by Zen Gardner
August 18, 2015
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

This may be considered a bit speculative, but I have seen it
manifesting in many of those I interact with and a trend that I feel
needs addressing.
The programming is being disrupted in many ways, including our
bloodline upbringing. Call it a DNA shift, a cosmic
awareness, or simply loving truth finally coming to
dominate the human narrative, these types of major paradigm
alterations are as real and profound as any new so-called scientific
There are many amongst the awakened I've met personally as well as
virtually who just "happen" to be from profoundly connected family
I don't find that strange. I myself come
from a strong lineage that I found out hails back to the Scottish
Templars and was later tied into the Windsor dynasty. Another line
in my family tree ties directly into one of the top
13 illuminati families.
So what? I'm not doomed, nor is any other living conscious creature
to their genetic make up, to whatever degree that may be an avenue
of influence. The same goes for anyone.
It doesn't matter...
The call to conscious awareness and the
power of our loving Universe is what awaits us, and we who have
awakened have the responsibility to carry and pass on that torch.
All of us are ultimately connected from the genesis of mankind so it
really makes no difference regarding whatsoever when it comes to
conscious awakening.
We all share similar influences to
whatever degree.
Previous Connections and Affiliations
There are so many examples of truth warriors who've become who they
are by overcoming their early upbringing and social and societal
Look how many great statesmen came out
of the early Christian movements. And what leaders and philosophers
arrived on the public scene having been enlightened by Buddhist,
Taoist and otherwise philosophies from previously unaware,
manipulated mindsets despite aristocratic or extremely humble
The same is true, I've come to know, from personal acquaintances in
the alternative community today, from dynastic family ties to
escaping mind control programs and satanic cults to strong
Freemasonic influences and horrific
powerful social manipulators.
Does that make them bad? Polluted? Agendized? Or extremely motivated
and powerful forces for good once they get the point and decide to
help mankind.
The exact same point goes for anyone
waking out of the cesspool of deceit from whatever so-called
"lineage" or background. That's the ultimate point. It's mankind
arising from whatever situation.
It's a time of awakening to be extremely encouraged about. This
arising of human consciousness is broad and very powerful. It knows
no boundaries. I wasn't even conscious of my personal family history
in any kind of context until I woke up in my later life. That's not
the issue.
The point is the universal call and how
it has no limitations nor established boundaries. None.
By the way, this isn't to say to be naive to the nefarious
convoluted activities of the parasitical disinformation and shrewd
manipulative minions of our world, that isn't where I'm going in the
least. All caution and skepticism is very healthy in this
I'm just saying don't discount any
source because of its apparent origin too quickly. That too is a
pitfall to be avoided.
By their fruits you will know them, but it's not always that easy to
Be vigilant, but stay open...
No One Is
Determined - Do Not Classify, Broad-brush or Stigmatize
This is where narrow minded human mindsets come into play and is
something to become aware of.
Most of us are pre-programmed or at
least colored to see things and people and even races and groups
certain ways. That has to be jettisoned. It doesn't matter the race,
the gender, the preconception, social perspective, personally held
beliefs or even perception of reality, we need to back off and let
truth take its footing.
I know brilliant PhD's and dumb ones, and blindingly perceptive drop
outs from so-called very humble upbringings. We all do. The
background for each of us is the same. We are consciousness encased
in frail flesh working its way to the surface.
And this applies to anyone and everyone.
The choice is theirs, and ours.
Freedom is just a decision away. For anyone. Regardless of history,
creed, color, background, past programming, bloodline, DNA or
entrained experiences. It's anyone's for the taking.
It's there we unite in common cause, common purpose, deeply shared
awareness and emotional connection to Source.
We operate from there.
Expect the unexpected. Stay open to anyone who may be a brother or
sister in disguise from whatever source, creed, race or persuasion.
People are waking up from all walks of life and need to be welcomed,
embraced and nourished in whatever way we all can help.
Love never fails.
Real, open, well founded, conscious and
aware love...