1) Death is creativity
Death is not the end, nor is it the beginning.
It is simply part of a universal
ongoing creative process of regeneration. When a cell in your
body dies, it is immediately replaced with a new cell. We
wouldn't really call the process of cell regeneration cellular
death because death is only 50% of the creative process in the
When the physical body dies, it decays into the earth to be
recycled, while the consciousness (or matrix of memory) goes on
to be recycled into a new body.
Death is part of a Nature's process of recycling matter and
Here is Deepak Chopra explaining more clearly
what this view of death really means.
2) Death is a transition
This view of death believes the very concept of death to be
fundamentally flawed.
There is no such thing as death,
there is only a shift from one dimension of reality to another.
From the physical to the spiritual, from the material to the
immaterial. As a soul, you retain your sense of self, your
memory, and even some personality traits.
Your consciousness detaches from your body when the physical
brain shuts off, and you peel away from your empty vessel as a
soul to go back home.
So why call it death when YOU don't
even die? This view of death is compatible with many different
spiritual philosophies and religious ideologies, and it's what
most people believe about the afterlife.
We are only visiting right now, and
what we call "death" is really just a crossing-over back to
where we came from.
3) Death is rebirth
Death is a new beginning.
It's a rebirth metaphorically in being
a remembrance of who and what you are when you leave your body,
and it's also a rebirth
in terms of reincarnation.

When you die, you hang out in the
spiritual world for a while to reflect, review your life with
your guides/angels, mingle with your soul group, and then it's
time to go back to physical reality to learn more lessons and
evolve as a soul.
After choosing your body and your basic life outline suited to
the lessons you need, you take one last look at the spirit world
and make the decision to reincarnate into human form once again.
Here is an article I put together
summarizing all of the scientific evidence for reincarnation if
this seems too far-fetched for you.
It is better to spend one day contemplating the birth and death
of all things than a hundred years never contemplating
beginnings and endings.
4) Death is impersonal - Ego death
Death is the moment at which you shed everything you take to be

Your conditionings, your history,
your sense of identity, your thoughts about who and what you
are, your beliefs, your values, and anything else that belongs
to you as a personal being.
Your ego, your goals, your memories, and your physical body all
get dissolved after physical death and you return to your
identity as a soul before it became identified with thought and
Who you are right now is something
much more grand than your job title, your past experiences, and
your minds thoughts about who you are. You are Infinity
experience itself as as infinity of roles, and the
skin-encapsulated ego you are right now is just one of many
roles it plays.
Your consciousness then rejoins into the universal field of
consciousness where it loses individuality and awaits
fragmentation to begin a new life.
Death is not the end of your
consciousness but it is the end of subjective self-identity.
5) Death is waking up
Are you awake right now?
You feel awake. Your senses are
awake. You know your body isn't asleep. But just because your
body isn't sleeping doesn't mean that you aren't sleeping.
can you even be sure that you are alive right now?
What if this life is all just one big simulation and you are
living within some kind of Intelligent Matrix that has been
created to give souls the ability to evolve and experience
duality? Death is only "death" if you believe that you are
actually alive.
Medically speaking, you are alive.
But metaphysically speaking, life is just a dream, and when you
die you wake up realizing the whole thing was just a play in
your consciousness.
You are just asleep in life's
waiting room: