by Zen Gardner
November 02, 2015
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

There's plenty of valid information to keep us satisfied and busy
with productive insights and empowering ideas to go around.
What we don't need is time and
attention wasting wild forays into areas that are pure
conjecture based on fanciful mind tingling speculation.
It's of course fine and wonderful to explore theories and
potentialities, but at this present juncture in our burgeoning
awakening process it's important to keep on track with truly
productive information and fruitful modalities.
Let's face it. It's fun to explore and I do it continually. That's
part of the learning process.
It just appears far too many are jumping
headlong down energy vamping areas that ultimately have a negative
impact on the awakening process and hence its effectiveness.

Explore - But
Remain the Observer
Each to their own of course, but the trend I'm seeing of late reeks
of deliberate as well as unwittingly planted sidetracks, trip offs
and focus-fuzzing diversions.
We're well aware the alternative
research community is increasingly infiltrated with plants, shills
and distracting psyops, so it's my intention that this forewarning
will help forearm those not yet fully aware of these devices.
People should be willing to take a look into just about anything for
informational purposes. However, anything adhered to
in a dogmatic fashion to where it brings contention, division and
wildly derisive accusations is very unhealthy, whatever the latest
trends may be.
It can be any field of information that brings about these effects,
usually with questionable, unverifiable sources.
I'm particularly leery of
channeled information, unless I
personally know the source, as well as unfounded sensationalist
conjecture, revelations from "off planet" civilizations, and most of
all so called inside information regarding secret deals and
events within presupposed warring factions inside the cabal of the
banking and globalist structure that have zero factual backup.
I'm not saying real information can't be attained in these and other
matters, but,
is it really worth your time, energy
and attention to "buy into" such questionable information to
where it throws your spiritual compass into a tailspin and
absorbs your very being into an ultimately pointless vortex?
Watch out for anything that generates
false hope.
That's the carrot on the stick that has
led many a soul down the path of confusion and even destruction.
Knowing by Its
What effect does it have on you?
Are you getting your hopes and
desires falsely pinned somewhere?
Does it lead to a tightness in
your gut to where you're looking for confirmations for
whatever newly adopted theory you're becoming attached to?
Even defending this new found
position in a proud, contentious or self righteous manner?
This happens to those not yet
grounded in the fundamentals of standing back and simply
observing new information in a detached frame of mind and heart.
We're going to be very surprised when the real picture comes into
focus, and much of what we've learned along the way will get
jettisoned as old baggage. They were stepping stones toward a
greater truth and awareness but we have to remember they were just
that. Stepping stones.
Even the missteps and booby traps never
mind the soon to be obvious diversions we entertained along the way.
It's just a learning process, and something to be enjoyed and
definitely not fought over.

The Dark
Secret Key of Belief
A big red flag should go up when anything requires leaping the
imaginary hurdle of belief in order to enter into some secret realm
of so called "knowing".
This is
how religions have literally gotten away
with murder for millennia. You have no footing in this co-imagined
realm whatsoever once you enter into this acquiescent zoned-out
mode. All you have to guide you then is the word of others who have
surreptitiously taken control of the reins of your life by their
adamant espousal of some belief system.
This dark key to nowhere is where many have fallen in
their hopes to attain a deeper understanding of the world around
It's subtle, it's entangling, and
extremely persuasive. The loss of personal control is the key
indicator. Once someone is enthralled with this new "exclusive"
world view, whatever it is, it is very difficult to speak in an open
manner, never mind dissuade them.
The reasoning is cyclical, with emotive
reactions furiously reinforcing this new found belief system.
The Matrix is the perfect example, laden with microcosms
of such self-reinforcing mind traps that are ever present in the
socially deprived milieu we inhabit. Day to day people defend their
outlook and mindset in the world around us, yet this is counted as
"normal" in some weird fashion.
If the entire ship is awash with sewage for a length of time it
becomes normal. Such is the state of the whirled of today. Filth and
garbage are good.
Clean truth is now anathema, a pain in
the ass to the status quo who are swimming in a whirlpool of toxic
lies and deceptions.
Don't Take
Yourself So Seriously
One of my personal yardsticks in measuring character as well as
proposed information is humor and outright personal happiness.
Besides people being natural,
affectionate and easily approachable, I so appreciate the quality of
a good sense of humor and someone who doesn't take themselves so
damn seriously.
What do any of us know? Who do we think we are?
This in an inherent quality that cannot be faked. And those who are
so serious about it all, though it does have its place, can be a
real downer when it comes to realizing our inherent freedom here and
After all, this is a not a work load or arduous journey to a
destination, but a dance with life to be thoroughly enjoyed, no
matter in what capacity.

journey to enlightenment is paved
with a lot of stuff.
It's hard to enumerate here fully, but
learning to point our antennas straight up to real verifiable
information is paramount. It's no easy task, especially where
relative ignorance and belief systems come into play.
Take your time. Go slow and methodically
and keep your wits about you, despite the amazing new discoveries
you're making along the way. Put ideas into a processing coffer that
gently grinds the information in a fashion that makes it palatable
and you can digest, or reject it, in due time.
There's no hurry. We're all learning, and true learning requires
analysis and digestion before we react to it. Hasty decisions that
are put into action have a serious price, whether physically,
spiritually or intellectually.
Enjoy the ride. Just know what you're up against and watch your
And most of all stay happy and free. That's your barometer...