by Zen Gardner
July 23, 2015
from ZenGardner

The truth is only toxic to some. Namely
those it exposes.
It sure can knock just about anyone for
a loop, but it shouldn't be discouraging.
I'm seeing somewhat desperate reactions more and more lately via
comments, correspondence and internet postings and it's a concern
worth addressing. People really do need to get a handle on what's
going on both externally and even more importantly internally.
This has been addressed many times and
we've been
warning this challenge was coming
and going to continue to grow, so now it's time to put what we know
to be true into action.
It's not a time to withdraw, whatever we do. We have to face this
head on and not pull back into a bunker mentality, although wise
personal preparations are certainly in order. I agree it's lousy
"out there" and it gets all of us down at times, but we can't stay
The longer we do the more it envelops
and disempowers us.
Granted it's disturbing information coming at us incessantly, from
mass surveillance and artificial intelligence being given the reigns
by psychopaths to our deliberately degraded environment and
encroaching police state, it's certainly not pretty on that level.
But despite all of this, being aware of
what's going on doesn't have to mean dwelling on the negative. It's
ours to choose how we perceive our surroundings as well as how we
spend our time and give our energy and attention to.
As world conditions continue to close in, remaining vigilant is
simply necessary, but we have to see through and past it as well as
practically deal with the consequences of these social, economical
and geophysical machinations being waged on humanity.
Like Swimming
- We Have To Keep Paddling
Once we take the bait and fall for their isolation and dark agenda
tricks it can all be downhill from there, but only if we let it.
Staying above it is imperative for
spiritual as well as physical well being.
When swimming you can't just stop. Perhaps you can float for a while
but eventually you have to head where you are going and get back to
terra firma to rest up. But once we embark into the sea of
change, whether swimming or by boat, there's work to be done
to keep things afloat and moving in the right direction.
That may sound moot but it's that reality of the struggle we need to
get a grip on in new and more conscious ways.
This is a very tumultuous time with a
lot coming at us. The temptation to drop and fold our hands in
despair is strong when the battle rages on seemingly indefinitely,
but these surges always pass and we find respite intervals from the
storm eventually. We've all experienced this.
Being mindful that "what we knew in the light should not be
forgotten in the dark" is crucial during these episodes. One of the
simplest solutions is to simply unplug from the information that is
distressing you as necessary.
Get out in nature, change the channel,
This often brings the breather we
immediately need.
Gravity Pulls
Down - Eject Baggage in Body, Mind and Spirit
It feels like increased gravity (interesting word) comes over
If we're carrying a lot of baggage of
any sort that can add to our problem. This is why detachment, both
physically and spiritually, to those things that can be affected by
these lower level vibrations is so essential. It's simply practical.
If you're going into a race or battle, you don't want to carry
anything that isn't essential, of any sort.
The more subtle applications have to do with personal hang-ups
(another interesting term) that cause us those kinds of attachments
to either negative sounding news, personal circumstances or mental
and spiritual proclivities.
If we're prone to debilitating
unconscious mindsets, these can hang us up big time during stormy
conditions where the assailing winds will catch anything and
everything superfluous to a vessel, swimmer or truth warrior, and
cause hindering as well as potentially dangerous conditions.

Develop Your
Intuitive Capabilities
One place of peaceful and constructive refuge during times like
these is spiritual strengthening and creativity.
This can come in the form of meditation,
art and music, being with those you love and like to hang out with
or having extended time in nature. Let yourself follow your passion
and spiritual hunger.
It's my conviction that the next frontier, in addition to connecting
locally, is developing our intuitive and spiritual capabilities.
We're in a warfare, and our weapons are
spiritual, not only for our personal survival and spreading of the
truth, but allowing ourselves to become equipped more fully with the
gifts and capabilities we each inherently have but have not been
fully developed yet that are needed in these increasingly
challenging times.
So many of us have woken up to the reality of the vast infinite
resources available to us. It's time to tap into them and discover
how to utilize these untapped capabilities at this crossroads of
It's clearly part of our progressing
development and something we all sense and know to be right at our
fingertips. I don't have any shortcuts for finding these, but
they're shared in our connectivity while also being individual to
each one of us.
To tap into these vast resources at our
disposal at this juncture is imperative, be they healing
technologies, psychic capabilities or simply manifesting more fully
our light body, if you will.
Positive Action Cures Confusion and the Blues
When we take initiative to confront any situation it puts us in
While the playing field is clearly being
manipulated and we often have to operate within certain confines, we
need to make the effort to participate in realms that inspire and
empower us as much as possible.
This is done by helping others and being proactive in the
information and community action arenas. Those fainting in their
minds are often those who aren't active in any way to help expose
the reality of our situation nor actively promoting the power of
conscious awareness that is available to all, least of all
transmitting or participating in it in their local communities.
At least to a sufficient degree.
As so many wise teachers and examples have said, making others happy
and sharing caring words and deeds bring happiness right back. It's
the law of love.
I know this is easy to say, and we all have our moments when it gets
us down, but we can't stay there and wallow in our self pity and get
further overwhelmed by the lower vibrational barrage that's
besetting the planet at this time.
We need to constantly realize this
disabling and deliberately disempowering spectacle of world events
and the accompanying fear and hopelessness propaganda barrage are
designed to do just that.
Coming Into
Uniting in common cause is also tremendously empowering.
So many of us have been doing so and
quite wonderfully using the internet which has served as such an
amazing catalyst to our awakening age.
We're making new friends traversing the
same path, discovering wonderful realities and seeing what true
information and communication can accomplish in strengthening and
encouraging humanity.
But it's time to come out from "behind the screen" lifestyles and
meet up.
The human touch has been neglected to a
large degree as we're witnessing in epidemic proportions with social
media and portable devices completely disrupting normal human to
human interactions.
The human touch has not entirely been neglected, as wonderful
gatherings, conferences and community action events have been
happening across the earth. But there needs to be much more.
Millions are looking for the next step
and it's time we took it and helped others to do the same.
But it's all up to each of us to do what we can.
Wrap Up
Taking the next steps will clear the cobwebs.
Don't let the information overload and
machinations of the dark agenda immobilize you and make you a target
instead of an agent of change. There's plenty for any and all of us
to do.
Let's take this to the next level, in any way we are called.
Activation cures personal problems by focusing our energy on what
really matters to the greater good of all. Our personal happiness
easily follows without even looking for it.
As I like to say, the rudder (steering your life's purpose and
direction) cannot take effect unless the boat is in motion.
Paddle on - and see you upriver...!