May 27, 2010
TheHeavyStuff Website
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About 35 years ago I encountered the
book 'The
Crack in The Cosmic Egg'
- an intellectual book that sought to explain reality by looking at
'the cracks'.
The idea was that in the few locations
where 'reality cracked', we could find the true deepest esoteric
ideas about the world we live within. The author often used the
'miracles' of
Castañeda's 'Don Juan'
(a Mexican Indian Sorcerer), the 'miracles' of Jesus in the
bible, and 'miracles' such as walking across hot coals - as the
'cracks' to be examined.
Now, I will not ruin a great read - but - in a nut shell - 'The
Crack In The Cosmic Egg' author - chose the concept of belief - as
the 'ultimate answer‘ - to 'what makes our reality'.
It was to be this 'belief' that allowed
Castaneda to observe Don Juan's other world - which was as REAL as
ours. It was this 'belief' that allowed Jesus to walk on
water and to manipulate the visual reality. Just as it was the
'belief' of the firewalkers - that allowed them to cross and not
even have their robes or clothes affected.
Now, the concept that 'other realities' exist - is a powerful one.
Religions, which still have a grip on the
minds of many in humanity, are based on the concept.
Scientists, have told us that 'dimensional realities' may exist.
Shaman have sworn to it that special consensus realities exist; as
have LSD users.
What examples exist of such
realities that DON'T involve the religious visions, science
findings and speculations, or occultish or drugged 'states
of mind'?
Has 'reality' given us all clues
to 'the cosmic crack'?
What kind of 'clues' exist that
seem to show REAL Anomalous Realities (RAR)?
Well, I can think of several that I
often like to 'throw out there' - as being - A Seam Of The Cosmic
Bubble Of Real.
And, to me, that 'seam of real' has at
least several variations I'd like my readership to consider.
The first is the appearance of
Doppelgangers into our reality. For
those that are new to the Doppelganger term - I'm using it to
represent those cases where a 'Dead' Person, is seen in 'Living
Form' in our reality.
Historical cases have included 'immigrants' who died while crossing
the ocean - being seen in the flesh in the streets of where they
lived in Europe (often at the time of death - but, afterwards too) -
in addition to occasional 'Civil War' Doppelgangers that get
reported from time to time. Certainly, these examples point to a
reality that has anomalous cracks and which should be a subject of
The same can be said of what I call 'shared subjective reals'.
One example is indeed, the shared realities that Castaneda is said
to have 'shared' with Don Juan - Non-Ordinary Realities.
Indeed, in the back of the
first Castaneda book about Don Juan there
is a section called 'A Structural Analysis' - which, Carlos uses to
describe the attributes that formed that non-ordinary reality that
he observed and experienced as a participant firsthand.
Indeed, this 'ability' to 'go to a new landscape' - to a new reality
- also exists in nearly the exact state described by
Charles Tart
in his book 'Altered State' in a section called Mutual Hypnosis.
Via a particular method of hypnosis -
two or even more participants could enter into a 'new mutually
shared reality'. Certainly, these experiences must be surfing along
one of the Cosmic Cracks too - don't you think?
Now, obviously, the Doppelganger 'crack' seems to occur as an
anomaly in our 'outer mutual common consensus' reality. Whereas, the
Mutual Hypnosis 'crack' seems to occur as an anomaly of real within
an 'inner special consensus' reality. But, both break thru - to
provide a real experience - for the observer.
And, both are representative of of real anomalous realities that
challenge the Cosmic Crack.
Video Interview
Joseph Chilton Pearce
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg
April 13, 2012
YouTube Website