aware that you were intentionally communicating
telepathically with him. And ask if he was aware of an impulse to
call you.
You share where you saw him and what he was doing. Regardless of
your accuracy, your skills in telepathy will improve if you believe
that they will as you practice.
This is an area of thought where many fear to trend. Even if you
recognize this skill in others you may not see it in yourself - you
may still harbor some resistance to this skill.
Know that this is the beginning of an elaborate yet normal personal
skill in which your own mind-field computer can access all
information if you punch in the proper code. The code is that you
ask your higher mind to answer a defined question that you expect to
be answered. If you don’t get the answer at first try again, this
time with insistence.
You must seal your "code" question with strong intent and a clear,
sure realization that your mind will do the work.
Don’t be surprised if the information requested comes to you without
conscious thought or if a person calls you to provide the
information. The caller may not even know why he called until you
two spoke.
Even with field concept explanations this process is difficult to
comprehend because of its awesome reality - the reality that you
have access to the "Akashic Records" of all important thoughts and
events in the universe.
But during profoundly creative times in each
of our lives we all discover this telepathic level of our minds.
Telepathic Sending and Receiving
This series of meditations provides direct experiences to
telepathically send and receive messages by thought.
Their goal is
not to transfer complex information but to sharpen your capacity to
send and receive simple messages where the quality of thought
experienced without words or gestures is more important than the
idea. You should know whether thoughts are clear and articulate or
poorly formulated and muddled, just as you do with the spoken word.
For direct feedback you need a partner. You can sense emotional
tenderness or harshness when the senders’ thoughts are emotionally
charged. Those private little thoughts we keep to ourselves are
available to others, particularly if these become emotionally
charged when we attempt to hide them.
We average people in ordinary situations do not grasp details from
others’ thoughts but information is available to communicate
And of course until we become more skillful we will limit
our accuracy because we will interpret what we sense along with our
predetermined biases and interests.
For this exercise you will need a partner.
Facing your partner, sit closely
but not touching. Decide which will be the sender and which
the receiver on the first exercise. The role will reverse.
Because you both will be sending
and receiving information from your mind-field, you must be
able to concentrate thought in the field. This is different
but not difficult.
Visualize putting thought in
your field around your body not concentrated in your head.
You will be activating your sixth sense, not your ordinary
Senders practice by turning "on"
in your field; then think "off". Repeat that until you are
aware that you are projecting thought through your field.
Just project thought clearly
with the intent that it can be decoded. Don’t try to push it
into a person.
Receiver, put your antenna out
around you. Experience your mind in your field. You are to
passively sense the information in the sender’s field.
Do your breathing exercises to
expand your field. Allow it to meet the sender’s field and
to blend with it.
Upon inhaling you will
concentrate on the sender’s field with all the information
contained there.
Let your mind-field gain
impressions of what information the sender is broadcasting.
Do not consciously try to figure out what the sender is
sending; if you do you will totally block the sixth sense.
Other senses will never get a clue.
Alternate sender and receiver
with the above instructions.
Communicate Names Sender
Ask the name of your receiver if
this is a group session. Remember that person’s name. Think
of five or six common names of persons of the same sex.
Include the name or nickname of your receiver in the group
Now out loud, say to your
receiver "Your name is is now quiet; he does not speak but
projects one of the names into his field.
You have heard the sender say
"Your name is thought of a name"; you intuitively respond
immediately. If you experienced that the sender thought your
name, say yes. If you experienced that the sender thought
another name, say no.
Sender, repeat the names in a
different series by always preceding your thoughts of a name
with "Your name is responded correctly."
Clues at the beginning may seem so
nebulous that you are unsure. Be intuitive. This is the highest
integrated level of knowing.
Take the attitude that you are learning a skill not testing
yourself, so you have no judgment about what you perceive.
The best receivers don’t strain to get information. They just go
into neutral, focusing only on the partner’s field. They let the
impressions come to them.
Some people are better senders than receivers. Others easily
understand another’s thoughts. With numerous partners you can
understand your capabilities.
Remember, your lack of success as a sender may be that you are
trying to thrust the names at the other person rather than simply
placing them in your field to be intuitively decoded by them.
Sender, share with the receiver the accuracy of their answers and
any name other than their own which he accepted. (Once while working
with a group of Catholic priests I had the senders interject the
name of Jesus Christ. Interestingly, some priest constantly
accepted Jesus Christ as their own name.)
Communicate a Greeting
Sender and receiver select
several one word greetings or short phrases such as: hello,
good morning, nice to see you, or how are you?
Both sender and receiver put
your minds in your fields. The receiver is focused on input
interpretation; the sender is on output projection.
The sender states: I greet you
with ? (He thinks one of the greetings decided upon). The
receiver intuitively answers which greeting the sender used.
Your quick answers will be more accurate.
Sender, repeat several times to
see if particular words carry over better in thought with
your receiver.
Exchange sender and receiver roles.
The accuracy of the communication is relative to the skill of both
sender and receiver. You may be a better sender than receiver or
vice versa. With some senders you may clearly get the answers. With
others you flounder without information.
Remember we are interested only in impressions of the thought
communicated not specifically the details. At first, until you can
clearly have control over your mind and brain, you may not be able
to differentiate the thoughts of another person from your own.
Communicate Feelings
Sender, think of a very happy
emotional experience you have had. Put your happiness out in
your mind-field around you.
Receiver, allow your conscious
mind-field to give you an impression about whether the
sender’s thoughts were pleasant or unpleasant.
Receiver, when you have an
impression tell the sender.
Sender, continue with the memory
of positive and/or negative experiences which you broadcast
from your field. Verbally tell your receiver when you are
thinking about a different experience.
Receiver, interpret when you
have an intuitive impression.
Exchange sender and receive roles.
Communicate Colors or Foods
Sender, using the same
procedure, try the following thought cues: i.e., "Do you
like ?" (Potatoes, beef or carrots, etc.) Sender, "Do you
like the color ?" ( blue, yellow or violet).
Sender, speaks "Do you like the
color ?" (Think a pure color: red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, violet or white).
Receiver, as soon as you have an
impression about what food and color was projected by
thought, respond with "No, I don t like" or "Yes, I do
Receiver, when you have an
impression of color tell the sender. Perhaps you will know
the color communicated by thought.
Exchange sender and receiver
Sender, use only primary and
secondary colors, not blends and project only one at a time.
Use only single foods not
casseroles or mixed foods like salads.
Sender, you recall as many pure
foods as you can but only one at a time.
Sender, note the kinds of foods
that were most accurate, i.e.: meats, vegetables, sweets,
and the colors consistently predicted.
Receiver, note the patterns of
your accuracies and errors.
Creativity describes the manipulation of information in new ways.
It comes from a process of
simultaneously recovering information stored in the brain (the
result of prior field experiences) and in the mind-field and
integrating this information with new experiences the mind is
having. Creativity, the magical synthesis, is truly the highest
level of thought.
Reflexive work such as walking, gardening and driving or the change
in ordinary reality experienced during daydreaming set the stage for
creativity. With aging creativity often dwindles.
Our rootedness in habitual reality
doesn’t allow freedom for creative thought and problem solving but
some older people sustain vibrational flexibility and with more
stored information grow in creativity. They have learned to
disregard or displace cultural and habitual restrictions in
consciousness. Remember that higher consciousness holds emotional
energies which we tend to block, thus stifling our creative
Creativity comes from successfully blending the material and
intuitive realities.
Aldous Huxley equated creativity
with deep reflection, with profound psychological withdrawal from
awareness without losing physical realities. This requires intense
focus during which everything not pertinent is set aside for the
complete metaphysical absorption in matters of interest to the
In deep reflection a person can summon
up stored memories while also new information, juxtaposing both to
create original thought.
Highly creative people have illuminating
flashes of insight when mind and brain blending occur.
Self Though
Manipulating Objects
The next experiences expand your creative skills by bringing
together two levels of information processing.
Prepare by checking the flow of
your field and establishing a relaxed physical state.
Energize your brain hemispheres with the ping-pong game.
Close your eyes; expand your
mind-field; wipe your television screen clean and go into
neutral thought. Await the first object to appear. Just let
it project on your screen - don’t try to remember an object.
Concentrate your focus on that
image until it spontaneously changes to another object. You
may have an ah-ha image that you did not expect.
Observe the new object until it
changes again. This provides a flow and gives flexibility to
your attention.
Stop imagining more objects.
Select one object already imaged to work with.
Next encourage your imagination
to see all the possible things you could do with that
object; make something new out of the object or image
different functions for the object. Enjoy strange
combinations that occur as you progress beyond practical
uses. Allow yourself the freedom to create things that don’t
make logical sense and even border on the impossible.
If you are in a group or with a friend
share your creative thoughts.
Was it easy for you and did you enjoy it? Or did it take some time
to get the hang of such a sensitive exercise? Did it relax you or
create tension?
The purpose of this meditation was to join two levels of awareness,
two streams of consciousness in a creative way. Too often we operate
on only one at a time, mitigating expansive thoughts.
Problem Solving
Wipe your television screen
clean and prepare your field and physical body for higher
consciousness thought.
Ask yourself, for what problem
would I like more alternative solutions? Let the problem
come to you.
Pose a question or problem.
Using the same content ideas rephrase the question until you
get a succinct statement. Now ask or even re-ask that
question of your higher consciousness.
Don’t choose emotionally-charged
life and death problems for your first creative problem
solving. The problem can be either personal or impersonal in
Eliminate solutions that you
have already thought about. Probably these have been
rationally overworked. You want fresh ideas even if your
logical brain calls these impossible.
Allow yourself numerous
solutions with detail to come to your imagery. Record these
in brain memory.
Now evaluate your new answer to
discover if you have created some better solutions or if you
have created some new dimensions to the problem beyond what
you consciously thought. Remember the old adage "you cannot
solve a problem on the level that you think created the
Throughout these Mind Mastery Meditations I have encouraged you to
ask questions on one level of reality and await the answer from
another level.
The ability to choose a significant problem or to phrase the
important question will determine the success and the level of your
creative answers. Asking the right questions is more important to
problem solving than the answers that you receive. If the question
is clear the answers will come immediately and be understandable.
Don’t interpret your first imagery. This will bring creative
closure. Even if these new answers are good on one level, they may
not be on a deeper level.
Over time the best solutions will stick if you trust and surrender.
INSTRUCTIONS - Lateral Thinking
As you learn to elaborate thoughts more and more by lateral thinking
you gain skills in the process.
Some meditation exercises follow.
Consciously force yourself to
think with new classifications.
Look around the room or place
where you are. See objects filling the space. Instead of
lumping these into familiar categories such as tables, rugs,
etc., make up new unfamiliar groups, like round, square, or
color classification. Use the objects in an unorthodox way
or transform this place using all the objects for an unusual
When you have finished be aware
of what happened without apparent effort. Tell a friend or
speak out loud to yourself, remembering your lateral
thoughts. They often get richer with each remembrance.
Think of a place you would like
to go on a vacation. Eliminate all pre existing locations.
Create one which may not exist in reality but which would
have everything that you desire for your perfect vacation.
Who is with you? What is the terrain like? Where do you
live? And what do you do? What and where would you eat? And
sleep? Who would you meet?
This chapter introduced progressive exercises to gain skill in
transferring thought and telepathic knowing.
The first exercise prepared the brain
and mind by repeating meditations from Chapter 2 to activate the
field and relax the physical body. These were followed by a new
exercise to balance the brain hemispheres, the ping-pong exercise.
The second series was designed to
develop skill in tapping into telepathic senses and recording these
memories in the brain. The third group of meditations was for
integrating mind and brain simultaneously, where the brain
remembered simultaneously with the mind continuing to experience new
The last series of meditations was for
gaining skill by using all the above skills in lateral extended
thinking and in creativity. You have had sequential experiences to
expand linear logical handling of information while integrating the
creative intuitive method so that these blend without separation.
You were given opportunities to integrate your consciousness by
posing clearly stated linear questions to the intuitive part of your
consciousness. By learning to await answers from a higher source you
have confirmed the integration of your consciousness.
The creative meditations were so broadly
directed that the goals did not overshadow the creative experience.
Your "will" can direct your life choices with greater wisdom when
mind and brain fully cooperate on all levels of awareness.
From these Mind Mastery Meditations you
should have learned that the freedom of creativity and the depth of
wisdom are more important measures of your evolution than how high
your awareness soars.
Back to Table of Contents
Sensing the
Biocosmic Confluence
This chapter will show you how to focus on the earth’s
electromagnetic milieu which supports us and the dynamic vibrations
which activate us from near and far.
You will learn to expand your awareness
still further to sense the constant communication between your
biological field and the fields of the universe. You will begin to
understand how your electromagnetic transactions change both you and
the cosmos.
You will experience the interactions and
transactions which sustain your body, mind and consciousness being
fed by the powerful electromagnetic energy of earth and sky. This is
the electrical energy which flames life. We are all acquainted with
our human needs for oxygen, water and food.
We know that the universe provides this.
But most of us fail to comprehend that basic to all chemical actions
lie electrical charges which trip off life and keep it going.
In this chapter you will learn to access the universal repository of
vibrating energy for your physical vigor, your emotional strength,
your intellectual potency and your spiritual power. The goal is to
live more abundantly each day. Just as when we surround ourselves
with the richness of art and music with a heightened awareness we
can process more natural energy, enliven our sixth sense and enrich
our years.
This expansion will enable you to feel
your infinite being and your belongingness, to experience your
oneness with the universe.
The structure of the earth that physically grounds us to its
surface, and consciously to material reality, is powerfully alive
with lower spectrum electromagnetism.
Actually, all atoms including the atoms
of the human body, wherever they exist in the universe, are the
same. And yet how these atoms are structured as molecules of the
body or as molecules of soil, for example reveals a broad
choreographic range of vibrations.
The more densely the atoms are packed,
the lower the frequencies. For example, volcanic earth carries the
red vibrations of the cooled molten lava; it is our most potent
grounding force; it hyperactivates our tissues and systems.
Because of its crystalline nature sand
created by tumbled rocks and shells has the highest frequencies but
it is not the richest of the ground surfaces. Fine grained alluvial
soil is the most abundant type of earth substance and when moist is
the most highly electrically charged.
It supports profuse vegetation. When
water is available the finely pulverized soil minerals go into
solution creating an electrolytic, highly charged electrical
condition. You have probably experienced the vitality of sitting
unencumbered on the earth or sleeping on the ground. The native
peoples tapped these electrical sources for vitality and healing.
On the other hand rocky surfaces serve
as a powerful transformer between earth and sky. To sit on rocks
during rain or a thunderstorm exponentially heightens the charges.
Also there are "hot spots" in the world where people gravitate to
experience powerfully transcendent states of consciousness.
Locations with radioactive minerals have been cherished as scared
healing sites. Possibly these "hot spots" correspond to the earth
Certainly they are the chosen sites of
man made stone structures such as the pyramids and Stonehenge. Some
of these sites, such as Delphi and Medgegori, occurred naturally as
places that stimulated societies to discover universal truths.
These "hot spots" generally contain
rocky formations, canyons, and mountains; often they exhibit wind
patterns between coastal and high desert areas. If you visit such a
spot sit quietly on the ground, breathe through your entire field
and sense the fundamental vibrations. Try the same exercise on the
banks of the sea or a lake where the sands are damp from underground
Each different composition and
constellation offers a different colorful experience. All are
biological stimulants which, by nourishing the bodily tissue, also
create a tranquil effect.
These earth vibrations provide coherent
vitality that you will feel long after the outing.
Living bodies of water also support the life of plants and animals
with their magnetic charges.
Minerals dissolved in water create an
electrolytic ionized water. A tumbling stream with eddies, cascades
and waterfalls powerfully breaks water into negatively charged
ionized molecules, which are essential to cellular activity. You
have seen this phenomenon manifest in the lush plant growth around
Pounding waves against a rocky shore bring sea birds to nest in
impossible crevices where energy vigorously nourishes their
offspring. The sea life of crustacea and algae is multiplied by the
energy released from the crashing waves.
People gravitate to these rocky areas as
they did to Northern Ireland where the land grew little but the
vibrations nourished many. Seashore plants and flowers clinging to
rocky cracks almost devoid of soil grow profusely. Energy is
released from water in motion.
Mists, fog and rains are molecularly structured moisture with subtle
electromagnetic effects. Have you ever wondered why car engines run
so smoothly during rain and mist? After strong rain the birds sing
louder. It’s too bad that more of us don’t protect ourselves from
the cold and go for a long quiet walk in the rain to sense the
heavily charged electrical energy.
When we walk in the fog or mist, we
smoothly expand our energy field. We will return more rested. When
we swim or play in water we splash spontaneously without recognizing
that moving water is more charged than stationary water.
Likewise, showers refresh our
electromagnetic field more than baths.
Living Organisms
Most of us like to live surrounded in our homes with living plants,
flowers, bushes and trees.
We set aside protected areas for native
growth to bring beauty and to enrich electromagnetic pools. Have you
ever stopped, sat or hesitated in an area of lush growth and tuned
into the vibratory difference of shrubs? Some plants are light with
lacy leaves
and a soft spiral growth pattern like
ferns or climbers.
These structure the atmospheric energy
smoothly. Others with denser leaves and heavier stalks offer a rich,
stabilizing, substantive block of energy, like the crepe myrtle or
camellia. If you live near the desert or have in your home small
succulent plants, place your hand over these plants and breathe
through your field into your hand.
Without looking your sixth sense will
help you describe perfectly their shapes and their gray, green soft
color. When you select indoor plants be sure to broaden your
electromagnetic diet with a variety of sizes, shapes and types of
plants. People coming into your home will sense its aliveness.
You reaction and transaction with natural vegetation nourishes your
electrical field. Take a few moments in your busy schedule to sense
growing vegetation. Do it purposely and with specific focus to
transact with their unique vibrations.
Find trees to stand or sit under and to
lean against. When you tune in you will sense the nature of the root
system, whether it spreads broadly or penetrates deeply with a
Move your consciousness up to the trunk
to sense how the atmospheric energy is altered, based on the shape
of the trunk and limbs and the density of its bark and wood. Move
your awareness out to the branches and leaves. Note that some trees
spread energy out into space or like a palm tree turn energy back
down upon you and the land. When standing beside cypress or poplar
trees you will feel the energy shoot upward to the heavens.
Sample many trees in different environs.
Experience their energy not just their appearances.
Some tree vibrations you will like
better than others.
We have had no way other than intuition to evaluate the
electromagnetic energies provided our planet by living creatures.
Astrophysicists have discovered a belt
of radiation circulating the globe about 50 miles deep with strong
500 cycles per second energy, a red vibration. They have been unable
to locate the source.
Satellite sampling of other plants does
not show this red cycle belt. It is interesting that the base
biological fields of warm-blooded animals peak at 500 cycles per
second. This leads us to speculate that the vibration from
biological tissue constantly produced by the many animals on earth
hover in a belt around this planet. Regardless of the source, this
500 cycle belt is available to stimulate life on earth if we choose
to transact with it.
There is considerable evidence that older persons who have
domesticated animals are nourished by their affection and loyalty.
My research shows that when animals are held, petted and spoken to
with affection a powerful transaction occurs between the two fields.
Both fields increase in strength and
glow with radiant frequencies. When affectionate dogs and cats are
brought into convalescent hospitals and nursing homes recovery is
hastened. Persons who breed and raise animals comment about the
increased supply of energy they sense.
The next time you are in a zoo you may gravitate to the aviary where
many birds are grouped together in a small enclosure. Sense the air
that they move in their flight and the constant tonal variations of
their songs. These tones are in the upper ranges of the
electromagnetic scale, as high as you can hear with your ears. Your
field will sense the unheard higher vibrations.
The multiplicity of the sounds of birds
particularly when they are in groups provides us with gentle
coherent energy in a wide frequency spectrum essential for expanded
Atmosphere -Stratosphere - Ionosphere
Air is always charged. We have seen that air blended with water in
the form of fog or mist amplifies electricity.
Now let us look at air in motion, where
movement of atoms against atoms also hypes up electrical charges.
Moderate temperature winds are about neutral in ionization but winds
with Arctic cold and hot winds from high deserts to lower lands both
release charged particles that affect us differently.
A cold wind, like a wet one, frees
negative ions which increase the size of our auras and cause us to
feel invigorated.
The hot winds release positive ions
which diminish the auric field and produce all manner of unpleasant
physical and emotional systems. The unpleasant effects can be offset
by restoring negative ions with a cool shower, a swim or immersing
oneself in lush plant growth. But what is particularly stimulating
is the sudden shift from positive to negative ions or vice versa.
This happens often where high deserts
approximate oceans and the prevailing winds shift from one mass to
the other.
Cyclones and tornadoes, vortices of energy with tremendous wind
velocity, form when the general activity pocketed in clouds is
directed downward by atmospheric pressure changes. Hurricanes are
spawned in the tropics above yet near the ocean surface where
changes in atmospheric pressures create swirling air. This circular
motion picks up large quantities of water, which is released in
violent wind driven rain storms.
Because the vortices of hurricanes cover
more space they last longer but have less force than tornadoes. An
eye develops in the middle of the storm where there is motionless
air, normal in oxygen content but nearly devoid of electromagnetic
This neutral space causes a short
circuiting in the human nervous system which can cause breathing
difficulties and heart attacks.
Doesn’t it seem strange that the center
of a hurricane which we would expect to be peacefully still with
motionless air is actually stressful because it lacks life-giving
electrical energy?
People who live in hurricane areas and
in tornado alleys know well their sheer physical power and many can
sense the tremendous electrical energy released to the local air and
soil as the storms pass on.
Lightning, a form of electrically charged activity which splits air
molecules, and creates thunder (the sound of the mechanical closure
of the space) is the most direct natural electrical discharge over
relatively large areas.
One does not have to be in a straight
line with lightning to see its awesome power; it lights up a dark
sky and sparks electrical transformers. You feel shock when you are
near natural conductors of water and metal.
After an electrically charged rain the
air is hypercharged.
Have you been thrilled by the beauty of
polar lights, the Aurora Borealis, with its awesome display of
patterns and color? We may think it occurs only at night for that is
when we see it, but astronomists tell us that it occurs even more
powerfully in daylight.
It is good that people who live in the
northern hemisphere have this special electrical energy during the
winter months when their land is denied some of the light energy
from the sun. Actually, the sun indirectly causes the aurora. When
the solar winds arising from sun flares strike the earth’s polar ice
cap they create the aurora.
Despite the destruction to humans, animals and plant life, these
atmospheric storms replenish the earth’s dynamic energy. As long as
life requires a living earth it, too, must be fed. It is through
these dramatic and often violent activities that the earth evolves.
How wonderful it is if we accept the potential dangers, protecting
ourselves with sturdy hurricane and earthquake-sound buildings and
tornado cellars, so that we can appreciate the associated values.
Then we can relish the enormous life
giving energy these storms provide for us, and the world. We can
enjoy the electrical excitement.
Cosmic Happenings
During the past ten years our
understanding of the
Cosmos has
increased more than in many preceding centuries.
We formerly believed that there was only
our galaxy. Now we know that a thousand such galaxies exist, each
with its own sun. The universe is now known to be immeasurably
richer, more varied and more violent than we had ever dreamed of,
exhibiting wave length bands above and below that of visible light.
Early mystic astrologers claimed that the earth’s energy was created
by some form of electromagnetic and mechanical energy arising from
the crust and interacting with solar and cosmic radiation. Today
astrophysicists are swamped with new information from huge earth
lenses and space craft recordings from outer space. They are making
revolutionary discoveries about the cosmos.
They have found that sunspots of
electromagnetic energy organize into a solar wind with atomic
electrons and protons streaming outward from the sun. Ionized gases
are created from the magnetic field of this solar wind.
They have discovered that the winds of
space (both solar and interstellar) differ from the winds that sweep
this earth. Terrestrial winds and gases are cool (rarely reaching 90
degrees Fahrenheit) and slow (always below the speed of sound). The
sunspot radiations however, are very hot with much higher
frequencies than the solar radiation.
Early German astronauts puzzled over the brilliant flashing lights
they saw over the Himalayan and Chilean Andes mountains. They
pondered the ancient prophecy that the spiritual light of the
Himalayas would shift to the Andes.
Probably a more accurate explanation
comes from NASA with confirmation that the Andes has the strongest
concentration of natural magnetism in South America.
Astronomers say that the lights of the
magnetic earth energy can be seen from space.
They believe that the dry clear
atmosphere over the Andes provides the transparent window between
the earth and the universe. It is understandable why many new
highly-equipped observation laboratories have sprung up in the high
Andes and that the number of retreat and meditation centers is
growing in the area.
The cosmos is a universe of vibrating energy fields and resonances
nourishing the earth. The intensity of the earth’s electrical field
is maintained by the worldwide thunderstorm currents and varies in
phase with cosmic radiation.
Planetary electrical storms never cease.
The light of the sun is life’s driving force while moon cycles
constantly affect the functioning cycles of the earth’s water,
animals and plants. Astrologists’ early understandings about
planetary orbits and their magnetic effects upon earth’s subtle
happenings are gradually gaining scientific credibility.
More and more we are understanding the self-organizing nature of the
We are coming closer to the ancient
Chinese philosophies and to John Muir’s apt observation in First
Summer In The Sierras, 1947.
"When we try to pick out anything by
itself we find it hitched to something else in the universe."
In those geographic locations where there is a more stable quantity
of energy and a greater flow, people and animals live more peaceful,
unchallenged lives; their birth rates tend to be lower, their health
is more languid and they are less creative.
Those locations with the greatest
regular electromagnetic contrast, without acute overstress,
stimulate physical, emotional, and intellectual vigor.
So often we have accepted the philosophical statement "we are one
with the universe" without seeking evidence. Actually, we are like
the universe in many ways. The simplest form of matter, whether it
be air, water, soil or a living organism, is composed of atoms and
all these atoms are the same. But this fact is overshadowed by how
we are different.
The ways identical atoms are organized
into molecules, cells and systems and the operational instruction
these higher structures receive causes them to look, behave and
experience differently. For example, rocks and soil with the same
atoms differ based upon their source, be it volcano, tumbling water
or underground pressure. The instructions in the seed of a plant
always produce the same kind of plant be it fern or giant tree.
The genes in the seed of an animal
always produce a duplicate animal in coat, color and programmed
behavior. The even more complex genetic instruction of humans
provide nervous systems, brains and mind. Remember, simple
instruction makes for uncomplicated mechanical reactions with the
universe. More complex organisms have both mechanical reactions and
interactions with the universe’s field.
The most complex organizations have the
mechanical reactions, the field interactions, and because of the
complexity of the nervous system, brain and mind they also
selectivity transact with complex fields.
This means that man and higher animals
can consciously modify their interaction and how they communicate
with higher fields. By his communication man reorders himself and
profoundly influences all living structures.
Simply, we can turn up
and turn down as well as twist around how we affect and are affected
by outside atomic structures.
We can reorder anti-coherent fields and
send coherent ones into chaos. We will gain health and grow in
consciousness as we progressively gain mastery over the subtle
energies of our world. Then our bodies and minds will be able to
lead and follow in the dance of life with the great pools of energy
of the natural environment.
Take time in your busy day to purposely experience and revel in your
natural world all around you. You will be nourished if you focus
your awareness on natural things, don’t just leave it to
happenstance. Plan to tune into the soil, the rocks, or the sand on
a vacation or at the beach or mountains, so that you can sense these
basic energies.
Weeding or trimming your garden is perfect if you
experience these growing plants while you automatically weed.
Make it a ritual of sensing, not just a
task to be completed.
How often do you stop to let
your mind and senses play with a glowing sunset, to follow
its colors irradiating the sky and land until it is gone?
Do you ever languish in the
essence of the full moon like native people who live there
in their dream time?
Have you ever thrown open your
window to experience the awesome energy of distant
lightening and felt your body quiver and emotions quicken as
you reorder energy into your tissues?
How often have you sought out or
even hesitated when wild creatures appear, to send and
receive messages from them?
It is interesting that we are enthralled
by nature programs without realizing that on a smaller scale we can
have a real experience with living things.
You water you house plants dutifully but
how often do you talk to them?
Place your hands near them and watch
and feel them move in circles to your energy. When you need
refreshment, do you stop at a park, at a waterfront, roll down your
windows and drink in the natural essence? If you rush home to get to
the gym, why not take a few evenings for a walk in nature?
Because we humans do not have nerve
endings for directly sensing electro-magnetism, we will sense it in
the form of color, shape, sound and the flow of air. But all these
impressions also feed our sixth sense, the sense of the immaterial.
You will interact with your world out of
reflex and half-heartedly even if you do nothing but exist. You will
only improve your skill when you practice focusing your attention on
the biocosmic connection.
When you do this, your transactions will
profoundly nourish your total being and you will find yourself on
every level both separate yet one with God's phenomenal
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