from ZenGardner Website
We're all experiencing turbulent vibrational times
right now. It's a very real challenge. Whatever the source, we're
going through a kind of vortex of change and disturbance that needs
to be acknowledged and addressed.
We can observe something inside the "washing machine" with a safe distance between the event and ourselves, but when we're actually in it personally - man o' man.
It really helps to look outside for influences so
that we don't lose perspective on the event we're part of or get
lost in futile introspection.
This was brought to my attention by a dear friend Kit Walker who has been deeply immersed in astrology for much of his life and follows these trends passionately.
Apparently it was the aligning of Pluto and Uranus that happened in the '60's that contributed to the rise of the cultural and spiritual revolution at the time, and a similar effect will begin again again once the direct squaring passes. Which happily is soon!
Beginning March and April this year, it
portends an uprising of convergence of social activism and increased
awareness which will give tremendously greater impetus for spreading
this awakening amongst a much larger swathe of humanity and help
dismantle the ruling oligarchy.
The obvious lies, reversals, omissions and
outright blather, negativity and fear we're being bombarded with
is surreal. That so few can stand back and take notice of this
charade is another mind-blowing factor.
How they'll snap out of the hypnotic trance is a
question we all ask ourselves.
There are a lot of explanations being posited:
...and on and on...
Personally I take them all seriously and put them
into the mix. It's out there to be investigated.
We can't lose our conscious footing due to
"circumstances" and outside influences.
This may seem like ethereal cereal to some but those who are
experiencing what I'm talking about understand.
But it can be weathered with
full empowerment. Those on the cutting edge of understanding and
consciousness already know this, as it's not a new routine. We've
faced these onslaughts many times over, and much of it continually.
In unity we are strong, and as we share these common
influences in open communication we're able to better understand and
ward off these affronts...