from EvolvingBeings Website
In this solar system that we are in, we think of ourselves as being one race of human beings, sharing one planet and one reality.
But do we really?
I am simply talking about the fact that each one of
us, being a physical individuation of source energy, is its own
world and reality. This means that we have about 7 billion
worlds sharing one planet...
Why is this? Why is it so hard for us to apply concepts that should be so fundamental to increasing the quality of life for all, especially when we have the means to do so?
Take the idea of peace for example. It cannot be argued that it would improve everyone's lives, yet we choose not to apply peace on this planet, both personally and collectively. It can be done tomorrow worldwide if we really wanted to, but we don't.
This is just one example of what happens when worlds collide.
It is used by many in spiritual and non-spiritual circles alike, often indiscriminately. I too, was a big fan of this phrase, until I chose to look at it from a deeper and conscious perspective. What I have noticed is that many who use this phrase, often use it from a surface-level perspective, and one that strips us of our unique individuation and diminishes the purpose of our individuality.
All too often we don't really understand what we are
really saying.
We may all have the same general purpose of spiritual
evolution, but our unique purpose and how we see or experience
reality is very different.
Instead, it is meant to acknowledge the gift of uniqueness that we each are and possess. In allowing myself to explore this idea, I have come to grasp why so much misunderstanding, chaos, confusion, and animosity exists in our world today.
We are trying to merge everyone into the same reality.
Too many of us think that others see, think, and understand things the way we do. People speak about love or peace or justice or compassion, as if these were universally defined and understood static concepts.
However, we are each able to understand these
concepts through our lens of reality, through our-personal state of
awareness and evolution up until this point.
We may think we are all talking about the same things, but more often than not, we aren't.
Billions of different worlds are colliding and the final outcome is a rather disorganized state of affairs, where most of us have to learn through life the hard way how to fit in or get along with others.
However, this is not the world we are thinking of. The one world we live in is our personal world. Each of us comes into this life and physical incarnation at a different level of evolution, we are then conditioned by the various cultural, religious, and political influences depending on where each physical incarnation takes place. This builds various biases, beliefs, and perceptions about the world as we know it.
Most of us continue life at this pace, possibly with some small bursts of various awakenings that may change some of these patterns.
Others, may have major awakenings and drastically shift the course of their lives, sometimes even multiple times. The most important thing to note here is that there are as many worlds co-existing on this planet as there are human beings.
Each one of us lives in our own world, with its own
perceived reality. Embracing our unique qualities and individual
paths is not a bad thing. It need not separate us, rather it can
help unify us, but only if we allow ourselves to first see and
understand that we are each coming from our own unique worldview.
You have to know who you are - one sacred part of the
whole - before you can begin to grasp the wholeness of all that is.
You must fully embrace yourself first before you can embrace the totality of all creation. You get to know the whole by first getting to know the parts that make it up.
Therefore, to understand the external world we need to first understand the internal parts that make it up.
Through this analogy it is my intention to help you see and understand why our Earth is in the state that it is.
To reiterate, the state I am referring to is neither
bad or good; it is simply a disorganized state, where we are not
living from a state of high efficiency or coherence.
This classroom is full of kids of all ages and they are all trying to learn together. You notice some kindergarteners, a high percentage of elementary school kids, some high school kids, and a handful of college kids. All of these beings are trying to learn and coexist together.
The teacher is of course trying to do the best job they can by adhering most of the curriculum to the high percentage of elementary school kids, and so this leaves a lot of the kindergarten kids restless and getting into all sorts of trouble, while it leaves the college kids bored or frustrated.
The older kids often try to help the younger ones understand the concepts presented. This works sometimes, while at other times it is a useless endeavor as each being must grow into a certain level of comprehension.
The older kids eventually realize that the younger
kids can only grasp things as they are ready to and there is no
point in trying to teach them the same things they are learning
themselves, or things they are not yet ready for, as this only
introduces unnecessary stress and animosity.
You have probably guessed by now the purpose of that scenario. It is perhaps the easiest way to envision very much what is happening here on Earth. Planet Earth is like one giant classroom. It is fun, it is exciting, sometimes the lessons are easy and sometimes they are hard. But the biggest challenge in this classroom is being with kids of all ages and at all very different levels of learning.
We may all be one, coming from the same source, but
we are all at very unique levels of our personal evolution, and this
poses the greatest set of challenges on this planet.
Pre-planning for the future or understanding things from the perspective of another is not a skill that this group yet possesses.
Then there are all sorts of elementary school kids who are each at very different levels themselves. Some just want to play, while others actually want to learn something.
Some are forming cohesive relationships, while others choose to be the bullies on the playground. Most do not understand how this "school" works, but as kids often do, want to figure things out for themselves; they don't want to hear from the older kids how things can be done differently - more easily, effectively, and coherently.
Then there are the high school kids who are coming into their own autonomy and starting to see through the system and rebelling against it in all sorts of ways.
They are often the "activists" who want to make a change and be heard and bring about all sorts of change.
Finally there are the college kids, who are also at
different levels of their personal evolution, mastery, and
specialization. They are connecting the dots between actions and
consequences, and the ones who are starting to understand that the
only way to change the world, is by changing yourself.
Other galactic civilizations are much more aligned with being at a similar level of evolution on their respective home planets.
This naturally makes it much easier for their societies to coexist together in peace or work for the common good, for a common goal. On our planet, due to the wide variations in consciousness evolution, this is very difficult to do.
As you can imagine, an eleventh grader wants very different things and is capable of very different things than a seventh grader, and even more so than a third grader.
And so we have those on our planet who want to play
with guns or toxic chemicals and who readily engage in destroying or
killing humans, animals, or the environment, together with those who
want to create effective architecture, nourishment, and societies
that benefit the good of all, not just a select few. And since there
is a greater predominance of "elementary school kids", our society
therefore reflects an "elementary school" atmosphere via the systems
put in place to keep the majority under control, be they political,
religious, etc.
For example, using the school analogy from above, a being may be at a college level when it comes to mastering personal relationships, but at an eighth grader level when it comes to living in harmony with nature. To add to this, when we speak of people having "spiritual awakenings" or experiencing "enlightenment", this does not mean they have experienced one awakening in a conclusive sort of way.
We experience various "awakenings" when it comes to specific subjects or areas of life and can also full-spectrum awakenings, which we can equate to graduation from some specific grade level.
This would happen when we equalize all areas of existence to be at least at that level of evolution, as we proceed to the next. Even along these levels, as each child in the same grade, we too have different interests and preferences.
Even when we reach the college level, we are still
not done, for we are then involved in an eternal journey of
specialization and further self-mastery, self-actualization, and
Think about the topic of abortion for example, a third grader will have a completely different understanding and take on this topic compared to a ninth grader, compared to a college kid. (Remember, we are using complex human topic examples in the context of simple grade school analogies.)
What peace means to a first grader is very different than what means peace to a tenth grader, and more importantly what each is willing to do in order to have peace. We can take any topic: the economy, politics, ethics, extraterrestrials, health, or nutrition to understand why we have the misunderstandings and miscommunication we do on this planet that lead people into conflicts, arguments, or violence.
We may be talking about the same things, but each of
our unique abilities to comprehend the vastness of each topic
totally depends on our personal level of evolution.
The point is to realize that we are all at different levels of learning - our personal evolution and spiritual development, and not capable of understanding, seeing, sensing, experiencing, or expressing things in the same ways.
In the end, I do not have a solution for you because technically there is no problem.
We simply have to recognize and understand the challenge before us in order to improve our relations with each other, and create the lives and world we most want to experience.
We each came to this planet, this time and many times before, knowing this challenge very well.
In fact, this is one of the reasons why we come here at all, as contrast can cause us to learn and evolve the fastest. It is why we tend to pick the families we do, religions, cultures, geographical areas, and such.
Our life here can therefore be seen as a very positive, rather than negative thing, despite the challenges that it presents.
As long as we don't get caught up in other
people's realities or try to force our way of seeing things
upon others, there is perhaps no better playground or classroom
where we can have the chance to spiritually evolve at a more
effective rate than here.